Obituary Hook 87 Goldwater Barrie 011 of Culdatrs clotst resi Newson Ja Honk passed at the hbmt of daughter William Murphy 11 Saturday 13 1953 in his 5173 vezir Mi veteran of lflcililel ReI was familiarly known here he had been Citizen for as Major although he acl served only as private Mr Hook had been ailing with trouble for over year bull of the Coidwater Library to where service was arranged for afternoon April 28 He predecrascd by his wife at Bar in 1891 and his only son died of effects of gas poisoning suffer in the First World War bro William was also killed in the war Mr Hook was one of of eight boys and two girls whomleter Hook of Barrie is last survivor He was born at Clapham near England Oct 1866 In which took 21 days on com steam and sail boat in 1870 he accompanied others the family to Canddn They set at Barrie where Mr Hook Sr employment at the Ball Mill later moving to at Cundles Newson Hooks first job was ob April 13 1884 on the rail operating out of Allandoie train carried ties to various and the engine was wood Switch to coolburning en and wide gauge track did not till 1884 according to early of Mr Hook Mr Hook at the age of 18 joined he Queens Own Grcnadiers which went to the Northwest to put down the Riel Rebellion He was with about 250 others in the 35th Bat talion of the Simeoe Foresters They joined force from York Rangers at Toronto The units were reinforcements and the late Colonel OBrien of Shanty Bay headed Mr Hooks outfit The troops made cold trip in spring in open railway cars and discovered when they reached Fort QuAppelle Lhe rebellion had been crushed Mr Sings Its Praises SU ivors almost daily until his death The remains were taken 10 3112 II Hook returned to Barrie He tried to enlist for the South African War in 1398 butmwns rejected owing to lame hip This disability later forced him to use cane He was employedby Morgan Barrie florist and others He was Con servative and an Anglican Mr Hook was veIy active until weakened by heart trouble He Mrs Martltenhey Puts on Blue Bonnet operated rrden of ms partnme gardener othersl looked size the local weigh scales and was caretaker of the Library He had keen faculties and re Immory He could ttg cal many interesting events of early days in Borne and vuInit wiser he spent most of his Iif 115 daughter Mrs Murphy brother Peter are the immediate Mrs 01117283131312 89 Farmerly Of Ore Township Dies At Barrie Horn highly esteemed resident of Barrie Mrs Neil Campbell widow of the late Rev Neil Campbell DD who was for 38 years min ister in Cm Township passed auayon Wednesday April 15 1953 at her home 92 Worsley Street Mrs Campbell name was Edith Augusta Connor able to attend to his duties 15311311 0W 9001 health for 9101 past two years and unfortunately the winter Ilt hadglast Year through fall suffered getting about in spite it fail ia fractured hip health and was seen around he Hill Ill was born In In 1189 her marriage to Rev Neil Campbell Presbyterian min ister was solemnizcd and ills rst pastorate was at Olivers Ferry Lanark In 1895 he took over the ministry to three appointments in Cm Township Central Church Guthrie and Oro Station and con tinued successful and faithful pasorzltc there until 1923 when he retired and they moved to Barrie and made their home at the Wors ley Street residence The late Mrs Campbell was valued member of the Presbyterian active worker in the Sunday School and Womens Missionary Society Surviving of the family are two brothers Connor of Camp bellford and Connor of An caster Children are Mrs Crawford Om Miss Ruth Camp bell at home in Barrie Mrs whose maiden in her 89th year Mrs Campbelli Madcc in Hastings County daughter of the flate Mr and Mrs Charles ConnorI Church and for many years an F111 Esro RY IN ME REIGN or ms THE CROWN JEWELS WERE KEPT INA SAFE IN THE