Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1953, p. 5

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whrf THEN an thrill of The Middle Columnlmm Continued from page one with 112le jerk him OUT down at am and didnt take time Io light the fire but kept on haul lug In sometimes twoxlogezhcr we Over 30 no mm 13 inches used two books with rmnnow to long were mu me Damian with and then herring alone an wuhm Sign of Barrie gtlicca which is much tougher and but nu sh lgavg been mom saves 3331ng so often We gave since laxay many and sold 18 pounds to 11 Wisdom and Co The thrill of striking run ofcerts pound herring Kempenfelt Boy or Lake orougnt Tho only shanty there we went eight Simcoe in late winter through crack in the ice or from shanty is something to be remembered Ask Mack McLachlan of lollcndal Personally the memory of shar ing with dad catch of over 200 herring one day right near the Allandnlc wharf Yes was My mind sech us 15 Ho what they call All of this getting away from tb lazy sort of fishing the kind rzhat occasioned an original bLt of verse written by lady but she was lcvidehly mind reader or per lhaps it was through womans in tuition which we have read of and alas know of it is by Elsie Willis and called Custin aint nowise plural man one idee An thats to set where things is color on rural An cast an cast an ketch fish maybe When ducwn the road the city folks come glidin Their autymobiles dont appeal to me ld ruther see braown dimpled water slidlb Where cn cast an kctch fish maybe An when for me the hevenly bells arc ringin Ill gladly set beside the Jasper Sea An let the other angels do the singin El up capf an ketch fish maybe and Mrs Harry Alexander dwick of Coaticook PQ an nce the engagement of their ghter Jean Priscilla to LawrE Grant Maitland Toronto son Mr and Mrs Wesley Maitland Barrie the marriage to take on Saturday May at 230 in Walmer Road Baptist rch Chapel Toronto 47 and Mrs AnthonyMarchil Craighurst wish to announce engagement of their eldest hter Helen Antoinette to 0rd Reynolds son of Mrs Rey Elmvaie and the late Mr lam Reynolds the marriage to place on Monday May 18 at Marys Church Barrie at 12 and Mrs McMulkin wish nnounce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Velma to James Morrow son of Mrs Alf red Morrow and the late Mr Mor row of Russell Ontario the mar riage to take place on Saturday May 16 at pm in Central United Church Barrie 48 IN APPRECIATION Mr and Mrs Albert Fleetham wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the beautiful cards and gifts received during the recent celebration of their ftieth wedding anniversary They also wish to thank the staff of The Barrie Examiner for the work done by them 47 Mr Dobson wishes to ex press his thanks to the following Fire Brigade from Camp Borden Morans water truck and Cook Construction Co also all his friends and neighbors who kindly assisted him in the saving of hlsbarn 47 isroueand CONCRETE Driveway stone crushed concrete stone and sand For sale or pit or delivered PIT AT MIDHURST ONTARIO VARCOE BROS 300 eayneld Sr BARRIE eh 4600 WANTED Live and dressed poultry Highest market prices ponfTiVe money rcETiiTeHWlbhddV and Thursday dressed poultry Monday to FL Will new the dressed basis orlive rrlerusr cooperativereruns or ONTARIO LIMITED Barrie Ontario gs Falls Ont on Wednesday April 5m 64 la WHILE VOLUNTEERSwere straw stack fire at Ted Dobso Saturday morning spreading to nearby barn the the district around the 10th 1i lOCAL NEWS Mrs Joan Fennell has joined the staff of the Regina Curl Shoppe NIECENOTj SISTER Correction in the story of the re tirement 0f CNR Conductor Curtis on April 14 guest Mrsl Torrance Hunter was inadvertentl ly stated to be sister of Mrs Cur tis but is actually niece GREERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie