muddle mm IA be aoldh uuctionn Hard Matinntat mantles mm rurnlmandcfleaabelaflto xnvwnwwlnae amallnï¬mkw Sonia Crowam lnmlJtulg gncd effect to HR bile auction on Saturday 1956 at loopsnï¬asnam Phone426 rleSprinx so gt Furniture and eflects below to MR DONOHUE will be so public auction on Saturda 10 1966 at pm at Spring Service Galvan Street Furniture and 2ch belonging to MR HOADLEY Will be laid BODIES women3 FRANWZ METAL CORP Oliilio HIGHEST PRICES PAID Lublic auction on Saiuhrdgy 10 1936 It run ill Spring Service Gowan street Garage is heated liActi cc Jerry Cough on 29 AUCTION SALES Tuesday March Auction sale of farm stock implements hay and potatoes for John Handy Lot Com14 Tecumsetblmvn ship miles south east of Allis tnn Sale at pair sharp Tehne cash Jerry Coughlln Auctioger Wrdnmday March Auction moan 313 ï¬ï¬‚ï¬rï¬ymm INDUSTRIAL lRoN AND METAL musty relum Phone 8331 or 64375 arm stock implements and hay for Alvin Miller at Lot 15Coni Notlawasaga Township 3v miles nraight south of Stayner on th country road Sale 1230an sharp Terms cash Jerry Cough lin Auctioneer iii21 Mimdny Maren 12 Auction sale of iarm stock lmplcrnonu house hold ctiects for Norman Kosky at east half Lot 23 Con ll B58 Township an miles rialtip of Thornton mile south and la mile west of Holly Sale at pm Terms cull Gcorge Duncan Auctioneer gt was sheep form implements hay some household eifecls for George Wilkinson at Lot Con 4Easa Townshl miles north cost All lston ole at 12 noon sharp Terms cash Jerry Coughiln Au tioneer 233 Thundzy March 15 Auction sale of mm stock implements and household effects for Ray Webb north half Lot Con Innisfil Terms cash Sale at pm Sproule Auctioneer 2331 Friday flinch 16 Auction sale of farm stock hoy grain and some household effects for Earl Conn phone 313 axons nnoa linmamas mm LIVE POULTRY thtcblwtlllllmgllan hdpaid dupedl priceapald mural arr thBlflfO MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY 111d Office 204 liffln at sml METRONOME in good condition Phone 265 during ay 326 WANTED to Large amount of lumber 7N0 Zyllice the lowest pouiblel Bradford Gablnct3Wgkzs WANTED to purchase pine ulp wood either cutol stun ingn Please write to Box Tlllson burg Ontario 37838 LOAN of $5000 wanted on 145 acre farm with good stone house of 10 rooms hydro fumucc on paved road He miles 1mm big bench South of Balric Box 87 Barrie VIRON AND METAL ALE Post ofï¬ce menu 16a Moderate down ymalt terms Well wulETlnvmlnm commAl be oscnnnnm REWAHVE monsrnmi PHONE IVY llrli Dl Bing CulllnuwaodPliaii 516 32625 sardonic QUANTITY Mixed Hay forgsnle TilZRNEYAt the Roan Victoria In round bales Phone 681 Barrie iozszo hay round phone 5081 HAY and Straw for sale We de liver William Kcll Gilfard Phone Lctroy llrflz 102648 TIMOTHY and Alfalfa Hay for sale in square bales Arthur Coo per Cookstown phone till2 102827 MIXED Hay for sale good quality out early round bales $20 at farm Russell phone 308m 102832 SEED rarsale Beaver Out and Montcalm Barley Hamid Broley but 22 Can 10 B5B or phone 2r ivy 10282932 CHICKS ERAY Emileis for AprilMay should be on order Ask for pri ces Also tinPollen some start ed Mixed ch1cks CDCKLrels Quick delivery Hatcher his specials also Ames lnCr eth Full information vfiom agent Copeland RR Bccton phone 55rlZ 2426 HILLSIDE CHICKS They should be good Canadian Ap proved Hatchery Plus the special lzed Hillside breeding of 35 years and more Selling to chick buyers for those ycars They have stand ard varieties pure brads und cros ses and special strains also who uosplutsarrlc 29 use to Kr and Mn Wilfred na Stroud con Kevin Ronald James modem dorm on March la and Mn Alex Koropatnllkl ncnsc School Camp man KROBRLINAt Rani Vii toria Hospllnl Barrie on March 56 to LAC and Hrs Krau lin a4 mmey St daughter Jaqueline Louise Hospital