Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1953, p. 13

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DRIYYEISKS Cretonnes Tlgll tread the scripture linembers and two vislwrs were garden or poultry hint the held April and IS nounccd It was held ange flail iii the afternoon Mrs Elmr Ward rcud an inter sting paper on current cSI$ Thu December meeting held at the home of Mrs Leonard Hudgson W21 voted the outstanding meeting of the year Thirtyfour and six visitors wcll as husbands and Chlldltll Mrs Delmar Bolus road was 811 Mrs William Bards Heads Executive Mansfield WI Mrs William Bates was elected Pawn president of Mansfield Womens Institute hp meeting or the branch held in the hall ai Mansfield Other members of tltu new cx ecutlve naiiicdv at the meeting are Mrs Alex Armstrong Ist vice3 prcsidcnt Mrs Albert Anderson 2nd vicepresident Mrs Delmarl Bates sccrctarytrvasurcr Mrs Ell liott Anderson assistant secretary2 treasurcr Mrs George Armstrong district director Mrs Clarence talent into the and watch it multiply May Splendid reports were given by the president secretarytreasurer mittecs Mrs Gordon Rosemont 2nd vicepresident of the district Womens Institute of North Duffcrin presided for the clcctlon iuf officers Mrs Herman Solomon Mrs Earl Greer Mrs William and brought gratings Gallauglicr Mrs John Anderson Roscmom branCh and Min Russell Murphy branch directors Evelyn Arnold and Mrs freshmen were 5crvcd George Armstrong pianists and Mrs fluid and Mrs Johlll Jago auditors COInS Corners Convcncrs of standing commiti WI PreSIdem llVlrs Legale old historical icsctirch Mrs John Mrs Legato was clcctcd presi Ncwton home economics and dent of Cains Corners Womens In licalth Mrs Burl Muiphy com munity activities and public rela slitute at the annual April meeting held at the horn of IIIISD Mc lions Mrs Elmer Ward agriculture Inlyzc last Thursday ruin the and Canadian Industries Mrs Al vin Greer Citiizcnship and Educa tion Mrs Milton Armstrong reso luuonsi Mrs Russell Murphy Other members of thecxccutive ower adfrut lfor the coming year are Mrs The meeting opened in the usual Stephenson Ist vicepresident Mrs manner and Mrs Albert Anderson McNivcn 2nd vicepresident m1 PHONE MAN and 2090BIIEIIS ileumm Big Savings for You and Your Home Needs nnmnr titanium 48 Inch Screen and Roller prints Homespuns Damasks good selection of colors and patterns Clear out numbers regular to $395 yard Sale yo Price 36 inchomespuns Sr Cretonnes 42 45 andfttl inch Homespuns lar to $259 yard Out they go at one price 98C Twentyone iii the 0r members were present as fine prepared by Mrs Elliott Anderson on the motto Put your Womens Institute The May meeting will be held in the ball Uli and converters of all standing comZ Dawson of At the C1059 0f mt Hum re the Queen refreshments wcic cd by the hostcsscs Mrs II lrosscr Mrs Gordon Mrs ll Gilpin lllld Mrs McIntyre Nevils district director Converters of staudnig 21 luvs are Mrs Will culture and Canadi Mrs Glfftfl ll Mrs William Hth education economics and Gilpin publ iiimiiy activuies and lntyrc resolutions large iiuniuei at 1112 visitors wch plc rural meeting AIILI tix snug the Ode roll call wits answered by payment of fees Reports heard from the diffcrcnt com oz and books were audzted shqu bills were paid Thank you lct tcrs wcie rcad from llc sick viiu 12 gusml of Jesus Chm the Salt lelO Sulphur paths for cou llclllfllllllcl had received fruit and Mrs lg Dickinspil acted as secretary for flit meeting for the nccting and for the of officers Convuucrs and their committt cs cook alternate dimI dlmctor Mth as secretary for the election planncu to lllLLl tho ollowi 111 uth to arrangc programs for the bdrm lug year After the singing of God Save Mrs Km Horrie Missionary lAddresses WVlS AI Essa Road The Womens Missionary Soci ety of Fgsu Rudd Presbyterian Church hold its Spring Thank Off crin meeting on Thursday April with special music provided by the Essa Road Choir under the leadership of Frank Dutchcr Sol at value ZCIAEIIIIIINCE Mrs Claude Fleiiuzig Secretary echous included the autumn Criiu Mrs ll Prassci treasurer and Mr present to answer roil call giving short course Home Care of the Sick to substantial bank balance aim at muncy different and has for LI HIX BRAND CHEESECLOTH Inch width packaged in handy and yard lengths Buy sev era packages for your Spring housecleaning needs It Is exception tllilc zit puzcliaung power These Palm and the thc greatly need cf lll lakctsrc 142 Tn oung pcuple zips lzie glrultzl difficui of linen WuilI IlulllljluilLI of cfllplulic because lllt Ill LI MOTHERS ASSIST PLAY SCHOOL low1 iid 41L uii Iu tIZSiIEL liltlg child good training izuisLiy clIUOi and Mlxli ullugclliti ull progmm for out Ac of tile lltldlc LI thanked the cak iiitl thr umctuig ctmcludctl with giiig of ilyiiiii 333 liiiitnt wcic tlVLll School room by Mr and licr Illlilflc have organisz lulucu the MCIWIsll iv It llllsU Dczlttilicss who has workch of your among thug in Tomlin film McTaxl 13h told of llti efforts ti piercuti Anglican Church and in tho Alvzn Ill chiizizittcc SALT SULPHUR BATIIS tiling iii BILI iColummn iblc when lll mind was brutlght forward The mothch lilllLS lit many