Accom plished HFerguson MC Regaiilnsuruncet America Opens Marcos 1956 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir thought that you would be interested in the followlng in formation belieye that such an accomplishment on behalf ofMr Ferguson and what it means to this wholedistrictjby way of an example and employment of people should recolve outstanding publici as it could easilyJae the forerunner of other insurance com pï¬ieLTestahiï¬himthelr ï¬lm fices in smaller communtes throughout Ontario On FridayFeb 17 1956 thc Regal insurance Company Limit ed opened its home office for America at Collingwood Ontario where they are transacting the following lines ofinsuranc autcmabilc burglary1 bonds inland marincyhall plate glassaccidentandslckness boiler and machinery This companywasorganiud Julian Ferguson MC MP to prove to the federal and provin cial governments that decentrali zation at industry is essential and should he planned by both of these bodies Mr Ferguson contendsthat due to neglect of therfederaland pro vincial governments of0ntarlo and Quebec and poor guiding and management by way not locating and aiding to locate industries coming lint havesettledin ntr ronto prim that they were strangers ina strange land and tho ifacllitiesof much mailer mmunities were nut olntedoutun avprnper bu ke manner to tb The result is thatToronto and newi HomeOificé For in rCollingwood Mr Ferguson 3set out few yearsagoto arrange for adequate iinancing of an insurance com pany thatwill write all lines with theaceptionvot life He has now accomplishcdhis desire by com mencing business with company capitalized at one million doliiirs and ith reinsurance facilities ill make it possible for his companyto write some or the largest lines ever wriltcn in one Erhasfof 12 em loycd top key personnel hdth male and fe male who are thoroughly ac quaintelixwitls all branches of the insurance business The Regrrl insurance Company Limited has employed hr the bal ance of its slafistenographic and other help necessary for the com pletion of vthe commencing staff fromiownsand villages surround ing Collingwood and when visitors see the prompt and efficient man nor in which each agents business is being handled there can be no doubt labout the fact that esprit de corps and conscientious efiort canbe acquired as well in small coémmunity as inthe larger cen tr The Reg insurance company Limited seen light thatany othervcorporatlon could well fol low Torontc and Montreal wages are paid toall employees but on the averageveach remployee will approximatelysao month to ansportation and lunches due can walk and from work and have rmidday meals at home es Lchildren can pracj walic toand fromthe Montrea rare congested and city Lh labor nsuff cause ance companies at east 100 per cent of United States companies British and Continental European companies when they ic nt pea at they would oothav if the Were Working for ua dinMontrealor opéned offices in Canada that theyeilhereatablished gttheirvof fices inMontrealr or Toronto The practicerhas been atone or two men representingth company in tending to open anoffice lnCan ads have arrived at Torcntomr two ecauseithay happen idles simply citesthéyland in lingwood The insurance company home otficehasnolabortroubles and is nevershortof fany product with whichvto do business Their work continupu dthe salaries are continuous mauranoe jcornpany matriculating or taking businesacoursea in the collegiateaoperatlng around Col have opportunities had before without livelihood inthe two attract Canada My one of these nungboys can in 20110 25yeassshscom president of the ployees ndouhted sapsltheir emery adioeudsno reducsgthelri thqthe ult thec6€tgt0f operation lof rance companies in large centrcs Eis cessive andzwhcnone eon ridersrthat good nderwriti profit anuailygfnrmny so ewhere around twopor cent all companies couldaasure themaelveavo netthu derwï¬lit corporationins oneof the vice presidents Nhey will shaverthe arachnoid The presonv Regal insurance company gimm yed areiaituated nthel goat of ï¬cemuliiing the of Collinxï¬ood ated in Mdntreal and Toronto that mostremployees Everyone of the 50 30 youngmew or women that mpldyed annually byxthe illlngv positions in mpanys Ebraneh premises of the ts named after infltml ofllcers including ll Prmsh Muham street recalls well known in theï¬navy rcni V1700 21048 that CopL all HMï¬lmttr can serv Admiral arvls EarILOIG Win cent in JMQJCspiain Mulcastei glib two essclo capturcdative sh he did splendid service and