examiner Section 2Poges to 16 r1 Earrm ADVIsrs Hoorkooucsg mompmcï¬ggm Gollegiate ercrovvding Creemore Star our neighboring town of Col nod who have their mks in the form of and modesiatro $5 ihwm 52 in mmlha linmI thigztblo of sec ondary so not earn At the district collegiate board ting this week when survey EVENING SHOWS 650 No PLACE to mo sxcm are ARMSI riding up to younger men on the Tamil would be well advised ï¬lladmiglï¬lwh in get into industry while the big money was being made am going tol tell my man this although halo tolose him he stated lie said that he felt for the next five years their would be lot of industrial ex pension and if the farmers pro ductlon was cut With the loss of help to industry was open ve pan heirL in stabilizing in mudlewd unions in nor rm than prices 5213183 gkulï¬ inwe more convenient location to aile mEhi PNVW ones who have todo the Job Inaz thau ovmwflnl enrich Lu et hem Irent in the lmmedlale fututh Armaniimage won ï¬e mm up heiakesldo cow lndica Althou are area as ions ruin gw members boom evgr to be enjoyed in Can um um my In fluted they intended to hold no then throw the meeting mat glrylclilsilltlï¬s iihedcéflteï¬ Eli open Mann out for uni ement of the present seat of in ada but in other countries There my 11 no from this attitude it would ap is mm PM of load than Mr Winchester oforillia Town Pm that Winfwwd my be over all over the world France ship med about 1an flunk looking tar bcyo their immed has wheat to export Australia He was old the we cu late achdiastlcn and Irvl do has 250 million busbeia of sun uolwu anembargo now owing mine mmm 119 plus and other countries are lock to hum condition In my WIThill Fly the PM 1111 ing for markets When we con if um be Shawm mmw pbslng structure which rates with pare ours with other industries the Wm bg fee may mm 19 In P1041310 Second it is very disheartening Asked by um uni my be scboo the provincc Certain DoWn through the 88B igflcm would favor restrictions on import am aunpiiTwaniouo PLUS CARTOON AND FQX NEWS STARTS THISMONDAYi HOWARD KEEL ANN BLYTH GVVICDAMONE In KISMET Tnis canine RINK won the Carling Trophy in the second draw at the Oriiiin Curling Club Feb 29 Left to right Mrs ouicq by Mrs Kinnuar which Moore Mrs Archie Fraser skip Mrs George Kennedy foameélngeï¬ grgcsligigtghe Mrsac seymour cbgagcmcntoi the applicant was passed at salary as stated it is that th cant be thinking in OUR NEXT ATTRACTION YOUR FAVORITE COMEDY TEAM Lucy and Desi in their NEW comedy on the blGMmu BIG theatre tural people have reverted to can tlourish ihat 1958 will be to 8bi1lions up in cxpansion Can wetake the hull bythe hornsjand hope for something better liiany bog producers here can is as so answer being that the speaker replied that he did it would be well iffsare not the best thihand We are told by lion Mr Howe do not stop shipping where there surplus market gt Had storage increased in 855 kcd the same questioner the it decreased mcwhaL There is scramble tarlnl of the is the present own pupils entirely setup doubtless would care adequately for the needs of their immediate area We have already stated that Collingwood poorly located as it is in regards the school area it server has far too wide tic Circle to maintain scholas Brcaking up of the area and re liiiiiSFli ions By What is the use bf quibbiing uvcrra hundred dollars if we are getting satisfaction was the re mark of Councillor Campbell Clerk lreton pointed oht thlt the township had no employee benefits such as cnioycd by other municipalities We have nothing but our sal ary for any of the township our location of new school in the Crccmoro vicinity would release good many of the pupils presently spending up to two hours per day on bus and not only relieve the anticipated congestion at the lake aide town school but would also alleviate the same conditionsat Barrie and Alliston Creemorc is in the centre of these three over crowded areas and appears to be logical location for new school to case the pressure on each We have previously gone on re cord as stating that zomile bus trip two times dayis too much of load for our school pupils This figure is likely exceeded by some north Molinar pupils pres ently attending Colllngwood school and also New Lowell pupils being transported to Barrie The way we see it enlarged schools at theserdistances isnt the answer to the present and anticli pated overcrowding Bring the