mwmwmonloLLa penalty lulucffccl4o kl FRANKLIN DAVEY McDOWElL AND CHAMPLAIN lOoaIwown Paper lMdTa High Announce Stop It Teachers Get Indefinite Time Seasm VPuinntion oflheihokstown Ad vacate has been suspended for the rst time in 56 years es DlirieiLProilicralm in Nancy the susxhiorinwjttewrmeelsdidfz 39h Will get 33C inc in my load John are playing In about clotIla No finite but there is strong likeli More than 100000 resident abdicalaries this year The pay inks with with tiny an in John and should ho untamed of hood it will be nal said Melville nonresident anglers are expected is rctroactiveto Jan of this your Wit The whistle blows tub Bat and yum does l2 McFadden publisher since l926 to open the Speckled trout seasonV The banal lb Comprised of and Tommys mother calls from need lo ream brand new Ill for some months and nuwlm Ontario on May They wiltgannual mercmentas 132d down uti ue back Wm article of his very own from lfaccd with the necessity of moving me fishing tackle valued in the def 3PnVmCWlde policy of mo Came tau dinner fwumy Tom lime to line lgth shop Mr McFadden said objnumun5 01 duuars 55 an exgmpml 0mm 0d3ry 505001 Teach my clutches the mil red car Sometimes juvenile delinquencvi istatles in the Way Of carrying 0nune Toronto sportsman has morelers FNMA 5100 WU1 tightly in his chubby band andgsprmgs in part from the lack ilhe paper may prove too big Ema maximmed in flvxods lifltoim War M9338 31 starts hnmward John suddenlv personal passagiom This is cleari Almost unchanged since its in mum 01mg fan 51 U006 llicpifuposcd salary schmi lwks up catchcc sight of the ly shown in Spnqnhandlw my founding in 1897 the paper imam 3712150 mg nmmrmnll ule bastc minimum wage for car and with yell of angert story of an orphan be how iprinted on press over 50 vcarsloqo thex 3r93Chh35 93551332900 cries are car Thats mine Hel Mitchcll who is picked by mil told The eightpage paper has 89 bymknffll Wang and 11 maxmlf mar 15 53200 pursues lib friend and attempts to police 10 sgeanng from mes four ready printed pages shipped it 2930 zzhvied voungz 129331 393 lb Inlxllllllllllalafgtwas Rupture MS paywm Tommygrhe am mm M001 WWW it It The 0th our pages Sigrlarnticduonly William older 9019355300p1us cogEuwmg um tans for homo hul doesnt drop buff that the trouble with Donny was Icogptletcely alizaetgdsct from tho origgsmng line and numaden hooky Mam ream bamd the WORM lth gm iiirllazlllgi IhiHhmmblfmnltld MnMclgaden said he and his pmbably walk Hm melexplalmd MDHS 3031 Chllllmm tuvmafnegimqn mgrsmriamwlf nest Bum declarebxgth plrije is Wm Ida have charm mt tasks principal prize in one of the anglET McCullough to bring til gt wilmm James declared younygms mice ThLi is mine to editing copy setting and dis mg contest which an alway a$111Smelltllanslmtgicnit5 lll ltr is keen on what he owns him 11 roll but he is not so interestch in the possessions of othersu Pari cuts are often punlcd about train lug child to respect ol er pert sons property baby is certainl ly not born with any regard for what belongs to others Little totsi around two years old enjoy playing along Sldt each other Theirao tfalSlllVC instinct is strong but they are indifferent to the claims of others 5min is sanctum chlld ren tun my gradually when thcy are bit older It usual Nannies enfoymt In playing Mu In the later proschool period But an adult is nccdcd to sort out play things to their respective mm crs after phytimc when toy have been pooled In home each small child hOLIId have his own playlhlngs and his own corner where he keeps his pogtessions Orange crates painted in bright colors make in expensive attractive low shelves for toys or books Mother must often hclp Junior pick up his toys and assist him in putting them away It is muchbetter to work along with him to get him started or to nish off his task than to bag at him about the importancci of tidincm place for everything and everything in its place often sound like much too idealistic at slogan for home where there are childrenbut it is target to aim all Boys and girls must have their own special hooks for clothes and spot for rubbers and overshoes When they come in from schooll there should be denite place for their school books There Should also be clear understanding that certain articles are kept in their own rooms The logical consequence of not putting play material or personal belongings in their right place comes home to the child who must waste