Barrie on 1558 to Mr and Mrs Charles Tierney Adelaide SL daughter Mr and lilr11 Seebeck of Markham announce the engage ment of their daughter boils Man ion lead to William Joseph John ston son of Mr and Mrs Johnston Ithe marriage to take place at Burton Avcnue United Church Allandale at 400 pln Saturday March it 1956 28 CARD OF THANKS THOMPSONLWe wish tnextcnd our thanls and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and beauti ful floral tributes also to Rev Barnard for his consoling words during our recent sud bc renvement ihc Thompson fillizilI ily Egbert IN APPRECIATION would like to thank my many friends for the cards fruit and lowers durin my stay at Toronto General Hosp tal ulsd Dr Osborne who perionncd my successful oration John Hunter Strouia MORTGAGES ther on want pullcts or broilers WANTED sumeone Ike inf they live what the market takes mnflgnge or 51500 on 200 are Ask us for information and prices mm seue an eslme son as and get our order in soon for the ambit best pay ng markets ahead Agent Dave Millc Ora Static 2420 Apply Box 75 Barrie Examiner 4222231528 annulant at the Midland branch For the put in yun be bu been manager at Paisley He la bmtberibbnr of AnlqWellc and Albert Hartman Midland il SCHOOL AND SAFETY 1th come tile past weve been hoping to hear train our schools on the subject of highway ufety We still encounter reckless young bicyclists children catapultingoff the aldewalks as they tralic with their friends and traversing the streets with complete disregard or crossings and ptdesiriaa linesLachute Quel Watchman IN MEMORIAM zlvilrlonsln loving mailing dear aunt Margaret3dl lay llor who passed wayMarcli 955 yeadr has pasted since that sad aw God her homeit was His Within cilr heartr shellveth roili Ever remembered by Rosebud Mrs Allan Audrae and Jack Ardell Zfl ViiillliiliS mom or aervltl or information call Al OConnor ai Joop M29 or evenings Anson M64 cluaklc at Lenny or Jlrn Gilmore 2135 Leta talk nbout your aalclu EARLY thla ycar SKYLIN Mmmmw om aw wmwqm rwnmlukv rilli Arrowmam at James gt Feehely of Totleabam as their Barrie manager has been an nounced by McGoey and Tough real estate brokers linFeelier WESlea manager for localbu mess firm for two years before returning tolotlenhaln last year mnnxrlmc REPAIB wonx lIIEIICIi MOTORS goon DODGE linsoro pennant 75 Broomd st PHONE 5911 luau N0 hillto ron SALE CHOICE ommerciii roperty uérbalhgHempeafclt hay rrgaoge 1195le nepin mm in no property is situated on corner lot and ban railway aiding at rear Wellan let any type of bullcu Foil Pullman inmhhnnon Call 5370 or 52 HEAR Wilt You OWN are GLASSES YourowngiassesImud new Ileaan Ha II hearing aid that becoynp part of the eye glasses you are now wrgrln its miraclenr concealed hearing If you cant comeln write for free booklet oso Yonra EL Toronto om mm naeam NAM Aliqu CArm MINERAL SWINE MINERAL Milking cows and yailng stock have high mineral require ments 90 of the skeleton is calcium and phosphorus Over 50 of the mineral in milk is calcium and phosphorus ii miles westl milesoulh of Birth vale Terms cash Trace mam 325 CHECK Our Pr es Breed rid Aumoneer 252941 WANTED to bu Pom spruce crosseshof breeds before you order TENDERsr Tuesday March 20 Auction sale Balsam BasswoogPine Willow or TENDERS will he received by the hatches at Red and Sussex and yum and an 105 Balm bolts Phone or write for in Sussex and ï¬nds Foreman Lek gitanng magic farm stock and imp ements for formation and ice Collingwood ham and White Rock and ill lin wood Ontario as and 15 poles ii out long Tenders X°OBI°WÂ¥ ï¬g 23 Racing ca 32326 5° intemmmnimi mus may include all or on part oithis Fmema Le him the he requirement All no es must be Sproule Auctioneer 1333 unlimited ab itles Our meat ty Thursday March 22 Auction 51 