represenisdclSflUflv school to an ture aadjor government to previofislv $33 WHEY and make special concessions they tree 15 to 20miie need to have majority of votes iy without asecondary school in Try to convince government its midst even though you have wonder We would rug esta weeks tour ful ideathey Want to remain in via school bus taviceosch day by office Dont forget this fact every member of the Coilingwood am not hopeful for this boom District Collegiate Board to continue indefinitely as it has PHELPSTON pioyecs bcatatcd llc intimated that he would include discussion of sniaryin his talks with coun cil Councillor Cochranc chairman of finance stated he presumed that the whole matter of salaries would have to be revamped now that change had been madc schedule of increases was sug gestion which sccrncdto be under consideration Jode Opportunity For Rood Straightening Mr Taylor wbo nowns some land in concession 13 at the cad near the double job and steep hill and sharp turn at the foot which is on ngaideroadwhere ii Joins the 14th concession road to Big Turdtopage ten please remember when bngradcd bags were said Now jwo have rail grading and thisiis wherc the change in marketiï¬g came Now we Imust place our hogs in the packers plants béfore we know what we are to get for them and they are bid on lhiawas goinghand in glove with the packers and we depend ed on the drover to sell our hogs and get us the best prices Now we have developed marketing program of our own License Records HoweVer to show you just how the truckers and shippers are distributing our products here is record ofthe licenses taken out since January this year total of 979 licenses show that 688 are for delivery to plants 276 to for the consumer dollar and if wedo not sell our product they will buy something else Askcd also if we could get ax ports in the sterling piarket the speaker said that this would not be attractive at our prices Our Ontario cheese pricï¬s held an um brella over the ole Canadian cheese markets and all parts ben cfittcd by our prices Coiirt To Decide March 26 Our marketing scheme will go tothc courts in March and we are promised that if it is not found airtight thc Qatario Legislature Kill hold special session to mike so Reg Adams asked the speaker if when he advised the farmers to go to the citiesand get jobs he had lost enthusiasm for hog industry Mr Rintoul replied our yards and 198 to both yards and plants that therevwaraonly 716 of the votersnthat gtAlrendyï¬=friwlnexéue Our most important change this past year was the forming of Cooperative in May in this we are setting up assembly yards throughout the province where hogs will be collected and sold to the highest bidders This has already increased prices In Kit chcner where we have ayard the prices are from 25 to 35 cents higher than in Tomato Large and small plants have equal op portunity to bid on the hogs be ing marketed They know they must have bogs to keep operating so we feel all shouldhave chance What we need is legis lation to allow our prices to be pooled either daily or weekly so that all would share in any in crease in prices LUCILLE BALL Dmmwi JAMESMASON 3W crew ram for his departman and had N°Wher° Fa goon around all afternodn waiting thn the council had compier to do so ed six hours of discussions and in The EVE Will 5PMm tervigws at their regularlmectilnlg maï¬lns Mon ay assessor prou had been present all day with the Former Employee hope of getting some time of only Applicant council told them as they were rcddy to adjourn that he felt the Mrs Kinnear who resigned her position with the township at the townshi was getting nowhere fast end odeebrury whentséie troll she be not con grane we are 105 out in at clent salary increase was the ing public relations effort an only applies to imply for the proper planning board to en ositioa as advertised Her appli deavor to attract industrial enter mon an consideration 8510 id Prizes to our areas We on ï¬lmed at salary of 9200 DUEL LOUIS DALHERN OHN trimJoni HOYT iiTiUE scorn rwscaaroon nomissmn rmcrs svemuos nouns 75c TAX INCLUDED manner Anglers stigma rlvciiuoao TIMES 25cTAX INCLUDED doing more to get these types of taxpayers established herc We need planning board very ur gently to help to coordinate our various needs The rceve replied that the hy lawwhlcbwos headedto estabv lish control of buildings and other matters Was in the hands of Mr Allan