45 kill an In i1 fluid In no rum Rona 540 Prelude no County no ï¬re alarm Report an loan I30 Nlh lulklln on Harlot nequ 22 MI Weather new Maya gt loom Roundup 035 loan Score Enullood Spotlight HOII 05 Mn Pelt 910 ms flarnlnl Vllllllu raps Homemakers rims luau Trauma noo Noun Household Elata Ima camen any Inn on country am ra oo Nun mm Rule to was Nancu eatitd uho Sparta caveTr column WEDNESDAY MARCH 430 Take Look 530 Howdy Doody 800 Western Theatre 830 New 640 Weather 645 Sports 700 Tabloid 730 Fury 800 Vie Ohcek Show 030 lLove Lucy 900 Cross Canada Hit Parade 930 Jackie Rae Show 1000 Big Town 1030 Press Conference 00 CBC News THURSDAY MARCH 430 Story Book 530 Howdy Doody 600 Western Theatre 030 News 840 Weather 645 Sports 700 Tabloid 730 The Lone Ranger 800 All Star Theatre 830 Fireside Theatre 000 Kraft Theatre 1000 ife is Worth Living 1030 restling 1100 CBC News Ioo mu Haadllnu no Snafu mandar 11 mt Panda am Bllhllahta ra Tatara us Concert In lintinn no hull mam nos an Jamboree moo Neva Headline uus Music in The night 25 um In The Hunt 1200 Nun apart noon and Weathar 1205 airs on us nanm am run in neutron tuo taxman out who Ma madne Illlfll III lifl haemo DI ITJO anoru Bile II Illlkcl RIM 1710 Neil as 31 LW Bulletin mm Pun Paulina XJU Second Burial Aunt In 200 alum 205 Accent at Vlflrt 130 no For no Du 300 330 Pennall Your LW mule Country lull Part 11 430 union 500 News urldlinu IJl Clm HOME 00 530 Nell 000 Prelude to Dinner to Dianr Hour loud the Nlrht FRIDAY MARCH 430 Through the Looking Class 530 Howdy Doody 600 Western Theatre 030 News 840 Weather 645 Sports 700 Tabloid 730 Bob Cummings Show 800 Wayne and Shuster 830 Plouflc Family 000 Ford Graphic 3930 Star Stage 1000 Cavalcade of Sports 1045 Jim Coleman Show 1100 CBC NEWS 1115 Sports Final SATURDAY MARCH 10 230 Sign on and Winter Conference 330 Matinee Movie 500 Wild Bill Hickok 530 Disneyland 630 ML Fixit 045 Behind the Scenes 700 Burns and Allen 730 Holiday Ranch 800 Jackie Gleason Show 830 Stage Show 900 On Camera 930 NHLHockey 1045 King Whyte Show 1100 CBC News aaruamrhncn Last Saturday theliarmerl Weaninlyhadlrclurblsh ed look The walla had been wdahed down alter the recent disaster with the heating system and everything looked clean and inviting Customera were plenti lul and trade was brisk From all accodnts both the farmers and the Town Council have put the management at the market hall on business looting One at the tlrst things planned by the Council is the changing of the lock on the door and the stricter control on the use at keys tor the new lock that this will go long way to wards ensuring that the place is kept in usable condition Vegetables Plentiful Vegetables were plentiful this Saturday and having regard to the time oilyear there was lair selection The common but use ful cabbage was offered at 10 cents and 20 cents each or two for 15 cean Carrots beets and parsnips were fetching 50 cents per Basket Onions were priced at 60 cents per basket and potatoesat 35 cents Courtlonds apples were oilererl at 50 cents per basket with the recommendation that they were very good Spy apples were 55 cents Fudge And Relish Homemade fudge at slx pieces for 10 cents was featured at one stall together with relish at 30cents relish strongly recommended by the stallhoidcr is made from combination of beet cabbage and horseradish Once you have tested that you will never want bottles of any other declared the ladywho made it First Appearance Hot Cross buns were on display at one of the homebake stalls Early for Easter perhaps but there was good demand or them at 40 cents per dozen At the same stall were some new tarts as yet notproperly named but whose chief ingredient is coconut These particular tarts were evolved during the recent bliuard and proved to he great success both at home and wtth the public Together with butter It is hoped cut5 McKAY heads that bar py CBC television show Holiday Ranch seen on CKVR each Sat urday evening lie and his gang sing and play western ballad uoveltyand popular dittics for minutes tarts they sell at 50 cents per dozen Cherry raisin raspberry and apple pies sold at 50 con each And there was homemade arma ade at 25cents and 40 Cents per 31 Eggs And Chickens Eggs maintained their price this week at 47 48 and 50 cents per dozen Chickens were being sohl at 50 cents per lh