Granites Four III gt EXAMINER M0 iuou VICS ORILLIA IEcOfR SECOND THIRD HONORS Two powerful curling clubs Toronto Granites and Hamil ton Victorins captured major prizes in Barrie Curling Clubs Centnnial fiveday bonspiei which wound up at Barrie Arena Friday night he to capture second event laurels Orillias Dr Charlie Baillie who qualified for the playoffs in the second event but lost his opener to Britt Shepherd of High Park won the third event with two wins after disposing of Kennedy edged Frank Smith of Owen Sound 119 in the finals One Undefeated Rink NDAY APRIL 21 1953 George Btronach of the Granites scored another three straightwins toeop the main event feature prize of the spiel Hamilton Vics Ken Ellis who lost his first start in the spiel Tuesday recovered to win five in row three on Friday Far from Cocky finals open tonight at Winnipegs ancient Amphitheatre and capacity house is expected to see Barrie Flyers Eastern Canada champions oppose highlytouted St Boniface Can adiens in the curtain raiser of the bestinseven series Rink managers have clamorcd over each other with requests to 3the Canadian Amateur Hockey As lsociation for piece of the finals Thus far arrangements are for the set to be played in Winnipeg and Brandon but there Ls remote tend over seven games Fort Wil chonce that should the series ex Ranger pattern The muledazzle type where you dont know where the puck is until it hits the net Guelph Bilmores play that style Tne Flyers are in good shape for the finals Reports on departure were Liat defenceman Jack Higgins will be available for action The hurdhiiting blueliner sustained Emms Expects Battle In Cup With interest running high in the West the Memorial Cup +++++++++ ar rie Centennial Bonspiel gA 4LMWfmhY 93E Jackson Ousts Martinez For Parkers Bout Borrics popular heavyweight James Parker apparently has feared reputation Originally slated to oppose Angel Martinez of New York in an eightround semifinal Dull and Cloudy Siayner Athlete Growth Starting onny Nobes Dies Leaves Showing iOI Heart Aliment Last week started with cool nights strong winds but no rain and Wednesday which was milder The wind was very heavy on Thursday but clear milder and on lthy the me Very heavy rain fell on Satur day Sunday Was cloudyand cooler and today continues the some with threat of more rain Temperatures were High Low April 19 58 16 April 30 40 18 AprlIZI 46 24 Apriiaz Go as 58 Sam Hamid Tony Noises widelyl known athlete and former goalie of Collingwood Shipbuilderav diedl suddenly on Friday at Siaythcl of heart ailmenz after long beset 69 29 my Wellknown in hockey circles hei 11m played on several 011A championn 5ND hth Wallis Central United Glee Club Corn llc survived by his widow and cert Craighurst Hall Friday M5 four Children 830 pm Auspiccs St Johns WA Admission 50c and 25c 4930 Central United Glee Club tin5 rots musical comedy Utopia Schim1 house Wednesday April 29 Ana pices St Georges WA Proceed Euchre party True Blue Hall Aprll 23 34 April 24 28 Maritza 35 outline 31 Colllngwoocl load OvorSImcoo 21 Int Finals Colliugwood Shipbuildcrs moth ahead two games to one in their OIIA Intermediate final with xSinzcoc Gunners when they copped 62 verdict at Collingwood Silt urday before 22697 fans The Gunners who Opencd the series with win on Collingwood ice counted the games first mark cr early in the second period but the Shipbuildcrs came back with pair and added four more in the third session before the visitors counted their final tally Winger Jack Cochranc shot home three of the winners markers with the others going to Eddie Bush Don Keith and Jimmy Green Ringgit Smith and Fred Kennynotched the Simcoe goals The series continues at Simcoe on Tuesday for church decorating Admission SOC children 25c 19 Elmvale Home and School Asim ciation are holding an open mett mg Monday April 27 in the Com et HOME waxrue no lliilfiily Hall at 830 pm DST QJudge Mott recently retired It seems that just about every concern engaged in the business of Judge Famlll Court Tommi manufacturing novelties and soui in Spatial weaken SUV venirs has luard about Barrios 4349 forthcoming Old Home Week Ccll Llt bratmnp BIGGEST or oceans Largest body of water the Paci fic Ocean is 10000 miles wide the equator George Sironach of Toronto liam will receive