MITZI GAYN 011118111111 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY HENRYS FULL HOUSE I2 MAGNIFICENT SCREEN STARS INCLUDING ANNE BAXTER DAVID WAYNE JEAN PETERS OSCAR LEVANT FRED ALLEN IARILYN MONROE AND RICHARD WIDMARK THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT 230 prn ere Come Those Fabulous Runyon Characters In The Screens Big Musical IUrtoinIime Ihorlie ookou Louie roadway tertho The BIoinW Ind oII hOse wonderful tunyon hatoctcrs STRRRIO PIIIs IIIIITIIIIII THE STORY OF THE CRACKDOWN ON ONEBIG TIME CIUME ANOTHER BIG TIME MUSICAL THE SCREENS GREATEST JOY BRINGERI Starts Next Wednesday THURSDAY FRIDAY VSATURDAY CONT1NUoUs SAT 239 pm becauseliet fear Wasgieatcr pnscls Nix AN IIsl oIIIIIIIIcT THEATRE OOF IWizhl Know You Send Mo Bye low Cindy 80 Miles Ouxide OI Atlanta law ODiamondi IveGOIA Feelin Youu foolin in III Sweet IyoAndSyc SCOTT BRADY Fox on PLUS OTHER ADDED TREATS thttflltttiilllttltlltiIPitlltlltltlll difculttile Manhunt EIIIIOII Donn noon to he didhotgsee the Sadler car at all momwiml WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 FRIDAY APRIL IT Magmmte Foster presided with Charles Scogrum Acting rown Attorney Breach of LCA On convzction for having liquor Noted Authority Will Chair Panel Discussion Here iii place other than residence of the purchaser Donald McCarthy was fined $10 with costs of $450 The charge was llild by PC Cruz ier in Cm Reserved Judgment case which for some time has been pending owing to injuries suffered by witnesses came up when Charles iiursl taxi driver for 20 years appeared on charge of careless driving on Feb In Essa and pleaded not guilty Harry Sadlcr gave evidence that he had been driving exist on High way 90 on Sunday Feb aboui 805 nm short distance east of Ilsa Station There was loose snow on the pavement which blew up densely when cars passed each other There was car ahead of him and another behind him and two more approaching from the east One of these was 11 taxi driv en by Charles Hurst for Williaml Valley As they approached the Visibility PROFESSOR JOHN MORGAN became poor because of flying snow of the School of Social Work Uni and Sndier said he had swung over Versit of Toronto will be the to the right with his right wheels Chairman or special pnnel discus about four or five inches on the sion on The Problems of the Aged shoulder His impression was that to be held in the Municipal Buildv Hurst had tried to pass the car prc inc here on Tuesday April 21 at curing him but would not say that Ii pin he had actually seen him do it Tm proicsgm presidc NOT coilison almost headon result the panel compIIsiI LLCoi ed and Sidler had broken leg Cooper 013E manager national and other injuries and Hurst was employment office Vale dis also injured lricl inspector for relief Miss Szidier ciaimed that he was not LouisI Culley director Simcoe doing over 30 miles an hour Hel County recreation and Dr also stated that he could not see the Scott director Simcoe County Hurst taxi when 30 or 40 feet away Health Unit Speeches and discus because of flying snow He seemed sion will cover the following sub slightly uncertain regarding idissl jocts as related to the problems of tances and changed one estimate thcaged2 employment public as which was rather extreme lsistancc recreation health finan In crossexamination by defence cial security and housing When counsel Gordon McTurk he stat the panel has concluded its remarks ed definitely that he did not see there will be questionandsnswer Hurst turn out to pass the car ahead period The meeting is being spon of him at any time sored by the Barrie and District PC Tornblyn OPP had anl Welfare Council and it is hoped in swcrcd call he said and arrived view of its importance that many at 820 am at the scene which was people will attend to hear the Sub 57 miles west of BalllC The taxi ject up for debate was on the north side facing south WI 10 IO aw lhgehtes flrblhitlirenpavlehciesnt eds and rear wheels six feet 10 inches from the edge The Sadler car was fac Tenders for Gravel And Fence Posts ing northeast with the ietf rear wheels two feet 10 inches from the south edge and the right rear wheel on the shoulder and right front one foot four inches from the Malcliedash councils April ses somh cdg sion instructed the clerk to adver Charles Hurst stated he had been list for tenders for gravel as fol foliowing about tiiree car lengths lows 2000 yartlsIliinch yard mile haul 2000 yirdS+iiich at flat rate to be delivered in July and August Tenders to be in the clerks hands by May behind another older model car which was the only one with park Lloyszingiey racebred permu sioh to instal hydro ing lights turned on It threw up the snow when near the spot and Kitchen was appointed fence viewer for 1953 The clerk will ask for tenders for 81 fence posts and four brace posts posts to be ft long none under Siineh attopt braceposis to be 16 feet long Tenders to be in by May Oriiiia District Collegiate costs for 1953 will be debenture pay TIIentfWESTFTcapiiaFtlaihsnd general maintenance 31519713 Council learncd arrears of 1952 taxes amount to $191951 at March 31 Tax sale proceeds received from county