AL 4A BRADFORD RiNKS peanu were plirtliii lg yII wm EARL ROWE CURLING TROPHY limits from Cookstown Church ill Bond Head Bradford Eeeton and Allistou competed last weeki for the Earl Rowe Curling Trophy Minesing April 1933 with the Bradford rinks coming To The Editor oui on top The Barrie Examiner The personnel of the two nnks iDear Sir who brought the honorsto BIrad Using your Opinions of Our ford were Bus Culoert hen Wood iprIEconomic Wisdom Editorial Notes Hardin an interesting bit of philosophy For years reform of the Senate has been Entitled The len Pillars of Economic Wis periodically bummed then forgotten says idem which is applicable to employer and The Financial Post But something has to employee man or woman The Ten Pillars be done now Eight senators remain in oppo have been figured out by noted economist sition Only four of them are under 10 If and are worthy of study and practice the Liberals win the next election still fewer No our material world can come heartbeats will prevent the Opposition from lltcadcrs column recently tookchzirlie Evans Jim Calalllabslglg Epart in discussion which turned Walt Edney Leighton LASTING Crawfdrd C0 Est 1919 Iessary sequence whether express the people it must 151 Ike from the People served Canada well With the new pension eId or not There are twocomma 3I In our modern exchange economyI all scheme for MPS the Prime Minister is under igllttgelzxghrm one Sldc or divide payroll and employment comes from cus no obligation to pass out Senate seats just gum the original matter of thei towers and the only worthwhile job security keel groceries on the table of some un 33 cuswmer swung mere are no custom fortunate former Liberal MP There is need gdircussion does not end that way EIISI mere can be no payroll and no mm for sober reflection in lawmaking the type Examiner F60er AM So long as the forces of good and of maturefless partisan view which non THE DREAM OF SECURITY jevll right and wrong truth and error faith and unbelief are at chamber security can be 33er by elected Senate could prOvide check on the worker only When 18 boss 13 alloweel hasty legislation second look Does the By LEWIS WLLIGAN Walter Reuiher president of MEMBERS THITORONTO STOCK EXCHANO Government Municipal and Comornlun Securities mu all let to hie up golf wllcn saw this many tennis outt marked down to half price 91 Dunlop StreefIE Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wim BARBIE lnurll iilll ClllllSl llilllY enth into amument and via quittant Latfl Al impel brought to close Irkut for the consuieratlon given to my HI 5111115511313 lciters Also to mention that afti The Unmd mum IO Luzmcxl er reply allempled 10 315910 Addingltlll in Ontario were uI muted nlwg HI disc arln entirel We would like Mr St 01 po Md 1784 by Ufmed Empmm mm Down or 80 OWNS everything ppe This is it generally accepted rule in economic Me has source and dew Laurent to fill the 20 vacancies wth men Idebaung procedum have broad representation from the coun um concluslon of debate Government is never source of EMS trys business professional and cultural life usually followed by decision or fact it practically cofhes as ncc people and GYEYStng that EOVETnmem 81 the country Many in other ways have also Money when administered without the spending restrictions placed on government OPINIONS OF OTHERS by gold standard is no measure of the IA 15h hem meg apprecmhon he in Hi ifutalionm my ansut re aha II anon and women regardless of their politics Lets hymen would like I0 me me some kind where it is held lll Everything Produced 15 pmduced LCtS not recognize only political services to workers true welfare Because wages are the principal cost of lwork Iin the world every person born into it must make choice iIIlth the ldea of encouraging some lnu definite on this line three by the worker to do the things that win and Government really want the Senate If it more unattainabla Just as man quasilous are offered for the care hold customers Job security therefore is does it had better move asp Fer the present mus protecirhis own future by his fulI conIsioeration of all who think 1th Serlous partnership problem treatment can only mean expiry through the CIOI has urged president EISI 3IrIlIIdserIIESOIIIIIIcgaIIIrgmrd IrIlxIllirslI Do IIIII beIIeIIQ IIQ Hm sheer neglect enhowerto