April 20 1953 to Mr and Mrs GreerK 36 Penetang St twin boys HOBBSeMr and Mrs Hobbs Market Square Barrie wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter Nancy Jane JORYAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie April 21 1953 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Jory RR No Barrie daughter LEIGHAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie April 20 1953 to Mr and Mrs Eric Leigh 38 Parkside Drivenson SOMMERSAt the Royal Victoria Hos italBarrie April 20 1953 to and Mrs A1 Sommers RR N0 Barrie daughter MONTEITH At the home of her VsorrreEldorEvAMidhurs OzMnday April 30 1953 Minnie Jane Cole wife of the late Richard Mon teith dearmother of Eldon and Winnie Midhurst Mabel Mrs AWE Bag Mil Serve Coffee to Volunteer to prevent 9a fighting the 11s farm last it from women from me of Vaespra Mrs Walton Helen Slack EPie Clifford Beard aHome from Korea Among the 1000 Canadian troopsi returning this week from Korea after years service is Pie Clifl Mrs Charles Campbell Sunday ford Board of Carley member of the Royal Canadian Fire Fighters served coffee Here Ted Dobson receives welcome drink Included in photo are Mrs Cavanaugh Mrs Degeer Lunda Walton Mrs Slack Mrs Burnette Mrs Dobson HOLLY We are pleased to be able to rcl port that Mrs Sriglcy is im proving Itavornbly Mr and Mrs Robson Mr and Mrs Henry Bell Marie and Diane Bradford visited Mr and Mrs Siessor and Mrs Mar Regimem he has been serving asl tin visited Mrs Neil and Children cook younger brother Reginj aid Beard also cook had already returned from Korea after yearsf service and is now stationed ati iLondon The soldier brothers are the sons of Mr and Mrs Rix Beard wellknown Medonte residents Third member of the family is an other brother Robert 18 at home After 20 years in Toronto and Jarvis the Beard family took over the 50 acres at Carley previously farmed by the late Mr and Mrs Albert Middleton parents of Mrs Berad At 92nd Birthday Mrs Howard Elliott if Coldwater was present for the birthdayrcclev bration Wednesday April 22 at Stroud of her mother Mrs James Collins who is 92 but quite active and enjoys good health She is visiting her sister Miss Mary Wice who is 94 MEMORIAM AIKINSIn loving remembrance at chroy Saturday Promoted by Royal Bank Congratulations to Eldon Laven der on his promotion to assistant accountant of Royal Bank of Can ada staff at Sudbury Eldon was presented with leather travelling kit and gold cuff links by the staff of the Royal Bank ofCanada branch at Barrie before leaving Return from New Brunswick Mr and Mrs Philip Larsen and children Valerie and Richard have returned from visit to relatives Grand Falls New Brunswick Miss Wilda Desjardine Grand Falls NB is visiting her sister Mrs Marvin Christensen BElLEEWATRT Mrs John Ferrrer Sr IS on the SlCK IIS and is at InniswoodrCon valescent Lodge Mrs Leah Moore spent the and friends at New Denmarkand EVERETT Calvin Haddock accompanied by Mrs John Blanchard and Gareld spent Sunday with Mr and him lStanley Blanchard liamiilon Those visiting from Toronto at their parental ltllLS here were Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs Mr and Mrs Pat ODoncll and Hubert Shepherd LuleS Icpul on Edgar Jenkins and Herb Johnson who are patients Ein Toronto hospital that the lure improving steadily and it is hoped they wzl soon be home Sorry to Icporl llllil Clifford Syn irutt Is confined home with the mumps and we all wish him speedy recovery KNOCK Mr and Mrs Cliff Webb spent Saturday in VcSlUll where they at ltondcd he BiellEllcrby wedding Mrs Black and Mrs Paris of Stroud accompanied them Mr and Mrs Ed Webb visited Mr and Mrs Webb at Aldershot Sunday Speaker at Community Club Mrs Rowe of St Pauls was the speaker Wednesday at the monthly meeting of the Community Club