EASEMENTOF marmrowrk WITHIN ms rowan OF LONDON IN rm Rooms ABOVE LIVED THE OLD CUSTODIAN RECEIVED NO PAYMENT FORMS OFFICE BUT WAS ALLOWED TO CHAE VISITORS WISHING TO SEE THE JEWELS FOE ATHE I67l FT NEITHER THE log If you lose THICK WALLSJHE youll follow him It WT DEEP maxim ms BATTALION is good new that the kv OF KINGS GUARD Canadian Mounted Police will DISCOURAGED CALGARY April 27 CPIwvm its famous musical rtdefouerm MIGWAS DETERMINED street cars being replaced by trol 10 39 Cowman Th TESTEALTHEJEWELS ivy busts Vern MacLezm says joke hummmmp he mm uymgms pWTf irlgly 132211 its much safer now mimems gomemmg and 3mm COLONEL NOTICE cm Calgary Iin the life of Canada and the Qan Tm mmmrf In 1912 musing streetcar fright monwealm CUSTODMN Wine ened horse being ridden by mg Trenton Ont Courtenw Illobesm Ross and waiting for the Aw FREELYADMITTEDTU SlafllgtilL paradc lineman up TOO MUCH ADWCE WETWERDI$GUISIW from MedicInc Hat Alta to take Um uestmmbl were is entirely HIMSELF as mason HE Part the Stampede got the nurse lm md too much overlapp ng and dupbca NBS WW lonm Ition in the preparation and Esau litmostv surrou ET BARRIE irouuo PIONEER could John treaties country in That wa me mam for once of agricultural advsce and rec Ncclands Kirkland Lake and one son Wishart wellknown singer and musical director of Radio Sta tion cFRB Toronto One daughter Dora Campbell Gilchrist ceased Mrs Campbell The funeral was held on Friday April 17 from the Lloyd and vice was conducted by Rev James Ferguson of St Andrews Presby terian Church where Mrs Camp bell and the family attended as Oro pastorate Burial was in Barrie Union Cem etery and pallbearers were Doug las Gilchrist Peter Neelands Alas lfair Crawford Dick Gilbert Rich ard Crawford and Gilbert Hard man spoke of sympathy and brance Neelands Kirkland Lake and Adair all of Collingwood prede Steckley Funeral Home The ser sisted by Rev Jackson minister in Rev Neil Campbells former The attendance was large and in cluded relatives and friends with quite number from Oro who had known Mm Campbell in the days of her husbands ministry in that Township Many beautiful flowers remem Somc of those attending from distance were Dr and Mrs Peter Neelands Toronto Connor Raymond Connor of Camp bellford Mr and Mrs Con nor of Ancaster Wishart Campbell and Mr and Mrs Gilbert Hardman Toronto Douglas Gilchrist Hamil ton Mr andMrs Dick Gilbert Burlington Richard Crawford Lon don Mr and Mrs Alastair Craw Iord Oror Mr and MrsWIlliam Black and children Lachlan Camp bell Neil Campbell and Miss Lydia ford Carter Helene Dickey daughter of Mr Mrs Dickey of that city had to Barrie 13 years ago United Church and was particularly interested in the work of the Jun ior WA if CPIIthI Lmtgd Church 11575 three children two boys non nie 12 and Larry l0 and Barbara who is just five years old the bereaved husband surviving are her parents two brothers Edward of North Bay ived there for 23 yiars and came Mrs Carter was member of the iivr untimely death lenvrs mothexx Besides and Jack of War minister two sisters Mrs Luccnti Joan of North Bay and Mrs Dunn Frances of Sault Ste Mario The funexnl on Monday April 21 was held from the Jcnnctt Funeral Home where the service was eun duclcd by Rev Bewclk minister cum United Chtth Wade Barrie and cousin Mrs Interment was In Barrie Lnion Bessie Fwd Nam Buy one Sin Cemetery and pallbearers were LI tel live England Sawyer Gordon McLeod Lock lzart Elmer Black Nt1llilll Bulls and Russell Jory Lovely flowers from sorrowing relatives and friends included re membrance from the Junior WA of Central United Church With the large attendance fromv in and around Barrie present from distance were Mrs Campbell and sons and Mr and Mrs Herbert Carter Ripley Mr and Mrs Med Walkerton Mr and Mrs Willard Richardson North Bay Mr and Mrs Stewart