CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY LOST FOUND LUST Sct of Keys Return to Ititim Service 102 Blake St or nthc on Burton Ave Reward 174951 IN MEMORIAM HOOKAt Goldwater on Saturday BLANCHARDln loving memory April 25 1953 James H0019 be of Margaret Genevieve Blazi loved husband of the late Ida chard daughter of Mr and Mrs Hudson in his 37th Year dear Nelson Blanchard who paSSLLl father of Olive Mrs Mur awgy April 23 1950 pllyl Goldwater Resting atIWc have only your memory dear Lloyd and Stecklcy Funeral Margaret Home Barrie for servxce on remember Tuesday April 23 at 230 pm through Interment Barrie Union Ceme But the swcctncss WIII linger for tery ever As we treasure the image of you RAINEYSuddcnly at his home Eve rempmbered by mom Big Boy Pomt on Saturday In EARRIE EXAMINERpMONDAY APRIL 27 1953 HELP WANTED POSITIONS ETED TEENAGE BOY willing to work at odd 10115 around town Phone evenings 5542 2491 Junior Matriculation lENPEItIENCED SpotivtMETZTLF Ilmllc and manual good rcfcrcncc There are openings in our Toronto wants fulltime work in or around GRAVEL C7 FILL Loaded at Davis Gravel Pit Mineg sing Monday Tuesday Wed ncsday of each week Canadian Approved Chicks DELIVERY ANYWHERE iTwo hatches weekly Tuesday anal Businass opportunie 2F 1d Hatching New Hampshire 11241111 lMPlEZdENT business good Barred Rock Cross and Barrcdl Plione 2907 location lcadiiig agency large vol BameiRocks These chicks are bred for Sigiq11ality eggs and meat pro mm wwld consider properly in ML 41 BUX 47 Barrie Examiner Phone 2330 Barrie 24611 16 FT TRAILER sitcps four LILtog 294952 liilctl Sliiniiicr cabin lixll Phone ORDER YOUR lluntcr Chicks 4497 74849 now Brod for production selected ELLIOTTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie April 25 1953 to Mr and Mrs James Elliott Dunlop Street West daughter LOWEAt the Royal Victoria HOS pital Barrie April 25 1953 to Mr and Mrs James Lowe Bclle Ewart son McLELLANAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie April 24 1953 to Mr and Mrs Robert Mc Lellan RR No Barrie son THOMPSONAt the Royal Vic WOMAN WILL look after children in own home while mother works or SIIUPS Monday to Friday Phone 6577 24751 To our whole life NORTHERN Tourist Property W111 and father sisters and brothers ACCOWODATION for mun large comfortable warm room Lunches 124049 office for trainees This could be the beginning of career with Canadas largest and most greSSive Sales nance company Canadian Company Only lnCanadzi With 73 Broil ches from Coast to Coast Contact Mr Hunkln Industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited Wllson Building PHONE 5533 14851 WAITRESS Wanted Phonc Stroutl 38 Farinas Spaghetti House 149 LADY SALES Clerk for pct113157 ent position Box 34 Barrio LX zimlner 14749 BASEBALL Home Sewers llPLall hem and Wellingcr Phone 5317 for information 14850 HOUSEKEEPER to look after small children Expcricnccd if pos sible ApplyiMis Russell Gibson phone 833rl2 149 WOMAN Wanted to take care of lnvalid and do light housework Apply John ONeill New Lowcll Phone 53113 Creemorc 14950 SERVICE Station Attendant ex perienced Steady work Apply Al Giles BA Service Station Burton Ave and Essa Rd Barrie l4951 DELIVERY BOY for local auto motive wholcsoler Steady employ ment Bicycle supplied Apply to George Montgomery 67 Toronto St Barrie 11911 COOKS HELPER or someone willing to learn and laundress both female to live in for small institution just outside Toronto Apply Box 26 Barrie Examiner 14749 MANAGER WandII fully capable man to manage milk and lunch bar Requirements are mainly char acter ability to handle customers and supervise employees Salary will be fully commensurate with Ithe