while plump owls fetched 40 cents per lb Guniris Wedding Wishes Congratulations to Mr Mrs lloward Forhes formerly liiiss Connie Crawford who wore married last Saturday Splendid Performance Many fromhere attended BDCI Glee Clubs production of Gilbert andSullivans operetta The Mikado it was aplendi performed Those participating from here were lsabelle Gilchrist and John Bertram Congratulations Congratulations to Miss Ii othy Ann Campbell who st third in the color oratorical test of BDC lnternationai Stirrln Sermon Rev Mr Warr preach BIGK DEAL Mr and Mn Oliver Pettlt were Mr and Mrs vailkie of Toronto and Rev James Dorrtan Peta Romyn and friend Miss Doll Gale St Catharinea and Mr and Mrs William Kammcl ot Bee ton spent Sunday last with Mr and Mrs Jack Culgin Attended Funeral Mrand Mrs William Covert of Barrie were in town on Saturday tor the funeral of the late Mrs Charles Bryan Mr and Mrs Co vert livbd here at one time Mr Covert is with the provincial police and at that time had an office in the town hall Weekend with Parents Miss Dorothy Ann Watson nurseirttrainlng at St Josephs Hospital Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mrs Tim Wilson Back from Hospital James Snaddcn returned last week from Western Hospital To ronto much improved in health Family Weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Delaney and sons Paul and Randy and Miss Helen Delaneyoi Toronto visited at the homeol their parents Mr and Mrs Rance Delaney overthe weekend Day in Toronto Mrs Joseph Walah Miss Gladys ring sermon last Sundayon Dan iel and his loyalty to high prim iples of life The junior choir sang The Old Rugged Cross with Miss Isabelle Gilchrist and Miss Ednd Rose Bertram singing oneverse as duet Sunday VisiL Mr aners Lloyd Campbell and family of Willowisle visited Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell last Sunday Erm Clark of Mr and in Toronto Now Mrs Dlt Grayda spending some titneJn Toronto 11 Barrie spent last weekend wrth gnosCain on and son John are 3221 it learned of titi one ts Matted on Wednesday Wu Feb goo iaDthempcnon of 11$ Jehirllea ryan ea um cup Hospital Toronto where she had been milled only lew hottn previous The late Mrs Bryan who be fore her marriage to Charles Bry an was the tormer Marcel Sloan elder daughter of the late James Sloan and Hannah Robinson and was born on the Sloan homestead 3n the nth line at King near Schomberg now occupied by nephew Ru ll Sloan the fourth generation the Sloan family to have farmed the land She was in her 53th year Besides her husband she leaves to mourn one son and daughter Gordon and Lorna sister Olive Mrs Clllterd Penelton and arother Oriole both at Schotn berg The tuneral which took place on Saturday March was held from the Anderson Funeral Home to the United Church for service which was conducted by her pas tor Rev James Dorrianand was largely attended hy friends and neighbors from many miles around paying great tribute to the deceased as well as sympathy to the aorrowing family who were so suddenly bereft of wife and mother The flowers that lmnlted the casket were from the church Womens institute FarmersFed sum and can Mrs Jana Tough entertained Walsh and Mn Carter WI Plan Euchre STERLIN NKAD enter the Senior Bridge Club on Tues day evening last Prize winners were Mrs Clary Mrs The Womens Institth are max lngplam for euehre and draw to aaaNCN omcr Paid on hill if serif SAVINGS DEPOSITS TRU RAilO 72 Bay 54 1mm Dunlap Bani vw YOUtl FIND THE in Torontoto couple of weeks if NAMéAuDR AND TEiEIHONE NUMBER IN TH GUOW Romy 4vn Aomatic Clock CQnrll Push Button Switches Seethrough Oven Door VI KI 32 RANGE Comp ré the Features Compare the Price Its the Range Event of the Year Feature Packed 32Itange with FamilyDinner Size 24 0vcn Automatic Giockcontrol and Mirtute3Minder is worksaving Push nation Switcheswith beats Nonlog oven Window for convenientcookingl EATON SPECIAL PRICE eneh Barons man Terms 2190 nown 2a MON nLYiArMEn or 954 an automatic electric clock Our uyers pecltledthat hlau matte clockcontrolled oven andappll nee outlet todree 1prlcelMonths agoblltybuyersw sell atavery ecial rock ottom price ithadvto he eauti atures pushbutton sw was it ilttxiianrp light seethrough eh orminut therangemuat be tune ave must be edsy to pse and easy to keep of rugged service But do Vqrange event STS use