and had been for sometime and that when this waspassed then board could be established You need thc board at once to assist with this work Mr Allan is handicappcd from lack of as sistance especially legally the assessor emphasized was revealed that consider Spcaking to council on her own behalf Miss Mary Sproulc who has had 20 ycars experience in thevtownsbip offices asked that shcsimuldbejgiva mercase also She told con ii that in her opinion Mrs Kinnear was very cfficient person and her educa tion fourvyears university traln lag made her considerably more competent than herself She can carry on and take oif balance which is equal to an audit Miss Sloansaid lt was pointed ogt 1tiliatthis the new on ecping abic part of the time taken With gegtgxzglï¬i been ado pted the audi interviews and discussionduring grséwere only seven srdoing the council meeting pertained to the audit They had compliment development which Was man came mariner of the bookkeeping Planning 17 espdnsmlmy the clerk told council He also some of had pmwously been pointed out that such matters as before council and 989mm lake debentures and other complicated Silglirlgmllclthmnesiated he had many matters were now banana in me matters which he wanted to take up with council and had not been allowed time to do so Retold of reports that had to be filed and many other items that needed the decision of council Road Supervisor Cowan stated that he needed to discuss pro latWitter tommenlofy 927 DIAL 4427 s6 0815 not05 last week was Warminsicr where drinking water in the village was lacking In parts of By LORNE LETHERBY Commercial tilroposi on in an area par surronn the hll by the Georgian Bay and With Medonte it is reportedihaatrsgng Iglmeliajihlethlliuz and tsplmgs farms lack well and the only rea mg egan scape seems mum to believe their would wa er available is from cisterns be much sale for water in rural Matters of Importance sections of North Simcoe Yet Several meetings are scheduled Joseph Gratrixof Tay township in Goldwater all lagwhich win is tracking water to dry farms on deal with matters of importance commercial basis taLhe future of the village Some farms were as short of 16 arch meeting of Council water as during last summers 11 likely deal withbudget Pm heat wave Mr Gratri not Parniion and the issue of trans the only district man eving fercnce of School Board funds the shortage by trucking water to The Cammunlty Centre Assoc needy farmers Commerical water iaiion will hold session to cum dealers are alsooperating out of Sldel progress on securing Suf Elmvale and Barrie while the railways haul and in dustry uses our products these good times will continue If we could persuade labor to pay more forthelr foodsbut it is doubtful if they wiii Cusiomer Grades Another questionwas asto the grades being carriedthrough to 39 and New the customer It was replied to Over fat bugs are not wanted in that me Customer sum best The buyers do not want fat meat which has to be trimmed and is gig lggnmgsyaguï¬uflaaï¬tme not worth more than about seven If grade product is sold It cents when cut away The price should be setso that producers $313 ieï¬ be we mmmed to could 53 at Yum has CharicsNewton pointedkout that read Grade hams may be sold as yourcmmy he smc Grade when they have been you are improving the trend of never been shown ztbat agricul ture can be left behind Hows ever as long as we are willing to produce for next to nothing TV Pmy Michael Craddock entertained few friends lit TV party on his tenth birthday March Birthday Party Angela Marley celebrated er fourth armory with her irl leads on Sunday Guest of Honor Patty Anne ONeill was the guest of honorat party given by her sister Rosemary andher friends week ago Fans Illrllled zhï¬oggg flansuareeï¬zthuscd over vs uven es team in mm theOllA playoffs There are OLD MODERN several Phelpston players in the team They beat Ayr Saturday ficient One of Mr Gratrix sources of supply is large cistern 24 by by feetat hisrbarn which ac cumuiatcs water from his barns drain pipes Last summer when drought was on he obtaineda 100tlgallori gasoline tank and converted it for use as water tank so he could one it to spray potatoes As an indication of the alertness of the modern farmer not only to develop sidelines but keep abreast of new methods Mr Gratrix has advertised his water supply service by radio Among the phenolic delivéred water in THE neon