Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1953, p. 15

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wrwrrm um tCPlTlzcre was tviolintuba uriiev who iwefmi lei papers game but if ducnfli bother him now Mrs Roxie Holmrs of Wistmuiu gt itxtllll begun to distriexnber ur alley that ill her drtflv $5be my Chm and ms CUcld roundup double meOid xings from farm weekly lz Estamscb The Mptf pcftclly renal upturn am out tdrcl 1932 You could have knocked me dawn mm am said Mm Turkey Preferred Weekly Newspaper BLONDIE OStruck for Target in 1953 Cage Season up JD CF MY DADDYJ rickM25 wins 0153 TMNG Homag cxpiumcd to the purlins lc sposeu trip it N14512 Foils icost and pupils who will bi lbic on Al Wisczuzm tncn rxllliiit ix to the teachers the nocvs childrin who have been 21 brim note for the teacher iplninzmz cxucrlv they were innuiy lhlcsc rcusons Filri be in the on llnghl xc miciizi lwas lllcg udlouiricd and Ediscussion followed on iliume and School problems it KEY members of Barrie Collegiates basketball squad who captured the Bay COSSA championship this and thus ended long title drought Gardner Vcrrol Whitmore Neil Glea SHANTY BAY Cake Decorating son Ray Cutler Robin Wright The team membch of the panel urru cnuu was eliminated from the Ontario pldydOWIlS man WBCman pmmm but showed BDCIS determination to return Campbell trustee Dr 115m ho 1bourn Mrs Robbins icuchuz to court power us LArt More parent and Mr Doubt PW mm Cackblllllof the Simcoe County Health Unit The parents asked the presuming tutc on curdd and putting it inland the panel tried to answer them lihc centre of the cake These cuidsSome of the topics discussed wercz ilikc the rose centres were rcrulvlthc recent immunization of March made of an edible icing which is 19 overcrowding of school sanitni quite hard To either sidc of the lion of school and religious teniil card Vlr Bloomfield then placed ing in school After the discussiorii bluebird To show llle way Li Mr Wiscman thanked M1 Doubt make different birds hc used for helping in the discussion piece of wax paper and made 21 unanimous vote of thanks was dis toi sva Bloomfcld ectcd to Kennedy who inE an ruazyoueemsoeoueumce or beautiful Electric Ilanc Dont delay for free pickup just Dial 2885 Offers yap chance on the lucky draw with every dry cleaning or der You may win FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE REFRIGERATOR Under the auspices of the Wc lmcns institute Mr Bloomfield of the Corner Cupboard Bakery spoke ito the women of Shanty Buy and district on how to decorate calf Those present included women CDTTYS CLEANERS KNOWN FOR FINE CLEANING W113 WJRF WuBF WKFM WURF MURPWUKF WMKF WUEF WHYF WURF WP um ALL 905 HE no ALERT ANDAWAZE Jim BARK uT marA ith FINANCE COMPANY LID WISIOIAM INOUSTMAL KCDIW unqum Wilson Building Ofce Sq BARRIE Phone 5531 in Efrem ilawkcstone and Guthrie On 3bchalf of Shanty Buy Womens 13 istitutc Mrs Hercward Martin wcl icomcd Mr Bloomfield to the hull 1To demonstrate ways and means or lcakc decoration Mr Bloomfici zchosc nineinch white layer cnltc 3with plain white icing The first ithing Mr Bloomfield did was to lput scalloped lattice bordzr inround the edge Of the cake llc lilien madc roses about two inchcs in diameter for the cornch made by lihc scallops These roses were lmadc in two ways One using it ircndy mudc hard centre or making iyuur own centre Each produced lsimilur product Mr Bloomfield thcn personalized the cake by writE Shanty Bay Womens lnsti STONEand 300 Boyfield si rifle Everything one Control ALEX 511 from announces reopening of the Garage for all kindsnof auto repairs and welding Body work carried out Licensed mechanic We are here to serve you all we dskis that you will glthnSJLtllnl and we feel sure our work will giveyou com plete satisfaction Bring your car in now for complete spring service job Open days week fromvtl am CONCRETE Driveway stone crushed concrete stone ondsand For sale of pit or delivered PIT AT MIDHURST ONTARIO Iv1ARcoeBRQS BARRIE vi 4600 then finished the cake cdgcwork consisting of scrolls On piece of waxed paper Mr Bloom field lhen demonstrated how to make different flowers such as sweet pens apple blossoms and ln fodils In either corncr of the name card he placed small blue violets For use at Easter he made small bunnies out of marshmallows Fol lowing this there was qucstim and answer program and many hints and secrets of baking were divulged to the group by Ml Bloomfield After the demonstra tion short singsong was held under the direction of Mrs Russell Handy accompanied at the piano by Mrs Newson The group was favored with solo Bless This House by MW Ralph Hickling Mrs Emms was her accom panist lunch was served by Etc members of the Womens Instit itc and the decorated cake was cut and served to the guests Members of the WIS from Hnwkestonc iul Guthrie thanked Shanty my for inviting them to the discussion II and Meeting The monthly business meeting of the Shanty Bay Home and Scncul Association took place at the sclool on Wednesday evening April The president Mrs Evelyn fir plfy wasin thchhapir and ip1111 bers and two visitors wer preeiifj The meeting opened prayer offered by Dr Lighthourn