Chinac IlllVlf attracted touching hcn our ILIHIIULIQL lht ii iculllvs coiifiuuliizg lllt CllllltSc mmigrunt LIZt maiin There 5in iipiuuliiig from the liomclziiid lhc separation from rul alive lcllvlllg dour uiics III land LII vui coming to strainuc lziitti when tho luuguugc is strungc iiitd pcoplc of diffcrciil color whore while visitors to week for three months Sterling Trusts Corporation BANKING HOURS 51 CHI2v SEDAN DELIVERY Commencing April 25 1933 this office will be closed each Saturday to give the stuff the benefits of the five day week For the convenience of customers this office will be open extra hours ouch Friday when office hours will be from am to pm and on Wednesdays from 21m to 430 pm FELL SEATS Driven Only 5000 Miles JUST LIKE NEW IRICIII RIGHT FOR QIZICK SALE Iluy With Confidentc At Dangerfield Motors Burries Largest Dealer USED AR DIVISION 233 Bradford St Dial 4981 We seek the coopcrution of customers in accommodat ing themselves to this change in Office hours STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION BARRIE TAILORED WINDOW Heavy quality rayon needs no starching no stitching no ironing Simply handwash and hang Colored patterns of rose green wine blue and gold on eggshell background Each curtain 27 81 4I98EA 175 JUDD PLEXTMXSTER Ask for your folder on how to makepleated drapes in minutes with this new type plgatmaster heading and hooksgt PLEATMASTER HEADING Prong Hooks IIIc 35 Single Hooks ea 3c TexMade Bolton Prints Good quallty firmly women 36 Inch width Dozenszof patr terns andcolors to choose from YARD Family Brand made by Wabasso from good quality col ton CelloPacked Hemstltched Buy several pair at this price mu Bantams Gay colorful patterns printed iln theisands of India Guaranteed fast colors tongashing Good quality cotton backing Choice of colors and patterns lt1 abomfx 101 gust 108iw Dainty all nylon panties with lace trim Colors whlte and blue isMfl NORUN5 cut Latte trim slzes 32 to 42 nomruoor soothsee this new typethseltbdyli v1 mmb YARDS WIIBIISSO PILLOW crsrsi 3250 Ice and around bot tom Adjustable shoul der strapsWhlte only Sher gauge 15 denier In new Spring and summer shades sizes Full length strhlht at bod 7SUK BAY SASK MARCH PLPi hlulllcia of INCSCHOOL chilurcn die going buck to the is sponwicd by St lialIlHl luzidcrsliip was an it funded study group meetings Olltjt ltfl7lt lllilzllll lltlll Munich in CCi the school opened Parana Jtle nsliuclcd 1n the basic plllI eiples of childLimiting kltititgatl methods ggroups now mee once month tot discuss pioblcins of operation and maintenance of tho school fl UIS TVCIIIQ Llilldlcn ranging in uwmk citoperative play ago from Illltc to six years attend Hmschuul which has capacity of Fees are $306 for registration momled on slllllllly vultures upc lilld $2 50 MUN I01 cacl1 dilll ll CENTENARIAN PASSES KINGSTON Om ICPlMcmbcr of old Kingston family Mrs Strange dicd here aged 104 She rclzimod ClLlll and zigilu mind un til cccnt months and was at kcull traveller in her curlier days and programs of land Why argue about MONEY Extra heavy Wabasso quality unbleached sheet ing 81 inches in width Very Special Price Dur Ing Our After Easter Clearance Get frcsh start in your famin tinanccs with an HFC loan $50 to $1000 on your own signature without bankablc security Up to 24 months to repay Thousands of others borrow this quick convenient way Socan you today Phone or stop in noun mm YOU rad IT 25th your in Canada ETHE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY arm 17 Alberta has fewer Tlll people 531wang on Approved kindergarten metlicdsl and IIILiILIlijIS are used The equip bcfore mcnt was built and supplied by thes to olcdd cltlllcnidly parents who alternate as supczvisl OIISEIIOlD FINANCE 28Dunlop St Wm second oor phono 5529 CARRIE ONT OIRLIA IlANOt $5 Mlninagu St Nut Ipcond MOI piano cumin SALE SlllllTS ronnvv rm llIlll7 Wre busting out all over with values as fresh and tempting as Spring Weve just the items you want to make this most successful season for myours and yourhome COME IN TODAY SHJOP EARLY FOR THE SE VERY SPECIAL VALUES 81 IN UNBIEACIIED Stillmill mom IllllillllllYE BIIBYVBIIINIIETS Soft thickly nappedbabyblalrikts in baby blueor lt baby pink checksyLaunders easily Special Only Each ANIMAL sums Lion and Leopard patterns in bright colors Heavy HE kets Ideal for car robe or couch throws Buya pair at this special price EACH 5mm BEDSPIIENIIS Beautifully Woven imported spreads in colors of blue green gold rose Suitable for single or twin beds Each Exceptionally good quality bleaphedi cotton suitable for pillow slips etc 36 inches wide 36in Bleached cur Willowy sheer nylon with cap sleeves sleevelesscottons with matching half broadcloth tailored styles with short sleeves crepes with lace trim glazed cotton blouses All colors Hundreds of yards of fabrics from our dress goodsamod pery departments 574 mus unusrs IL37 79 to Swainnu is REGULAR PRICE minim mus and4 ply nylonreinforcedknllting ydrnSLAll colors You mus see these to apprelam the duality andnorkixidnohl Beautiful patterns YI7515 muumw up 38 36 525 oven patterns with fringed hedgeIOrienal and MPW

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