Doctor Modiiury out Household termisms VICTOR BROWN itinholf Lot 21 Con10 limit Township diéflï¬yï¬ilimfl rf UEDAY MARCH 20 AT mo ma rouowma Windswcep Rag 11 mm Born Jan F1550 133 mlgdbhiovï¬azz 155opcn Rose 591065 Born 1913 eggél Sept 10 1955 Bred Green Acres Palsy WWG Born Dec 25 freshented 13 1958 350 Feb Lyons Lad pairs Dixie mam Born Nov 25 mo bred June 11 1955 Luck Rug pie Helbon mm 1393311 Feb 7131947 bmd Julys Pezzy 112 Apple Maple Jewel 10mm Born Aug 1953 cried Feb 13 1959 Duirhlnnd Segis RagaApplequl 815447 Bom Nov 1948 511 cried Feb 23 195d Mnole wayno Beauty Sovereign 816525 Born Av 23 1968 kosh ennui Jan 1719 Mouni Haven Rag Annie Hiawa lhn 775878 Born Feb 51m bred Dec 1955 Dolly Mercedes Bosch 780483 $5 Sept 24 m7 bred tuly gt Green Acres Dumhland Betty 959785 Barn March 1951 bred Jure 2a 1955 Britiln Losannu Montvac 36527 Earnsgvslay 20 1949 freshened No 11 Green Acres Aprll 1074109 B905 April 1953 bred Aug8 Audrey Pabst Renown 871889 Born Jan 1950 milking Green Acres Daisy 1046068 Bgnrn Oct 1951 bred Dec 25 55 Green Acres Molly 1090027 Born July 17 1953 1Ed Jdn 1950 Grzen Acres Patches 1100112 Born Oct 17 1953 bredlon1l 1958 Green Acres Laurel 11181359 Bnrn Dec 1953 bred Augï¬lti 1955 Green Acres Lucy 1157119 Born Aug 72 1954 bred Nov 30 1955 mun Green Acres Queony Born Sept 17 1954 bedvDee 11 1955 Green Acres Belle 57121 Born Sent 1954 bred Jan 18 1950 Green Acres 11kg 1220489 Born9 Oct 1954 red Jan 16 56 BGNEISI AcareissSally 1220489 om ec en 3611ng Acrefgketgy 122048 am open BGreiithlclreswssllster 1220484 open 0511 Abbekerk Burke 1220490 Born July 1955 GrEINi Acres Phylis born Aug 30 1955 Green Acres Mabel bornflNov 1955 566mm Acres Doris born Ian 17 19 19gamer Acres Judy born F9513 Holstein Cow 9mm bradsept cums infisfiis Criwstél éii re yearspbred Oct 1955 Holstein Heifer years bred OCL 10 Holst Cow ears bred 1955 Holstein ow years ibred Nov 27 1955 Romain CW years bred Jan 1956 Hobgin Cow years bred Ja 15 Holstein Cow years redJon 24 1956 Holstein Heller zirm bred Dec 11 1955 Edwin elfer ears bred Dec 241955 Hol ste Holland years red be 24 1955 Heller Calves This is an except onslly good herd and is blood tested and vac cinated SHEEP 10 Cheviotmes IMPLEMENTS Allis Chalmers WD 45 Tractor nearly new Allis Chalmers Tractor and Mower Allis Chalmers 5V tootCombine AllCrop Harvester Allismanners irn Biiselalandem Disc ind Manure Spreader power taltedlfi nearlg IllC Grain Grinder gill Drill 15 disc and Choline Hydraulic Cultivate Bale Elevator Drai sections flea Dutyrirail Buck we sfltmrsassa RubberTire 11501in Re Quin meldiw ti amigo ec Folks angels on many other article log numerous to atten tion Allwill be sold without JESQXYG Horses Rag Grade Hol stains Pigs form Moch nery fcw household of ONa nie undersigned has received instructions 1mm ARCHIEWOODROW NorthHalf Lot Can West Gw limhury Mllaa South or Cookalmvn Muslim Newton Robinson of Highway No 21 7b sell by Public Auction on THURSDAY MARCH 22 pm THE FOLIDWING HORSES 8x KARNE arch Mare rising yearss 1601391 lackDGmcllbdliengBM years 1600 Bridles and Collins HMS Rï¬lSTEgED 1110151212le overexn euut 015093 Female Born Junel IBGg Barrondale Kathleen No 930039 kindle Born Jan 29 1951 Call at foot Glenoble Rug Apple Marksle No 784407 Female Born Nov 19 1917 open till now Newton Glen Juliana No 1205986 Female Born April 201955 Open Newton Glen Beauty No 1241357 Female Born Nov 21 1955 Open Allcne Rag Apple Candis No 987B BornAug 19 1950 