requirements of this position Apply Kinzic Lakeview Dairy 14951 wANTE HIGHESTPRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metal Batteries Rags INDUSTRIALIRON METAL WWWWDITDIDKSTZWWESI Ffhd Elli 340 Phone 811r3l or 6487 High Price Paidtor LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON 11163 raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 32311 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERSIN SCRAPIRON METALS FURS HIDEB RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY 0111 bucks will call Highest price paid Special prices paid delivered PhoneBmle +72983626r31 Stayner 9812 9813 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tlfttn st 33280 CHILDS USED Car or Truck Suitable for year old wanted len 2450 340 771th BOARD ROOM FOR 2genflemen Phone 52611013106 Bay elcl St 124951 =RO AND BOARD for lady or gentleman in hiceclan home With private family Very quiet Phone Jim 124849 11 new store pro Operating gentle entrance 2vRO1MEDgtFurllislied newapart Barrio Plczisc wlitc Craig Jr 99 Ruscthoin Avc Toronto 24850 PROPERTY wANTED SMALL PLOT of kind for Sllmmcl gilldtlllllg Phone 6140 cvciiingx 3349 FENCE POSTS from to inch 54134 Eliilvzllc ICE BOX capacity of 100 to 150 $15 P110110 0451 74950 Inc tricriiio tub in good condition half plicc 160 Toronto St 749 good condition no uvcn control $35 Gray kitchen triblc chairs Phone 0726 749 GARDEN Manure Composed Man Liic for lawn dressing Loam and Sud Pllonc Bill Muir 5037 74752 DRESS CORN Salvo for sure rc licf Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salvo vcar Stylish shoes soon 304011 749 mm GREENHOUSE 10 ft 20 11 pro lillllltilltfl construction ill cxccll No Dieting No Exercise cilt condition Phone 6155 after No Discomfort No Disrobiug p111 74849 5Sgigging SEW USED BRICKS So each Sewing Macllinc $15 Steel medium sized Peggys RGdUCmg 50113 icc box $20 Launch $600 Phone 177 Duckworth St Barrie PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATH Edgchill Drive Barrio Body conditioning arthritic trcat mcnt remedial cxrrciscs scientific rcduciug Frcc Arthrltlc Consultation 10 am till 10 pm daily Private appointment only Phone 614rll tops Contact Edward Woods phoncl 74853 for meat qualities llunlcrs Poul lll liiim Stroud phouc 5315 GILMORES Quality Baby Chicks Most bookings Inc now tilled 1115 Siiitablc for blllllllltl cottago 0mm rm J1me tompry no 1111 imorts Poultry Brvcdiilg Form 60 CONNOR ElecmC Washing Mac ILnLtlng St nillll Hit 711 24461 ROP SIRED Burrcd Plymouth Rock and Canadian Approved New Hampshire Rock Chicks for sale produced on our ullada lccrctlitctl Ontzlrio Brccding Station Poultry Form Quality stock SlllCt 1936 If Cnrtcr Iluwkcstonc RR Out Phone Gm 101 2446319 MISCELLANEOUS Dont Buy Scwillg Mziclllnc Unless You Get The Right One We carry the most complete line of new and uscd scwing IiiDhincs anywhere All IlilltllllltS guaran tecd Easy Terms PHONE 3285 54011 5759 74849 ointment hone3992 pp 304053 RASPBERRY CANES Cutllbrcd 3c ouch Sprayer cylinder type BILL ALFORD will not be Lc ann mower Phone 4151 91 Hen sponsiblc for any debts incurred St 74849 in my name by any person from this date April 22 1953 304740 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe PROPERTY FOR RENT Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 713611 LOTS FOR Cultivation 4016 FURNISHED Bcdroonis SlllIIlIJIf for gentleman lhonc 4197 154849 ROOMED Furnished House from Juno to Sept 15 Control Phone 31177 154951 REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vicc on Master Feeds Frost Fence forlilircr and Graham Plows Phone 53r5 Stroud 74050 PIGSWe will supply your hog feeds till market time No interest No red tape