some Memorial Granites in winning the main Cup looksee success and there was an enthusi Vemvdlmsm l0 undeteaed Fllersv mac Hap lms he astic atmosphere that every effort Wm 10ch had he Cielde sunday will be made by Barrie curlersl lush TOW Cull the Playous mmmg 315 591mg me WM to have articial ice installed ini Dr Percymu Osmwat 9x 3me ho pert skip was his opposition in They have to be recognized as their new quarters on Essa lloadl before the curtain lifts next seasoni round an rally was mug 013909110 smce we W0 the western section have receiv istaged for 95 victory Stron Mljor TOP tunic mel och eliminated Gordon Devitt of 0d whorls thin they are big fast Bobcoygeon 108 in the seminalsI and rough If that be the case St lend lhcn edged Orillins Georgeihonifzwe must play along eastern lFitzpatrick by the some score inf 1109 severely sprained ankle in the fourih game against Quebec Cita dels and missed the fifthgamc windup last week Most disappointed Flyer is Bill Duke Harrington popular custod ian who was injured in the series professional bout tonight of Mutual Street Arena Toronto the knock out artist is now meeting Roger Jackson also of New York The swttch came over the week end after the Bagnaio brothers Tor onto promoters investigated Mar ugainst St Michaels Majors and iinez closely They found his record was replaced by Marv Edwards of didnt warrant amntch with Par St Catharines Teepces ker and made the change to Jack llarrington is now recovered and 39 popular fighter in the New anxious to play again but the Can QFK area whim Amateur Hockey Association Plus will be Parkers first appear ruled him ineligible unless Edwards allce illiS Side Of the border since Ls injured he turned professmnzii The big fol low boasts 48 knockouts in 55 starts Got In Two Practices in amateur and professional fight Tlie Flyers finished practice ses ing He has lost only three pro bouts sions Saturday afternoon They held and two of those have now been 90minute workout at Collingwood reversed Friday The itcnm will arrive in Holding main boutyattraction on Winnipeg in time to catch little the card are Joey Giambra of Buf shpteye and then make tracks to 1110 and Oils Graham of Philadel the battle scene for thccpencr phia two contending middle Headquarters for the Flyers will weizhts who will meet in 10 be the Marlborough House Two rounder Giambra is considered the years ago when Barrie last wan fifthranking at his weight in the the Memorial Cup they registered United States at the CNRs big Fort Garry Hotel but were unable to receive avail LONG BC LAKE able $3300 on 115 mp Lake Okanagan in British Colum The finals Will be wrtnsssed by bin centre 01 rich fruitcgmwing manl CBlOblClles RCPOIlCd be district is 60 miles long with great headed west forthe series are Sam 95 with 211 mm my Pollock coach of Montreal Jun Alliston Win Opener For 64 17 49 and bye Th WWW 35 Miller Nigel It was major topic speechmakingJJduring the presen tations President Harry Arm strong claims the rink will be one ofthe finest between Toronto and the Mm Timmins the latter boasting thel L05 games each elaborate Mdmyre Arena tlic main and second events drop ped to ncw bracket the third mgeggggchggmgalgzgoNgmtsirfsa event and there was plenty of strong for his tireless efforts in companion here mo ombas Dr Baillie received bye to the semi bringing to Dame new rink and if any credit is to be handed outnals and made good his ea ad by dumping Jim Curtis of all should go to the moment alance great inspirational leader Fenclon Falls 14 and then breez ing to 128 win over Pereyma There were 16 rinks competingi in me nals in Fridays playoff Eight opened in each of the main and second 64 Entries events Lone rink to make sec The bonspiel beasted total of ond bonspiel appearance from Bar5 64 entries the maximum for the rie was skippedby4ack Kennedy event andnvith over $1000 worth He defeated Strouds Bill Gibbinsiin prizes was easily one of the in the first round of the secondlargest to be held in Simcoe Coun event but dropped his semifinal ty this season match to the eventuaiwinner Ken The staff at the Barrie Arena Ellis of Hamilton Vics presented exceptionally keen ice Ellis bounced Jim Pattersons for the event and received com Unionville four in the opener and gratulations for