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE chicken is the Arbour Acres wn te Lï¬imï¬gï¬ f3 flebebfï¬ of Registered and Crude Holsteina ink uly the Emma 5m 1125 end and be dull ered to Registered Yorkshire Pigs imple The New Chm The Stroud Telephone dmpany menu ha and rain lanArcnie and Prime lot in Strand AII ole must be woodmwlgmmï¬ haunt Con YOU DON PAY right willllk yourfchick problems lamented berm gets is made Wksl Gwluimiluly wnshlp We dfl 31mm deer Mrs Corn Young cretary SalmhhhamTellrissd lFirm envel irECt to your arm 464243 sold McEwen Malone Enrrle Farm Supply phone 2982 2023 Until Market Time 2421 0N On our simple namedtape Feed j===UT° LES gï¬ï¬‚fcï¬rflig$flngnï¬ï¬ Mo PRIVATE Readings by appoint twe dtones Cam month on mom only Phone Oriiila dado Fm SIM Implements and beef cattle Well furnish iii BU ing or Selling 802588 la warm for Hay Purina Ohows for any one of SACR°EAE 1m PHI 55 fl Fundemgned has weaved these four feeding Operation and We nnance late model cars and 313719 wnsan Dumps instructions from dam Hadldiclaibcamrnailmk you Only Pay list Price Of deliver nucks Very reasonable rates With Clinic wllsan Bldg panin on villi the moth inf ALVIN MILLER marlin is no EmACHARGE complete insurance turio phone 2293 sozott Emmi Conrteeiuï¬emco STEVENSON CONSlDERlNG marria con wereMule Let 15 Con BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Au TYPES or INSURANCE suit Marriage WelfareSpec not Nmawasu Towns mall Established 1900 Over 8000 Free Delivery Within so nil Purina Chow 520i clients rich and poor married Eli 394 Miles straight Snail of stayner Surge Daliy flEqulpment on County Road Market Sq Phone 2932 To Sell by Public Auction on 91043 95 DUNLOP ST BARE ready Scru ulous secrecy Sim WEDNESDAY MARCH cm for valuing Apply winger Adequate minerals are pan tleulariy important for the brood saw and growing pigs Phosphorua and calcium defic icncy is one of the contribut ingcnuses of rickets in pigs Stock suffering from mineral deficiencies frequently have poor appetites gnaw on old bones wood or other foreign matcrial or eat dirt coorv CATTLE MlNEiiAl AND coor SWINE MINERAL nu are made to satisfy this need COOP MINERALS are formulated with the propcr combination of calcium phosphorus and salt calcium chloride with all essential trace minerals For free choice feeding For mixing in oration High quality iiigredienls ifowest fluorinecontenlj on the market MONTHS To PAY This is ncccssary help avoid Acetoncmla and Fluorosls UNDER OUR BUDGET ILAN Vp to Wokbomo improvement inlioredlo measure by II J0 Company STYIE EOR 38 YEARS Very economical price Available in 25 lb or loo lb dustfree bags on coop MINERAL TODAY mans Box Blake om Ejflfl Winnioeg ml is 309 AT 1230 ML SHARP Dom phone ma iliuMAN four dour radio anil THE FOLLOWIN directional signal CATTLE Hereford Cow HOLSIEIN Cult onezdnyoid or 54AUSTiN Aao years fresh calf at fdnt Hereford vealins Phone 812 925 53 HUDSON WASP go do eifcr years fresh calf at foot or McC Tr olstein Heifer years fresh calf VEN CALVES AFN 52 CHEVROLET two dnnl deluxe at foot Roan Durham Cow years due to ireshen March 20 Holstein Cow years milking well due to freshen June 11 Durham Cow years milking well due to freshen June Hereford Cow years due to freshen bydat oi sal Hereford Cow years bre Holstein Cow years fresh calf all foot Durham Cow years fresh calf at foot Durham Heifer years due to freshen April Hereford Heifer years due lrashen June Hereford Heifer 3years due to frésllenv June Grey Durham Heife ears due to freshen Ann Dui cow years fresh CBlf at foot bred again Black Durham Keller yeatsybred Hereford Heifer venrs bred Baby Beeves Here fords imd Durham weighing 600 lbs each Durham Heifer yearvold Durham seer year ol Durham Cali months old Durham Bull years elble forregistlatian ple Yorkshire