Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1956, p. 8

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liliiiiTlililiiiiY coNTiNuoussaruaoarzso Younririat OPPORTUNITY cyand UCILLE BALL DESIARNAZ J0lli ltilklulOMPi liOYl liAlAlll SCliAFlR PLUS CARTOON AND FOX NEWSl svsnnos aovurs 75cjrax member MAT NEE ADULTS 500 TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAX INCLUDED Sranrs THISWEDNESDAY 230pm MUSICAL AND LAUGHTER sous DAYS lilil 01 ti Tramp 7£CiCOZOQ Emm eves scours 75s MATINEE aouurs 500 onimium havering 250 am TAXES INCLUDED IN anova PRICES Mrws Larrjsryox MOVIETONE paws ROXY AFAM9US PLAYERS THEATRE 14 HAWKESlONE At Funcruljof Aunt Mrs Jean Parsons is spending few days in Toronto attending the funeral of her aunt Weekend Visitors vlioss Radway of Orillia visited John Pugsley over the weekend Visiting District Miss Fanny Allingham of To ronto is staying with Mr and Mrs Crawford andvlsiting in the district and Orillln for few days 3153 McetingPostponed St Aidana WA was past poned for week and will be at Mrs James Leighs home March 21 Many attended the recital given by four pianists and one soloist Mrs Eleanor Croft pupils of Miss Bryson Barrie at the Oddiellows Hall on Wednesday March 14 Nlnc Tables There were ninetables of chre despite the nasty night Fi day March First prize winners St Patricks Dance wssp lNNlSFlL COMMUNITY canms lmlle west ofhighway21 on Con 14 nnis pot Dances apinissio soc ANDHAPPINESS EVERAFTER were Mrs yic OBrien and Angus Dove Consolation Mrs Roy Gray and Bert Munroe Miss Marlene Todd of Orillia spent the weekend with Miss Rap bars Gray Weekend With Parents Harry Smith and Miss Myra Smith of Toronto spent the week end with their marents Mr and MrsWilliam Smith Film Night The Home and Sciiool are bold ing film night at the community hall Friday March 18 All who can come are welcome cHUiCHiiL Wins Ladies Championship Congratulations to Miss Bette Tillman who won the ladies chem pionship for Showmanship at the OntariorAgricuiturai College Ro al Show Guelph Feb Miss Ti man is the elder daughter of Mr andMrs Tillman STPHTBIEKS QDANCE esters sar Milli 17 Tom Pattende ft Orchestra fflddlelloWS Temple Coiilcr street Barrie ADMISSION 50 huspiees 100 Township Rood srniniiciis nines BALLCONS AoMissioNJBc uéKY srors linen i7 arms cliESi HG avanv rat SAT moms TQTHHMUSZICMAKERS Pu lvcvArel ion in tear OF am ndy ndoy Having theremains ofa cold we excuaed ourselves from going to chprchthnday morning The wind was shifting around the trees and buildings so or ovar Sud denly around 1130 there was crash andall the electrical equip ment went silent We could ice from our window that oneot the big spruce trees 11¢le foot across the butt had cracked of and fallen across the highwa It had also taken with it prim ry lines and secondary power lines which supplied power bothto our selves and to the Village of Struud Wires were waving like giant whip lashes over the highway Traffic was atoning to tie up as the tree completely blocked off the road Getting the tractor going which took little coaxing we went out to remove the tree partially off the road The Hydro office had advised truck working some where on Minets Point was being sent Pushing the loose cndof wire clear with dry pole we managed to get the tractor over the end of the tree and pulled it parallel with the pavement all owing the traffic topaas By pm the power was restored and the oil burner clicked into service We wish to piss on word of appreciation to the hydro work men who clung to the poles in that gain to replace the when They would probably have liked to have been home enjoying Sunday dinner Stroud residents who had dined on cold sandwiches were also glad to at he hot food It Ind Appropriation The total expenditures of town ship roads this year will be $90 000 which has been approved 10 subsidy by the department of highways They will pay 80 on some 519400 whichwllllbe spent on bridges and 50 on the bal ance for construction and mainten ance The new truck will be part of this unless sonic additional work can getapproval on supplemen tary bylaw Mr Cowan road sup crvisor claims that there will be no funds for any special project That the 25 sideroad may be con linued with some type of surfac ing so that traffic wouldtt couraged to usoithlsi and the line and avoid the gravelroads which are costly to keep up for heavy traffic is something that had been considered contractwas let last year for graveliingon that road between the 11th and 12th but this was not completed and will have to be reconsidered now The suggestion made to Coun cil of changing the road at the corner of the 14th from the dou blejog so that it would eliminate three turns and the dangerous hill would if considered have to be done on supplementary by aw This project did not appcarto merit muchr consideration when the road superviior asked council for an opinion The Council will look it over The dangerous turnvat the cor nor of thelsth has caused much property damage in the past An other bad hlll turn that needs at tention is on the rfad leading into Minets Point Th would require some propertytaken oven The totalroads details and re quirements must be in to the dc partmcnt before March 31 Collected Tox Percentage Less Clerk Treasurer Ireton told the council that the percentage of taxes collected during 1955was somewhat lower than previous years it would seem that certain rate payersfcel that it is cheaper to borrow off the townshlp at the rate of penalty