Phone 5315 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 74050 IDEAL LAWN Mower sharpener FURNISHED Budroom centrally good condition 60 cycle motor located Gentleman preferred Box 1006 Crecmore Johnston Phone 3160 1549 or phone 471Clcemore 74449 FURNISHED Apartment Adulle SUPERIOR Used Plano attop only Apply 37 Blake St Barrie office desk Oak chairs tables Phone 3371 153511 Solid Oak Dining Suite Bookcase UNFURNISHED Kitchenette bcd wmo 80 38 Bmle Sitting room Adults and zlbslzliiicrs only Phone 6154 154950 YOUNG GIRLSI Bicycle SCP practically new only used ROOM Furnished suitable for months Apply Coderre RR hllusekcepmg N03 new LObIRWS Lisle Phone Creemore 49r22 510141 Phone 5211 Phonc 154950 ROOMS furnished or unfuinish Rugs Brandla Sipabmgb ed heated continuous hot water 50 New rugs from old rugs Adults only Phone 4152 1548 woollens and discarded clothing ROOM Furnished Apartment New shades Phone Baniggg Adults only Call after pm 411 Kempenfldt Plive P110110 4406 MODEL Ford Tractor with snow 1049 plow blade also Motor Scooter Will Stle 95 trade either one for ac Jenkins merit stove smk and cupboard Private entrance Phone 5704 Phone 19 Everett 74556 1549 PORTABLE Sawmill complete all FURNISHJLD Rooms heated on ground oor wiIIlTallgette Lil couple or girls 38 Thompson St Phone 5700 154849 ROOMED Apartment all con veniences in new home Apply Mrs Alx Moore Crecmorc Phone 39111 154849 ROOMED Heated Duplex avail able end of June very ccntizil Adults preferred $90 Box 42 Bar rlc Examiner 154849 FURNISHED Sitting roomkitchen ette bedroom Hcatctlcontinuous hot water Hospital district Adults abstainers Phone 5013 1549 UNFURNISHED Rooms bright and large ground floor separatn No objection to baby 57 Comm St Allahdalc 1549 LARGE Room furnishedhnd heat ed WOOD FOR SALE water rangctte washing machine and everything to start housekeeping Sill2 Mary St OWithevery order for 14 curd gt1 ftl per hour Good condition Roy Jamieson 179 Owen St Barrie 74951 CUPBOARDS unpainted chrome xtures one 17 36 36 high bin shelves $18 one 24 23 36 high shelves $15 three 17 21 27 high shelves $8 each steel stepstool $950 Steel ironing board $650 large refrigerator nearly now Phone evenings 3443 74950 SUMMER cowsLES WASAGA BEACH cabins sleep four 12x16 $20 to $25 per week Apply Box 29 Barrie Examiner 283550 154749 FURNISHED large bedsittin room kitchenette with sink new thichante or another lz cord ly decorated very central half FREE block from bus stop Phone 3443 OPhone yourorder now and ask 1549 for2r ticket entitling you to LARGE Blight furnished looms participate in this speclgldraw kitchen and bedsitting room heated hot water Central Suit R25 May Second draw business couple Immediate poss DENNIS MORAN 55101 Phone 4684 154950 149 Worsley St Barrie PHONE 2907 HOUSE Rooms 15 minutes drive north of Barrie Electricity good water garden $25 per month in advance References required Box 35 Barrie Examiner 154049 LEM II ROOM Furnished Apartment Bedroom living room and modem kitchenette Heavy duty range and lcfrigcratoi Suitable for couple but no objection to small child Phone 2951 Saturday 154849 04011 TWEANLING PIOS Fed out to market on our finance plan Save your grain for seed and if you havent tried our simple NoExtraChargeToYou Finance Plan drop in and talklr11ver With us or phone 2962 for an ap 1549 74950 equipment necesSary 100perate hardwood Dennis Moran offers LIVESTOCK FOR SALE L111 11113110111111 Milne or Copy536 pantday preceding issue exceptSunday MAYBDWPIIONED To OFFICE PHONE 2414 coward minimum 75 OGDMuttve Insertions 20 word minimum 1522c vordrminlmumSoc 1199 In 1111 114 word minimum 350 who momma ORDERg fol1 lies Inected to cm Moe 2110 