Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1953, p. 11

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=h THE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 17 1953 11 Mrs Harvie Johnson of Barrie In Line for Presidency of WMS Mrs liarvie Johnson of Barrie was appointed lst vicepreSIdent of Toronto Conference branch or the Womans Missionary So ety of the United Church 28th annual meeting held in St Andrews United Church Toronto this week Mrs Johnson LS now 11 cos Presbyterzal plac will the delegates splitting of Canada tltcl Vlrs Williams his Seymour Kcli twohour conference took up ilIIU groups for discussion All prcsbyteriai premdenIs Incl With representing Siriicue Iiesbyterzal The 223111 annua I1ectiug of Sim will be held 1le line for the presidency to whichl Stayner Ccnmmiul binned Church Mrs Nomse of Ioronto was elected at the meeting Among those representing Sim coe Presbytery the Toronto Conferencemeetlng was the presb dent Mrs Seymour Roll of Churc hill Mrs Gordon Brethct of Tol tenham secretary of Mission Bands in Simcoe Presbytery met with other secretaries from such far away points as Teiniskaming North Bay Muskoka Cochrunc Grey Duiferin and Peel presbyteries to discuss problems of Mission Bands Several other Simcoc Presbytery ladies were noticed in the gath cring on Tuesday Wednesday apd Thursday April 14 15 and 16 Mrs Johnson conducted the wor ship service at the conference us ing the theme from Luke verse 11 Ihey forsook all and followed IIim She remarked that each person must play the part that God has planned for him and her in the building of His great kingdom of love here on earth Rev Wesley Ilunnisett took time from his very busy day to drop in and pay his compliments t0 the WMS women at the annual meeting In his remarks he told the women that he had great re spect for the WMS its workers and its work could not let this meeting go through without look ing in on you and wishing you Godspeed in your conference It is more than to bring greetings came It is to wish Gods blessing upon your every effort for know littl bit about your work how vital it is and how much it means It would be no trick for me to stand here for the next few hours and tell you of things that have seen of the WMS which have touched me am perfectly sure that women are doing all that they can and in splendid way It is that all may hear that make that prayer You have distinctive part to bear wish that everything you may do at this gathering shall be blessed of the Divine The church is interested in you The officials are interested in you Wishing you the greatest of Gods blessing that it will resound to the welfare of the whole church Mrs Williams retiring president of Toronto Conference branch spoke on Working Together We must run very fast to keep up to where we are You can know that God does not give you hills too hard to climb His love ordains that you shall live but one day at time We must pray as if all de pended on God We must work as if all depended on us She said that when she asked her neighbors small son just five how he liked school he said Oh the drawing is all right but its the problems that get me And she said that isjust how it is in WMS the Workis all right but for the officers its the problems that get them MrsPratt editor of the World said that her magazine for 25 years has been bringing to the children of the church something of the livmg umrdcjeachinguhem to knmLGod the Father teaching titem to love the Bible giving them stories of na ture that they might see mirror ed in nature the face of the Father which is in heaven She said that children who really read her magazine know no racial prejudice since her magazine teaches that all are alike in Gods Sight Her aim is to have the MisV sionary Monthly in the hands of every WMS member and the World Friends magazine in the home of every family in the church where there is child on Tuesday May DOGS low when WMS members will hear of developments arismg out of the Toronto Conferl cute branch meeting Mus Robert Melarcn of AvonT ing was appointed assmrate IIILml bers secretary at Ihe annual Inech ing of Toronto Conference bIIIclII momma Describes German Conference WMS The ItKItZlIlOfl room of Collier Street United Church was the scene of the inspiring Easter thank offer ing service of the Womans Mignon ary Society on Thursday afternoon April Jhc president Mrs Max well was in the chair and wul comed the large number present The society welcomed former member Mrs Mills who has been living in North Bay for some years into active mombeliship once more Mrs Allen led the worship service in prayer May the wonder of our love