time and energy scorching for lost articles If mother always rush es around to dlscover the lo cation of the missing object this result of not looking after Illclr belongings is not so ap parent At camp lost articles are put into large box and cannot be claimed until fine is paid Some homes put this Lost Box and pay cncouragc children to put their things away where they belong Who ever hegrd of family taich in support of royalty the populace at large is that characteristic their hive where thermwas no quarrelling uhm 45 mu permission or carelessness in look Ing after borrowed article or tardiness in its return The Fam ily Council is good place to make cHMchAliscouzage borrowing except under special circumstances The unhappiness which comes from worry over money debts can be learned from painful experience butthia is another topic which well mighttbadiscussed by fam ily too In many homcs with several youngsters It is necessary to have handmadam syslcm Copyright Aw Twa PAGEANTRY By ERNEST STOKES We often hear people who have certain viewpoint which might be called ultra democratic dc claiming the prodigal cxpcnsc on Dur ing this coronation your lhc subject will be much on ourtninds When talking with friend from the land of the heather we were agreed on the basic idea that the custom and tradition docs not have root in the personnel of royalty so much as in What then In humanity which pays tribute in money and homage to laviili display of pomp and splendor From earliest times the head of nation has been named King or Queen That position in all races was won origimlly through person al distinction until lineage or dy nasty became established By pow cr sagacity and prowess in war wisdom magnanimity and gracious ness in time of peace fcalty has been gained from people of all classes and walks of life As soon as leadership is decided the elec tors become subjects turning their faces and endeavors in one direc tion like swarm of bees entering But man wants incentive beyon himself and activity An objective must continually beckon him on and reSults follow The King is man yet in his high official estate he rcpresentosomcthing still high er In the final analysis that some thing is the unseen authority and power of force orbeipg which men primarily believe exists known as God Belief in what was unseen and therefore incomprehen sible was not sufficient to satisfy his finite mind He turned to thoughts of things he could see the sun moon andStars However they belonged to distant and ethereal realm outside his sphere of exist ence with which he could have no active part or close Contact 50 he made symbols And what would better signify the glory andgrand cur he sought to worship than the pieces of rock that shed forth beau tiful rays and reflections of Colored lights gold silver ruby emerald and sapphire Cynicg may call it glitter and humiliabeihcvaiuewr gcmSand jewels in the crown and royalin signia lies in their rarity of quality and near approach to perfection Wucad in the Scripturcs and the go dof That an after Moses had declared unto the Israelites the true God and how to worship him the people persuaded Aaront II fell back lilolllrylrkrthe other nations of the world No matter who Is the individual how small the group or the size of the community when men want to honor the head and body of which they are members they do it With all their heart andt best of tal ents So may we no citizens of the British Empire sing as we go God Save the Queen Long may she reign and carryon through the Centennial Year of Barrie 48 HollandiiTo Canadian Bands Army Announces Fortyeight Dutch musicians have been accepted into the Canadian Army and the first group of 15 Will arrive in Canada by air soon Smm Colt ywvltltosmta Barbara ondMonterey enjoy Insult Franciscoond then return We Reno Saltlake total of 100 Dutchmen have passed medical tests conducted by thcarmy in llolland and 48 have completed medical exams and been cleared by immigration authorities The first group of 15 all are single Another group of to musi cians 15 wives and 15 childrcn are due In Halifax May 13 aboard the SS Veendam Highly qualicd Instrumental lqu the Dutch bandsmen will be SATURDAY NIGHT April 18 From Barrie Norman Clarke 124 friends and associates ofiand from Midland Victor Ed Franklin McDowell author wards past presidents of the nor of The Champlain Road and re onia Historic Sites and Tourist As tiring CNR public