LETTUCE AND LEMON JUICEK iiziiec fltsiilcd by uf nari David Cmii Borden and mumoch The group was OCEAfJ by So Clark 1180 Cf Cotixxumdes Camp Bu 621 and Groin Captain Symcs Milli CD to fIlCtl of Hit RCA deli The 23 members of 2x cruaiixgr Camp and llCAl Camp Lunch was pqo SC Mess llai paid 35 trots pill lULEEI Alior an Kllllflluflilllull lilt party WELL lTS OWN FAULT FOR BEING 50 ll Wat3 WWW now Commute Vim Comp Borden RWEW mug it 4113 stray up if $353 zs who up agJ arcs Cc llcc CtzasrE is Camps llsNLl EVERYTHING r1011 vovu BICYCLE Tires Tubes Chains Saddles Etc LOWEST PRICES 3c llayficld St THE SEASRORE OR THE ROCKY MOUNZ iTAlNS What is your idea of summer va rcation paradise You name it and Canada can supply it Golf swimming deeprseafish ling sailing Canada can fulfill the wants lot the most idealistic vacationer lhcre are twotypical Canadian isoenes depicting two widely separated vac Hotcl cradled in the Bow Valley of the Can adian Rockies is just as near or us far as summer resorts across Canada are now laying plans to handle thousands of Can adians who subscribe to the theory Sec= Canada First Shown summer unolu no no but You Gd Revy Abe paynu eoo unyihlngt fun Mayannil lo inbulvu Macm or propanoa Kent 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD $12 BARRIE Figaro 75656 $12 $28 luv ation playgrounds Milehigh Banff Springs IAN Gel $52324 Repay $32 Mo no Momll Hen Make clean sweep of old bills auto repairs reducemonthly payments with loan Phone mite or come in loans 55 to Slut Slgnfun furinn to Auto Phone 5331 Donald Fish YES MANagcr OPEN BMW TO HAWRDAY TO 12 loam mode to midenls of all surrounding mm menu fin Company If not 3119 BE GoodrichLiIeSover Tubeless Tire hazuxd of blowouts and danguous frequently result in serious injury even death lllle gives youmaximum praechori dimth that and world war and has aim itll service in KortLi hzm will be Cpl ll of the Korean rc where he scrvvd xvitli Cpl Byinc rc in 1031 success tlic paralroop train ll the 11 Bdrden Persbnnel Enrdule to Coronation Lit week saw the itpaiii the Camp Bordon Army per mint ho b9 to wmul The third member 15 Pic the Coronation early in June nl Armbv oi 21 Dental Clinic here at lucada noon they entramcd for Borden NO Cpit msi he the point of embarkation and upon omcd me RCASC Januurv 0f arrival in England will spend at gtn bus time of i1 110m mi 1949 tompictc ille rami al SQ servlcl thci Canadian contradcsinormsj DEW 90 Tub arm for mu NY in lxozca from 000 or uni It was posted back to ILilv 32 and llav in Int Coronation Lamp Borden Senior member of the Bordon Iroprcscntatives will be Sgt M4 Hunt MC Sgt Hunt of the RCASC was awarded the Military Modal C051 1110 IIVLS DWI 300 and an MID for bravery in Europe in western Canada iiu CUE the idyllic seashore setting showing DigbyI Pines Hotel at Digby NS Canadan Pacific An outbreak of srtfzfllpox in ltlIOi Indians murmurs II 23 save you trouble The Goodrich LifeSavex Tubeless Time seals punctures on running whee lsprotecls against the annoying trouble caused by flat fixes It savegyou money The Goodrich Luest Tubeless To provides greater safely yelil costs less lm than ugly and tube the conunon lixedube combination PUNCWRIPCITON gummy rubber compound immediately seals is removed llutindted around puncturing and permanently seals the hole when the object Inconvenience and delqyc run under the hood objects homo you stop solely illllllllljlllllllllls SERVICE STATION ESSA ROAD No 27 HIGHWAY at the Barrie Cloverleaf gio ROSS STREET BARRIE Blowouts ore cu Plum Instead of labours LifeSavor inner lining thatpatt damage theres no sudden blowout only sniall break in the liner capslowoul that lets 138 punToNAvauul Dorrie MIIIIIIISIIII couMiranV 31933 BRADFORD STREET Aulornobile accidents caused by fire blowouls account for the loss of many lives and on even greater number of serious injuries when theinner lube explodes through weak cued or broken tire cords Because it has NO inner tube BF Goodrich LifeSaver Tubeless Tire changes sudden dangerous blowout to in sale sssslowoutollowing you time to stop your car solely with perfect control 8m PROTECTION The LifeSaver trend is crescent into Thailand of tiny gripblocks At 30 miles per hour on wet mods it stops you cm length quitqu than regular tires and givesyou longer mile age too P4 To TWIN Ila Web Rum Company of Canada Ltd mellow Ontario Pigmewmd no free literature on the 135 Good ichgubelessflixe Ii Ill has pulented lithe tire lnevenl of at cguii os igto Box No ADDRESS cnuu Mutation BAYFIELD ST of CUNDLES GOODRlCll DEALERS lN cilantro DISTRICT 43 got cnough tickets on our Lucky Draw The more tickets the inorc chances you have of inning KNOWN FOR FINE CLEANING only 2885 3y Walt Kelly CCuzE OL MWGIL Wood 9sz TAKE7551 MDT saw 9722259 war so ILL AkaE WITH Hm LIKE A6 NOTHELL WE APM All CLALtllN HES TOO magma 555 441711 HELL mo ANOTHER excuse LAY MYMADs oxv TVEI IF HE 005$HEIP HELL EPW i6 HAD ENOUGH or THAT MOLE ILL GIT CL JEAiIESAPP To HELP Me ELN Hm OUT THERE NO REASON IET TOTHINK HOW KlDlCKLEMOU OF HE WONT HELP THROW MOLE OUlm ME TD 5le AT OL HE WONT CLAIM To BE TOO $1572 HOUNDOG FOIZE EVEN HE WONT ACT 309571601 NO TALK5 TD RIGHT TO GIT MNED OFF CMGIT THE OPUS ANTH DIAL 2m 2434 2222 DRIVUSELF cans AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY PROP AND TRUCKING SERVICE 24 noon sonnet HEATED ovumom gram or GEE THATS mass 13 Holly tAr Au ATTITUDE FOR HERIO 58P mac ACT UP FROM VCUI IE7 Rsuam rwcusw your 09 yum 1m AD ma nom you new DISr WEEK mac usury Au AICLCCETIC W31 7017 HAVE SEEN TI TD FEELS PR scam ABOUT THEM CARA DOING THAT BUT SKEETER JUST GAE YOU AN INCREASE LAST MONTH lil mien Iw73A WEEK ALLOWANCE irism um mops WAS THINKINC OF THE FUTURE SJPPCSE THE COSTOF 37365 AND MOVIES AND CANCN Aim snows to LIKE to msmss CHANGE IN or TERMS OF 653156 Au 310 953441511 ELSWORTICL