draw us closer to Thee that we may partake of the life of our risen Lord From the reading of St Mark 16217 Mrs Gregory IGI lzstcners ilreip the Iii of this Iwurld should reconsuier setting up The little village of Willinger bel came light set on hill because the conference Dr Scott modcr uszng this theme urged his to let thetr lights shine for it is only whaltter light sl rd by as arc and an the situation we are placed that will world It It as we receive lilis message that we uklll meet the challenge lie wasi strongly CCIIVLIELrtI that illCle must be church UfllJIZ that We art driv on to come together Dz liybad or Lebanon spoke along the same lines lie pointed Iut that ins rot persecuted thzough ccnlur much smallrrl llmll mcst and made the statennnt that we llltl unite or perish The conference suggested that 30 permanent Work that niissiunaricsl should work 11 teams and be free to move tu places were there is greatest need at the moment that the need is greatest Every Chris tian has mission to witness Chris tian workmen should be trained for missionary work In Switzerland there are 65000 lay people trained for missions abroad in case of need at any time That country has 300 fulltime mission uries The challenge of the Willingcr conference was call to unitymall missionary societies all church buards of every denomination all missions All divisions must be trancended partnership is not enough All are called to serve in oneness Our responsibility is first3to missionary and maintenance and then to our WMS Why not get together queried Mrs Webster There must be 750 missionary recruits before 1954 100 dcaconcss es and workers 70 men including ministers and 94 men and women for special branches These must come from homes interested in the gave short meditation on the Resurrection of Christ In the minds of the disciples there was the problem of the stone which sealed the tomb of Christ but they found instead of stone an open door Thus Christ made way forever open through death to life His will for us is to find eternal life and to share the good news chorus Rejoice the Lord is King was beautifully sung by girls from the CGII The speaker Mrs Webster from Orillia was introduced by Mrs Lewis Rev and Mrs Webster had spent eight years in China before being called to the United Church in Orillia Mrs Weh ster gave very interesting and comprehensive report of the Willin ger Conference held in Germany challenge to the world There were 200 delegates representing 55 coun tries me and women from mis sionary societies church boardsand church members Then too there were missionaries from many parts of the world dressed in native cos tumes everything from aprons to tin hats and embroideredgarter tabs At this conference Cuba and Indonesia were welcomed as new comers gt The theme of the conference was Ye are the Light of the World church as whole The call is to be Christian and assume the total responsibility of the church Let your light shine upon all where you arc Thus Mrs Web ster concluded her timely message friendly half hour followed Railwaymen Honor Retiring Member One of the highlights of so cial evening held by the Brothers hood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen Lodge 442 In Allan dale Orange Hall on April was presentation made to Brother Clute on his retirement from the railway Brother Clutc IcCrIVy ed pen and pencil set and mem bership button dtliillf 20 years continuous membership Mrs Clute was presented with flowers by the lodge Several other brothers received long membership buttons Among these was Horan who has held continuous membership for years and Long who bers of the Junior sociatiun II rrzlzul at IIIEII Apzl her JLLIILI nxzth her clt Milli tilt lt gt23 LI don Btu3x bllllll tce and home I2 Evil LII NIX llttltl don from schooling BIItIsh baby to be bur gcntine IEIYIIMTSIII 15 mm Lommumh 5hr spukc briefly It for 20 years Among the outoftown visitors present for the evening were Mathews general chairman of Parry Sound AI Murdock of Ottawa general secretarytreasur er Hone of Brockvillc scn ior vicepresident Parker of Toronto junior viccprrsrdcnt and Emmer Momrealv general U1 thllltll Air lorcc to rcprcsuit Can ganIzer lads tin Coronation of Queen The Welling was 599 playmg lIiizizbeth II on June She will Eawzs ways 10 Alderglmnl be one among between 40 and litll are Iams one rs HySlOp Of Tommo and Hun Sill from Quebec City on May Amanda Dancmg 15 enjoyedt Sh wns the only 0ch chosen from to the mus1C 0f Tom Puncndensf non vhcrc 5hr Is stationed It Orchestra mug The day uftvr the Coronation tho SIOLES POPULAR group v1ll attend 11 rccoption at Stoles will be more popumr man