Allislon HyeIs Win 50011151111001 Hockey league Championship 1953 Beating Sl Allistcr Flicli 51 V811th Arena coe Hock Ltd for the Stroud 811111 136 strighl In In Me Allanch bed mm than on Sat were ouucmea Stroud lean back and the le than two 1121 The winning god 1827 1101 H111 LI on passnul III the Uurllilv from Liam WlIelaII Sarina fought back desperately 11 the last 1111113111151 seconds but M1110 But Purdue 01 the Flyer 0011111111011 his urillidnl work which Cillllcd Alliston scored lILn Beelon 1Ii Stroud to the After the gonna Herman Tom llnson production nanuger of The Barrie Exlillllflxtl prcwnted the trophy which 15 donated by the 1110 years ago SlIOud 5101th 1115 with Rod Black counting at 213 of the open 111 stunU was 1133 bcforc Bill Gray with Ralph Hunter 15 55111111 evened the score One mmute later ColuIII Whelan tallied with Doug Hanna on the assist Alliston made 31 at 1238 15 Ma 5011 and Gray combined lhat trio In little over main blow which the Bruins did not give up and got back In the game at 1019 McLean scored unassisted Colcy WlIelnII from Wright made it 172 as the second period Opened but half minute later Lee from Greenwood counted for Stroud Finally the Bruins tied the game at of the Walls to lllt league 21 minute was the hit Stroud but when 1110 Straight Games 8111 51mm tied it up at 1520 Wall ncc bulging the wine Young anc Belton gemng 3551513 There It re rimmed 1111211 1119 CrawfordL Wth 1111 commutation dectded the game The game brougnt three ptrll only Alliston at taes from Referees John DobI 5011 and Jim Feltis of Barrle all to Crawford was off at 1743 rst for interference Ellis 1910 for trrpplrrg and Manon for rouglnng In the lazt perlud at 534 CHURCHBLL 111153 Franccs Hubbcrt Toronto visited lier brother Hubbcrh on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Sloan CHILE spent the weekend with Mr and 11115 Sloan Orillin VISIted her sister Burke for the week TeenAgers Dance 011d dance in the hall on Saturday BVClllllg Bridge and Euchre The W1 had succesful bridge and cuchrc on Friday Hglt scores at bridge Constable and Grow cuchrc evening Mrs Robert Hunter and Arthuraverage Parish Bishop Beverley To Be Here There will be WA Corporate zCommunIon at St Peters Church 011 Sunday May Confirmation or Laying on of Hands service will be on May 10 at pm when 815111 01 Beverley of Toronto will also in attendance Mr and Mrs John Sinclair SIN nia spent 11 few days with Mr The lcenAgcrs held their sec5 905 when Wallace scored on aland Mm Sinclair pass from xoung The conflict reg Miss Elizabeth Sturgeon Bame mained on even terms until thespcIt the weekvnd at Ken Stur pcrIod ended lacong 11 was 1006 of the tlIIrd period Mu Allismn took the lead IS Hutcheson T01 onto 15 V15 rgain Coley thlan from WrightI iting her daughter Mrs Allen II TOMLINSUN PESENlSThe Barrie xaminer Tro toLloyd Purchase capta in and defence an of Alliston years It is 17 yean since Alliston won th South Slmcoe Hockey League title HEADQUARTERS or 111111 110113 BFDD 20 Numb rooos l7 IuNIOREOODs BABY CEREALS Cookingvnions 1301 1111111111115 FLORIDA WHITE HEREFORD WWW BEE 12 021111 43 111mm GOLDEN BANTAM CHOICE Cllll smmrcs Circus Packf 11111 110111111115 101111111115 for 291 WHITE SWAN 1011121 TISSUES Rows gt251 P0111111 wIIIrI 1111110 Miles 290 beg 256 lb 11131111qu005 01 iMoNEYSAvING PRlCES ATTRACTIVE PRICES EFFECTIVE ojIIEEP PORN 7o VEALE LAMD Fresh Frozen FislI Apr 10 May PM 20m 29 Mrs ClaIencelecll 1de baby of Mrs Mrs Mac AFEDERALI FOOD STORE SEMI3TH FOOD STORE COIIIDI DEMDHMDDUDIDp WAFEDWH AIR CONDITIONING560w RUBBER The Barrie Examiner Trophy FARM CAREERS giwngs amonI 51111511010115 111111 111 ilnlcrs for the worlds Canadian farmer 15 getting hwl 54 too Old the assumptnm b01111 1111 1611 IlCll UDPOIlUAllllLSr youth is fleeing the farm for better OVER $6000000 WORTH OF USED CARS TRUCKS IN STOCK 51 OLDSMOBILETIYDRAIIIATIC SEDAN radio air conditioning Like new 1952 cHEv COACH AIR CONDITION RADIO l952CHEV SEDAN AIR CONDITION ONE OWNER 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN CONDITIONING RADIO WHITE WALL TIRES 11975 51 CHEv POWERGLIDE Coach $1075 AIR CONDITION GREY NfETALLIC PAINT DRIVENDY LOCAL DOCTOR 19515CHEvPLEETLINECOACH $1775 NAIR CONDITIONI0W MILEAGE 1949 MERCURY COACH $111350 RADIO AIR CONDITIONING TONEWHITE WALLS 1951 PREEECTSEDAN IIUAIEII RADIO 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1110chon Paced uppoLLIII105 111 urban centres The mmL have bum 3mm mvs IchL 1121 boy 1105011 011 cthIIII highest Indicates rVulcny 17113 Advocate the 9111151011 12150 $1975 MORE OUTSTANDING USED CAR BUYS 1947 MERCURY SEDAN $1015 795 11450 ll Touimwr of The gExammer staff prexntcd the froI play after the game linYkCy 10 our and unlem see another ll lltxl all Loud team me 11951341 of We LII 11 cclcbldtmz 111102 1113 IL lRotepOyers Affected 33y New Highway Should 21 zm 3G2 BuswaIth Plans Contractors Start Work On New School Bu between Hzg cu Lquld 136 your 1111 BLulncrs l1 have bun 1111 1101 lo LIIIILI 211 Alfntrs lnl IliIi1gtl Linu Dcpu 21 1111 111313102 111 Iccuin 1511 rite 3111 111 11 0111 They 131 lllt ed out of 111111 founCLIIIUII 11111121 311le and 1301411 he the Hutmncnt who will l1s g5 Ilzt 411 111 1111113 1111 form p11 of Na lllCll wl be Cut off from the 11 when the 9111 line closed 11c 55 the next 1111IR215 Accident On Point Road Cummg 1110111111 1110 double turn on me 51110102111 1111111134 211 13 13eg Point two car lriyLI by Toronto people collzdcd lltc southbound lllCl Jslvun by Robint Couch way 11 111 Inside cf the curve Ind 51 ck the cur owned and drlvcn Hughes IIOItlIbIIIIIId Mr Couch Lllllllltd he sce 1211 approaching cur Crown Attorney lliumpson Will on ratepnyer be crmnsly affected ESfroud Fail To Win Sculh Simcoe TrOphy the 1933 Mn zIminer lIoA deating Stjullkl 811113 III 11w 111110 both pinyed 11 BALTIC Arum Thu ccund 111Im not tukzr 51 only 15 1111 fzrsl Stroud kept up their end of the rowing bum 3115 one 311le from tie when the horn sounded The score 03 proved that the local boys had found Ll IlkllLSS In defence and made 111 not TREE CARRYING CHARGES FOR 12 MONTHS AND ONE TANK FULL OF GAS 51 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE air conV ditioning only 12000 miles tires like new 1750 1949 METEOR COACH 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN $1250 1940 DODGE CLUB COUPE j11295 1948 cHEv SEDAN P1275 1948 DODGE CUSTOM SED $1250 1940 DODGE COACH $1050 1948 CHEV COACH $1250 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $1150 $1350 1947 DESOTO SEDAN $1195 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE A1 buse THE BARRIE EXAMINER wennnsbn APRIL 29 BU BUILDS HOLM CLOVER BAR ARI Bailey uf this Edmonton nixed hurt Service cclilly purchased l8 Dead at 11 in York 21 not gunnm 2510 121 Since buying =11 1311 Burns Ulla Pl lliikd 1212 upgminunrnl bred Holstams Um Museum Dtiwzisview Out 211 walnut ill borne M16710 100 head or Teallaud can punt Neck Wilh her BITS llezidcmou fillbh 11 MCague at I11 spent few days at tccznly preparing for Elliultmls Swanson Larry pent the weekeml ill 05113311 Marie Henderson spent the 11 l1cmf the gum of 115 and Mrs Hal cckcnd In Allistun Mr and Mrs Doug CJ 1111 er mik Welcomed xl lll 1II11I 3111s Ilf tun mi 3111 IIILgle 0511mm Vixtklllll Willi and Im 11 prLcI lie mi 31111 trcl Slluw In 13 Llcnnssr LIuII Junior Lacrosse 1f you seek IL Change 11 town where no Lucrosne 15 sponsored sponsor at Jun 1933 Jobs will be lrbfcr those willing trade no money 15 1131 playing You can Lnuluntc to one of the best gtllll1 teams in Canada Phone 0033 or write Peter bum lunar Lacrosse Club 3015 Water Street Pcterboro Cv1 cunmllcu Inc lll1 01 by LJlltiliilllf rrrnmm wEu lllwv1111ll NO Gross Fires 1ltI will bk n1 Ronnie You Cant n1 155 Not only are prices at their west during this aalc but we will also my one years yes 12 months free financ ing 01 1111511le of over six hundred 101 hrs Thats right you get the privilege to borrow money without having to pay carrying charges Call into the lot this week youll find the car you want in our large selection 52 CHEVROLET COACH Low Mileage Sun Vison Fog Lights Radio Directional Lights Air Condition sZlll $1025 lYIlejEHEV SEDAN $1025 1111011111111 M01111 gtTRUCKs 1951 FORD 12TON EXPRESS 11195 1951 CHEv12TONExPREss $1250 1950 FARGO l2TON PANELl 950 1949 MERCURY NW 9975 NEW MOTOR 1951 CHEstDAN DELIVERY PT400I 1950 GMC 2TON DUMP 11350 1948111le LIONEXPRESCP