fine job continu The Barrie Chamber of Commerce Centennial Connnittce is undergoL ing daily bombardment of letters ircm various firms all over Canada fxsxrru suggesting that the committee buy souvenirs and novelties for the Old Home Week celebration Anemia Junim Lanna players If you seek change or live in town where no Junior Lacrosse is sponsored we will again sponsor Jun ior team in 1953 Jobswvill be secured Prefer those willing to learn trade no money is paid for playing Y0ugt can graduate to one of the Des senior teams in Canada Phone 9033 orwrite Peten boro Junior Lacrosse Club 386 Water Street Peterboro Former NY Ranger Coaching the Canndicns Mon treal farm club is Bryan Hextall former New York Ranger great and this prompts Emms to believe his opponents will play along the Midland Del Hastings 10 Barrie Larry Hart 12 Brampton George Farr Howard Brown Midland Owen Sound Ernie Nicholson Frank Smith Orlllia Barrie George Fitzpatrick Meredith Penetang Bradford Harry Alton Charles Evans Bradford Oakwonrl Art Evans 10 Harry Court Oshawa Fred Forham Bradford Roy Dixon Stayncr In addition the committceis rc ceiving letters from all sorts of people who want to come to Baiu fie during Old Home Week and operate lunch counters soft drinks sell balloons and what have you All of which while it may be amusing is also very confusing The Centennial Committee does not intend to buy any goods or ser vices which can be supplied by local organizations or ninnufacturg ing firms ior Canadiens Frank Seiko man ager of the Montreal chain and Dick Irvinrrcoach of the Stanley Cup winning Conadlcns The committee would therefore greatly appreciate hearing from any church group or service club Second Round Garbutt Hastings 10 Hart Farr BOATS MOTORS ally throughout the fiveday compc IIIIIE IIPS titions wan1 ALIGNMENT ion Bobcaygeon Gordon Devitt 11 Toronto Granltcs Brampton Fenelon Falls Jim Curtis it Fridays Results MAIN EV First Round ENI Aglncourt Lou Ross Oshawa George Stronoch Dr Pereyma ll Nicholson Fitzpatrick Alton Art Evans Third Round Hastings Farr 13 Fitzpatrick i2 Alton Final Orlllla Farr vs Fitzpatrick SECOND EVENT FIISI BBimd George Farr George Fitzpatrick Welland Di Martile Second Round Dcvitt Stronach 10 Fitzpatrick 10 Di Marlile Finals Stronach 10 Fitzpatrick SECOND EVENT First Round Curran Fordham 11 Dixon Brown Smith 9D Meredith Evans Coad Second Round Fordham 10 Dixon Smith 11 Coad gt Final Barrie with we Ferdhani Weston Adams who motored from Boston to Quebec City to see the Flych play the Citadels may fly to Winnipeg He was present when Emms piloted the team to four straight winsiover Winnipeg Monarchs two years ago Two Special Pullmans Many enthusiastic supporters are expected to follow the club There were two special pullmans to ac commodate the team and fans on the departure Sunday Toronto fan Charles Fletcher phoned Emms Friday night asking for protection On ticket to the series games He has followedthe Flyers all this season and is now on holidays so that he could watch thesbominionefinals Barrie Exdminer Trophy Ploy Tonight vs Seventeen yearshave passed since vAllistOn last won Ihe Barrie Ex aminer Trophy emblematic Of South Simcoe Hockey League sup remacy But the long drought appears to be ended if Saturday nights ex hibition is any indication lhe Flyens defeated Stroud Bruins 51 at Barrie Arena to open StroUcl Here the bestinthree championship fin 2115 The second game of the series returns to Barrie Arena tonight Allistons feat is Even more do serving when considered the Bruins have recently completed march to the ORHA intermediate title and are reportedly the highestscor ing aggregation to be assembled under one flag in this district for some time Alliston never gave the Bruins chance to explode with the ex pected punch andgoaiie Bob Par within the next two weeks whichi plans to operate refreshment stands during the Old Home Week 2010 bration Also the Centennial Com mittee would like to hear from any local manufacturing concern which plans to make and distribute centennial year souvenir novelties OUTBOARD RERAiRs and MARINE SUPPLIES Phone 3018 or 6I37 SPURTHAVEN 97A Dunlop St BEACH FIRE PROTECTION In aneffort to iron out differ ences in the problem of fire pro tection along Wasaga Beach thel village of Wasaga