held at Mrs Wicos It was much enjoyed by all Herman McMasicr of Toronto spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Add McMaster Mr and Mrs Stanley Thompson land children Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Albert Marling Mr and Mrs Warren Wiley Mrs Edith Graham Mrs Reynolds and Billy Wiley St Caiharines visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs El mer Graham Mrs Forbes Coutis and Keith spent day in Toronto last week Mrs Carmen Hindie Grace and Gloria visited for week in To ronto recently Mr and Mrs Carman Hindle Grace and Gloria visited Mr and Mrs Fred Morris at Lefroy on Sun dav Mrs Jim Rainey Rita and Bon ncy visited recently with relatives in Wiarton George Squibb has returned home from Toronto where he was patient in hospital Miss Teena Roulston of Bradford is recuperating at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Joe Roul ston after recent operation Mr and Mrs Carl Copeland and boys of Lakeview visited recently with Mrs William Copeland gt NO WORLD SERIES There was no 1904 wdrid series because the New Giants of the Na tional League failed to recognize the American League and refused tomeet the Boston Red Sax The Giants claimed the world title MARKET PRICE APRIL 22 1953 HOGSfeATILEf POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperatlve mam W3 52 the brides ushers the LyeManolo its gated Sheila Brute who Mr and Mrs McBride arl irritandants Miss Bridle Miss Margaret McKinnon rived home yesterday after spend1 mg the Hunter orldu months in Sarasota Ralph Snclgrovc owner of Barrie radio Station CKBB Gordon Smith owner of riila station CFOR and ilerlllazll Nfilnwkzns manager of gwcn Sound station CFOS went lio Ottawa today to illlBIVELW the KKK Board of Governors in con lnectlonnvzth their proposed televI lsion station to serve the Georgian Bay region on the Blue Mountain west ofCollingwoud Recently returned to their home3 in Barrie after spending scvcruli Imonths in Florida are Mr audio Mrs John lingers Peel St Mrs Carter has returned home after spending several days VIslting Mrs Lowe in Hairc ilton oi the Miss Jane HITHlS loft Toronto last mm evening by tram for New York from where she leaves with hcri brother Frank on trip to Europe red cooler rgt ac dc Ma awry nuhaunted Penetangottling Go LIMITED Among the guests 11 the Adams Burke wedding in St Michaels3 Church London on Saturday were Penemng Phone 440 LAWN resurrect arenas Time now to bring in Glider Couches Lawn Chairs Umbrellas for those needed repairs BARBIE TENT ii llWlilNE 00 34 BAYFIELD sr room 3314 Final three days of tbemys tery sale with the exception of values Values Guaranteed Grubling Surprise UP TO lo UGLASSWARE 2500 MANY OTHER pron ONLY no SPECIAL LEFATUBES memos sunken Arenas SILVER CHINA JEWELLERY BARRIE 5112 131 year Resting at the Pethick Smith Funeral Home 127 Bay field St Service in the Chapel Thursday pm Interment Mid hurst Cemetery ELLIOTTSuddenly at her home South River Tuesday April 21 71953 Annie May beloved wife of Milton Elliott Resting at home In South River Service Thursday pm Interment South River Cemetery McGlLLSuddenly at Niagara 15 1953 William Henry McGill Inhls Slst lyear husband of So phIa Elizabeth Batters and bro ther of John McGill Oakville Mrs Crompton Mrs mucoussol Ernest Aikins SIi of killed in action in Germany April 22 1945 There is road called remem brance Where thought and wishes meet We take that road in thought to day For the ones we cannot greet Loving1y remembered by Moth er and family 47 BOWMANIn loving memory of my dear father who passed avvay April 23 1950 cannot clasp your hand father Your face cannot see But let this little token dear ronto At GuideBrownie Service Quite number from here attend ed the Girl Guides and Brownies parade and church service in Bar rie on