AN INDLlENDENT NEWSYAIKI Serving THE TOWN OF SARI AND COUNTY OF SIMCOL Since l864 89th Y0rNo 49 North Simcoe Girls Achievement Day 0112 llarric Exam lame as snow Elm Int tin Paar Hicc mum Otua BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY APRIL 27 1953 CWHA incr Dunbar Class twain nod Sudt lam aluminium MONDAY WY and FRIDAY 5c single copy IO Pages Two Section lied Officers lor Ensuing YearFans Say Goodbye AI Station CNIBAclSuptlalksonHandicapsAs Hyers Head For Winnipeg IRLS HOMEMAKING CLUB Achieve ment Day for North Simcoe was held in Bar ries Hillcrest School Saturday right Ma April 25 Clara Amos Mou 11L pleted Homemaking Club units Left to Crossland rguret McGinllis St Louis Annual tizlu Callelllil Clip of Bilrlil ill be la m1 Hall on lliuisday ivhcn Mm Millilcrl lom lllu rcpol 1h lziulimallll commuter by Miss Mar gzilct Si illi nus iitlU and the olluulltg UllleJli clcctcd for 195354 its prurdc pi Sidclli ll Slllpdll vcvprcidvli Airs llugil lullglcc Gregor loll Mildred lnllll Georgia ll Copeland llillllvalc Guudfcllow hip sccrctnry Mrs trllrcr Miss lzlillluc Mrs Airs Miss Jean Mrs Robert Suljcant Mrs Ill Adamsun llls EFlylm pianist Mrs Cliis lililm auditor Mrs TKA McKen Mrs Ed llnilti crctnr Mm Flora MC H5 Womens nadian Club Report urnlilt was held lglulicc 111 Billing gpnrksd Oil the Maui ltl inlori pcoplc wcnlcd to ipglcn tlu lil1ctgt Cvtll oil was drunks lulu blmk lltil kind llllilltliili Station ctround nlidnlgll Soluruiy but stranger could tell 10111 llll Two pulimnli curs were iglow and more and platform By the puilv $le ilc world like wcll Tilcy were the Barrie FI3PIS 1llllltl Will1A lili CM No ti Liki tilclil to Will nipcg nlxcr lilu lilll lirLcrnc lLiill best iii tiilcgtl of flu Mclziollzll biciliulic of the junk IlllClxk Cilillll0llgtl of CuilJilJ shill all ttc cl llilo hc razlway south was suducliLy lxt up by Ltl ME llll1 ll Illiki loft llliLLl dcnluzislza ill cxlclld their lrC out west to hilt won tllc OHA Jilii championships two llullllxllllu trophies ulreu llelllbcrs were tort notice and re Icoplc wanted west vltll lizillm band ll lll gt dud qtl thm ll go from llUlllL Only Eight Seasons blitl Dies in Hospital Maureen Add bcl15 llzutlzcr quest for lie ulmw of lowcrtill homily 33m Mgnuirlul Cup Burrlc has had him was No ll coining ll am the lulltl luckcv nlv SllCL ll slllgttl forward The llJll lexll to lUlllllliltc stun lilltl llis kill 19434 SEAW he Mam with Miss Ruth Shaver Home Economist from the Department of Agriculture in charge County Honor Certificates and Pins Crowc Mount St Louis Shirley Adams Thornton who also got provincial cer tificatc and pin for 12 units and Barbara The spciikcr llvlcv act MISS LUNA SHOPOFF llll superintendent for the Czinlt llb were presented toofive girls above who c0m AWKESTDNE 34 mvviiilsroun hilly noiuncoonnns had Special display Left Loreen John People kept asking niosljoflasl not Carlttln JARRATTCREIGHTON The First Column co WEST OLDMAN ngm wgus week if was going out west The answer was affirnratrvcf Someone fillallymgot aroundr to enquiring when About August the 25th was the rejoinder That puzzled them becausc lot of people seemto think that nothing islgoing on out west except Mint is happening this week Obviously at curlent age and weight am not going out to try for the Edmonton Eskimoanor bin going toCalsary folmew old acquaintance You know what when go out west lhis year its got to boSaskatbon But between you and the gate post still would like to be in Winnipeg today The buffaloin Assiniboine Park at this time of year would be sniffing snootily the Red Killer is runipantptheres gold eye on the menu andthe Blue Bombers are probably trying to usign another halfback Hockey did you say Well the Toronto Maple Leafs are opening the season on Wednesday Thats on Fleet Street And Orillials new senior lacrosse team are practising Just the samewe will have more interest in Monitoba for the ensu ing several days Rain Nbeded That was the head ing my colleague put on his weath Turn to prize six please HOMEMAKERS prescribed an interesting show of club work cKBB BROADCAST or MEMORIAL cur STAREAT 1015 CKBB listeners willbe provided with playhyping account of the Memorial Cup games fromWimli peg and Brandon And former CKBB sportscaster Bill Hewitt will bat the microphone for each of the games Becausethe games will be play ed in the centml time zone area the broadcasts will comi nee at 1015 pm ach evening With the first broadcast originating from Winnipeg rthis evening and the sec end game on Wednesday Noni Brandon Dates for the remaining games have nolyet been set The broadcasts have been arbour ed by VlckeiSind Benson the ad vertising agency representing the SevenUp Company FosterIIlew itts CKFII has been omitted the job of producing the broadcasts which will belieard over net work of Ontario Stations CKBB is pleased to be able to provide Simooe County hockey fans with these broadcasts Much time and effort has been expended by the station in an effort to devise means of providing plwbycplay broadcasts without having