Annual Meeting Centre Simcoe Childrens Aid Continued from page one in the eld of human engineering Another has said that every thing else is trivial beside self sustaining nuclear energy and that 1960 will see atomic power in use However one of our largest banks states in regular publication that the most important in the world atthe present tizne are the social scrences About 1931 it was found that care alone was insufficient and ex pensive also socially unsound and the Childrens Aid Society decided it was time to take up prevention The fence at the top of the pre Cipice Preventive services were devel oped trained staffs helped build iHFC Mana During the past two weeks the has been comdemble activity dur mg the parades held at the Barrie Armoury The cadets are undergomg an tensive trawling program with the annual inspection not far off It is slated for midMay and everythzng is being done to ensure smat turnout on this important occasion Drills have taken up large por lion of the evenings with SubLt Jim Ward putting the boys through thezr paces wisted by Midship man Murray Veitch The com nariding officer Lt Lorrie McGib hon and SubL1 Bob Cunningham supply officer have also had busy time recently looking after the ad ministration of the ships office and checking new equipment which has get Herei DRIVER OF CAB ATTACKED TWO 1155 Blinlill Flf Edig toil 31 Obituary and thepair are Dies Hospital or Count taxi Camp Burden Cori ll agas ic Leonard dro along the iltCamp Border food he was attacked Davxiant was tagged from the cab and 19 in due1f condition 13 the side the road The men llul drove off in the cab polite is uizu Marin ectiori JLlSI as truck dilf reached SCJth up Davnizint farmhouse nearby The truck at and or picked took hLm to where police ere called ll eiy opened to at Leonards BtJCl 119 bu ZTOUR HURONIA QSA lL grounds the lic zi 1c Lake Paris and iii Prtilctafh liuruni Lille Lit 2c The cm of St Pauls An Cn liiztzsfil 51 ZCr was conducted Ly Row chun Ci lltiiil Pa Lbc OJkl Par EU Television Fons iLike Newfoundland Film lscpaiaiuig Newfoundland and the Siats of Delaware the televtszon of WDEITV has fig and of th pcilllfliiiig Imd It through the 30 DOC Islands to Toronto 11 Ei rot izI ac Trudi rv Jlt bezng ion company for be pre by Human Ctipic tl Ontarios 1ch by es mil sgiezik telling of new experience Callddii cans arm tr iSO BRITISH GIRLS mm mm Although Lhcfc are lot of miles more than bait Ehave taken liking 18 2big island province The Canadian National motion picture FIN 33 was first telecast 13 ton staith as sustaining nature on Feb 2B but when ector James Adshed mi 32616 of ciepirone calls and letter for repeat mowmW uimi the film fortwo followup performances in March and Llitiluiing it for the fourth than AprJ nusmrssf mastication Splendid opportunity for energetic man of good the lot number were present Ted Hiiilvl ie liam Storey Bertie relavc5 and friends from been received up legislation such as the Adoption Act and the Children of Unmar ried Parents Act and with the time of the Second World War the Soci eties were geared to take care of children The Childrens Aid Society did investigations for the Dependents Allowance Boards and Dependents Board of Trustees CoOrdination of the welfare services built up staff training so that help might be given not only to children but to people who never expected to need it CWedding At The Zoo When Toby IlllltlrnlolllllSUl iiion left Granby Quebec to makv NO Lt OT number Of dues appearances at A2 Hutu Elwin tarantt and teadv hibits Lites Cognc gm spurmncns Show held recent Ewp Parsons ohm he lr fneal from Deficit and DD wth Jasmin managed the rotten in 1111 AVA in Montreal he was leading in boyhood TWOl9 up Lillian Slaw lULllllllllUiL5 33d Salary ex bachelors life confined only by the 11 Ti pea OII Constable William Ends Yuufnn imagxncTOby5 SlumESL family SLITV has liven appointed to fill the ac Mk uumd 10 10v mid nLitow Inc 501 CNLC ti Canadian Xizional Exnr created by the in slur of Cnnsum 1D aku mnewun Hidclimlrcit Barbara alltl Claude Cilllc Cittstabzc Lioy 3H g1 0f me plum Chick hm LUVIn bl on atomm mo cncdczi lLA Cocltranc and reported to 215 ncwi 1be rxl foot up rendevicc at post