0065 It 951 STOCK wooo son SAL AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES seen sun our 241mi mimics FRIDAY moi 1710 HARDWOODFREE 52 CHEVROLET WEBUY com DIIED WWWMl her hm ISM Vwnh eery orde Or it cord 49m HLYV1 phylaE HAMOTER $1 canh Ideal 1333 MASTER htv bedalt 10434r for children 35 to xccpl harmom 0cm Mon at BAIHLRE we RUM dam we St me an and Iced Can besocn at Chm CO and gammy um EMMA mm 19533 day April 15 likll Edith All Donald St Plum 6358 334ml FREE was my to L1 and Mr ll 822mmch um Comma moved wile Mm RCASC Cwl Burk3 seni lrw luv Neal Cam bell in be MH we Md Domlmcn Food and 012ch yuur order now Inm II 513 alitrrti lNlERNAllONAL Blifl Fraer 89th year dcar mother II I3 II II LIlLROlAt Crcchrc liDSlital on II Accommodchon Wanted for iltkr ctillng now PJAusLd by xb pldfl or my MIIImg Co Ltd A9 i933 UJMK dad Mm ale 31s Crawlord Om Wriklpme 10 this 508C111 multch lust Novcllzbcr Must cl Iii Sllhcflull Station Ruth Barrie Deonice mi Ma 5I Sunny my I21 WithNJ Lidthat AlTu 11R 5331 Mrs Neclnndsn Kirkland or use cl ott ll could Ldl Weston OOTOHO In II logIrs upon sun Ilicilh Albcw Lap wgmm Juan AHACL budme ORD zr ZlIvun whine ll 12 GOSNEYA lec Royal Vldrldr mm and gym Iagsmgebfahca mcdlalcly by Mr Baker North ilmn MILl he house re Mr lilmklll Illd lit3011141 BUYER APPl 35 19535 bill Gllcllrisx Rctln at Lloyd mu lAN and Mg lelisc 39516 ahd Stecilley Fllncrgnl Home new local manager for liouc Uh 63331 Ml PHONE STAYNER 210J3 clwupg ret unN Barrle Wire WY Finance PhONg 2907 or itll Lt MAOMF cxlrllni to such liANDiAl Inc Royal Yintone Apr Barrie Union Cemetery CbId 544012 TWNw 74vw +m llmlmn Hmwtm 83mg AP 1393 DARSONSA 59 R0331 Vicmrla ml 10 XERCUR 539mb will M5 M15 mm mm 050113 Flldayx 59 MW Scc our mommolh lIncup CGHdiiLCH ILNGHI will 5900 T3 17I 1953 390186 P113005 51 uln Bro Barn Ll In IRILH=IIIUSOltAz Inc Royal Vic1 Leonards Beach beloved hug zIc 8435 doyllmc or won sliay pII luclu Hospital Ban9 April 15 band Carmine Smwam dw Friday and Saturday cvllll544 1033 to stating 3ti53deClll mmr of Gmrge and Ma all gt100 41le cu 11 If Phone 4505 WEANLlNG PIGS A4 USED CARS FIEls 4745 P4T1FNDVN Al Jl Vic all llama II 1W cllucl Duncr3 mic or it ARMY OFFKER wife and baby Fed out to market on our nance Ii Dlemon FOOCl 0nd Aim 18 required turnished home with gar 913 Save your rm for seed 1931 Ade Forum for service Monthly April 20 at ZTIlNGS or DUIll Pllllllcl Mlln CO Ltd Wlll lWtl 51 Paul Cem aid if tl ed our 51m lcl 1901 Ford lulm THYll v2 rv at 1l1 30 Ross blrhl Sonl din by May Phom 534 1W mm For mm 144443g sr Imm Irw1I NoExtraChargeToYou Finance IllLi sun and hm llL WW 114343 gU CSlOrl lllOElO ROOM Apartment for officer Ding FllltlllinchQllfllorullnozll lggu Cmpe PI LFFLhJiwzll wife and Children wanted in pointment You pay for yollr tecd 1030 5ma TT fl ease on GC We me Ill 12 1343 F0 STLRv it AVIED Home or vumlly Phone 2073 after 301 0035113 25 mar or at HAYS SALES ARENA ilwovs with CI liloug Iilvs lIc II l948 Chevrolet Sedan young collie Apply Jollll