Sow and Pigsriweeks oi Tam Sow bred Yorkshire Sow due to mwduï¬e Yorkshire Pigs around 180 lbs each Yorkshire Sow carrying and litter due to farrow May 25 Yorkshire Sows bred weeks carrying ï¬rst litter PO TRY GeeSe Gander 40 Hens aying well Barred Rocks HAI 5m Bales or Hay mixed square bales well saved MACHINERY 17 Oliver Diesel years old good as new McCD Tractor Plow Slurrow goodas new 25 Spring ooth Cliit ator good as new Cockshutt Po er Mower It good as new Set or Disc 28 disc 77 New Holland Baler good as Forum Threshin Machine 24 on rubber go as new MH ScedDlill 13 disc pair MH Side Dalivery Ra MH Dump Rake in ft MoeD Tractor Manure5 reader on rubber good as new Bnder good repair Steel Land Roller ocli shutt Tiller disc and repair FordyFerguson Tractor lgglUin good repuir 2Wheel ailer alking £1th Cream orator eieetri goo rc lr Cham pion Chopper in ectric good as new Rubbe Tired we in an Rack set of Sieighr nrrn norm Souffle Cutter SlingARopea Forty Chains and many other ar ticlea too numerous tovmentlon TERMS CASH Deï¬nitely no reserve or farm and 3qu lured be removed until odre Deckcrt RR On Station Phone Oro 3724 923 YEAR Old Registered aï¬a flily Robert Storey phone 58d Elmvaleu 82513 HOLSTEINS fresh and close springersH Michell Station Road Markham 9212619 REGISTERED Red pual gtPurpose Shorthorn Bull 15 months Apply to Bellamy RR Everett 972327 power glide 5i THAMES Panel VIAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN sales and Service 17 Gowan Street gt 1326 his OLDSMOBILE Coupe Reason ablePhone 5737 lEZdZi Amman Cattle Owners of Simone County The new number to call 101 Maple Cattle Breeders is Harrie phone 3388 9Zl2d ROLLED Hereford Calves forcalf clubsr some older females also stnlw in square balesLRoy Good tcllow Stroud phone 31 9256 YouNa Swisnbredua weeks Ssup Boal 11 months old well brcd$40 Apply Miner lin Shanty Bay can On mile south of Dalston Phone mm 412521 NOT ICE TO CREDITORS Creditor of MALCOLNLMoLEOD late of the Township of Veopra in the County of Simcoe Gentle man who died 12th October 1955 must ï¬le their claims with the un dersigned before 73rd March 1956 after whichdatéassets or the esta will be dmribllted sir Tender will be deceived by the undersigned for mintwith truck to draw and operate aged to ttl for JWaible lin dly state price Aldo fro mlpervisurwith ear to superv the agraying or cattle and seelthat war is curllookout nonï¬rmr den And lei fl en Warbla todo the an llmi er to loans contain notrlees ngtiépéloedn 15 lfl Illi 15 in 1door with extras musu Powder FOR Quick Sale 53 Pontiac two oneowner car Terms are available thnc Barrie 80133 or Elmvale liiirlfi 132327 149me combination duml tonhnew reconditioned motor good tires equlpï¬ed with signal lights Frank Haw iris RR Ever ctt Phone 3r14 Everett 132526 CHEVROLET 19217 beautifully maintained since new mechanically perfect new tires tilln slgnals backup light etc Fast and econ omical Phone Earrieoflaa before Drill 132526 giharv AWAY because broken coy er casemi post Have it repaired by an expert LFosi orSlow1 REvCHARGING Phone 4831 Self contained room apart ment Will rent unfurnished at$55 furnished at$60 Contact Rl SLESSOR REAL ESTATE Phone 5934 TIVYnu Conr Buy On Convenientqu Terms Willi No Down Payment Visit us Baylield so gt or call granitic 2496 gt rmvs In your unit All was BEIIVEIIIIIMIIEII auinu 3mm nut mm 129 BRADFORD ST BARBIE THE FIRST srrr ro PROFITS IS QUALITY gt ForemanLegliolnchicks and Purina Cbick Startena Dellvered Directly lito Your Farm Inquire NOW lDWEIl prices in years iurric Flinn Supply runrnncnpws For Livestock and Poultry some Equlplnant rnonazssz jHARRY TWISS 25 DUNLOP smear Pbone 3435 Barrie Listen 29 the Regional Weatlitl Forecast Monday thru Saturdayaf 740 dun over Cirna AlonDE noun Mancuniziillllclls