this week He is married and the Grunby ZOO last fall He was pi EV bars of hzs cage in the Grauby zoo Good All time had actuired mate Pirma via duty in the Peruvian police force 31 LVCDTSCudGen has spent the past four years in has one son gift from the Winnipeg zoo The cadets were 320 recentl given an opening refresher course or morso signalling by civilian in structor Mr Taylor During the evening the boys were given or outline of the various ways which ships kept in communication with each other and other factors connected with wireless and visual signalling Although the firm dctais have not yet been completed it is like 1y that the cadets will form special party to take part in the Coronation Day service which is being arranged by the local branch of the Canadian Legion uh IENETANG 0STBLIT Juvenile Courts Then came the Juvenile Courts which gained much of their devel opment through the societies Came also the enactment Of the amend ment to the Matrimonial Causes Act whereby every case of div orce where child was concerned was investigated Then the development Of the Family Allowances and investiga tions made on behalf of the Fam ily Allowance Divisions through CAS and in larger urban centres the Family Service Bureaus funeral was held on Tues from the Jennett where the SPRING SALE or USED cARs GER Navy Notes The expression Mind your Ps and Qs nowadays means be on your best behaviour In old days sailors serving aboard government ships could always get credit at the waterfront taverns until pay day As they would only pay for those drinks which were marked up on the scoreboard the tavern kceper had to be careful that no pints or quarters had been omitted from the customers IisL Increased Costs Too Increased services have meant increased costs Last year the dir ectorate discovered that costs were up 88 The ten year period 1941 to 1951 brought an increase in population running as high as 728 iiichildren under years Dipping the flag when two ships pass is survival Of very old cus tom when merchant ships were re quired to clew up all their canvas and wait until the adjacent manO war either sent boat off to inspect The real cost of days care for child in terms of purchasing power has remained virtually un changed throughout the last 13 years The primary cost factor is the increased placement of child ren in foster boarding homesbut such expenditures are an economy in that they tend to development of children normally into produc tive citizens Childrens institutions of which the Province has 47 supervised by the Child Welfare Branch have it is interesting to note changed their names to those much more attractive and away from the for mer terms of orphanages Many Problems To Face Thcre are the problems of the their papers or signalled them to proceed The flag salute was later adopted as timesaver helping people are needed and must essentially have that warm personality the milk of human kindness and the graceof God in their hearts Social welfare is not hidden mystery 1n the matter of child ren born out of wedlock many changes have been made in thei handling of such cases and much greater protection given to the future welfare of those childrenx land greater assistance given to the imother with the Object of getting iai the problems which cause such ills Mr OVER $6000000 WORTH OF USED CARS TRUCKS IN STOCK REDUCE FOR 12 HIS srocx FREE CARRYING CHARGES MONTHS AND ONE TANK FULL OF GAS liou cant miss not only are prices at their ing on all so lowest during this sale but We will also pay one years yes 12 months free financ les Of over six hundred dol lars Thats right you get the privilege to borrow mone carrying 0113 without having to pay rges Call into Ibelot this week youll find the car you want in our large section rejected child andthe sociallydll Btaumolt emphasize the child calling for education and fact that there IS always demand urnperstanding lfor social workers and for gyery Adoptions are not tied up in red citizen who partictpates in such twork what you do IS an investT tape but are careful placements There is waiting list of fosterlment It comes bad and by you become more parents but adoption must semi hera=interestmeftheu child intelligent