treasurer amounted to $26987 Maitchedash School Area requisition for 1953 is $3000 Next meeting will be in the coun cil chambers North River May 11 at 130 pm whn 20 feet back He was not do ing over 40 miles an hour and had not attempted to pass the other car His Worship reserved Judgment until May StrucksteishtrCM Through rather unusuaiwaccin dent charge of careless driving on March 30 in Medonte was laid Sheffield of Craighurst At 820 pm he had beenyap preaching the CPR crossrng at Craighurst just as freight train was passing over and collided With the last car the 26thdoing dam age of $700 to his car but no ser ions damage to the box car There was no van on at the time as they were switching and no lights were showing Sherfield and passenger were injured conviction brought fine of $20with costs of $1450 luncheon Marks Heroux who started as messenger with the department of transports signal service 37 years ago has just been appointed to head the service here It reports the move ment of shipping from the Atlantic Branch Here About 30 officials and branch managers of the Sun Life Assur STAR OF ance Company of Canada along with several guests from Barrie attended luncheon at Fairway Lodge on Monday in recognition of the company opening Barrie branch officg Frederick Cunningham vice president and secretary of Sun Life spo riefly of the companys operatiOn throughout the world Thecompany is represented in many different nations and policies limit been made out in several different languages Sun Lifeof canaday is the largest life insurance company doing business on such wide international scale Mentioning operations in Can ada Walter Attridge Supcr intendent of Agencieswstated that there are 28 branches acrOssthe Dominion with total of 640 car He announced that eer agents this new Barrie branch would serve an area with tOtal popula tion of about 200000 Gordon Pimlis mahager of the new branch and Lloyd Bath issecs ItsIiANEER WITHHIS WRAINBIIWARANCH yr With Jawbone of mqggplt Bnrrie COIIIgiote snoopstreet East from an Indian phrase meaning Ono rsm 0mm FRIDAY APRIL 24 Adva mcht wickets 3110 Now uranium nomination SUn lite Opens music instructor retary Officeszare locatedat 24 Moose Sask got its Iiarne where white men mended cart 1953 LAST SHOWING TO NIGHT WEDNESDAY 119 Ram Examine Section ZePoes IE LOVE STORY OF TODAYS YOUTH MONTGOMERY CLIFT LIZ TAYLOR SHELLEY WINTERS PLACE IN THE SUN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 91001 that PRODUCTION BARTON THE RAILROAD THAT RIPPED THE WEST WIDE OPEN when the rbar ol the Iron Horse drownedl out the cry of Quantnlls raidersJ Whoever conquers Kansas EVE MIL rules the West STEERING HAYDEN LER MutLAIIf Reed Hadley Tom Fudden AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE FIRST BARRIE SHOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAM LEO GORCEY AND THE BOWERY BOYS in HOLD THAT BABY SHOWS AT 645 900 pm VIATINEE SATURDAY 230 p111 STARTS THURSDAY COMING TORPEDO ALLEY Goldwater DIstrIci Schools MUSIC Festival May 27 Second annual public schools music festival for this district will be held in the United Church Cold Ivater for one day Wednesday May 27 it is expected there will be up wards of 120 entries There will be solo classes for boysand girlsof various ages duet class oneroom school choir class for turn or more rooms triple duet ensemble and double trio and rhythm band competition Entries must be placed with the secretary Mrs Eplett Cold water not later tahn May 16 Chair man of the committee is Cold waters school principal Lorne Graham Others on the committee are Mr Shirley Epletti Miss Iris Grace Brodeour Mrs Shirley Gleadall Mrs Kathleen Lelherby Mrs Hattie Elliott Miss Jane Allen Orillia Mrs Gladys Manning Harold Dempsey OrIllIa Norris Walker and Dr Hughes NOT SO SIMPLE If the provice of Alberta should care to do so it could pay off all its debts and have little cash to boot That looks mighty nice indeed but it ha Iv places the facts in their proper light The towns villages hamlets and mun ipalities are not clear of debt not by long ways blanna tAlta Herald NAMED Ev VANCOUVER Loughborough Inlet on the Brit ish Columbia coast was so named by Captain Vancouver in1792 ARRIE ANP ltfiGOj EVERY THURSDAY MAM creme MUDOASTER ST xiiW Us you are covered by insurancethen answer is obvious nicks why so wise ouowIiers invest luthla pretentiousm yourselffunuecesy septa Invest hi moneySavior insiirencotodoyS pm CULTURED NORTH The music festival is over after another successful yearn Geraldton citizens might well be proud of the talent that is right in Geraldton and surrounding district Some think that being isolated in the From 1939 to current fiscal year federal government spending in creased from $553 million 39 estimated 34462 million north deprives them of finer things in life We certainly do not lack music Geraldton Ont TimcsStar EINGO True Blue 11311 High St Friday 815 pm 15 Games 350 PREMIER $895 BROOK HATS SPECIALI TOPCOATS FROM Civilian Committee BIIIIIIIE Tums 102 Moose Squadron WILF TODD STETSIIII IIIITs ROYAL $1095 $595 SUITS FROM $3750 Mens and Boy Wu mountain SEE Earri BAIICIzuiiiltuIIITIMESP 59ittii