callafullemployment bewarer he saidI not 5mm of the 05 authoritatiie d1 dome Improducuon Conference to pm securitv mmdedness that could des warring wrmen WOIIrd 923023199 ventaslump that might result from as individuals and as Do voiI acce the mg I0 Commumst peace overturesI Tha IIaIIOIIIII AuthoIIzed vetIlSIon as Iietalgf must have been greeted as good II news in Moscow and there could bafflrvsaii 531d PI Mme Could ggzdlgmmfn lprepared or Ian por sman be no surcr way of precipitating II 33510519 my rm 3de dII 2181MB Statute and slump than for the President to fenIln QESIIPIEISCE 01 III II liec Iroln IEOPIES Io the everything wage increases without COI iOtven Sound SunTimes follow the advice of Mr Reutber gogwoneosgggble limogvQCOSCII I318 Iyd manmmpt Lm take moment to thank God The words Sovlct leaders never say or do 0U you mee lethI others responding increases in proaucuon smpy hardlfsound like something one would hear in it anything Without an ulterior mot 11m It to 11m Ehe ml who an5Icr in the affirmative and increase me cost sows and do not im hockey dressing room But they were The occa and their present peace over giigwgfselfeeggggyrtgafeiItgiI milk this the basis of ellqwshjpj prove the welfare of the worker sion was the other evening after one of the Barrie 35 me and Sprung 10 vinmnce md the take Cadvaniaagl This mmmd 05 overrule or you long smug of wins which we may see hall or disorganlze the defence of OIII Ivakness Ammmv CllmlnIate all reVlstons editions program of the Western World 599013 12m In footnotes commen The meme gm for the grates num Emmslierlrtggazlingddb fgrcihghdggghigeregpvoil It would be interesting to know gulf Huskh urerfecmary if 195 Charts and futuristic inter betI its material sense the greatest across me landmcludmg II large numbe who wharpraccal suggestions knew CoIiQrInbn falIlstI aIIaquarned agIalnst ppetationsI secmrian creedsI doc EMS for me 8113333531 number Whicn in tum have passed under his leadershipwas addressing lher has in mind to offer his Pro bup prepam ms 11105 and Confessions of faith To added but they are not relevant here or to open debate tors natural resources whose form press and me crowd came mo the room But weI and his latest bright idea is gum comIblrIlectIi strength which we hove While would bio pleased to hear place and condition are changed by the ex owe lot to somebody else So lets takea few antced annual wage of $3000 for Stmcge to build up perhaps IIIOIIII any who care to wme there II II any other factor the pendimre of human energy bom mus mlnutes to thank lm it wasnt any strange de all union membels ln the automo cause of the chance Russia at 15 10 Centlal 918C 01 organization parture for Coach Emms It is merely the way he bile industry It mude llc correspon ence should be cular and mental With the Rid Of 00 acts He is Christian who feels it is the natural This lauer proposal alonewould directed can only suggest that thing to be living testimony as he takes promin be sufcient to reduce employment F01 PFESidfm Eisenhower 10 call the subject be discussed with T001531 the only one Of these mew out part ln the field of athletics He has beenthat and production and guaramee conference mm the announced minister pastor Sunday School that mli can increase and tools come into 733 101 10 me We When he W115 an act slump in the sale of automobiles purpose or preventing Slump superintendent pro player mg free society only when there is of the Communists andan admis Emms stand on Sunday hockey for instance was hex910 The on mm to the Blble Movement would brmg reward or the tmmraryIsIelfdenial that any industry could guarantee an sion of defeat in the cold war in blessing and power to eithel no publicity stunt ll ct and ap is 05 urope an rea war in Korea people must practise in order to channel sponsorship over me mOveI He keeps constant annual age to all of its employees church or glnIrguglItzrer th ven on new ov1et ea part of their earnings away from DUTChaSCS watch Over his boys Liquor is entirely out So is Quid be hale perpetual RNEST STOKES posed conference for fu11employ Said it WOUId be grievous establish scriptural confession of the F1 er after their win over St Mikes means the greatest productivity per worker Imem and production HIS Chief follybI lfd the WesItI cast away the ram two more questions