min 91110016149 411iavaord minimum $106 1111119 Insertions 3c 11 word minimum 751 odiipor optimum APPRECIATION tum11113 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $100 or motdin ollulflodl my be In pertain apartments VIII miniommclhlllty for any artor In 1910119110 or or or niln com um notlllul so 11 wheelgl polntment You pay for your feed Lifter yourhogs have gone to mar ket We haveou identical finance plan forpoultry BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Market Square Barrie 93276 12YEAROLD Grey Home quiet Norman Wood Mineslltg phone 32 9749 PIGS WEEKS OLD Ernes Mowforth RR No little Craig huist 949 PUREBRED Dual Pu 059 Bull serviceable0 8107 Hi lhoad Red Majorr 3126 Dam Millhuven Couples Victoria 364061 Apply William Burton Foxmead Phone Moonstone 94749 YEARLING Holstein Heifers trOm registered stock vaccinated ac crcldlte Reasonable 113 self L111 0811 ne ra tilt in 117513 totsland FLOOR COVERING Linolcuihs Rubber and Asphalt Tile 344050 SLll or will consider good home 111 cxchzinge Generalstore good turnover living quilllcts low over iuziii Contact Henry and Elrick llcultlirs Billllt 2949 PLANING MILL and Woodwork ing Factory solid brick 5000 sq chines and 20 hp motor Bargain $10000 full price Or will sell building for factory 155 First St olliilgwood phone 515 293851 FARM EQUIPMENT lit RUN FERTILIZER Grain Cock Sllllll Drill Apply John McCuilig Shanty Ilziy Phone 317 Oro 394049 115111 AND Fertilizer Spreader 10 ft with in good condition luLlt IIicsl Miilcsing phone 4202 394850 11911 COOLER dropin unit with SwlILll czlpzicity for cans with 1111 for thc sonic rst class condi Ililll Illonc Stilyml 54714 Wilfred Atkinson 394849 REBUILI PTO Orchard Sprayer 110 ft Wch Sprayer MilkiligMa tllllltS various makes $285 recon lllllilltfl installed guaranteed MH lltcltilixcrlrill chcrol good used tractors also MH Pony Tractor and tools Special prices on plows IISCS ciiltivzitors Spreaders We can save you moncymn new and Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied rind Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave Phone 51115 522il uscIl bulcrs George South chltllcotc 3949 REAL BARGAIN 614 horsepow Pony type riding tractor stand ard gear shift high zind low spch llllllSlCl calcium loaded tires Sliiclc fliPiow plow und Tototiller Ittilclimcnts with tin all hardwood Stock trailer8x34x4 onk tongue YORKES DECORATING SERVICE Interior and Exterior Painting Papedlianging Expert workmanship prompt service 35 Donald St Barrie Phone294l 52664 CENTRAL TAXI CLEAN COMFORTABLE CABS jo Owned andOperated by1 MrWlllte 51A Collier Street DIAL 5555 521t59 NOWOPENT TO SERVELYOU MJAXJ Your business will be appreciated PHONE 5991 II EsSa Rd Allondole 54472 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander does excellent work Low rates Complete line of floor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs llers brushes ctc We sell everything needed to make new floors from old iBOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 230111 HAND AND POng LAWN MOWERS SERVICED REPAIRED OMAOHIINE SHARPENED STROUD LAWN MOWER SERVICE HAGrceleyy Stroll 3545 GARDENS Plowed and IDisccd Phone Bill Muir 5087 15147432 EAVESTROUGHING DOnc estimates Phone 24r23j 549 FOR rGRADING arld Levelling flll etc phoncSttin King 2116 ha EAVESTROUGHING and Cement work donepromptly For free 65 am to 536130 timate phtin 4933 from pm PAINTING AND Decorating In terior and exterior For free est lmntes phone 4933 from am to pm 4536750 MIMEOGRAPIIING and Public Stenography Barrie Business liege 66 Toronti St Barrie one 4624 513621 LAWN MOWERS sharpened Jim Little 2511 Dunlpp St Barrie For pickup and return service 560 extra