charged than to get the funds to pay taxesu He claimed that there was only about 78 of taxes collected last year He claimed thatthls had an ad verse effect on the townships rat ing to borrow on debentures He pointed out that it wasposs lble to restrain for taxes after they were past due in any one year He emphasized that itwas imperative that action to collect be takenon all outstanding taxes especially those three years over due Some make habit of pay ing the third yearand allowing the others to drag along he stated Polica AskFor Electric Tiiliery In isrecommcndations for pol Aristifled TllllliTlIi $411 consolation taiice Helolso stated that as the township was now over 6000 my uiationand the act requircd that there be man for each 1000 persons he should have additional help in order to provide proper iNNiSliii protection andrto enable at least two men to make night patrols He recommended that the police office in the basement be made soundproof especially an office where properoonfldentlal talks could beconducted Council left the matters in abeyv ancc for further consideration The speedstrap machine would not benefit the township unless it was first arranged that the fines revert the township wasone considera on The Mulholland Reception 0n the Sunday afternoon foll owing his birthday which falls on leap year day Fred Mulholland and his family were Home to friends and relatives Now when your family has family tree which requires book of hundred pages to givethc details of the various kinfolk nd when to specify the branch of the family that you belong to is known as group you can expect even birthday reception to be of al most any proportions However the Mulholland haite always been fortunate in marrying very capable women Fred was one of the most fortunate as he not only married capable help mate but she also had sisters and mother who lived close all their lives There whs nothing in the way of reception they could not handle They have been doing this successfully in the commun ity life for so long that it is ac cepted as something they just are part of Fred was Leap Year baby born in 1908 Toronto paper The Sunday World then the weekly paper which was replaced by The Star Weeklyrpresented him with silver cup in 1918 page of this old weeklynis among keepsakes of the Mulholland family Especially the hext birth dayoLFreds which came when he was years of age This shows him on the same page as many veterans and pictures of service men who were returning from the First World War The cupwhlch he was presented with is engraved From the Toronto World Leap Year Gift to Fred Mulholland 1918 The Examiner carried pitcure of Mr Mulholland in its leap year issue this year The reception was real suc cess and although we were early so as to avoidthe rush the was plentiful and dainty BOND HEAD TecWeGwill lnstltute The annual husbnnda night at which the members of TeeWe Gwill institute entertain their usbands was held in the Bond Head community hall evening Feb 29 weanesuax Euchre was enjoyedfor about an hour and half by most of those in attendhncc with few playing scrabble and Canasta Prizes for cuchre weie Ladies high Earl Boil plgying as lady gents high Robert Bourn ladies Mrs Wiggins gents consolation Ralph Hough ton lucky tally Mrs Lennox owe Fiftyei ht young people sat down to very delicious supper served bythe ladies of WMS of United Church of Bond Head Ralph Houghton John Fennell spoke briefly expressing the ap preciation of the guests for the enjoyable evening Ashcrt business meeting fol lowed at which plans were com pleted for the remaining two dances to be held in Newton Roi insonhall March and March 23 The convention in Guelph was discussed the secretary and as sistant is to attendlf possible Dancing brought the evening to close Muslc was supplied by Mrs Lennox Roweat theplano Spotdance was won by Mr End Mrs Metcalfe elimination dancel by Mrrand Mrs Sidney Smith weleome was given to the husv bands by the president Mrsu Asa PAM of the recent Ruraisate Driving Week the Innisfii Police staged voluntary car check on the 8th Line Innisn fil Frank Toddwns the first driver of some 25 to go through the check operated by Chiefof Innisfil Police William Blogg and Constables Hollywood and Dollery In cluded in the general test of ligth horn and windshield wiperwasa run with FRIDAYMARCiti56l956i sconce Stile ProtecliOn byiocalflPaiiols GreVIIo Modem PolicesForce Ankle RéiownShip of land By it SIMPKIN erttcn for the Ontario Police Gazette The Township of lrinisfilr the municipality bordering to the south of Barrie was one otthc first run municipalities to set up their own Police Department This was must when the Pro vinclalPollce in the Barrie dis trict refused to beresponsible for the policing of lnnlsfil owin to the increased lpopulation ich put them over thov5000 bracket Then too withsomo thousands of regular owners of summer pro perty in the township and the in flux of other thousands ofweek end visitors toéthe parkspit be came necessarytfor thotovmship to establish police department The only alternative would have been to allow the Provincials to set up attotvnship unlt Esrlydiistory Previous to the engagingofa Chief the township had system of patrollocal men were engaged to patrol the summer cottages dlll in the timnthey were vacant Ths atrol ususliy carried out by da was the means of ascer taining if vwmdows were open or if doors had been opened If such was found the ownersfwem contacted dlld the Provzncials called in