Buckingham Infacci thud ever this summer and you will find Ilfrimlllii Fig one or two useful to have in your sweafsl ltllll In Ili the Iiruonicn wardmbei EXtm lac be away about two months and Will and cardigans are 8150 handy fur have good opportunity to see the sumerka dvgsmlonoxw Thoeosle cuuttryf as well as to be in tttcnd can cm ncr historical cvcnt or made from pattern using wool jersey or terry cloth CALL THE EXAMINER ron icnt Pttull of the Amy Vllll the info Dowager OIIIORAL GLADYS PLEDGEK Lnndugts Inliqtu ashr of Ilctlgcr 140 Willing tun St Wlt has been chosen from nnmig several wumez intho Wu nens Div run of the Royal Canv nirwonwu to take the trip and will Less than one fourth of Canadas known hydroclcctric resources are in usc The social committee under the convcncrship of served tea Mrs Atkinson LOSE NEW RINK SWAN RIVER Man CF Fire destroyed Swan Rivers brand new curling rink built last sum mer and estimated to be worth $35 000 The rink insured for $22000 was long loss 5200 Canada has dealers automobil will mope if not given the best of care Your auto motor will mopc too if no glected Have it checked re gularly Drive In Today BRENNAN AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE JIARRIE ONTARIO in August of 1952 It was an inter denominational missionary confer ence which threw out tremendous IFrindsrr magazine for chuarh onus ouya Firestone More and more Canadians are discovering the dccptlown sense of satisfaction that comes from owning It Monarch Its satisfaction that springs front the knowledge that Monarclis grace and dignity are the perfect complement to any setting on brilliant behaviour 011 the road from the smooth over dependable performance of Monarchs ne lZSHp V8cnginc bucked byiexperience gained in building more V8 engines than all other manufacturers combilml Put all lthcsc things together Willonarch drivers share infomalioif 0M1 vi Idiilc sirlmm rim turd curler Li uptiunul of cum on hen Irmilnhlc Io Coronation fCemralChUrch 35ihg Junior WA Enioys Of Brotherhood yr iTravelogue Talk letrlcl gau Inl guc talk to men Wumans As irneIIng Jamem Illz lull returned South Af Born of British punnu vhu ncn In Bllt2itlS Ants fur Pacific limits1 sht the late Em Irzoiz wife of ltLsz Mrs Wheeler had Incl and lillktti bung girl SI at hcr passing Icl the president Mrs George Hook Gavin mooted IIrcllflg acid In the Sunday School She was presented auditorium Plans were made for Saucer on behalf of spring tea and bake sale to be smalltoken of appqu was In the chair for the April herinttmnz the1d at the home of Mrs Stephenson Clappcrton St visit uni manner followed by an Inter vsting business session The Jun lud Cmer tor WA has decided to purchase swim new ablcs for banquets and teas =31 01 match the chairs pur zetclllljv Also to be pur hot water heater for the group close Ilium an rr bring Sh business scsmn closed with thr thvmc sung Let the Beauty of Jesus UP 56311 In Me The presi dent Ilicn Iurncd the meeting over It tltv group louder Mrs William Silljtullt Mrs Vernon Hook intro Itl Lull Icl for her COOKS Order your pants shirts hats and aprons now Satbfsctlon or money refunded PATION PRODUCTS 94 Sllvcrthorn Ave Toronto Ill Illt WA mime Quccu 3111 shops Is W59 near CIIIIIII comm HARVEY Branch Manager Wilson Building Barrie Ontario any occasion from the confidence inspired by Monurclis andvou have the esscnccvof IliathpridoofAowuershipthat all do Refreshments wen Th Illrvlllig proceeded to thc us ii the hostess Mrs Seriede to bring the mating hr TIRE TUBE For 00 use your old tire PER WIEK as down payment Gurtshore 57st Cor Dunlop St Maple Ave The lean red meat did other valuable food elements in KenLRation help yourdog develbps Ivrnlexitossv Im35IIISIII EYES unlit llIllllllthlM IMP binomial tinnitus Appetizing incltydog mu that costs only pennies serving Phone 3195 mm wish to RMulto This lugFeed 55 noon to or to your twoweckgglf at the end din time you are not this sen ed with the results your mode will be cheerfully refunded vMEAlBISKIl Good fol clicwysnncks Delicious meat avor blde right in Put Food Dlvlilou Ibo Gwalior mummy of could built Potthorough Ontrt YOUR MONARCH DEALERIWILL BEHAP Suoh malicious comfott ilGN Oi Wt PY IOARRANGTE DEMONSTRA AT so richly appointed Open the door of Monarch and seefhoWeectively its beauty of design has beenfcarried through into theinteriorsdecoratordesigned planned for turn ious comfort colourkeyetho highfashion fabrics all harmonizedwith ancye to enduring goodlooks Beauty inside and outcompellingi reason =foo Monarchs evictgrowing popularity trauma mtgemu or Hui CAI heroism

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