Beach and thei Township of Sunnidalc traded Of fers at the April township council meeting The village offered to fight fires in the Sunnidale area of the beach for one mill of the beach DSQSSITIEDL The township Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION corintered withrran offer of $50 an hour with standing fee of $500 ddevilh few exceptions had comparatively easy night Approxi mately 500 enthusiastic fans watch ed the Flyers nail the Stroud of fense before it could get started via some persistent forechecking and sensational positional play Emms asked if he was former Barrie resident and he saidaNo Im Torontonian but followdhe Flyers There will be the Flyei appearance airmiieiiiiidinlcs CONSOLATION Garbutt 12 Burbidge ii gnmslfull Art Evans 16 Nicholson Frank Smith ii Bmw Cum High Park Meredith ll Evans Garbutt Evans win Bill Gibbins Jim Patterson Oshawa Dr Brock Orlllia Toronto touch to however We wish to thank all ourcustofners and friends for their Continued from page onei Damon apgt SEIIIIIEE MOTORS LID MARKET so Biotin om mix startle your only or Baillie Second Round Kennedy Ellis 11 Smith 11 Shepherd 19 sun in Smith THIRD EVENT First Round Ross Pcreyma 10 Farr 11 Curtis 12 Gibbins 10 Patterson 14 Dr Baillie received bye Second Round Pereyma l4 Curtis Patterson tin Dr Baillie 12 Finals Pereyma Dr Baillie 12 Wednesdays Results MAINEVENT First Round Brampton Norm Garbutt nancccivithanHFC magnum on your own signature without Mummy Upto 24 months to re Thouundc clothes borrowtlils quick convenient Vila So can you Phonon stop in WW roam Frank Orllllp Curran Bert Shepherd not Thursday Results MAIN EVENT First Round Cookstoer Illa Max Butcher 15 George Baker Elmvale Max Steele Hamilton Thistles Cassels 13 Fenelon Falls Curtis Wingham Bracebrldge Colson 11 Chittth Hudson 11 Orlllla Dr Baillie Hamilton Vlos Dr Walkey 10 Rae High Park Thombury Bert Shepherd Ivan Brown Mount Forest Welland Lorne Smith Di Martile 13 HamiltonVch Toronto Granites Woodcraft 11 Hiscock Second Round Butcher Colson 12 Carrels cums 10 Walker 10 Brown DlMartllc 14 Woodcrofl Third Round Colson Curtis 10 Walkey ii Di Marthe Final Curtis vs Di Martlie SECOND EVENT Flrst Round Baker 10 Steele 13 Hudson Baillie 12 Rate Shepberd 11 Smith It Hiacock 12 Second Round Steele Baillie 12 Shepherd 11 gtHiscock Final Baillie vs Shepherd CONSOLATION Butcher Cassels 16 Brown 10 Woodcraft Hudson 11 Baker Smith Rae Brown and Corsets win RIOTERS UilN PARLIAMENT LDINGS nomenpewg 9915 Coachr apl Emmsacquired the sweaters of Toronto Marlboros for the trip in cascSt Boniface use uniforms in which whitedomin ates Since they are Canadian by rbeatingJVIontreaLszaigin the Eastern Canada playoff But Barrie had little chance aganst Port Arthur Bruins for the silver ware losing four games straight gt an nREswEERsaoo imasprggvgy AND Run redt1 Wmaw to wear Montreal colors If red is Maple Leaf Gardens with star players injured dominant the the Flyers hep Another year many me free to use their own uniforms with the Boston Bruin colors Expect Record Baseball Entry In South Sinicoe Baseballinterest has been runny ing high in South Simcoe sections this season andas the annual meet ing for theelection of officers is planned for Thursday night at All liston Legion Hall at oclock in dications are the group will be con fronted with record entry list Last season the league consisted of 12 teams They were Alliston last years champions Netwmarket Barl rie Beetoanradtord Everett Ath letics Everett Maple Leafs Ivy algrave Stroud New Lowell and Thornton Reports from league secretary Clare Ludlow of Alliston are that Cookstown and Aurorathe latter with new floodllght park have made definite application to the group Everett plans on combining their two entries Rumors are that Camp Borden Crcemore and Churchill are con sidering teams for the South Sim coe BaseballLeague but no de finite word has been received FARMING PROVINCE About 85 per cent of the whole area of Prince Edward Island is CLIIIIVIIIIJIIDIC land 27 AHERICAN TR00155 TAKEYOngTORONTO out or scars orwittttv CA1ENDAR$ ro IICAIL rot CANADIANS room soar or no minutiae mm 001 OIAVI AND GAY not commit COIOUIIUI SIOIV atawm msweo Iv IMm artificial ice plant for the Memorial RecieRIion centre The petition em whi faces in the lineup