relations offi sociation were present and also ccr for Central Region held din Walls lst vicepresident of her in his honor in Toronto at thel the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Roof Garden of the Royal York Association and William Craml One of the wall panelswas thel ston secretarytreasurer of the above drawn by Telegram artistl Huronia group Mr Walls spoke Victor Child which portrays Mcl on behalf of the weekly press of Dowell as Huron Indian coml Canada and Mr Cranston brought plctc with Chateau Lauricr apront appreciation to Mr McDowell from confounding Champlain Vith al Huronia and presented him with peace pipe full of Petun tobacco an lndianyfeather 62 Rddsidedatks ORA Conference Good Campsites To Be Held at Through Ontario Goelph inMoy Ranging in arca from onehalf The gimme County Recreation to 390 acres the Ontario Depart Service isto be represented afflict ment of Highways OWNS and ODE eighth annual pmvincial recreation ates 62 roadside parks suitable for conference sponsored by the owl camping and more than half of tario Recreation Association being them are located on the 1432 miles held inGIph on May and oflmadwhieh orexbomgdev cloped gang Recrammn mm to form Ontarios section of the TransCanada Highway Thatiri or 363 mlEma 01 terprovincial thoroughfare will ex tend for distance of more than gr hi Newfoundland to the British Col umbia shore of the Pacic Ocean Concentration of free tourist irkssuitableJoLteuts or trailers cured to develop this dynamic thpic Among them is Dr Earle standing speakers have been proj ei er of physical health and recreation education of the University of Western Ontario His address camps both Friday logs the latter being followed by on Ontarios portion ohhcTrans Parker is an MA mastcr All speeches were limited to two minutes on penalty of being stop ped by the ringing of regulation railway crossing wigwag and bell Others who spoke were Ralph Allen John Fisher Randy Church ill John Morgan Gray Isobel Le Bourdais Dan McArthur Profes sor Wilfrid Jury Kathleen Nairn Ferguson Professor Ned Pratt Frank Prendergast Frank Stiling Norntan Walford Bud Wild Char Ics Bruce and with no time limit Mr McDowell and his wife Kath Icon fun programs for youth day senior citizens etc This road range of discussion work shop is offered so that all dele gates will have an opportunity to learn and to contribute In order to make he conference as friendly and enjoyable as post sible banquets are being held on and Saturday even dance Ekhibits showing recent developments in recreation pro grams pnd commercial equipment and facilities will be oudisplay The annual meeting of the On tario Recreation Association kes place on the first morning be the conference proper gets under eWokxm organization will be of great inter est to the delegates who will as semble from communities all over Canada Highway is designed to at tract many additional thousands of tourists from the United States each year while offering econom ical northcountry holiday centres for Ontario people and from other provinces Most of the Ontario Department of Highways free roadside parks are provided with outdoor firepla ces for camp cookery sttudy pic nic tables often under shelter deep wells and other amenities Many have good bathing beaches and some of them have bath hou ses with showers All are located atpoints of special scenic interest Intact even the 823 roadside pic nic sites along most of Ontarios system of four and two lane main highways are locatd with full at tention givenscenic Values Such picnic sitesLhavc one or morc benchattached picnic tables and covered containers for refuse distributed among army command hands when they reach Canada By an agreement betwch the Canadian and Netherlands Govern ments they will retain thcin Dutch citizenship but later will be glveii the opportunity to apply for Can adlzm citizenship They have on listed in the Canadian army for eithcr three or six years he been waiting fortJo delightful arm will sightseeing all Iliaway Cave of the Wadi Grand Conyonhlm Angela Miguel Mp south of the border to 1ch Ilium ROUND TRIP PARI FROM TORONTO Suct to CLAIMS OM ROOM In room visitors gt will be nights banquet The spotlight is on leisuretime program this year The conference opens at pm on Friday with talk and discusion on hogram Neds fora Evcry Age Gmupf This introduction will be followed up on Saturday with flucc group dis cussion periods