insunnE rink shares to convert the rink now owned by private sub scribers into community build ing third vital session was pro Jected special meeting of the School Board which is trying to iron out problems associated with Goldwaters unf hed fiveroom $10000Q public school Other activities during the week include junior and intermed iate hockey playoffs and observ ances in connection with Educa tion Week Private Bill Lloyd Letherby MPP for Sim coo East is sponsoring aprivate bill at the present session of the Ontario Legislature The bill would grant authority to Mara Township to pass bylaw allowing exemption from municipal taxes on 10acre church camp The Camp known aarGien Mohr on lake Simcoe was the gift of the late liirs James Piayfair of Mid land to the Presbyterian Church it is operatedby trustee board of Torontolgingston Synod Responding to Treatment Word from Toronto regarding the health of George Dcvitt is that he is rcspdnding totrcat meat in Sunnybrook Hospital where he will bizrequired torelt main fora while Another young businessman Robert Moore Coldweticr dairy ownervhas also been obliged to suspend activities under medical carefor eitime gt Attended Funeral Mrs Cornell and Miss Walker attended fun ral in Elnivalc last Wee for MissHattie Maude Bumble fvliilisdale who vlon ieins It is our job pas away inIToronto after in in keepi produc grade However further east they have better bogs and down in PEI they have the best hogs in Canada USA takes our good porkprices and at good premium but even the best we can produce are not bringing sufficient We have tremendous produc tion of food stuff over anyothcr place However as soon as our products get past the hands of in of the producers they all make me legflauon money on them It has been shown that loaf of bread that sells at 18 to 20 den has wheat in it sold for less than three cents Setting Price It takes 750 lbs of feed to pro duce 150 lbs of pork Dcduct this from the selling price and see how little is left for labor andoverhead when the price is $2850 cwt this country looks Theme like it will last at least another five years and feel that if any farmer or his son can get share of this in industry he hould d0 so th Government Legisiat on am counting on the govern ment to give us legislation which will enable us to handle our prob to tackle this and to solve itWe heedf all overall Canadian fund uto help to take care of our cxportsfandx deduction on every hog off qual ityrmarketed across Canada would reduce the quantity placed on the marks We here vcannot coni ihe west where feed is se 3th storeswhoaresm of era are the bigsellers of TH knowho the marketing act that the beef producers should handle their own interests er Newton explained that as soon as by now did include for these It might bcthe means pri Speaking of grades Elmer Be cock mentioned the 20 lb diff encc now between Advanced Reg iatrntion Minesing Lorne Johnstoni glg or on Caldwell David Kenquring Dyer Fed sociatioa bad day hunting limit trimmed and the loss fat sells at cents Motion Defeated Mr WinchEstcr jnirnduced resolution that was voted down which asked that the hog market board recognize the necessity all meat products in It was felt including was found sound on many other groups would an simila marketing Allowance included loffel Another rcSolution introduced on which the settlemean for hogs wire made This wasnot approv as it was felt that the price further reducing the overall ccs and Grade He felt at AR grade should apply were relentedto president Manford Horne vicepresident Maw treasurer Haw stonevot Manfor secretary delegates Horne Smith representative on County erati ard for promise eernba soon It also avoredrvsorne form imburse farmejrs at the dip of the allowance Maw Joseph rd Horne HUNTING INSURANCE The Yarmouth County Game As votedg against Suh in one animals night 58 in Eimvaie Arena and are to night and two out of three series few days with home after visiting friends and reiativesin Chicago cessiully traced last year through the missingpersons bureau of the Canadian pinyin Ayr Wedneéday possibly inglihnvalc gain Saturday night it is at Recent Visitors Loftus of Barrie spent Mrs Toner Mrs Hamill has returned Mrs Almost 500 people were suc ltcd Cross Society PRo iiiiiiciiiri even SATURDAY LllCKY aror Damons rom Paticnden oicampr ï¬lililiililliiWS ilMPi£ Collier SC Barrie ADMISSION 50b aosrwas roor conningt