Bred ov27 1955 King Edge Eliza No 881222 Born March 1950 Due April it MlioliitaeinCow rising years due oy Holstein Cow yoamdue July 18 milking Well Holstein Cow years due July 18 miiklndwelL ogolstein Cow yearspcali at Holstein Cow5 years bred Dec 20 1955 iull flow Holstein Cow years brad Dec 1955 lull now Holstein Cow years bred milk we Cow ears bred Dec milking we Je Cow years bred Nov 30 1955 lull flow GRADE HOLSTEINS Holstein Co years bred Dec 14 1955 no In Cow ears bred Feb 12 1955 Holstein eifer cans bred Nov 1956 Holstein 21kt years bred Dec olstein Keller éears bredD 1955 Holstein alter year Holstein Heifer months Holstein Heller months Holstein Keller months Durham Fat Heihar 11 years All vaccinated Al 11 Yorkshire not nmnthg is or registration York shire Saws months eligible or registration Registered Hog months Number or Yorkshires 24 yearold liens mixed breed IMPLEMENTS 1947 Dodge 13 ton Truck Case Tractor years old lights and starter ll tciass sh Case Heavy Duty Pow as new Case Disc 1b 18 spacing years old McCD Fertilizer Drill hitch yearsold McCD lhresh ing Machine 22x38 Lhreader 121m blower 10 grain augher elevator flrstclnss shape MeCD Mover us for horses Ooclgshuitt Spreader on rubber good condition McCD Binder 7ltcut ï¬rstjclass shape Cockshutt Sulky RakerflH iCultivatar 17400111 wer litt good as new Mll Cul ivntor tooth Drag Halrows section Drag Barrows asylumi RubberrtlredWagon with flat rack Rubin tiredjWagoii Otaco roller beari ScufflerLSingle Walking Plow Power Melotte Cream Sep ara 3Drum Steel Roller Elec tric lfammsrmill Rentrew Scales 2000 112st Mir not Drill 13 Surge Milker units com pate wth line for 16 cows jyearsold p62m Milk Cooler earsoi Fanning Mill Electric enter 113 hp Delco Motor Bandaaw like new 88 Beaver Wo vlurning Lathe Pair Ragk Sills steel Renee PnsLs Ha Fork Ha Knife1ulleys and is no it Cyclone Seeder Crosseut Saw Swede Saw Wheelbarrow GRAIN SEED 200 bush ls am hi rs good BaledHGY bushels Red Clo ver Sced Timothyseed Vsccina tionjveedl uantit ulLumber ousehdldzrurnitur of ghuearritmvzm btForksï¬chains Dou bleuees and manyother articles too numerous to mention prayers words tractor elmnl 9800431940 be um halrdruur id Grilluhy ad rds 9f Th ks inrgcook ittcnded the Baptist We wish to exteuaounl church aiilgndgppmlntnaen sign or maids his widow the tanner Mn Fred Norris Ell son Douglas of tar brother Robert ghhora is litigwoids during our recent sadbere vcment gt Holt Family wnmmademwordsm luv adequate tqaeltpresszourvgafltudo mlsafluaflmgmwe PM Rani Edam condillcted tho we luucn so its tthaPe lckiun mm WM weal en 301313712111an were Fred acids or lnmiteklgngse Norris William Norris no ion it anl gmeliiewilenéllioc my n1 lichen Lindsay In mum wu Harry Benjamin Smith wish to lbBInl llnlon Cemetery ms Mammy 33333 IAniong minim tributes were mgnflyiï¬wfcflï¬fg mimnm those frumfcmlier Stree United in the deceased In to those Church Cholramt Barrie Crem Ws iii William cw 5133 la Smithryandy son and Rélativea ï¬nd friends attending family 33 the luaeralinciuded Douglas Cook 19 bf Burlington at the deceased IN APPRECIATION uncrol Service For We wish to extend our gratitude and many thanks toournailhboxs hade smim and lrienda for manually beautiml xlita received alter our loss by fire Was Largely Aflendad especially thanking hitwand Mn Pridham Mr and Bren nan Mr and Mrs Ros Mound Mrs Stormink Mr shims Walkinshaw Mr Mrs iilknii 13 pilot uiilnér World War in bombing nera rérv