and the Flyers won the 011A again but lost the Eastern Canada to the powerful Montreal Royals who went on to win the Memorial Cup Next sea son Barrie Flyers made the Ontario playoffs but lost to Guelph Just Two Years Ago It was just two years ago then almost to the day that Barrie Fly ers moved back into the national picture with their surprising win over Toronto Marlboros for the DEA ClOWLEHd even more start ling the evengame series which saw them beat Quebec Citadels with Jean Beliveau at centre for the Eastern Chanda Two years ago on Saturday night in April the Flyersleft Allandale Station and they came back two weeks later with the Memorial Cimav ing defeated Winnipeg Monarchs infour straight games Last season saw the Flyers out of the Ontario playoffs for only the second time ineight years Four OHA ichampionships three Eastern Canada one Eastern Can ada finalist one Canadian finalist one Canadian champion and 1953 is still on the calendar Thelist is by no means com plete but atthe station early yes terday morning besides the play ers our press reports foundafaii niimber of Barrie people ongthe train to root fo the Elyers ntWin nipeg Mrs Emma was along with Coach Hap Emms Mrs Partridge was along with Trainer Harry Partridge Manager Howard Norris was there do look after adminis trative details Mr and Mrs Doug Ramsay Mr and Mrs Walter Smith Ken Clute Dave smith Grant MayonDr James Veitch Miss Helen Shanaham Mr and Mrs Clarence Curbed Roy Law Jr from Beeton LeovHigglns from To ronto Sammy Pollock from Mon treal TOry Gregg from Winghani 1stvicepresident of the DEA Mrs Johnny Johnson and Miss Gail Wilson and of courSe George Storey from The Barrie Examiner fhereseemeddobe FlyerS all OV er the ice Strou must have thought so too Alliston whizzed to pair Ofnnanswered goals in the first period singleton in the second 1ngan before Stroud struck the score sheet They could have had few more Lorne Whalen was the big gun in the Alliston offense He scored four goals with ColleWhaien pick ing up the other Ted Greenwood denting tlietwine after two minutes of play in the third was Strouds only sign of championshipstyle There were plenty of standouts foruthe Flyers who seemed toknow where they were going and did The two Whalens were always done erous So was FredEllis and Bill Gray Doug Wright was marked man which is necessary with cus tomer of hiscalibre Ralph Hunter and PurchRSe played steady tinthe blueline While Strouds supposed big wheels still gloated over the Rural titlk the unsung performers tried to make game of it Oscar Hick ling played hard from his defence position Goalie Glen Adams could ntbe blamed for the damage Ben Lee Grant Wallace when he was on the ice Don McLean and Vic Belton attempted to accomplish plenty and with any help might have Alliston Goal Pardoe defence Crawford Hunter centre Whal en wings WrighiC Whalen al ternatesfEllis Gray Horn Hanna Purchase Mason Solomon Stroud Geal Adams defence Hickling Bowman centre Black wings HiekliiigsGreen wood alternates Lee Wallace Belton Nelson Shering McLean Webb Stoddnrt Officials John Dobson Jim Fel tls bothof Barrie More tollipaolt easier to install More aboutthe Memorial Cup vgames when our reports start com ing in from Winnipeg LA waur ICE roam petition from Stayner ratepay ers was received iequesting that Council ml to obtain figures on the cast of installing andopemting an phaslaod that thiswas not request for Council toinstal the plant but meroly to amortain the cost and present it to the wisdom further action Council appointed Mayor Blackburn and Reeve Perry to 0b tain this information Some Dsti mates had already been received an halitesariotrilerei one crittm Eitcmc SINGLEMISS NONI gunmanva gt it umch EjMIIlllllllEllI us Dunlap Sis Rhone 2m runne ccartoonspatphageliLIhLDBSLQQEJlE3813519 59 you in the future It Er llie llllnnilnlc NIGHT AND DAY ALLANDALE TAXI The light that you have always wanted swivelhead hand torch that points in any direction Ilval SII in flat Surface clips to your Lniliranrsvrrtv ONLY Douglus Entaises Anguspntarlo Dept3E1 Please send me Utility Lights have enclose Money Order lunderstend theywill be shi postdpaid pp complete nwinwalkoutmmuu NOTE Idr 0Ds please enclose skill with order and 01 postman $150pltinnaitpostngcand 301 charges 1y