ï¬g Eiaiz lg Ru wskl won an elimination ihe i5 chaocrencs tor the even To Spaan swimming The Home Schoollaced tion held thlir March in the schoolon Wednesday the ii Very little business was enacted The next Teen Town will be in three weeks April Pat Bayes is in charge oi this dance Dress is Come as you like HlllSDAlE Sportsmens Show Mr and Mrs Glen Murday and Donald Mr and Mrs Gordon Thompson were in Toronto Tues day to attend the Sportsmens Show Sympathy Extended Sympathy oi the village goes to Jack humble and family in the loss of hismdther the late Mrs Rumble in orillia Tuesday WA Plan Quilting The WA was held Tuesday ev ening at the mansé with pres ent Mrs Robert Martin presiding Mrs Murphy gave the Sc pture reading tollowed by The rds Prayer Devotional was explained by Mrs Tyson Roll call was an swered by Bible versest ng with the letter lting but the memberl saved to once more sponsor the Red Cross swim ming classes under the direction 01 the Simeoe Countycliccrcation Council hlr Wilson reported that the schools donation to the Junior Red campaign had been 500 Lb Mrs Rob juniors topping the list with $1980 Everyone tell that the children had put forth splendid eliort to raise the money Panel Discussion At amthe group listened to the panel discussion on CKBB presented by several members oi our association The topics con sidered were Does Home and School accomplish any good is television good or bad eilect on school children What can he done to alleviate the shortage of good qualified teachers These subjects were intelligently dis cussed by Mrs More Mrs Terry Mrs Robins Frank Dingman and Jack Taylor with Morley Clement as moderator Concluslons Drawn The conclusions drawn were that good association does much to further parentteacher relation ship perhaps the most impoitrnt was planned or next week at the home of Miss Gertie Goddard Lunch was ervcd by the hostess assisted by rsGordoh Rowat FEED SEHVIEE anc gruice BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS CA LROBINSON entrustingTiarasconceMitt Phone Stroud52 Collect or Barrie 2681 2211 SAVE MONEY ON during PROVINClALS Easter iortl March 15 Sincere sympathy extended to MrsGordon Ruiiett SS TRE SALE catch thechiids interest endin and though hsdeelincd to give his personal opinion he siatcduhal gm television is here to stay and that we mull learn to live with it and adjust to itas we had already done to such things unradios an automobil MrLapp raised point that thriving civilintion constantly undergoes change and when society tails to advane it siliute dance is deadciting as an example the dfyevcuing tail of the Roman Empire when the people tried to keep every thing the same as it had been Merlin oi School He then considered the merits and weak points of schools today and 50 or so years armstating that both good and bad examples are to be tound in each lewer subjects were taught many years agowith the result that more time ior those being studied was available bringing about better grounding in such things as wrr ing and arllhrnetie Mr Lapp mentioned that spelling was taught for the sake of being able to spell along involved words which he feels to be useless lic believes that there is no me in learning to spell wold that we will never use He pointed out that apliitoximatelyv subjects are now taught elementary schools compared with perhaps village here live at themost in the old schools hr which gives our childrena broad eroutlpok althoughpcrhaps not such concentrated study of each one am To our System litany people ieel thatlt would be better to go back to the old school system but as the Speaker pointed out they would be un willing to return to horse and buggy coaloil lamps and the rest oi the things that went ViLh it We must accept changclanal make the best of it trouslng lntercat gt Mr Lapp expressed the opinion that the hooks uscdnow do much to arouse childs interest in ed ucation As examples he produced three rigab plcturéiess itnely print dfltexts published around 19 ndsévr brj well rlï¬rslratedbooks use ttï¬ay The appearance andfprint nithese new books aloneidoes much to TIRES slECIALi Vuey tlent in St Andrews duce him ah lust around th nib Rawn ylsit cousin John Stewrho Bert Graham 01 are swimou ed on Mr anera Dave Douglas lnstllrite Dance Agood crowd attended the in to the Milan lri Conrnrunity Sympathy lhc sympathy oi thecommun ity goes out to ihe tarnin oi the late Abe Loncy who paasedaway March 15 at daughter In Midland Mr honey was resident of Wyehridgé