cawas yes er Fu null gay aflï¬hï¬on at llwtahotlocllta at 17s miners up ay mg ml Street Barrie ior Charles smith who died at his lldme 121 Mary Street on Tues iit$iliillli hernia mm by rhort cggdition which it has ea Msqm Bel5 The bpervicéllma larsely tté L0 Town were Sud esl citizens of Barrie lnl dis Hues 01M 91 Lillet lurid there whevmanybe 5Eh55 gluiéiorlldtoltena titlesioain from en 35m var ousvor Mmi5°£ï¬5ï¬ï¬‚unm sanintions willlnwlilch deceased 15w sgm Jeflemn of New had been associated over long miriret visited with lilr and Mrs ahd Intivusmfln busines an Robertaoyes on Santa Mrs fraternity Little is returning to monton Rtv Erne thewis hispastor aiter Easter Wfllflssl ed bylle James Ferg Mr and Mrs Sher an sonarSt Andrews Presbytc and Marjorle spent Sun gy Church in conducting the saw Mr Todd sister Mrs Ro pr ipallbemrs wersnelghbm 1m in Barrie Ftï¬l McClure Tad Barker Elmer In In The Farm Forum nine 131 ML Wallace and Harry Lynn Sherman Todds in Mon ment was at barrie Union Ceme $hauld my Fellow members oftbe 10°F iornied guard of honor Basina Bistdry suaday lueéts tson ensatio Alter sion the decision wa an unanim ous yes Sturgeons late Mr and Mrs George FY01 1011 sllmith and elvedhls earlyedu MlSSVJeIn Robins Mam dbtion in on be school and busi spent few Jay Hess college Alter spending some Mrs Lou Neill aura wrigh salami in the fufn re no em inz= buslncss The Hamsémg ot we established in 1889 he attended WMS was held at New University of Toronto and grad ly homrwm 18mwspnv uated int Embalming He took their full control of the family eat Micah waxsz his esSinlDfl 1932b hï¬ycrd flmcen finelflregién th furniture partn and tests 01 Vel 3Pn5l Rug lea mpnniw radio sales and service which carried Aan inconlunction with The conesaondmssmehnmd funeraldirectlon chapel rile letters from Mia Corflmrmmlt received di lom tram th annin sopldli to take part tom Radiop Ihstiiilte wsahiilg Program ejihy Presbyteriai irl ormia also letter naklnrior $15 éflï¬aggfMHZï¬Eil 535 gambltlolll flulwfmfllnimtha hm Newvork and tileSllvbo resyer saeooeea curs iï¬rank Kell li h99°f sews ecre pedchwChneli article ca ed atzthe Door and 1946 the GSn11th Co received herroiicction uilding at the corner Collier Boyer made 1121 talk books and Hayfield streetslonga land quite iliterestiiigbLKI tacit mat17 of uric was sold to Ric member verse on Mrs Weaver was cba ofthe worship service tll Mrs Todd Mrs Hughes and Mrs Robert Kelli assisting Mrs Saunders read averyl teresting story about ciarexllellar also Christmas iette irom Miss Fee of Rama called Wide Winf Sanders add the 1N inshole ister and sun Hanvhu Wman who tilaassucl away rather renumbered by lig mernlo dear husband on lather has in Hurraéwhbjaased away Mordr ehildreli splat awhahlp of Wespra TENDER paredand FOR Se ed theuudersigued until noonthursdayMareh ruahina and spreadin hostel approx or rag North Sud Mlrsfylieona Atkinso he lot 33fm mmmo dear wire andngnother aura Rhodes 15 1054 andrdlslocmi she will so Miamiturd ialurviVed byia iuiltoread arll Stool 61 an English china BCWMANln loving alarm or lotothin emanate £1 an ml gt The late Mr Smith had many Antilles could be lined In widerlodge radio music printing it wdrlorï¬mmy an active sportsman 1n curling stimuli lawn boyling tear on inton and more recently the wereriew more skilled play ers at crokinoie English ancestry it has been ldthat his main characteristic yin Sthuatli Hews friendly affable wi Judy smilaand