to de pend upon public contributions to defray the heavy costs involved as was the case in 1951 Incidentally for CKBBVto pro vide its 0er coverage of the games would involve an outlay of sonic $500 per broadcast As this was not economically possible and ivith atemporary shortageof staff are nouncers CKBB is very flabby to be In allposition to give listeners Ann Ellsmcrc Craighursl Ildinr National Institute for flu iBlllld was introduced by Miss Shupofi who also extended vcl come to Mrs inlvlcy Speaking on Handicaps illldRC habilitntion Mr lll declaer that handicaps could bc scpurutcd into three distinct types social in dustrial and psychological Hc hum orously quoted examples of one man who was continuously cmt barrnsscd by his baldness while an other chop ho had profusion of bright red hair was very self conscious about that This hc stated led him to believe that handicap was any condition which Yo likes person adversely different and Mrs Lawlcy were sent rinidad in 194 toiorgallize lBlin Welfare Assocmtion On ar rival they found the original centre ill bad state of disrepair and tho ston club president and right Barbara Gray commentator on program Left Bernice Walsh president right Don na Duddy secretary lands lSIb like TrouimFrom Dock Al Bayfield Si Best fishing story of the year so far in Barrie came during the weEkemI with Bill my nard Peel Street landing lake trout weighing about 15 lbs and measuring 35 inches long gt Bill was shing off the gov ernment dock at Buyeld Street using spinning rod and avgpound lest lino Making cast with minnow bait be got an curly strike which took about 300 yards of his line It was 55 minutes later before In landed thebeauty the same coverage that has been provided throughout the hockey season with the exception oflthe fantiliarmnght SOLDIERS FROM BORDEN BACK group of 17 Korea vterans whose dependents all reside at Camp Borden arrived back at Camp in the early hours of this morning on the final leg of their ltrilp home from Korea Recently large contingentof soldiers mtrivcd back int his coun tryw However instead of being routed by way of Toronto for dis persal to their homes the men travelled by CNR to Washago they arrived this rimming The soldiers were there transfera redto buses and taken to Camp Borden lfunds being used chiefly for free meals rather than instruction and rehabilitation purposes With the assistance of the Canadian Govern or Sir John Shaw and Lady Shaw they were able to redesign and re lbuild the structure completely modernizing it so that classrooms dormitories and dining roonls were drcli Strum beggars illld oldr pccplc who ccntrc were provided lllClllS Lil other pluvldcd for craftsmen ho were willing to worknt their trlidc Tnc lzcw setup named The lichabilltntio Centre illld Zl great lCiil of Lance was received from tho Womclls Canadian Club of Trinidad and the United Church of Canada officials and Indies The living standards of the pcuplc are being steadily raised to com parable lcvcl with that of pcoplci living in Canada Mr Lawlcy stat cd that his proudest achievement was in having the government build brand new school for blind chil drcn at cost of 51201000 in thc bmutiful Santa Cruz volley Eventually children from all over the West Indies will be able to rcl ceivc instruction and training which will enable them to prepare and adapt themselves for the halldi cap which would otherwisenakc thch useless citizens Mr Lawley was thanked on bcI half of the club by Miss Sliopoff Bert Beaumont lells local Branch fhildienfsAidllieteniiveElan The annual meeting of Cent re Simeon Branch of the Chil drens Aid Society was held Tuesday eveliingAprfll 21 in BartleCommunity House witlubeclmirnlan Mrs D7Stew art presiding Minutes of theiprevious meeting read by the secretary Mrs Barbara Scott indicated wide range of activities which have increased since that time Father Oliver Maloney brought greetings fromthe County Board and expressed the appreciation of that body for the work done andg Allowance investigation and also for the Official Guardian Mrs Ross Cameron spoke for the clothing commitce that seven com interest shown by the Board ComE plete layetlesapd 712 dbzcn diapers mittee and commented that oncelwere on hand again the Simcoe County CAS had stayedvithin its budget Miss Agnes McMahon worker for Centre Simcoe present ed her annual nepori stating that help had been given to 40 families through the pmtecuve Serdcesrl Mrs Stewart ViceChairman There were 94 brief contacts band led by the Board and 196 children in care in Centre Simcoe these 32 were new cases Somcr were childrenlof unmarried moth crs some came into care through neglect and few were transfer rod from other societies Compared withlast your the case load slipwsin April 1953 that protection in child training wasgiven to 32 families For children bf unmarried pur cuts or some who came because of parental illness or through ne glect 22 familieswere helpednd by brief calls 94 families were served The gures for April 1953 are somewhat higher with 33 31 and milky