Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1953, p. 12

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IA furer BC uudcnt Harry Men who is nOWpttcndins Ill3 university of Western Ontario high bOnor earlier this year when he was elected Prefect of the Arts and Sctcnce Council at Western the highest student gov ernment post in University College Now he has been chosen as one of 32 students from across Canada go ing to India this summer on scholarship for study course in current Indian problems The stud ent group and eight professors are representatives of all the major UHIVEISIUES iii the country thirdy car student in honor to onomics and political SCICIICC he is now in the midst of studying Iul his final exams but cxpects to be back in Barrio for cw days before leaving on his long trap Sun of Mrs Rogers of Mulli rcal formerly of Barrie and Ill late Mr Rogcrs flurry I5 marriml to the former Marjorie Scott of Barrie He was zinc of tho outstand inf students in his graduating aims Burn Collegiate The trip to India will bc Id neck in length ldSllllg from May 25 lo Seplcnioc including travelling time Titc Canadian students sail from Quebec Cll ii the SS laiztic reaching lzcrbourg on Junc They thcn go on to Paris and haw until Juno to do some Sight seeing before flying from Iarib lo Bangalorcv The trip takes My and half as they slot over in Cairo Egypt The seminar starts on June lasting until July It Writing to Ills formcr school prin cipal Bowman at the collx 1URRYS AGENTS ron IIII PIIINIS THE FINEST you CAN BUY for wills wooowdnx JDuLUX SuperWhite Smooth Glotsy Durable Sims White Suys White Resists chipping and cracking 0Cun b0 scrubbed ll IIINT for every PURPOSE 35 BAYFIELD ST iialc llaiiy tells that lcclures Will be given by prominent men in all fields during the cuuise in Indian problems One of the interesting features will be the study team system that has been devised The mcmbcrs attending the seminar will bc Illldttl into small groups land each group Will be givcn ISeiics of spccific problcms upon which to do research submitting Illt findings to the seminar 15 ii wholc Ill this way much more iground will be covercd more in tensely than any other method that has litm tried There will be rcp icscntativcs from till countries Itonding thc scimunr Canada and tho Unitcd Slates sciidmg the Inig st icpicscnlnlions besides India itself The remaining seven weeks of tho suiiuucr will be spcnt in tiicl The students will obscrvc the con ditions and problems which they will lune studied in the previous two wccks Tcnlulivcly this calls for travel in India Ccylon Pakis tan Burma Thailand and Malaya with projcctcd group trip to Afghanistan IILIll Iraq and neigh boring countrics Afttr the tour which ends on or about August 25 Hairy will fly Iwitli tho ollicr students from Boni boy to Paris From there they can oilhcr return immcdiatcly to Cau add or slziy and tour parts of Eurv opc for two more wceks They arrive home on either September or Scplcmbcr IT The purpose of the trip is to Show studciits conditions in India so that Ilhcy will be ablc to return to Can ada as firsthand obscrvcrs and icil people here what they Saw In this iway by educating Canadians to the problems of India closer measure lof understanding will be rcachcd and dcsuablc degree of harmony obtained bclwccn the two coun tries llariy looking forward to speaking In various university and social scrvicc organizations nevi year and hopes he will be able to fulfill the obligation to the full est measure The students trip financed various means The Ford Found of New York has put up over sixty thousand dollars The World University Service to IS to India is which each university student in 34c0untries contributes 20 cents from fees pays portion and each provincial government gives grant in proportion to the number of students from that province There is no stated cash value to each Scholarship as the terms are all expenses paid but each is in lh neighborhood of 52500 in throat Among those assistiiig at Mr and Mrs Albert Fleethnms golden lwcdding reception this week was ers Orval Fleetham whose daugh lein MissAnne Fleetham greeted the guesisalihedoorofthe fleeti iam home 52 SPECIAL son umm YIME cm me SET PYREX DININGWARE CROWN PATIERN WITH YOUR PURCHASE or THE ALLNEW lll llt Coronatl WASHER JtcstM simmlamwiim if 53V flotation wiliuius wpnnznrui NEW FEAIURIS AutoControl Agitator Handle NE HalloRinse Pump Control SingleIul Control Bolllime In NoVbr Church singing of Becaiiseandv0 Per red roses other YHOR