Young Sault Ste Marie Mr and Mrs Bridge Thessalon Mr and Mrs Wilfred Dickey Callender Mr and Mrs Frederick Richardson and Mrs Harvey Richardson Hanover Mrs Richard Monteith 70 Years in Midhurst Died There April 20 resident of Midhurst for 70 years Mrs Richard Monteith the former Minnie Jane Cole passed away on Monday April 20 1953 in that village Born on Oct 1862 in Dundalk she was daughter of the late Benjamin Cole and the former Eliza Kane Mrs Monteith was Conserva live and member of the Anglican Church The funeral service on Thursday April 23 was conducted by Rev NewtonSmith Rec torof St Georges Church Bur ton Avenue at the PethickSmith Funeral Home Bayeid St Barrie Pallbearers were Walter Craig James Rugman James Spence George Cook William Davies and William Anderson Interment was In Midburst Union Cemetery Beautiful owers were from rel atives and friends and from St PaulsChurch nndWAiJlIBLodge 551 LOL 3112 from the Employees of Midhurst Reforestry and from group of neighbors Beside many attending the fun erersTffSolfle For Edwin Young Barn Barrie In 1880 withxany spread ny pri cell WeillA Ii parade Youll love BLUE Bonn youll realiv save monev when you on the rgular economy package with colo Qumbagfomtfcasyc T4S 011011155 giunr 1111111111111 nutrient uric trapper so assure Take your lead from Mrs Mart ixenney Norms Locke of singing fame Compare BLUIn BONNET Margarine Likethe in inu leaders mb Min Bung was born near Bar rie July 1880 He was World War veteran and member of the In 1923 he went to Seattle where he was member of Shipwrights yearround nutritional value too And Boon BONNET asa spread and for cook ing Buy BLUE BONNET get A113 yorTNutrition Economeel mil Bonusr Margarine is sold in wafer Also in the famous Yrswa 33 Mrs Herb Huff at pm at FIOWers Acacia Canadian Overseas Forces Joiner Caulkers Union No 1184 He was formerly me and was chanter member France B701 MrsJ Came Very Suddenly April 25 at Her Home suddenly on Saturday born mimketc complications to logs implemgnn ts etc WV like to make bankabie notun not requi 1nd Fl Edwin Arthur Young Bellevue resident since 1948 and father of died Tuesday April 14 1953 in Seattle hospital after months illness Funeral services were held Friday April 17 Greens Chapel 10f followed by burial at er of the Queen Anne Methodist urch of the ellesmLMetimdusL Mr YOun was one of the developers of the Bellevue Industrial Court Addition Surviving are his wife Gertrude two sons Arnold and Clarence Young of Seattle two daughters Mrs Evelyn Huff of Bellevue and Mrs Luella Carter of Seattle and six grandchildren two sisters Miss Belle Young and Mrs Olive Midland and three de ceased brothers George and Carters Death The death of Mrs George Ted Canter coming asit did very April 25 1953 rather home 58 Henry St was decided shock to berhus band and family and togher mny friends Born on Sept 26 1916 ad North Ba she was the former Dorothy features Fast friendly Farm Service uranium outcrtmctor rm will uvrsrocltPoumy comic loans Cosh promptly red Write for loan ontrrolyby mail 01 phone first for lvislt loan or come in today ohm can to gammy to 12 low with MIMI dull mm In also present were Mr and Mrs Payne Millbrook John Cam eron Sr John Cameron Jr and Mrs Leonard Gravelle all of New Toronto Mrs Monteith was predeceased by her husband in 1927 Surviving are two daughters Mrs Payne Mabel of Millbrook and Miss Winnie of Midhurst and one son Eldon also of Midhurst Harry Woddof Elmvule III for OIin Two Weeks Dies MidlandHospitol Following an illness wofonly two weeks Harry deewellknown painting contractor who had been sruruc mm ltdSprays fertilizer need homes sheep etc um um 10 at m1 FINANCE CO outrun nutrition 51 name YES mm Monet rumtmittmh KV am Suffolk England Mr cam to Elmmle 41 ymrs ago decorating and grmnmg in the 0H land and