Brunch Supervision During the year 169 children came under the suprvision of the branch Of these by the end of the year seven had been returned to their homes 18 had been placed upon adoption probation Through the year 30children were under adoption supervision and got these 27 adoptions were completed The most important part of this work is carried on by MrsfJeanne Fry Tribute To Foster Parents Miss McMahon paid tribute to thefostcr parents because with out them the Society would be lit tle more than machine They give to thechild great measure of the love and security denied him in his own home Shel expressed gratitude for Christmas donations from Codring ton Homeland School Association which enabled the committee to supply gifts for protected children and also tor some of the wards She had praise hlso for the co operation received from all con tacted in any way for the support of the committee With layettes coming in steadily and volunteer drivers ready to help with clinic attendanc children etc In ndditiim to looking after the childrean McMahon stated that the workers looked after school attendance at BDClithe Emily Mrs Harold Forster reportcd for Ijibe volunteer workers who have Ebccn quite busy driving children twee Mk up to school to dental clinics etc in hem their cars Officers Elected llllc lli tilt very young clili had previously eaten at thci places and all available SpilCL ivzls by the players officials and fans bczths switched on cars crowd all llollg the The blind was playing tliuI was cliccrlllg and porlczs iwcrl explaining to passengers furl Wuslcrn Canada lllill this was All lillldiilt and they were picking up the BillllC Flycrs All IUD soon tile conductor and lllllfllllill were glvnig the All Abcurdf signal and No 3s huge engine was pulling out Tllt nolsc incrcuscd as the crowd joincri With the blind in Cheer For The Fly cls and as the last two cars went going to Winnipeg vlth the team WINNING RINKS AT CENTEN 0niarioDileeioroilliidWelbre WINNERS OF THE MAIN EVENT atBar ries Centennial BonSpiel which concluded llup lilnms Cllillllt Clirisllc liltl Archie Monhuil decided to form the club and suck fran rinse nus rough going that first year The lrlycls weru seventh in the csglltdczim lnturlo group not too pvuplv went to lnlc Next the team even UIIS your got into the play the it was better lhv colrlmtlniv was shocked this morning on Scanning that Fgank Dubsm llilfl passed awpy suddenly in the Royal Victoria Hospital whcrc he had been taken Sunday after suffering from heart attack Flych singed one of the big up sets of hockey by beating Windsor for the Ontario crown orizli Cup finals for the first timci ganlzatlolls and In Burton Avenue lIuln to page two picascl Friday was this TorontoGranitcs foursome Officers for 1953 are Chairman Rev Father Maloney Secretary Mrs Barbara Scolif Clothing Con lojects Vlrs Cameron Publicity Mrs MacPhelson Volunteer Workers Mrs Harold FORM Rbprcscntatives to the County Board are Rev Lewis Fatb cr Maloney and Mrs Stew art Speaker of Evening Miss Dorlha Jackson Managing Director of tlleCbildrerls Aid So ciety of Simcoe County then in troduced the speaker for the even ing Ontario Director or Child Wel fare Bert Beaumont of Hamiltonl In her remarks she stated that Mr Beaumont had been connected with the Big Brother Movement in the eldof Delinquency since vener Mrs Ross Cameron Special ii HAMILTON VICScarled off second event laurels under theladcrship of skip Ken Eillsins rink was and Jacksc n3 It Tlllru season illlivid l3vtrrlcxu1m AGale grocer he was tic president of Barrie branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses Hap Emmi pus plLSldilil of Barrie Lions Club lhtll took his team into the Mem and DISACX Governgr active in various fraternal and service or Unitcd Church NIAL BONSPIEI of skip George Strondch Stan Whitehead Harry Stronach and Bill Currie Rohmer Skinner Gwen sound curlers Lose in Final his graduation from the University of Toronto and was managing dir ector of the Hamilton CAS for number of years He was also the first director of child welfare for the province In remarkable addres he cov erect many angles of childrens work in general starting witbr Trends inthe Field of Child Weir fare covering ycars back with the humble beginning of Child rens Aid from an organization originallyformed to take care of cats anddog Basing his address upon the story of the fence EtcIlla top of the cliff or the ambulance at the bot tom he pointed out that the pol icy of the story has been followed in our legislation and he produced wealth of material to show this condensed summary of his re marks are given here All Men Are Brothers The speaker clainied that we are entering new era because we are beginning to realize that all men are brothers He had re cently heard man who is out standing in the world of science and industry say that regardless 01 atomic powcr neutrons and lSQ tapes the future of mankind lies Turn tonnage three pleura strong showing in ammunition THIS mun mom own sown in in thermal for third money to