of Cayenne 5the=cap ll American aprivateer 13111813 He commaddcd the PrincessCharloitc guns on Lske Ontario in 18 Athl year he was very dang curly wounded at the storming ov Tort Omega from whichhe nevcr ul iy recovered FREDWJGBANT re 5ylieacij1ers Pleased By Public Support EducaliQnJWeék gt Barrieiarch 51959 Toflhe Editor The Barrie EnI arnlnern would have been only following the exampievset by the home of lices for tho United States and Europe aslhe home officctor most companies in the United States and throughout Europe with branches in Montreal and Toronto rare notriocated in New york London Paris Berlin or home The citizens of the towns and villages surrounding Colllngwood are very proud of thelr nowout standing industry and sovthay might well be as this company can easily be the forerunner of one of thegreatest insurance com panies in the Dominion of Canada in years to come ployment for several thousand people principally from this part of Canada vThc slogan of the Regal Insur ance Company Limited is prompt service on all matters pertaining to thclrsssurcd and agents par ticularly on the issuance of pol icies and the payment of claims also the provision of an Aoulstand ing engineering stan thatcan he norm mm consulted atall times on behalf of theassurcd and agents for their insurance an economical and sale construction of properties WiNNiPEG Feb 270 MeGllllvray $7 is blind butuhe hasibecome niairly efficient car pet bowler He and men other residents of the Canadian Nation nl Institute for the Blind home therevtaok up the game fo exer cise ndrelaxationv Theedgeofa wooden oxguid themastheyboWl Mrs wife om blind man em take int Our aim wasshociri at first id Williamjohnso vicechain ftheiManitoha rd isionof the0N1 We were bowling all overthe oom when iJay that we have been most pleased by the publics inter est in EducationQWeek and the suppbrt which rthe event has re ceived this year in Barrie no more parents and interested cltlae who havetaken the time andlJroubiav tovislt us in the schoolaaud see It first hand what we are trying to achieveherï¬we vmh torexpreas our thanlis for yourfriendly interest on encours agcmedt uWe teachers would like Shh igfiemh rk arouse am on so WWW be nlastlngand increasing and We hope Ithecommunlty at rge willshare with us the beliefthat the proper training of our youth Ilsa job secondto none in impor tame Oatai understanding add cooperation between the teaching profession and the lie will grow better educatioh for alL Sincerely Yours sincerely cannon annular Mayor of Coiilngwood hopingbiind is thc cum residence willjoin residents and learn to bow Imatumped in you areni good enoughlorme yet feel youre too good for anyoneelaei ndemhnthnve old se og sniab ménoivwsr in Finistarro law He Cap MINISTER HARRIS brin down thefedg arch 20 This will be Mr Harrrs second budget since taking over thiipgtfoilo in iymbt township Sir iwantlirst atolltween mend the Ontario governmentnoa lhelrsatc driving campaign halal believe they should improve some of ythev hmrdous conditions on our roads if they ars goin havea successful campaign There are two places in portr culsr in Slmcoe County that should be improved namely Highway 90 and Ltbe junctianlol Highways 26 and27 at Midhurst There hasbeen some small im provement at the Midhurst high way Junction where the do mentrdid away with lorest ot trees and lett aforest ofcon£us bu ing road signs The Ontario government has been made mum at the follawing facts shod Highway Strand Coun ty Roadi In March 1855there were 13 bump signs in 10 milesof road which is nearly twopcr mile To overcomethis patch Job was done in June 1955 in 1953 the Department of mgrwaysrocorded 55 accidents ca ng personal and property damage do im the Department of Highways recorded 77 accidents causing personal and property damages in 1955 the DepartniEnt tot Highways recorded 102 accidents causing personal and property damage As the roan deteriorates accident rate goes up the has been six months probation atprcseat tbepolince departure vaunted by com Jhcsa were presided overfbythe Justices of thoracic They tried minor chorgesmnd gave preliminary hcsriags Two ofjths men wh presided over courtsin fltrondheldl in the On Inge Hall wmWilllamHMn and John Gordon others Cgflstophg Peacock and me me losses were alsoheiddn Lefroy ilwoMrmier Cases One of thcfamous cues Iran the Records win tha Ney Slight murder This took place in tha Bethesda district some four score part years ago ltvgot nationwide pub llclty The defence