had carried I11 success full Hc was an Anglcnn mserva live Lodge AF and AM 460 Ehnvale and member IOOF and had also held various offices in the lodge Mr Wade took an active part municipal fairs was trustee and was also one of from the pillage anddistnct resident of Elmvale for many years died on Wednesday April 1953 at St Andrews Hospital Mid land where he had been taken for Born on Sept 1381 in Wrcnth Wade lie Ili learned his UIitlg of painting locating in iIlmtolc 121 Muster Coronation of 15131ch Lodge the first member of the waterworks commission of Elmvale Surviving relatives are his wid iw who was the former Lottie Jane Wood daughter Miss VIOILl The funch was held on Sotur day April with service in Wy Cliffe Anglican Church Elmvale with the rector Rev Matson in charge asistcd by Rev Stubbs of St Peters Anglican Church Minesing Honorary pallbcorem were James Beardsall William Whitton Harry Baker Elmer French Howard Spring and Lawson Robinson Act ing pallbearers were Joseph Baker Archie Train William Tubman Samuel Kimberley Allan Ritchie and Jack Campbell all members of the IOOF Sympathy and regret was ex pressed by relatives and friends with beautiful flowers and also by Elmvalc IOOF Coronalion Lodge AF and AM Elmvulc Beaver Rc bekah Lodge Barrie Bayview Chapter Eastern Star Barrie Sim Church Business and Professional Womens Club Barrie The attendance from Elmvalc and vicinitv was large including rela tives and friends from Elmvale and district and from Toronto Mid land Waverley and Wyevale HAWKIESTONE W1 Meet At Mrs Johnstons The monthly meeting of the W0 mens Institute was at Mrs Lorne Johnstons on April 22 with 22 ladies present Mrs Harry Kend all who is the new president open ed with the singing of the Ode followed by Mary Stewart Collect Roll call was answered by What did on my last birthday which brought forth some thought Mrs Morris Shellswcll gavo lengthy interesting paper on Current Events After business had been ed over to Mrs Shannon who had chargearthrcveningls program and introduced Mrs Campbell of Guthrie whose topic was on Corn munity Activities and Public Re lotions mixed with bit of humor 11 and Heliumrat after an attack of coron Graham of Barrie ary tiizmzibosis agiturs hellswell Mr and Mrs and family Codeicli and Miss Helen Anderson Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Arr 1191111 Mr and of Mr ere weekend Mrs Morris and Charlie Anderson at the home of Mrs Emms on xlr and Mrs Frank Harrison and Thursday May at pm p33 111 Toronto Spent the weekend will be mam 111 Slullts Mrs 11 rrj 31 and Mrs David Crumptonl and family spent the weekend in Oshawa with Mr Cmmptans broI tlicr and sisleninlaw Mr and Mrsl James Crompton Congratuia EIZC Leigh on the birth of soul in Barrie Fred Davis spent couple of day in TorontoI 11 mt week Services Services are held at 730 pm day ight saving Sunday School at 130 pm 11 GRENFEL The WA Van Dorans Wednesday May ti at pm DST Mr and Mrs McMastcr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Henry Mitchell Markham Morton Miss Terry Mrs Ernest Harris Sunday Home from Hospital ad to learn that Wilbur We are g1 Walton was WV from the howitnl coe County Hemlh Um and IS gelling along nicely Simcoe Presbyterinl The annual meeting of Simcoe Presbyterial United Church of Canada will bel held at Centennial United ChurchE Stayncr Tuesday May Shower Bride and Groom very large number of friends1 and neighb ity Centre was decora dress was nie Harris tical gifts tingly aha Mr and land evening April 24 at the Commun spent playing cards and dancing which everyone enjoyed dealt with the meeting was turn and Ronnie visitedon Sunday with lliaridh1rsWilliimiFaliisarMid lions to Mr and MISS and Johnny On Daylight Time time every Sunday will meet at Mrs utchirisorl Edgar and Barrie visited Mr and able to