during which work shops on every type of recreation program will befavalluble eg ac tivities for girls and women family firm Service warmth the Ontario Recreation Association through the work of its commit tecs and its annual conference Mrs Dunn of Aiiisj So far ton member of the Simcoc Couri ty Recreation Board and Miss Louise Colley recreation director itributing type and running the press Last fall when the publisher was ill at home the paper was published at The Bccton World but difficulties of that arrangement ruled it out this time Mr Moiml dcn said First printed on Washington hand press the paper saw the farming area village grow with the coming of the HamiltonMea forll branch of the CNR It be come favorite stoppingoff place with three hotels all of which have since burned or been torn down The Advocate had circu lation of over 800 in those days but has rested at the 500 mark for some years It replaced The Reporter and was operated by Morrison until it was turned over to the late Stoddart Mr McFad den worked on the paper for sev en years before taking it over upon Mr Stoddarts death Picton Auctioneer ls Speedy Talker DURHAM NS APRIL 20 CP auctioneer One of the last of his trade in Pictou County Mr Parker is tops in the business and still likes to iccall the day herollcd through $9000 worth of business in five hours And that he says takes lot of talk How much Ill never know Although used the same words over and over again do roll out quite few during an auction My spccd rate of speech is pretty close to 300 words minute the average speaking rate is about 180 Aver age 300 for five hours and that runs close to 90000 words That lot of Words for one man and thats lot of words to listen to but they do and sometimes wonder why Short and stocky with keen eyes that can weed the real buyers from the spectators Mo Parker says there aremany tricks to the trade One he says is to make sure that few people dont struggle off and take some of the real buy ers with them At time like that you must have an999912igtlevs and come up with something tornake them pause and listen Once youve stopped them in their tracks you ve got to be honestwith them and Jrhngont rememberhow it was done they will remember that they got something they wanted and they 11 feature of opening day Streams MidSeason This year following record mild winter in Southcrn Ontario at least streams are expected to be at midseason levels This means that trout may be taken on stream or or wet flies and even if the weather is very warm on dry flies In the extreme north however there will still be ice on the lakes and river edges and wet flies and hail will be preferred Salvelinus fontinalis to give the speckled trout his technical name has been sought by anglers for hundreds of years llcmay weigh in extreme cases as much as seven or eight pounds in which case he usually will have come from Lake Nipigun or the Nipigon River al though it is claimed that larger trout may be found in more isolat ed parts of the Province In any event the worlds record trout came from thcNipigon River It weighed 141 pounds and Was caught in 1915 by the late Dr Cook of Port Arthur Gencrally in Southern Ontario speckled trout weighing three pounds or thereabouts will take the prizes Most of the fish stream caught may be just over the seven inch limit Not Involved Procedure Fishing for squaretails is or is not very involved procedure The fly fishermen devote their angling entirely to small tufts of feathers or hair concealing the hook The dry Ily oats on the surface of the water the wet fly is submerged and usually resembles live minnow But speckled trout may also be taken on small plugs and spinners either cast from bait rod or trolled behind boat Spinning tackle relatively new method on this continent is now very popular With the spinning rod and special reel and lines an angler finds it quite easy to toss bait 100 feet or more Then of course more is still fishing worm dunking as it may be scornfully termed but still But with aim of stuff to sell you just havent time to do lot of kidding The occasional joke on some item that is being auctioned off is all right but it must be swift get the laughs and then die Quickly as yQuivbiprighl along with the bids smorssaouALoicrcrokv come back to Your ammo ACCOUNTANTS Mri at er 356 of humor and uses it on occusr have indicated their intention to at tend the conference as representa tives of the Simcoe