migm be like to think lm pretty good cbach he told concern has been to reduce vwork com ne Strengt 0f the North pmducuvny is based on three fac the boys after asking few minutes before the ing hours and increase wage rates Anamic Tmmy Organization This FEATURING Toronto Chrlsiiull Business Girlsthoir Toronto Star Free Concert Artist or neivhbor No and many other wings related uould be playlng into the hands doubt such action towarijs Back crs were sincere in overtures for guaranteed market for its prod that produce Immediate comfort and plea night life And any player who transgresses nds 11 the boss really means what he saysI uct vlth proportionate guaran= 112impegfdaeemen at us Sure and mm new 10015 pmducuon ma mwme from 53199 of Secumy ivhn Ruggiaa gram ST GEORGES DAY CHALLENGE Plum How do me boys take in WeuI Im ask an of In addition Ithe union woum Lord BowauanI Chief WI The productivity of the t0015that jSI we Hap is always tops with the and whai he ormed for war and is in possessmn Chon Accompamst Solmst MURRAY BARRON speaker have to guarantee freedmn from Youth Evangelist of Toronto lied al5 8065 If there were more coache like him strikes and slowdouns and 10 the counmes of Eastern Europe the BritiSh commmonwealth has gt the efficiency of human energy pp ex spo tle uld be mu il ti Sp Cls continual di and in comm 0f hina rsment the foucowmg St Georges Day 1le er or or selplne over is 855839 anadas146039 in connection with the use is highest in mammal mm would hon attract and ma members against their malingering Sale put the Situatlpn rea1uon Ithis StI meg Day competitive SOClEt Wthh the economic thenesi and best type of young manhood on the assumption that they havei Wally When he said Every cell member our ueen decisions are made by minions of progress guaranteed lncome whether they 91 my bram warns We that her life to 1h setvisce 2123 seeking individuals rather than in state 93m or Ol That can only lead 3mm me d0 01 be her peope on her 215i blithda clenluau to regimentatlon and hem for one momentIIthat the planned Whey in thm those daemons are Guara Tread wage Farmer slave labor Communists have fOresaken their we remembel he Chanenge US made by handful of all powerful people II $3991lllli$lhe1lrrent5156901mmVconquslWemustltgigsargel 91mlerhgriglGJn rwrmrwwiwilweed hankering after cheap and easy be ready to defend ourselves evenI Year 19 19181 regardless or how weumeamng unselsr The farmerwhotakesanother beating every time security Dealing with this sub If other nations relax their effortsimme thal In the example of St sincere and intelligent those peopleImay be than pay cheques go higher without increases in jectIrecently Mr Rhys 19L sale and their vigilance gecmiieIhwe will do our best to manhour production in Ithe factoriesand the presment of the Ford Motor Cbm The Moscow strategists are bet ep Challenge by takmg at housewife rural or urbf whose budget suffemtoo pan of Canada said ffAbIsgluigterijnfmgmedabuuzIannwawzhan lal9tepiIfuullcralongthe jorcemlabinadsdwf study away the latest personal security fer the man who 99 per cent of Caliadians they gamma an that we may trades union excursion into economic absurdity Should be looking after himself is know the great prize that lies just make ourselves 10 do our scr Announcementby the Ontario Department wt PHI 111248 II dream and an illusion And ab beyond their graspra quick step vim Autoworkers and steel workers in Canada with solute national secum 13 of Agriculture that the student camp pro mum from labor leaders cm the United 5mm even and lump oxer the roof of thel gram Whmh labor 733 Pmde for 011 have set for their 1953 objective the Guaranteed II $233 ilsntootlgzruzgoggrsviggsm TRY AN EXAIMINElt WANT AD tario ferment during the busy harvest sea Annual Wage which means they want management May ose dme to contract to pay workers an amount set 12 months sun has been dmonnuw will be received in advance if there were months of idleness be Wlmlellll 30th farmers and Stulents cause there was no workto be done in the auto ODTario Railroad gt This plan of student farm betp has been in or steel plants the Wages would be paid anyway tatlon since 1941but itI is now found wages paid for not working would have to be LONDON MARCH CF that the conditions which brbught about its added to the cost of the