Phone $785 54064 WATER tollDrilling For gen erations our only busmoss 11 htjand 80111633 Hurontario St Col ngwood Ont Phonc 316M 54511113000 Phone 5209 FARMS 574051 with ball hitch All equipment in running condition Must be sold Apply 58 Worsle St after pluckOr Saturday pm 3949 ROOM LODGE cabins and bungalow on Highway 11 Will trike bcst cash offer ROOM COTTAGE with lodge garage one acre of land on Highway 11 Will take best cash offer or small down pay mcnt orlbzilancept first mortgage APPLY TO FRANVKWPAYCE tOwnr Franklin Inn Phone N10 Mono Mills 16411f REAL ESTATE BROKER CARSON REPRESENTING JXByflldstmarrlcfliltl ANYTIME NEW BUNGALOW FULL PRICE $11000 Down payment $5000 large rooms and bath lull high base mcllth Dirconditioned with coal Large builtin garage heated Lot 8332116 feet Very central Room BrTck Neorly New FULL PRICE $11000 Down payment arranged large rooms and 4piece bath full high basement coal furnace heating Large lot Very central ROOM BUNGALOW FULL PRICE $7000 Down payment arranged nice rooms and bath with bedrooms full basement coal furnace laun dry tubs Lovely garden Very cen tral in Barrie MANY OTHERS HOMES SUMMER PROPERTIES 160 Acre River Es tale Bracebridge General Stores Slvice Stations Hotels 151649 LOT 60 111 Searorth St Allan Iliile plumei 9115 164849 BUILDING LOT 66x220Edgehill Drive and Anne St Phone 814111 164849 ROOMED House nearly new large lot fully landscaped Apply Box 27 Barrie Examiner 164649 CHOICE BUILDING Lots level dly shaded 210cations Priced from $200$400 Apply Tarbush Angus 164850 NEW 5ROOM Bungalow NHA nanced 4plece bath nice lot Ilewschool area Immediate poss esston Phone 4807 164749 rooms pantry l8piece bath nlce garden $40 mortgage of $2600 Near Gpneral Electric Box 40 Barrie Examiner 104850 MODERN HOME four rooms down two up uncompleted Air condi tionedl excellent lot Quick poss esswn vFive rooms very modern semibungalow attractive location we have the selection to chooso from Contact Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 1649 MUST SELL Illness forces sale Large brick home deep lot large garage hot water heatin new oilburner Newly decorate Mod em kitchen Suitable for business or income home Many extras in cluded Neal Loblaws newstore Early pdssegston Make ideal down town tourist home It floor lILLl on two floors 15 ma GOOD FRAME HouSeugarage Six cash and assume Bargain at 104950 toria Hospital Barrie April 23 1953 to Mr and Mrs Fred Thompson 208 Illnisl Street gt011 BURDEITEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Ap ril 24 1953 Sarah Anne Garrett beloved wife of the late Henry Burdette dear mother of Marg aret and Harry Burdette Barrie Resting at Lloyd and Stcckley Funeral Home Barrie vicc on Monday April 27 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery CARTERSuddenly at her home Barrie on Saturday April 1953 Dorothy Helene Dickey beloved wife of George Edgur Carter door mother of Ronnie Lilly and Barbara loved daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Dickey North Bay in her 37th year Resting at the Jcnnctt Funeral Home Barric Funcral service Monday April 27 at pm In terment Barrio Union Cemetery DODSONSuddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday April 27 1953 Frank William Dobson beloved hus band of Irene Isabel Cooper Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Burton Ave UnitedChurch Bar rie Wednesday April 29 tit2 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Casket will be open in church from pm until time of service ROSSAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Thursday April 23 1953 William Ross late of 88 Humberside Ave Toronto former employee of Exidc Brit teryi beloved husband