The sercretary Sam Terry read the min of the March meeting The were accepted and passed asild letter received by MrS cwson was read by the secyary Mrs Terry The leftor wa to notify thg Shanty Bay Home yadd School that they have been re llowedZtownmdelegammothc Council Committee in Barrie It was decided to leave to the next meetingnbe business of appointing five delcgthsifrom Shanty Bay to the council committee In the absence of the treasurer Mrs Vera Hawkins the secretary Mrs Ter ry read the treasurers report The president Mrs Murphy asked the members to thinkrabout the fun night which is planped and be scribed the new charter of Slianiyl Bay Home and School with tlwi names of the charter executive and churtcrrncmbcrs social eveninl1 was then held with lunch sorvcdi by the refreshment committee chairman Mrs Atkinson marl her committee members wr Annual Meeting Thc annual election meeting oil the Womens Institute was held uni Tuesday April at the home of Mrs Ralph lIickling The prcsii dent Mrs Hcrcwzird Martin was in the chair The meeting opened with the Opening Odc and Mary Stewart Collect Roll call was iii sucred with the collection of tbei annual fee There were 13 membersv present Mrs Handy the sccyvr tnry read the minutes of the laltt monthly meeting hcse were pass ed as road Mrs Iandy then rend the minutes of the lilSl annual meet ing held in April of 1952 at the home of Mrs Houston The treas urer Mrs 05 Packard then read the treasurers report for the year This was passed as read Mrs Handy read many cards Of thanks fiomrgiithc sick who had receivid flowers from the WI and also read invitations to attend Show at Hillcrest School given by Miss Ruth Shaver Saturday April 25 The subject of swimming instruc tion containedvina letter from Miss Louie Colleywvas also read Mrs Hickling vicepresident then read her reportOf flowers and gifts sent to various people during the year It was decided that the card parties end the last to be in April Mrs Emms distributed literature ed by her from the Canadian Ment al Health Association The incin bets are to drop one penny week into thewbag wruntili there arefty two one for each week of the yent It was decidedthatonWednesday April 15 the WI would entertain at supper in the Community Hall The committee chosen for this sup per was Mrs Emms Mrs Russell Handy Mrs Geocge5hni son The meeting was then closed by the president Mrs Martin and the offices were declared vacant and penny bags which were receiv the senior and junior hockey teams To me TKADITONv or elicit tausurges rteml To 409 BaumHG paw Aacur marrynie 511 av PLUS was THE mmHOWVWOIJ LIKE to um SURESIRE mama snail1 THE Pu HEEE re AAnraiuichL human pi wufiF VJRF WuzF mm ius= vth quF Mix quF Wth WUEF WOW WulZF ALF um was mum woo wurzr can Airazssr mg 5455165 CDMBINE um VE ccuLDCALL as as woe WulZF tcurzF wuF qul fluff wuZF we um Wsz nun cum WuZF HEP IUEE Wail 127 WxgiWW my 55w 415v 7W5 diffulifl duet51 15 673 COUNTN5 Cer acacco OF EXPERT 15 KEEPIN DIAL 2433 2434 2222 pmunSELF CARS AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY PROP MUGGE ANDSKEETER FAT BlLLlON PLUS THREE lES TIER Willi LE can WM 56 liLAF WLIF iiii insz tilno impef mm 93 lul1 wuizpwumwmwuzmmm Fnuz FWLEF WUEFWUBFMIF WURF RALPH 79453 ecwa FINGERB BUN LIL 94021 do ma meg M6385 use PuTTmimue Aurasr5 Emszwa Panza Dzenvren RFWlJ RFWUKF 11de MS Lari KEE PM H2 LOOT lF HE 62653 muse The CHCW NTWAYi WJATLL RE 70 FOR TENCORS ACHT ems macIr NW semi Wlp 24 HOUR suavle VALLEY TAXi ff AND TRUCKING SERVICE ready to offer suggestions This will be held in the Community Hall and everyone is invited Mrs Frank Dingman offered motion that will be voted on atthe May meeting to the effect that the ready for the election of new of cers Mrs Newson acted as chair man Mrs Stewart Emms and Mrs gt Ralph Hickllng scrutineers The of WrthNAEwgqu ficersfor the WI for 195354 are volR 9qBLE FKHINGSeAND WHEN Mrs Hereward Martin president IANsweszirulfSANKONG wOOME TOA FULLSTOP AT THE NEXT MIRROR AND THEN JDARK LlNESl AdmirnlT Washers Ranges Refrigerat ors Radios Irons yloasters Pressure Systems Deepfreezers fit Coolers Easy terms arrang meetings of the Home and School Associtionbe changed from the first Wednesday to the third of the month and the executive meet ing be changed lo the fourth The principal then took the chair and spOke to the parents He gave the results of the Red Cross drive and thanked the parents Mr Wiseman EBOM To reelected Mrs Emms lst vice president Mrs Hickling sec retary Mrs Packard treasureiand Mrs Emms district director chairman for flower committee Mrs Hickling social Mrs Patter son and program Mrs Taylor The evening closed with lunch served by the hostess GRSILLESO LAsss New ideas in bank premises are NOW ALL mxsouc NUMBER IM ALL UP housewife ND 51 SODOWE lMESSED one pmggmo 5575 Ts Just CANT RUN VERV GOlN If an Jay ygullke 01 THAT WAY BEATCHA AT RUNNIN designed to give youspee Viburnum convenient service Wteyarart Oftltc easy Canadas Charteredlbanlrs +v built on Soundbankingpractice4continually gt adapt their services to meet clzorzgilig expanding needs THE BANKs SERVING vowi coMmumrv

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