goods produced when the The London and Po Stanley 331 institution have changed and that operating me were kmgi and WW bf COUISC Show uplway has had more 934 50 II in its 96year history than passen too high to make it practical ma pm iger gets when he rides 01e of iris project Fprmers wouldif auto and steel workers got the trains ove its 25 miles of track Guaranteed Annual Wagepay even higher prices The PS is th la es The Salvation llrml OT Evangeli TIT in Canada operating on er its or theIFam Service ForceIplayed in providing everything else Housewives including the my iginal charm Early 1de binary one WELCOME RALLY will be held in the Oddfel lowslfemplc CometStreet on Friday April 24 at pm and be prepared to hold our own PHONE 2414 of the auto and steel Workers themselves would Wessential farm help for food production enamel budgets unworkable because dont targettm mm during the war years Under the direction miEmev 531 We 10 09 in of Alexander MacLaren of Toronto eVely mammgmmmem ml eve produc it at is we buy at gne up Sll en anot ers as It ls true that temporarily the auto and steel much competition the city01 Lory farmworkers andassigned themieither to workers and their hoWleeswould be better off don ls constderln closin the temperor to individual farms All the peak than most because rising prices would only nullifyl entirely and selling the franchise to of activity in 1944 there were offalm set the gains made In their pay cheques la bus compayI xvi camps in operation with student en Added to all this of course is the fact that The line first bounced into open 4265 the auto and steel workers succeed in Igeulnu thislalon In as The $013 allSpOzaI 10 Year howaver the number dwindledto 600 10 membmem Mamalldl Km heme and P0 they have threatened to strike for itthe trendismeyon Lake Erie Passengers and 108 boys in lslcampiiavhence the would spread to every industry where unionconl13mm8d the trains for excursionsi decisionto abandon the project tracts are in effect to the lakesbore and the line proc we came Force has played an rtrrlerr run 38 Bc aer 26 years demand l0 Item in the providing or much co lnue ana as now lzedg mg service 191 to the point that III II II II II II II ed help for the tunnels Bi Ontario 6010ng mier as never before trill 333353 At patriotic also on Sunday at 11 and pmin Illle Oddfellows Icaptributiolito the War snortin food pro hard afmwh 031 3223 on piled up In 1392 the city 01 Lorif TWP 015 Street Molday April 27 WW Wm MM 1953 ethnmnt Wt lal to the successful Yeah 600d Crops Annually or Annual Incomelm 00 mtmnmmy Citadel Iteledingof1m forces imd the people mum Electrified In 1915 mm man my be 81 3135 13 Fandango 313 hammer 1211915 the lines fortunes turned MAYOR JAMEsw HART existence them Yu 30 nmnI email orte uaran again and it becam one office II Wi ll teed Annual Wage litheycould see any guaranteesg best and sleekest rffilways of it REV Itime 9qu electried Pod II resident ofIMinIlsIterIlttl AssocIIlaItlonI II SR MAJOR C1MRSIFMOUTON for themselves 3dormunfinznntlcmsfiiifooifdoiizmlrc II II Disidnal commanduglomurliem Ontario will Welcomelhlffvgligliui Teqin of lcater to tourists were built MAJOR tr Rsiio FEDLAR Butme boom didnt last Ania outstanding speakersImisslomrlea rcocbtly returned from But today motor traffic offers of travelling on the electric were anI LIEUT McEARLANE IARCT soloist Tommobiucompanieshave ii WM 1M Weekly humour Anaemia offI II frauchim mime London Port ennui cucummIIWIkm MM Stanley And section of The lines financial troubles wors 0035 AUINewspOperI lened with thedepression Fewer WOMENS it want um Londons citywucil waili toreil MEETING WED APRIL 29 4t pm uxI persona used it year by year It WIeIdnesdon oIFrldqy has neverregained the period or 113 Office Square Barrie tario Canada by In mm out mum um Hen thellnes mum to one of the bus companies ODDFEIIIiLOWSjSIIEMPLEI imobes were carrying the lines passengers soon after the noveltv IIII lstLEUTIE HAMMOND menial5 temporary prosperity enjoyed in IILM in II cannon VicePresident Maugham an main man am mm staminap II minim Sillliflmoisdwmrlo faulty in pigmst their lives undcr MON FRI 27 AND rumAYI kirk45m BE ground immune beetles and limbs and occasionally lilting eld gt wuuusmmzuom Anous mm hm mp 1W with maximnntmdm or families IsmalleIstofthIe greatlakes mice