Cocilz Iv II Im lit Ii7 dm mmIm Plymouth Sedan gIane RR No Thornton cumg mm QITWNER 910J3 EV jamf J1 mm kl Am Omc requms EM Sella lily 124 lull49451 WW 12 WW cmporary lurnlsllcd accommodn um mercury Jpdswnger COUDC l0 iBttlltu Toronto Hamilton on ll non for wile and baby or Market Squaw game LOST FOUND II II mueI of URI rooms desuqblc Apply Box 13 93270 35371310 fly ff LII mg Fvcr lcnIIInbcmli IIva Barrie Examiner 4445 LOSTEIMR Wynne CUHmmWIEBlpny lI III lLQUJ 1032 mm 055 and gamma Fully Accredited 4511mm Cunhood Vaccinated T1 OR ROOMED unfurnished My phone Ivy 3m III45II$SO Down month I5 ling3 901 lanbfN al BEYhRln lovmg memory of human lcllli llIllll hc Lqcu herd ii Irvine house or apartment needed at once mu5 LHu Emduw 91 HA JIM for 5318 We father Thomas Buyer who pussL St Clll lincs Ind show 2waoldsou ol Elmcrott Svlv by family of gum aduusI Town LlllER or 13 mag nwfekngSED TRUCK BARGAINS phonic Dmnllcy t1lllRlllm um hell RR GIlford ed may AW mm 0th xxx references Must have posscssion by old Phone Stroud ler Qlfw 3r ll Lem lr3l 1094146 We watched you SilllcE vc healll FRFS SPRIV May P0000 5715 after tch 1940 Pontiac Sedan BFan SEED 0mg for It 1114 WU Sigh 61 COWS HEHERSI 4546 CLi DE MARE years old about 1951 Mercury 3mn Wm dump in I1 And All we could do was lust stand OPEN HEIFERS CALVES 00 James Sloane Bradford 1951 Ford PleUP Fmn ml gum 15 pm 505 Bradfmd 944 choose from W169 nlm Baum mng But vilcll lilo llc 11010 WC Hilll 00 To 31950 Mean Picku hum IRASPBEltRi Canes for SillLZvlmE oml mu pm 2YEAOID Obtain Eller duel 90 up =pmwd Vlkmg 37 per 100 Chm $255M RAIN ll 331 Mum pd new vhlv vou Including liltlglltels ct Abctwcil Jupiter by Smith Haven in May Chunks of pigs John h0rd Ston Inth dump to $3 per 100 Lockhort Cundlcslix Outs and Onion Bailey 0150 vtlll tli1I1Tt VIIIIIIIH fbv Swmme Pubs Johan moncgr Ledue Emmrw Bismll 140 10 CO ml11 lgygcgsfurfrgim with dum phone 4396 27511 15051 lm Elitein mm 1502 I$yxlrlgtlvd bv Kathl Olllcl Otlllilllldllllg sllcs lnclllde lllenu Mpntvlc Spats ConclmI Text In the Estate of JOHN FRANCIS 94445l 1946 3t iW IllI Am tum mum 19 award and Glad 45 III ANN ION In Iva El II VI MURPHY Marble Cutler 9mm gt 015 01mm Clmubellv Guthrm 10 TEAM 01 Homes year 0115 l946 Ford lgton stake WW bmtltin 011101110110 all1 other leading b11115 of 00011110131000 All persons havmg claims against wm trade for cauvle phone 275 OVER 10 TONS Om and w1mmIR1N1HARIlli luvmg nlcmury of mu tote having regard only to the reliable or choice of three lllso 1940 CHEV Coach with lielLl ill Wimble 101 reform 600d bulld Gilli1 B11110 PUWW Gleaml and claims of which she then shall baled Wheat Straw and No good condition Phone 4705 1345 mgs desmd phone 894 evenings lltilltd Reasonable Campbell KatahllinRotatocs Campbell Bros W1 CHE 314249 Bros 1m BanIn phone 312mg DATED the 81h day of April 1953 RR Burma phone 312131 gala Sedan Dclncry one 10 have notice WILL PAY substantill rent III Wmr exec 0m con ilion Phone MURPHY Administratrjx HEAVY TEAM Bay Belgians