return home last Wednesday recent visitor at Woods Sunday visitors at Handys weekend at his home here ITca hostesses Mrs Getllllltflfld Mrs Bertram Clarkson spent the weekend with lhi Gluing 01 1339 Mr and Mrs Vic Bell 0f the WMS of the ors gathered on Friday in honor of the bride The room and Loto Schulz nked The evening was Mrs Cliff Harris Reta and groom Mr and Mrs Lawrench McGirr and presented them with miscellaneous shower fed with pink and white streamers and white bells An ad read by Charlie Scott The gifts were brought in by RonI They received many beautiful and pracl for which all were fit IROSSVZIIXII Madam but it led to imatruuuny the some year Mr and Mrs MZICLiZill were back in Calgary for VISII after pioneer ing in the Fort St Joan district of northeastern Brittsh Columbia and nostalgimily of old ommcndations Under the deluge of the mass of material printed and sent out by radio the farmer must indeed be subdued and coated individual Mr and Mrs Ken Dawson were Donald Handy Toronto spent the they talked SCLZIES 43mm Altai Bulletin BAYSTIIIIIS 10m Wedding Receptions Dinner Parties WA and W313 Meet May Dalston WA and WMS will lllttll wm F0 32 Jon lilii llltzc were only four otheri IronicIt I1 wide area of the U1 ml gunk igl and the only time they got Handy mg was for the July picnic Mm mm use were great picnics Iv Madman Sultl Wed cook for whole Week convenhons ahead and take it all with Banquets FLOWER AVOIDS RAD But pioneering wasnt new for the MacLean family Vern Mac 011s nr Th5 mg km vi Loans mother was the first whitel as Pimperncl closes ts fltlutllleHXRH Manse hm 535K quickly at the approach of rain The only way Mrs MacLean HOMELIKE HOSPITALITY Please Call 5193 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVERY ITEM PRICED 111 mm 10 51m IIIIII mom DAYS NOBOBY BUT NOBODY BEATS SALLYS FOR NYLON VALUE SKEW 04 5200 NYLDNS REG VALUE 295 CREPE surs Beautifully trim med with lace or MIRACLE NYLON embroidery Siz 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER IIIIIIII PANTIES Lace trimmed tailored styles in white pink In yellow lime orchid red Sizes for Sta UNEQUALLED VALUE curios rrrrIcoIIrs CAM tried with wide bands of Swiss embroidery es 3242 REPEAT or SELLOUT COTTON PLISSE ichWas fymrchvcnjoyed layl all The meeting closed by the singingr of GodrSave The Queen Mrs Johnston merits Robertson Toronto were weekend visitors ofMr and Mrs Irwin Mc Mahon Mr Sanderson and Mr and Mrs1 prrrie were Sunday visitors at George Th Mrs direction belt 03616 Enterprises Angus Ontario The light that you have always wanted swivelhead hand to Will sit on any flat surface clips to your LIMITED SUPPLY ONLY more For 201335 pleu8 endoscope with postman $150 plus small postage and COD charges ith the food con daughter at the Royal Victoria veners served delicious refresh HospitalBarrie John Baldwin Regina paid Miss Myra Reid and Miss Mae short visit with his parents here Mr and Mfs Eldon Thompson DALSTON any in niaf Siffre rrl 23 cos 329 Congratulations to Mrand Mrs Sleeves White nnsse an Eng choose from 52 Gordon Jory on the arrival of colors Sizes 12zo ml es EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ompsons Bouncy Barrie rch that points in any was Will IIIIS Washable Gay prints ishirring LONG SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 295 00110 RAYON GABARDINE Dept BE Please send me Utility Lights have enclose Money Order understand they will be shipped complete and postpaid NIANIIE Alphonso airy on TOWN rderand you pay Value to $1990 SHORTIE WATS In Casha and Woois mm To turn Llamasyand imported fabrics SWEATERS 11mm return INTERLOCK CLOVABLE IIIIIIs Assortment of styles and colors Sleeve iess and bahwing Sizes 295A vows TO CLEAR AT Stalin and NY Ion Sizes 32 IIIIIcrIIf our LDRE 5899 Cpes alleys 41133935 SIZES 344 we yawn 1195 ul