to investigate Occasionally the full time th7 stable at Belle Ewart Harry Fer rier would call one of tliepatrol men whbn it was suspected that strahgers were about the cottages Harry had been taken on by the township from the County consta bles who were the original police of the township These men who were paid by feesystem which wascollected if they gota con viction were thekeepers of the peace hack beforéthe Scott Act which resulted in many hotels which were in every village being closed out Some of the megi who served Were Hanning Warnics of Pains wick later replaced by Tom Cook Alfifld Dyersof Holly Christopher Grose of Lefro of Thornton George Sharing at Stroud wa ter appointed as CENTRE rLos Monicas aresponsorlngra 15 Patricks lionee Suturdoyitlurolili ELMVALE COMMUNiTYr HALL ioyrnn Meteor MEN The adian Red Cross makes sure thatttbo hospitalized veteran is not forgotten ins visitors provide snan during their regular it nice Charles lRey nolds of Stroud and Mr Ross lrarry Terrier Tom Cook tels of working month and spending over $20 of which he got fee of $125 back He decided to quit Spcclal Levy The shore patrol was paid for by special levy on the lakcshoro property As the Township ex panded therc were many calls forthe servoces of the police in other parts of the township The then Reeve Lockhart decided that the whole township should pay their share of thopolice costs The patrol men were disbanded and Roy Fergusonghlred as full time constable who with Harry Fertier for some years formed the township police force Appointmcnt of Chief In 1853 it was deeldedthat Chief of Police should be engaged and given the task of setting up and supervising force Bloggformerly Governor of the County Gaol was chosen lie was given authority to hire some parttime constables for the summer and from these he sel ected two full time men Consta ble Pater Hollywood and Carmen Dollery which brought the full timelstrengthup to five men During them summer season when the parks and dance halls are busy at weekends Chief Blogg has appointed several special con stablesl who give their services to assist in keeping order These menhave rendered splendid ser vice and are atthe call of the chief when neededi Cruiser For Township In 1955 the council decided to purchase police cruised This car which is equipped with two way telephone is used by both day and night shifts lt with the Chiefs own car also equipped with the phone have greatly reduced the transportation costs of the to the efficiency of the force township office at Stroud The yo0 DiAL 4427 ltgt William police and has added considerably HIlLSDALE Brutus Warrnler of Petcrbor ough was recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Clifford Porter orillla Crusade Several from here attended the Ortiila Crusade for Christ on Wednesday evening in Oriliia Presbyterian Church Back Front Hamilton Mrs Howard Brandon has re iurnedhoine from Hamilton when she spent the past week with rela tives WMSHNcws The MS meeting was held Tuesday evening March at Mrs mechanicalbrake tester which indicated thastopping ability of the ear Weather seriously hampered the operationpof the check which was originally scheduled for three days but was only Operated on one afternoon Innisfii Police intend to arrange further voiuntaryvcheck when the wee ther is more suitable Photo by 301s chief is gradually accumulating equipment which adds to the mod ernization and efficiency of the work He shows by his monthly reporLs that his department is one of the best rural municipal police forces in the Province Police Cooperation in February when special safe driving week was on he cooperat ed with Federation ot Agriculture and the Attorriey General spon sors of the week by establishing car checking program towbieh the farmers and others could bring their vehicles and have brakes lights and other equipment check ed If found in safe condition they were entitled to sticker to show that they had been checked if found they needed repairs they him to page ten please Special Door Prich Lucky Spot Dances Musiclby Club 79 Orchestra Cliihf79 police office has been estab lished in the basement of the Gordon Rowats with Mrs Russell Turner presiding Devotional reading was given from the book Let God LetGo God so loved the world Hegave his only be gotten son that whosoever bc lievotli in him should not perish but have everlasting life was explained by Mrs Alvin Drennan Scripture and prayer was given by MisssBcssic Rowat Mission study on the Christian mission in midst of rev olution was explained by Mrs David Murphy assisted by Mrs Ed Faragher Mrs Osler Cople land Mrs Harry Trew Mrs Charles Thompson and Mrs Gor don Rowatl Missionary prayer was given by Mrs Herbert God dard and in business part Two quilts are planned to be given to the halo as well as other clothing Meeting closed in prayer by Mrs Albert Thompson Chuicb Service LastSundoy church service was cancelled on account of stormy weather Next Sunday March 18 Holy Communion service wdl be held in the three charges Hills dale Moonstone and Craighurst with Rev Charles Carter of Vic toria Harbour officiating THE nn 0F Insuannts Goodness Professori Leaving so soon But dont YOU be left holding the bag fork some accident when lNSURANCE can protect you for years $769 gets you $19000 protection in case YOU are liable Call us today cMIsninisoiij fj iiisaiiiiiici fistsus sinsr For2 Insurance of ALL 95 iii1 st Phone 5291

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