clcun 4231 after 6pm 1345 farm19400 FY05 Wm Cmsulelj aI FARMERSWe quoteI you our by John Reid legged Sccd Drill horsc drawn Year 95 WImIODtIOI of buying pIILCS on highest quality govern 61 Collier SL Barrie Ont MasseyHarris machine for treat ll DODGESedan fa COM MIM mu Iydlo gOOd buldmgs mm grime 159015593131 4248F heir Solicitor ing grain some hav Sweet Clover also goold1 tres aid hclltcl Phone 3331111369 3111 WIFE 51400113 Apply bushel bugs Alslke 521 eff bills3 La or 134 alrlc xamlncr lgtl Cl 18 tly seed Wlll Elliott hlmmle pllollc lit UHF 110 10131 345 314147I $10 ptl bus WB Sweet Clovm 1901 AND 1952 54010 MercurIl 33 AL $I pc bus Oniallo Cloull 19 FORD TRUCK mm dump trucks in excellent condition If cu Timothy and L011 pL ugt used for Buck Rake Will exchange mp Phone 311114 Alslkc I1nI $13 per cwt Bags for young cow coming ill soon 134546 frcc freight prepaid on all orders Phone Becton 55 ill miles west 1949 of 11 bushels or more Compare lk ofnghway 27 Newton RobinsonI aTIONd MERCURX duml gthege pyicegI then send ordeII I0 has rbee illpglilteiinsguifgingngig MfSclletlie 94347 2350 graticerfgndggg igcthcr with certied cheque or specter for that part of the Town vice 5mm 103 Bumgn Ave Carpentry lllllfiroocmfggl shi of Essa from 15 SR north to Alt norplh limits of Township and Wy KITC em Ions dlm Rhmp immuri WILL TRADE v30 prefect for Older IEN CUPBOARDS 11 ll 01 ill ornva lon ll man Smallev of Alliston has been up ointed for that art of the 0111 01 Iton truck us down pay our pllces Wye SUIbJeCl l0 mfIrlfet Togvnship from 15 Sidchoad to the Shursgl 313 gosgg glam Total can be financed Phollci Spmmy fallgriwlgglfv030 geogglge South limitstof the miEmu Any 8mm nae Highway 77 Aucl g1 it 730 Apply 8313 49111416 Phone 807rll BOITlEmV Bee hm Embmhd crson wanln ui in ermt other infgorma feggrdinlg tittm sgle as 131300me liltlthcad leg 3542 47 1890 103947W PRICES EFFECTIVE buildingaltering or movingIand $31653 anfi ggusgggg UNTlL SATURDAYV building into the Township kindly effecm No reserve Farm Sold APRIL18th 1953 Coma the above gentlemen Manning McEwen Amtmeet Spam mend NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk 4245 wIJI WOODTRQeva Tuesday April 28 Robert II II JohnstoneI El Lot 11 Com 010 miles north ofHigllway No 11 AP Nectar Sole under the management of HAYS FARMS LlfIMTED OAKVILLE Phone 1308 Box 64 Ontario the estate OI John Francis Mur GRASS FARM 100 aches miles Straw ii born for sale loose or 0081 lmsmml and 1410 William phy late of the Town of Barrie in gAlPSlAsmn Elhson RR Nog IHAEG llOm Shelbume Price $3000 An sql blllcs also some lirst quul J01 Rmthim 00 110550d 41MB the County 0f Simcoe Who died 2115 Bates Shclbulnc phone 218R in Cgrllicr Seed Oats Stein Bros All 13 1943 on or about the 12th day of March HOLSTEIN Hcifcz Calf weeks Corner Steele Street 34545 RR Cookstown plume ling Your memory is as Ilegu loony 1953 amtgmmred dto le proof of old suitable for dairv cow Price NO Highway 104440 As 1301110 11w louIlgt08gtgtfdbaalfe same wx