fculuiuKl sxdusm Wan Super Agitator Ihot lilolimo Mechanism twomall inngdr mav loigo 9Ib Capacity Pomluln Emmy ldominngItilo Finish MR AND MRS ROBERT KENNETH BROWN of Barrie andlMlss Elma Stacey The bride is the former Patricia Ruth their attendzims following their recent wedding In Burton gForbes daughter of Mr and Mrs CecIlForbes of Barrie and Avenue United Church From left to right are Joseph Tim lthe groom lo the son of Mr and Mrs Brown of Barrie mons usher John Walton groomsman the groom and bride IAfter wedding trip around Lake Ontario they are making Mrs Jean Lemay sister of the bride and matron of honor their home in Barrie and John Harradtne usher Seated In front Is the bridesmaid lgrErastern Star Holds Authentic KanromerNlurray Patricia Forbes Nuplials are Held Becomes Bride Of Robert Brown Centennial Night The regular meeting of the or dcr of the Eastern Star on Mon day April 13 and was Centennial Night Past Worthy Matrons and Pat runs in authentic centennial cos Mis Patricia Ruth Forbes daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Forbespi Barrie was married on Saturday March 14 1963 at three oclock in The marriage of Miss Jean Am elia Murray daughter of Mr and Mr Fred Murray of Novar to Peter Arthur Kantomcr son of Mr and Mrs Nick Kantomer of Barrie the afternoon in Burton Avenue took place on Saturday March 23United Church Barrie to Robed 1953 at 230 oclock in the after Kenneth Brown son of Mr and noon in Novar United Church Rev Mrs Brown of Barrie The Mr Milligan performed the cerc marriage ceremony was performed mon by the Rev Eugene Beech Mrs Hodgson played the wcd Wedding music was played by ding music and accompanied the Mrs Gordon Roach of Barrie 13 Jnkini in 1113 Gwen in marriage by her falhgl th bride was wearing agown of em LOW during the Signllkg white satin styled With lace bo mc reglsmr dice long pointed sleeves and yoke Given in marriage by her father of nylon net with seed pearlerer the bride was wearing gown of oyeiskirl was of iterandlace and duchess satin fashioned with she was wearing matchipgbcad lougslecvcdpjacket with awmcinl gre 3nd 797 rfrlpgflp 39171 darin collar and very full skiitflowers were red roses with threetiered overskirt of ny Mrs Jean Lemay of Barrie sister 10 mue IUIiEI 039 0f lOSEPOInl of the bride was matron of two lace studded with seed pearls held Qnd Miss Elma Stacey bf Bar 5ea msu and she was carrying bouquet of were wearing identical gowns of nile green and pale rose nylon net The maidiofhonor Misspaulineiand lace over taffeta With small Lavery of Barrie was wearing alaCkSOf nylon net and 1310th gown of blush plnk lace and nylon hats and gloves The matron of not ih strapless basque styled honor carried bouquet of pinkl with matching lace bolerq She and white carnations With whitel was wearing matching headdress snapdragons and the bridesmaid and carrying bouquet of yellow carried bouquet ofyellow and roseS The bridesmaids MissAnn white carnations with white snapl Kantomer of Barrie and Miss Katie dragoni wk Kantomer of Barrie sisters of the JOIN Walton 0f Baffle W35 groom were gowned similarly in gmomsman and the UShelS were soloist or yellow and green net ovr taffeta 30h Hauadlne and Joseph Tlm with mdtchlng boleros and head mons 0f BATTIE dresses ere car bou as reception followed at the home an of the brides aunt and uncle Mr of pink reses Mike Kantomer of Barrie wasand Mrs Bruce Reld 82 cumber land St where the mother of the gigonismn to brgtzeiran itelbrlde received in navy crepe wear 535932 53 her and Bruce Berry of Sauna Vof red reses The grooms mot Iwho also recervarwas in navy recepm follow all 303 lcrepe and was wearing red acces Olange Ham Where the mom sories and cotsage of red roses the bride receivedwearing navy left tissue faille with corsage of red Later the bnde and groom roses The grooms mother wlrtnil receivedwas in brown crepe 311 was wearing corSage of yellow roses Later the bridejaud groom left on wedding trip to points south the bride travelling navy dress wearing navy acclssories and HOUT DAZZLES grey coat On their return Mr and Mrs Kantomer are making DIAMO Ym their home in Sudbury mil Rugimtigggugmfn Outoftown guestsal the wedl MI mymmn ding came from Barrie Gall To mournw nubmama ronto Utterson Samia Buffalo and hmtwm Sudbury musstunnelingth ITS EASY to belittlin gt amuse old Floors osnimir murmur no It You can do professional reoffnlshing job mum complete easytousc Clarke Rental Save time and money and give your floors new bounty and lustre we fun all equlp meat mteriahfand