of Ther csa Ross and dear father of Mrs Charles Price Dora chroy Mrs William Webber Nancy Parry Sound Daisy William and James Ros Toronto and David Ross Frankfort Resting at the funeral chapel of William Spcels 2926 Dundas St near Keelcl Service Monday afternoon oclock Interment Park Lawn Cemetery PLANTS 13 FLOWERS CATALTA TREES 11 75c 30 inches 50c Clean ornamental Transplant now Phone3709 274849 AccmmodOtIoh Wanted HOUSE OR APARTMENT Preferably house required imme diately Two small children Will pay up to $100 per month Phone TOIODIOWEOIIECITGE 717275fwrit Box Barrie Examiner 114951 HOUSES for Policemen Unfurnished urgently required by May Phone2260 I9 10 114749 LARGE Unfurnished housekeeping room one lady Phone 6206 1149 QUIET YOUNG Couple want roomed unfurnished selfcontain ed apartment by middleIVlay or June Urgent ApplyBox 31 Bar rie Examiner 114849 SEED PEED SQUARE BALED Hay for sale Apply John McCuaig phone 317 Oro 104849 4TONS WHEAT and Oat Straw square bales for sale rtNorman Neely Stroud 23r161 104849 QUANTITY Red Clover Seed power cleaned and of good quality for sale Ernest Carson Anton Mllls 1049 LADINOJClover Seed field inspect ed and power cleaned for sale Apply Robert Campbell Church ill Phoue 14124 Lefloy 1049150 ADVERTISER would exchange 100 150 bags of Katahdin Potatocs grown from certied seed forwar ly variety Phone 73r33 Cookstbwn 104749 BEAVER OATS cleaned for seed for sale Ajax Oats out01 bill also Alax Oats and Galore Bat ley mixed also Sweet Clover White Blossom Adams Minesmg Phone Minsirtg 22 164749 AUTOMOBILES CASHj$ $ICASI1 TFOR OURCAR lN FIVE MINUTES SEE 11Honestlc1e Cross TovvnMolors 220 Dradtml Phone 5490 PhOne Elmvale92r13 1346 1951 PREFECT excellent condition Apply Box 44 Barrie Examincr 134849 WW 1986 TERRAPLAlNE Sedan heat radio good shape Reliable tram gortallon for working man Phone 320 13811 WILL TRADE 50 Prefect forpldel car 1936upas down payment Total can be nanced Phone 11718 after 736 Apply 88 Henry 51 for scr April 25 1953 James Daniel Stoddart Rainey beloved hus band of Viola Rachar dear fath er of Danny and Helen Louise in his 53rd year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Tuesday April 28 at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery lnnisl STEVENSAt Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Friday April 24 1953 Susan Matilda Allen be loved wife of the late George Stevens in her 80th year dear mother of Edna Mrs Not tlctom Barrie Hosting at the Sly and Son funeral home Lansdownc Service in Lans downc United Church on Mon day April 27 at 230 pm Inter ment Lansdownc Union Ceme lery SCHROEDERAt St Michaels Hospital Toronto on Friday April 24 1953 Vera Ellie be lovcdwifc of Leonard Schroeder 645 Logan Ava eldest daughter of Homer and dear sister of Kay and Allen Homer of Bradford Mrs Clarence Fisher lGladYSl Stayner Mrs Dalton Draper Olivel Toronto TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon on Thursday April 30 1953 for cement curbing and sidewalks at Barrie District Collegiate Institute Lowest or any tender not necessar ily accepted Full particulars can be secured from FELT Business Administrator Barrie District Collegiate Institute 4750 TENDERS For Garbage Collection At Little Lake In The Township of VesprO Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 12 oclock noon on May 1953 for collection and disposal of garbage on the follow ing dates May 19 June 15 June 29 and each Monday thereafteruntil September 61953 Where holi day falls on Monday collection 210 be made on Tuesday morning following EARL RICHARDSON Clerk of Vespra 4749 15 Owen St Barrie 49 McMURRAYIn loving memory of Mrs Robert McMUrfay who dc parted tth