the un ersigned on or iI SI II vulg remain lL before the 4th day of May 1953 lllmgcppol lgL Phone 5461 200 BUSHELS Stculllllgcntlelutllll and family Beaver sued outs for so so Acmw WW After that date the Administratrix 134445 will proceed to distribute the es BAY HORSE 1500 lbs quiet and 100130 ACRES 118 sandy 5011 bushels Ajax an and 1110 bushels Township of Essa or mile south of Count R0 I3 Extensye sale Mme Holster Tim 3565 mfg rm maChmery etc 191mb Kellcggls ca Sa at 1230 mm 4450 gt 41 stQEhlylh9n 1hursdayApriL30 At mums contented Your motor will Sales Arena ElmvaIe dispersal purl if the ivniion is in per sale of Registered Heefom 10 Quaker 67 feet me bu ducked re females betIns TB testled vascim gularly ated or blood tested Estate of 2402Ipl95259 miiJmmElhcmDAY SiPBWbeIIY Pectm added next to FullView Cleaners MENS SportShirts BRENNAN Auto Electric Service GEN ERRL INSURANCL mm AUTO uc sons LINES nil AllTM gm ll 811555011 Clapperton St Barrie Announce New PHONE 2572 nus 6230 Brandi in Barrie 59 WWW cy armspile I502 BY BARRlE MOiOR SALES PHONE 4348 SATISFACTION SNT 50 noon tutMT 0R CASH MONEY wOMANI SAYS THAT 0F TIMES silt SAYS tT SPECIALS FOR OUR OPENING min 188 ovmlsrzr LACETTRQL 5Bloomers pr 49 40 IN WIDTH HEAVY factory Cotton 29c MENS REG $895 GabTrqg UPTO 547W WoolYr Goods 98c ins WomensShoes 198 ZWOlk 56x137pryl00= Childrens Twining MENS Panties Reg 29 9c DJLTIQOJS52 ilI REG $139 About the sensdtibnal new Henry lons Pa Canadasiowest priced stand LDRENS and size automobile Graceful slyl air98 mg surging power andrcilception WETrm Poc ms ally low operating costs make the DOUBLE SEAMS Henry your car or the year See MENS the style leader in our showroom Hankics tor 25c APITROX LONG Drapes each 39c WOMENS BEG 598 Skirts 98 MENS REG 1250 Shoes 695 JEESALLWDDL mad Cardigans 298 noisy Moment ma Drapery yd 98 FAIRS FOR 2250 When haveyou seen firstquality gossamersheer ny lens at such low price This is Cl very special sale on 150151111511 our regulol well known Weldrest hosiery high fashion stockings ato tiny onceoyear price IlllulIMIllles You lecithin Soaring its thebonnct the clochethempillbox thesoilor iRrhe colotortherberc ltsthe pretty53vcrsion of 17 one OfftheseIthot Will putIspring inyour heartand the hoppytlocIikf Of the new seasonon your face See them at Stronsmons today muslin VIONKJHT 124020335 Ann Page menu III 21 Christies 7w 8ozpltg Svultana Peanut 316oziar29c California Fncy Navel sizc 252 Chateau Plain orPimunto Bordcn Chan NOW AT THEIR BEST doz 5250 Unrealinf 30 Winesapi fancy extra fancy axcPllentfor eating HP 7730 it ODMWAWMT TWP ce um placenta lIbbosc fgxa Yellow Bermuda new crop No1 APITom 9s 79 Lilli523 mtcif 129215121 Frash Sweet Yellow No Jot Pinippld IconN sum 3029 Sock Princc Edwardvlsland No we POTATOES IIlSlbbagsc Smon vagina California No three six mullsaloe Em ANN PAGE SUGAR Donuts REGULAR Pnlcaaac SAVE 4c numb 939 UR on PompomEel Inesuus SUPERaner MEAISPEC Short out Shank mmo now cnopsj cm to Bl IIll Chap Laszlxvar Ill whisk