complete instruction includes Onta lo the bride travelling in purple rehesterlaine dress with matching hat gloves and shoes Hre purse and feather hat trim were of light mustard and she was unharmed On their ding Ewart Orillia and Barrie MOTHERS wearing corsage of bronze roses and Mrs Brown willbc making their home in Barrie at 86 Dunlop St East Outoftown guests at the wed Belle return Mr were from Toronto Photo by Les Cowper Barrie tumes filled the various offices Assisting also were PWGM Mrs Anna Boyd Barrie PWGP Quentin Boyd Barrie DDGM Mrs Beatrice Spearn Barrie Mr and Mrs Mills and Mrs Drakeof Confederation Chapter Caprool Mrs Sparling of Owen Sound Chapter and Mrs Day of Crecmore Chapter After the meeting the centennial officers served an oldfashioned lunch to members and visitors The tablecloth used was 100 years old and the table decorations were old fasliioned lamps and candles The interesting evening was en joyed by everyone Canada imported 24500000 tons of coal in 1952 of which 80 per cent went to Ontario and 19 per cent to Quebec Mrs Ferris To Direct Cundles WI in 95354 Mrs Ferris was elected president of Cundles Womens Iri stitute at the annual April meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs Carruthers She heads an executive composed bf Mrs Cumming honorary presidenti Mrs Carruthers lst vicepresldem Mrs Flock 2nd vicepresident Mrs Wiggins secretarytreasurer Mrs Cum ming and Mrs Ottaway branch directors Mrs Ferris and Mrs Flock and Mrs artley auditors Mrs Miller social convener Mrs Walt Mrs Flock and Mrs Smith sick and visiting com mittee Conveners of standing committees for the coming year are Mrzt Or Sev agriculture and Canadian in dustries Mrs Charles Newton citizenship and education Mrs lpubllc relations Mrs Hubbcrt historical research Mrs Noble lliome economics and health Mrs Art Smith pianist andiMrs Reg Smith press secretary Fifteen members and two visitors were present for the annual meet ing which opened with the repeat ing in unison of the Ode the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lords Prayer As it was the annual meet ing roll call was answered with the paying of fees for the coming year Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved and the treasurcrs report was presented letter of thanks was read from Mrs Hartley The members decided to hold Wiggins district directors Mr BI Ottaway community activities and bake sale on Saturday May 16 at the marital Mrs Flock gave reading on titled Joyous Return of Spring Fulfilts the Promise of God and Mrs Bruce Cumming entertained the gathvrlng with two fine musical numbers Mrs Cumming thanked the members for the support they had given her in the past two years Mrs ll Ottaway presided for the election of officers for the coming year Mrs Ferris presented gifts to the retiring president Mrs Cum ming and the secretary Mrs Hubbert The meeting closed with the na tional anthem Refreshments were schEd by the hostees Mrs Born rose and Mrs Carruthers The next meeting of the branch will be held at the home of Mrs Charles Newton BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD REPAIRS and MARINE SUPPLIES Phone 30I8 or 6I37 SPORTHAVEN 7A Dunlop St Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION IllIIICIIN VIIILIII CONTEST APRIL 23 248 25 Through the Cooperation of GRAHAM FLEMING 15 DUNLOP ST beautiful display of plants will be on view in their show window on the above dates usn PRIZES Illll WINNERS OPEN TO AMATEURS ONLY it give your famin margarine at its BEST II slon wedding trip around Lake FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL Mrs Bowman Mrs Flook Ausplccs Barrle Horticultural and Town Improvement Association 41073 5057 theFlRST margarine wmi roopf VALUE runY men SINGLE EDIENT iiiI yerythingyiii UCOAis igoudaiitl good for you Youlllove NUCOAS naturitlly freshidelicatlvflaivorl Youll benet fromNUCOAS abundance of Vitamins 16000 units of Vitamin 5000 units of Vitimin VD per Implus NUCOAS valuable food energyl Even NUCOAS original delicate color comes from natures ovvn nutritious carotene iiufcofi ilaw59may BICYCLES EVERY WEEK this sentence in 15 Words or less Ifdfikeiz my bicycle because rv Amenities must be by the endup with the white attuare on it pitch Everyweek from April UC will give away neWCC each of the entgipa adjudgcd boa mu topAvgArvounqnocnvs ohfacsimile from NUCOA 11th till May 16th 1953 MgtStandard Bicycle In thy puncl of judgep NUCVOATENIRY iFQRMgdcouist Rutgsi 33 13

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