County Recrea $1320 tomorrow liiumii uncoupling solo Iomllllow mum 11949Mmllwillle TheSe cars are bound to movevary spun so dont delay ch $1229 mm our to our wrightaway and See niece specials Atusroh gt so Mm coln The of FrindlyfIServite amorous ALLEN LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 01 Dunlop st East Phone 4595 INCOME TAX SERVICE aluminum MchAREN co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 43 Collier BL Barrie 67 Yonce BL Tomato IARRIE PARTNER MacLAREN 300M GA LICENSED TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIIAL AUDITOR DADGLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 38 Dunlop st Em Talobhono 4135 HERBERT mums co Certified Public Accountants Toronto and Barrie Barrie Office Wilson Bulldlnc Post Office Scum Telephone 3397 Resldeut Partner NEEDRAM CPA ARTHUR TOWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Bunion St East Iarrlc Totoohono 5228 lt SAMUEL ROSE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 69 Collier Street Plump 5949 cfwunsmn PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Hannah atatemouts Income Tax Reluppa 94 Grove so Darrin ye intNAnv DR FLEMING workman no commit Sophla St Barrio Barrio moan rm shot It luau3560 more MUSIC LESSONS Pl am onto In THEORY Puplln mm ttonl of tholnompgmum W010 Toronto Ill ml Mam cumin Malcolm up Iludlo Indium Phone l1 WARREN 14 MMAN EMT Instruction In Huh Own it lurk9 MAURICE Blinks MAB OPTOMETRIBT aouniop at cm suit13 Entrance but old citDominion alum PIN 2003 our $830 and by unclnlnunl Dunn All JOHNSTON cm Cllnurton It Cloud Bollardy Afternoon noun smude cm 53 Dunlap at In new dough pill SWEMNBOII IlulIIQI It gwmwr Phcito It arson EMT Trllll mm OPTOMETRIW lurk WT In Noun parable size in other parts of tin province lle said the board had made thorough study of salary schco ules of other municipalities with schools of comparablc size Tho $200 annual increment l$ general throughout Ontario in policy 5C down by the OSSll he blilittl The $100 acrosstheboani hike lt for this year only Majority of teachers at MDIIS are in the $4000 salary bradwt Mr McCullough said very loudly method This involves merely lowering of baitladcn book using worms minnows frogs grasshoppers and even bacon rind before hungry trout Game Fish Period Most attractive feature of May in Ontario is that it signalizcs th approach of the game fish period Many fishermen previously have rehearsed on suckers smell and the porch lllllS But once the speckled trout season opens the pickcrel fishing follows on May 13 and it isnt long until bass and maskinongc may be taken Many streams in Ontario already have been stocked with fish from the hatcheries operated by the On tario Department of Lands and For ests Some of these fish ire year lings seven inches or longer Many of these will be caught on opening day but thcic still will be lots left to grow bigger and better for next ycar Coming Soon LEGAL Buys BEAGRAM 30m Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyanceps Etc MONEY T0 LOAN Office 13 Owen 5L Barrio Branch Office Elmvulc Ontario BOYS 00 ROWE QC SEAGRAM COWAN as COWAN Baruch Solicitors Notorio Comultlnu Hours 10 cm to DJI Monday to Friday Ross Cowan COWAN BUILDING MONEY To LOAN 53 Collier St GLADSTONE cunum ac Barrister and Solicitor MONEY To luOAN 91 Dunlop st East Barrie DONALD MacLAREN 30 Burlatel solicitor Ito Money to Loan Masonic Temple Building Barrio BEBE SMITII Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIO Kn Iardstor Solicitor Ibo Ross lloclt Barrio Barrio Ont Phone 3115 Plum 271 ALFRED mum Chartmt Lin lJndonnrlm Personal cud Ind Salute nlysts Closo Corporctlon Clroun Ker on Pctlnerchlp Hallo cud dole Prom ctorahlp Immune FRIENDLY DISCUSSION YOUR LIFE INSURANCI NEED Phono 5551 or 2105 Barri Mon 4345 ReprueutluzlLoudou Life mutual CO ly Pious Pmnmmlni OSTEOPATHY WI on OSHOPATIIIO IISND plumb cuNlc WILSON quLotNa null tnvr IDWIN WILSON ssA 00 uAunIc nuanoctt 00 Inarnouiuss W1 CHIROPRACTOR GEOJt Dsc dt ELSIE BURNS eanud Drucless Thuwint Imtrlolladto Hydro 1M Jumban Thorw luulop st East 01 TUGEDO DOCTOR CHIROPRACTIC xRAT Residence 5845 aumuor to Cdrbelt no JAMES vurmu no DOCTOR 0P CHIROPRACTIC by appointment Ill 195 load DANCING LESSONS DARRIE DANCING ACADEMY St Maul Auditorium Tap Ballroom unnatu Atlult lebcrlnu lasaos masons ovum FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Phon 3194 Mon IO Allandal Mono 909 RAD BalletPupils prepared toroxlmm