spontaneous wlt =Few men had more friends and equainlancesln ministries Charleasmith was good mus lein At one time he played horn lnth town band He was adept tth pianoand skilled at pinnoaccordion His services right up until his 111nm at recent Weeks were olt in demand by clubsvand lodges to lead1n the musical gram Lodges andServlces He was acharter member of the Kiwanis Club olaarric 1822 and had arecordof more Ithan 26 years periect attiehdallde which up to Feb anthem 1958 edthe plan 101 the list $33 iraddi1 biggie was or was deservingovery hittbe honor or how line figure china and it untroubie at all or him toalt own and talk Withm gl Lilieyv with bolero each of us as sweet as ever flowed in Dublin Paddy told how liltbnlichol the family had come mouth at the time the divilv Cromwell was plaguing inland Duringuthe years they war ey qu prosperous at on time and then aolnoofth boys cut to New York to join there wuglwayathe tourist Ahthé timp was too ihort for the Cable id the ship had to Ha was an active member of dolller street United Church lormerly Methodist and regular attendant Ho had served as church librarian Afar nmeyeara and also on the Miss envy and Maintenance committee liehad aservlce medal from the militia Slmcoc Foresters amt Regiment 27 years in the band He was an honorary member at Barrie FireiBrigado in which he was active for someyears mem ber also oi the National Radio institute and American Radio Re lay League in the Masonic0rdcr he joined Corinthian Lodge AF and AM as young man and was Master in 1020 news amcmber otthc loyal Arch Masons Barrie Lodge 01 Perfection aad Spry Chapter 82 Spanish Rite He was Past Dldtrict President oi the Sonr of England Pant Grand of Independent Order of Odd Fellows member theQr 111152 order LOLAfldBarrle and LOBA 601 Allandale member of tho Indapendant Order at Tons ters and had been member the OntarioFuneral Directors 3oclatiun Barrie Chamberol Com mens and the Barrie Crukinole Clubl irhompson Roy Christieliugh lnter Next meeting it Ken Charles Milton Glhson Smith Was born in Barrie in 1863 you Euchre in betray Continuation School Tuesday March27 at815 pm Lunch and good prizes Aun pices er Rummage lfllél Friday often noon march 10 from to mm True Blue Hall High St Auspl cesblue Raven LOBA 1129 2981 gt sale sponsored Barrie and District Association for Retarded Children Trinity Parishellall 2pm to 8rpmFri day March Donations solici ted CalLMrs GVBowles 4713 bl 4543 132 at his Best Under gamma flaxsz ed am March 3235 gt FEATURED AT THE rotLOWINC pilva STORES Aliaudale Dmgsihlniited Phone 2823 Caldwell Drug Store Fir 2903 Cusdeus Pharmacy 5959 Knight Drug Store 94955 leingstlms Drug Sloréi Phone 3537 MoniimansvnrugStore Jhoncszl Sloans Drug Store Phone 5407 Tamblyus Drug Store lfhono r2850 the Ipoliaer and as Paddy said Open House lri till phn Separateslwith casual air The hire dur dyedtomatih ups costar plunged orlon sweater with Vneck atyliag and soft as Faahmere with nbmslim flannel inn Pocket tabbed for smlflness wonderful pair in pink pow der and maize SIZES 10 T0 18 rinuovan SKIRT is DUNEOI slimline OPEN FRIDAYS ml far busy life goufIoiece coéifume by rosurms Easy new line cut out or city Country travelling suit cos tuhie with beautilully tailored plaid jacket fully pleated skirt and dyedtomatch grey flannel skirt and vestie Comes in glorious Spring colors aqua rose powder blue Available in sizes 10 to 18 allle 9mm 00 xlBflfle Examinér ta srhdmn SUPPLEME