world April 25 1933 Two dear bright cycs tender smile loving heart that know no Deep trust in God that right tier joy to inth some other bright If sick or suffering one She knew Some gentle act of love shed do No thought of sell but of the other know He said Well done mother Sz1dly missed by Ruth and Alex John May and family Frcil Reno and Billy Margret and Mary 49 guilc all dear AUCTION SALE Tuesday April 28 Robert Johnstonc E1 Lot 11 Con Oro miles north of Highway No 11 or 114 mile south of County Road Extensive sale of Grade Holsteins power farm machinery etc Terms cash Sale at 1230 pm DST 4450 Friday May 1953 Joseph Jcnnctt Lot 28 Con Essa 114 mile south of Essa Station Auction Sale of farm stock implements and household effects Terms cash Sale at pm DST No reserve Slcssor Auctioneer 4950 FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noor DST of Tuesday May the 51h 1953 for the purchase of the West half of Lot No 559 on the East side of Ewart Street in the Village of Belle Ewart according to registered Plan No 96 The highest or ally tender not necessarily accepted Further par ticulars of sale may be obtained on application to the undersigned DATED at Barrie this lSth day of April 1953 COWAN AND COWAN CoWan Building 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for Executor Estate of Elizabeth Mullen deceased 4651M BIG COUGAR NATAL BC CPlGzlme War den Jim Osman of Fernie district reported bagging Cougar that measured more than seven feet from its nose to the Roof Its tall STONEandcONCRETE Driveway stone crushed concrete stone ouidsontrrfwculerufprt clivcred PIT Al Mlonmtsr ONTARIO VARcoE BROS 300 Bayeld St EARRIE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT rPUBuc NOTICE IS HEREBYLGLIVEN that pursuant to SectiOn 92 of the Highway Improvement Act and Amendments Em Application has been made by the Department of Highways to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval for the closing of thtfollbwngroadsror streets in the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe where cross ed by the TorontoBarrie Controlled Access Highway or Highway No 400 Road allowance between COneeSSIOns and mad allowance between Concessions 16 and 11 Blind allownce between CoitcSsionS 12 and 13 Road allowonce between Concessions 113 and14 0lttle Street Registered Plan No1211n Concession 13 Bacon Street Roglstcred Plan No21inCodic05sion Iv 13314 Such Application willbohiaardby the saidBozud in the COunCII 13100 1941 FORD Cdach air cohdltionln 18549 Chamberin the County CourtHouseliTthe Town of Barrie on the 28th DAY OF MAY 1953 audit necessary on the Zilthdayot May 1953 AT THE HOUROFlO OOLOCK IN THE FORENOONQDA DIGHT SAVING TIME at which time and place all persons Clairol ing tobeinterested oratlccted mayattend and be heard By Order of the said Board all persons objecting to thesaid closmgs or claiming that their land Will the injuritiusly affected by gt thesaid closings must FILEPARIIICULARS OFSUIOH COMIC DIONS 01R CLAIMS with theOntario Municipal Board 67 College Street Toronto and with partment 01 Highways Pprliamout Buildings Toronto ON OR BE FORE THE POURTEENTH DAY0F MAY 1953 The Hearing of such claims Will take place110511011 time and place as may be sulbsequently fixed by the said Board Plan 12276642 showing the portions of roads proposed to be closed may be seen at the attic of the Clerk of the said wanship and at the ofticeot the Department of Highways in Room T993 of the East Block of the Parliament Buildings Tortinto dllllllg rog ular office hours uprto May 291b 1953 at Toronto Ontario this twentysixth day of March 1953 GEORGE DOUCEII Ministerwof 11131111101 4951 the ChiefProperty Valuator or the