for several years His daughter Mrs Rav Hart and husband livc7ln the the home of his Back From an Mr and Mrs Renllounsome returned home on Saturday morn ing after iew weeks trip to Wcsiern Canada and visit with relatives there FIremens Beneilt Dance Sevcrnl local couples attended the Midland ltremena benefit dance at Parksldcon Saturday vening Sunday you Mr and Mrs Duncan Douglas nd family at Midland visited with and Mrs DaveDougla Sunday it normal Mrs Armour Reynolds is losplttl lxdland where she underwent surgery oilSaturday invToronto Mrs Manson Curry and Miss Weekend Visitors Visitors during the weekend out Teacher shortage Commenting on the teiehcr drawupon more than its share of young people at the expense ot uother Ii BELLEZEWART 10th alrlaary Mrs ialas Mr and Mr Perrier andiamily and Mrs Jack Ferrlerj Palas 70th birthday in Toronto ebrate er sonshmre Attended Funera er and Mrs William Ruiiettv ttended theiuneralol Hailed in Toronto onilhursd toiind what they are all Angus Sunday afternoonf ururarna Allan gm Alliaton trinity and His Vivian McCann daughter Evelyn and Mrs ry Ncweil were in Toronto to tilt Ralph Bell in the General Hospital Mr and Mrs James Leeand Ailan were sun ay visitors with ill Mr and MrsI Charles Robina were Mr pad Mrs Bill Robins and family of Harrlrton and Mrs Robins oi Wyehridge an nd rm wmnm tFaIlis vis ited with Mr and Mrs Cliiiord rimu at Grenicl irs William Colllnsspent few day with her son and daughter iniaw Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Collin Mr nd Mrs Collins visited Mr antlMra Lorne Wyant in Staytor on Sunday From Hamilton rnle Hounsome who has been Hamilton the past iew weeks flttlnl the heat iorthe shipping season called on his parents Mr and Mrs Charles Hounsome on and with his wile For nu tires or Verna Faliis attended the OLRBA in Toronto on Monday evenin WALL urns Mime shortageer Lappjait that it is ehronic condition with no inl mediate solution alneeit aéemsnll proiesslons nursing as anexanr ple are iinding themselveslshort sthited and no one vocation must 36 innyiield leer mmbrmu Mo on Sunday isndnt PE Springla here at last but there ire atlli loo man snowmanw make it rprlnglike an Mn Stewartjviai dAMra and am opkina and lean tAllandaie visited with Mr an Mfl Hopkins on sun annual Trinity WAltave been quilting at MraAlired Spencers this week weekend you acz Gordon Antiman obthe hCAFCarnp Borden spent the weekend with Aultmra nndMrs mass 1W hive rhlrlc iron are Y0llll yams Let or check them than in docoozplelebrake jobs amour Bonded Union mm mm ronnac roan DODGE rLrnouru Bond chininar insulted on all our wheels 52650 Wheel Cylinder pmsrhoniagyand tracing ntemcrgcncy brake cables extra MOTOIt TUNEUPS We speciilim inlltdlorluae Ups Generator andStartcr oven hauls Carburolorswuhedand reoperated Martel Lubrica lions washed and ï¬ll thinner try aurion Havollnn all climate oil 85c pick your car up and deliver lt Bessel Shonoehon Motors snv columnarannex at Filth CHIEF assumes cumulus rrotectgo 24 irr low frruet service lBorgia Phone 40 roa RISULTS usr sxAMIyrn WANT ADS Then dont miss this bargain buy in qur men ad byan Bathroom ccessltiesand while they last are hie to alter these attractive rota of compact handsonre it steel enamelhaths and is 120 Bng llah chlna basins at the very low price prir set PLUMBNG END lilillllliï¬ LTD 34 Dunlup St BAR RlE Phone 3770 nee Bctty Bediord in the pass ing of her father Just Around ner it begins to loo It spring is corner but wi ave plenty of yet Ne stce BUDGET TERMS as Low as sins WEEK school meetingwasheld on Monday evening ands now tee Torrens Wasrappointed till the place oi Garnet Ferricr who resigned Sunday Visitors in and Mrs Rodlï¬rs til at Toronto and Meteait and baby Sunday visitors jChappcl mg ws nonn inhumanminor even error has mama seen such tiré event Heres your chance to go iubeless and SAVE MONEY arrlo were Mr andMrs Eslqie Bdard And every member office of th Barrie and Disiric uited to stondsreodytooSSist pr inbbtoaning if good LOWRENTAL Hones KELOWNA cmcm coun YW Peeds yamed tofpurehasgvlli parcels of property or cons Ono There is no substitute for years of experience and min fill 35$ no right here in Barrie andlmmeoiate District Loo nowiedge on thepartor your Barrie Real money ior the mini Lords the keynote ot his expert advice and servi ticyou whether youre buying home aibuildlng sxaelor commercial property Senses whsnyyou switch ioDoniinion Royal gt TubeleSs ledge property values Imamm awoo 1400 Immune lanaiarm