Sunday evening There are few cases of measles in town Moore spent the weekend in Collingwood with his daughterh Mrs Green Mrs Lovall has returnedto her home having spent severaimonths with her son in Toronto and her daughter in Ridgeway Mrs Johnny Higgins is visiting coo MIL 7a coop unwellslit COOLER Is EB TH RI FTIiER EASIER becapie low ghtopen In eminates eavy In rites your boy lulljlcdged hand Removable rack and WNTVEKS Lundy LaneCemeterv April fill SHAWAt his home Angus on FASTERbecause teens ntjflowmof icy water sprayed at the ture ofa capacrty 60 minutes keepswrttsgiq for 12 hour holding period Exclusivearr injection system plus rapid water circulation assures you of fastensafer cooling pl VATederson and Mrs Edna Tor rance all of TOEonto Interment Tuesday April 21 1953 Dan Shaw beloved brother of Mrs MM81tln Mrs Ella Zinimer man MISS Louise Shaw Neil and James in his 85th year Resting at the Jennett Funeral iHomeLBarrie for funeralser vrce Thursday April 23 at pm Interment AngusWery 52 nodgefsuunanj 13000 guaranteed origin COOlEjR BOWMAN41n loving memory of Gone from us but leaving memor Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay sonin1aw and grandchildren 0RYIn loving memory of dear awayAprll 19 1945 We mourn for him in silence in Toronto 301 Wedding Anniversary quiet evening was held at the home of Mr aners McDowell for Mrs McDowells parents Mr and Mrs ed Quantz of Toronto who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary oanSaturday April 11 Several relatives and friends called to help make the evening an ens joyable one lovely lunch was served by their daughters Margaret and Betty Tell that still remember you Evcr remembered by daughter Emily 47 my dear father and grandfather who passed away April 23 1950 Ever rememberedby daughter 47 husband and father whovpassed a1 miles Spotless and in Al condition Prefer tot selloutrighL PHONE COLLECT heavy CKEEMORE if interested NIrIonIdolor Soles currencies ong milk fainting7 lot to Safe degrees In nie wareedistrnuion pan makes clean inzsesiehuersthbmeth cause itreourres tilgallon cans Airspace aothotioisless hmglgldogrs irzrci Rugged cabinet rie Gutsy10 area sealed gill planned 6yyear warranty Available andscpn sites $150 nen Barker or Torohto Mllklroduuers roports my Juniors ore excellentfor labour and MS for sanitation The lid has to be allowiui hr impurities fromtlie nirand Itoboo teria from stirring rod No water line cooe redone postures xsurcoa premier CQOMW oust IthmersionTypev COOLERS 08 pod illcan sizes your releolic trustee in nlyfvl23KW to cool between its bank on Centennial Names Committee lo The Barrie Examiner pinrefrigeratron enileme wlislrtoiniorm you that Name coausrza ls put on can level pm No eyes can see us weep But many silent tear is shed While others are asleep MOOREIn loving memory of Who knew you most Lovedyou the best mummmummmtummumm Streetflddress City Prov or State is formecftresldent of Barrie and EItnow would be pleased to receive an TEver remembered by wife had amily 47 dear husband Pie Basil Moore 70th Battalion CEE World War 1915 who passed away April 23 1952 Ever remembered by wife Min 47 not finefinish IIIInulunllnuunlniuand invasion to harem 0113pmth We recommend Gilli Celluloroor Coulee fast learnt Hogs $2725 Sows $1900 zone Large Medium Small Phone 2267 CHICKENS Over the Special Grade Grade Grade to ti lbs Special Grade Grade IlCH to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Capone 23 our the lb OWL Gradem Over lbs to lbs rarercable P1001 Sunderull We can supply everything necessarytoigivoyour Win gym Bicyclenomdhe Nurses LMargaIine Contest entry forms at this store 72 20 Tina Wafe iliiscuit centre brim naturalisticshutout WESTON Pith ree 3oz likes gt mm pollstersaga27

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