eounsel wod case andi was id theitriaiehexto meme yObict Blogg it handle the youths chargcdwith murderin zl Taro to bond messenger 5nd ri his body lnto ethe town slfip and dumpingi corner near Stroud grgabillty that big portion at the north an of thsnowmhip may considerslug re duce the work of the township polio part of the diahict patrol astherq borol commercial plants and heavilynpopulated area across the north end of the muni cipality and will So far thisyearthere havebeen seven accidents including one tality There has been many minor ac cidents not recorded Most of the accidents occurred near the nar inferre raw horseandbuggy bridge The Simcoe County Council have onmore than one occasion recommended the improvement at these roads as vrecorded in their minutes Two years agorthe Barri Cham ber of Commerce asked that this road in improved In Marcb 21855 the Canadian Legion held protest Vmeeting re gardingthc ditionof thiaroad with representati Penetang Sunni saga icrecmoro Tossorontio and the countylroadsgt committc walt ed on the minister of highway it wasareported in the press that tinio that the minister rgavc themagoodhearlngmnd romiscd to have thefroaddnspectgd Collegla and others demographiclino and it was in the prassgrocently that thezfederal government shoul hclp toirnproye Highway 00 an replace the narrnWrbridge zfligh woycoastructionandmalntenaace purely provinclal matter Itf ithevOntarli gogemment no up gt onslbil ities the Ontario Deflmentof ighwaysfcannot pay lï¬arn new ridge witlrthair incrcas dcost ot car llcsaslaplatasflthen would say they ahauld ask ifar federal ass tance Highway BO cord ithe vrel improvement is clear ecomea city annex 111ml aimMorning Prayer mnrsrwnnro FIRSTIAHIST CHURCH Clapperimlbyfltgley REV LUCK 86 SD SIBCLOUD Omnist and sump mesonlass MOMMA moor ESSAROAD PitzSBYTEMAN CHURCH um nzvnc Em unsaANKnurchan 0mm 815 pnuYPSMillon nght L==l owen and 1Worsley Sta nay muss rnsouson as Minister mash cnsnnsuusaac PiCL Organist and Choirmaater SUNDAY mason 181956 can onorcs pan anon usual 10 nova The at both services s15 Wars Fireside Meeting 11 Francamonvscnool AllJJepartments us moss passioiv sunohy MARCH 15 1956 snowyHoly Communion 1910 sumllon scammndlon Sermon JointlySUNDAY SCHOOL hmdaast 109 pm=avamnc Passer cnnrsr masons IILATE Lihe Rev At head 111mm sass Mrsslo Cookstreet 930 IrflhChlllch Service Whalerhunky helical 1045 LHenIor Sunday School The gOntario Lgaveihmehbwill be eld Irea nsible for any further ass of due toihazardouscon ditionson lhe deputation unsupported Vans nun ronssrsss raaarmnmsgomcsv is Majoraenersl FgclorkgCIEEnCDnGeneral ricer Vennimanding central Command will in spoof the Grey andï¬iincoeiioresbera NArmd Rest RCA on at thefMearordhzï¬vvmange nundny is April 1956 This wlllhe by special errorsï¬ement land will uplace ourrRegimenton revle florist function Lwith alltradlg yoijmmnomre oordialiyln tent and see your Regiment on para VAllnpecialï¬rrangemants are youa showing aetlon noliiding tanks endall ment Innedjo in Militiasmen in tendonit equip ya Newtonismltb SUNDAY Manon 1956 Sam1on eomninnron amnonnme canyon nmgnonrxoosrntmron Wed 8zpmMldweck Len Service slums rnwnien Religion rueanyhow sun ems rwcollldStreet Senior Mailmlndjdra Coopu cushions slmnmr noses 1956 CENTRAL IUNITED cuuncn Dunlap and fibroan Sis MC¢il rarenn as Mr WarrenL Msclenn organist SUNDAY MARCH 13 1956 Tn41L SiNBOlL and 8011 iliniOr Congregation enuncnscnoon 845 am Junior lntérmedllta and Senior Departments ll ampBeginners and Primary Departments pm prying IOver Spillcd Milk Gospel Hymn Sing 815 pasYoung Peoplela Meeting Sunday Mar 25The Sacrament of Baptism andihe Lords Supper COLLIER ST UNITED Minister Lewis Ins111 Organist and Cholnnsster Lloyd Tufford asror own 11 AmiMomma sanvrcn The MeaningOf The Cross 42 CROSSVAS JUDGMENT Judgment those who crucified Jesus Yes And who were they The undesirables inxsociety the dregs and scum ofhumanityiNo they werenp there gettingvcruci tied witthim Who crucified Jesus Push the question far enough and the cross becomes the iinal reference of what is good and whatisliadin men 2111a lcmmcn school 945 mm Junior Senior and Intermediate Depta nusnine llam4IN WILDMAN muss gt Nursery Dept and Baby it tingforPreNursery hil papmnlsters 7730 muttEVENING ssntnca Serni Seriesvon Thc vides Strength For Our Days andDuties Fireaidc Discussion cube Topie HostsG 0UPSC gtEo EVER NEWELC Infson as was FELLOWus or column rA MAG BAflJllSil Wanting AL earpiece Directed singingo som of the great hymns of the