adopting means select ing suitable homes Children are now told of their adoption with no repercussionswhen grown up by careful selection and may rest assured that adoption is care fully investigated and madellegal through the Society and court Need Right Type Workers Workers trained to the art of in participating Iorei gapabie axbiggerand better citi zen in your community NEW ALLISION BOWL Out at the east end of Victoria the Alliston8owl is be ginning to take shape The Bowris Allistons new bowling alley being built for Johnson formerly of Tottenham Excavation began March 24 and the foundation walls are now practicalbr completed WE orrER You FREE SUBSCRIPTION to ouRffMARKEi DISPATCH Pointing out Opportunities in the Free subscription to MARKET VDESPATCH Our appraisal of OUTLOOK and siss Canadian Mineral Boom To cvlcml the circle of our readers we are offering you our regular weekly Financial Letter called MARKETDESPATCH 1NVEST MENT NEWS MAILED EVERY WEDNESDAY our will give you the IMMEDIATE MARKET Outselection of SPECIFIC STOCKS which on information at our disposnl appelr capable of MAKING MARKET PROFITS for our readers Gains of More than 100 in Speculative IssUes The record of the last Canadian markets are prot opportunities Such movements could or in any other minlie MARKET ATCII to few months has proved that capable of providing unusual For instance in the rst qtiarter of 1953 shares Of GunnarwGoldgMines advanced from $225 to ahigh of $1360 for gain of E00912 Shares of Chiral Mines in the same short period advanced from 72c to of from 13c to $285 Fnrgo Cops Golden Arrowfrom 40c to $135 Eastern Metls from 45c to 234 Inspiration Mining from 85c to $510 $440 New Ludo 15 from $128 to $299 occur again They appear to harem relatiOnship to what is happening New York because they are based on Canadas ex nding metal and oil development Our is intended to supply news on Canadianmark opportunities as they develop Send in the Attached Subscription Form Which stocks will be DESPATCH in iouliave to do is to fill Qsttsttn miss the comi mail in the atttii elow and mail it to us This Service is free and you are under no obligation by mailing inthe SUBSCRIPTION FORM It is simply our expectation that if we can help you to make market profits you may eventually favor usthh some portion of yourbusiness issues of MARKET DESPATCH ed SUBSCRIPTION sonnet once mentioned in our MARKET the months ahead To ndout all inlthe suasciuertou roan To makesure that you dont GJBERBERI Lanai SECURITIES SUISCIIPIION Herbert Lambs Sole Owner 26 Collezo St Toronto Ont ef FORM Without charge or obligation please mu lie as reader your MARKET DESPATCE INVESTHBNT NEWS coacman Cons mgaaaz was was 51 CHEV WERGLIDE ditlon Grey Metallic Paint Driven by locals Doctor gt 1952 CHEV COACH AIR CONDITION RADIO i952CHEv SEDAN $1975 AIR CONDITION ONE OWNER 1951 most HYDRA inc SEDAN RADIO ant CONDITION LIKE Heir I95 CHEV FLEETLINE COACH51775 an CONDITION Low MILEAGE $2150 1951 cuEv CLUB COUPE AIR CONDITIONING ONLY 12000 MILES 1949 MERcuRY COACH $1350 RADIO AIR CONDIIIONING2 TONE WHITE ALLS i951 PREFECT SEDAN 5795 HEATER RADIO $1750 rm Bunion sum 1875v $1975 MOREOursrANDiNO USED CAR BUYS 1949 DODGE SEDAN 31 PONTIAC SEDAN Air Conditioning Radio White Wall Tires $1450 an CONDITIONING Goon RUBBER l942 METEOR COACH jl AIR CONDITIONING NEW PAINT i950 SCHEV SEDAN 31350 $1550 DRIVEN SINCE new or ORIGINAL OWNER LOW MILEAGE 948 PONTIAC SEDAN $1250 1948 DODGECLUD COUPE $1295 1948 CHEV SEDAN $1275 1948 DODGE cuerM sED $1250 I948 CHEiLCOACH 1948 DODGE COACH 194s CHEV COACH $1100 850 $1250 BUY WITHCONFIDENCE AT IE BARRIES LARGEST cAR DEALER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILEecADiuAc cuwkmucgsgg Used Car Divisionj All gt on location for ORENnuiooo Low Mileage Sun Visor Eog Lights Radio Directional LightsAir Condition l950iGMC 2Tlt3lDP 52 CHEVROLET COACH I948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $1150 I947 DESOTO SEDAN $1195 1947 MERcURY SEDAN $1075 1947 CHEV SEDAN nozs lt lillll murmur gt TRUCKS 1951 FORD l2TON EXPRESS in95 1951CHEVizrONEXRRESS $1250 19sci=ARGO izrOH PANEL 959 I949 MERCURY 2TON p995 inswmoroni i95icHEv SEDAN DELIVERY 9am $1350 1948wiuYsiizerNEkPREsst