FlyerslClip Conucks 32 but with itaahnrt beach on quick banks the other team pruning The Winner The Future Line oi Flycrs got in some good ticks in the ly stages Norrena piaylngan proved contat Josephson and Norrep carried right in twice during the opening minutes but At the ourminute mark Stan Baluik broke fast through the middle and came down on Senior unopposed Arnold Smithsaved ti ety goal for Barrie on this occasion by hooking the Canuck from behind and ending the last serious Canuck threat for 10 min uics The Newmarket nugget wee Willie Forhan scored the goal that won the game at 1532 Beckett Black and Forhan kept the puck in Kitchener territory and gave the defence lively time before Forhan worked the puck from the dc and banged one into the rigging through as sorted arms legs and sticks Open Net Kitchener kept coming and forced faceoff in Barries end with little more than minute left Out went Dufour and on came five forwards with an empty net at their backs Stewarts move paid off once as Baluikgot couldnt get puck past Dufour hmMbm outme At Guthrie Arom TheDInConthinuiuchmond in the fourth game at the Bill ng Stevenson and Roberta neared or the winners intha first period while Urn Vere blanked Brown Stevean Roberta tallied for the Hillin second whlieoro got into the game with goala by McLeanNorrena LStoddart and Forbes lginek Stevenson and Robert scored in the third for the homutera while Stod dart and Nunena counted again for Ora Shortly after action to be resumed tonight in Kitchener in Play With Bill Hope iavoring game leg Davison Cherry and ChasaeWski played lotot sound hockey on iiyera defence while up forward Beckett was going Richmond Hill gotsix penalties concern both ways with George to three for On Ranieri working hard and used often in penalty killing role Leads With few exceptionsthe boys played as team even if the OHA Jr Finals the Ox played stead shooting was trifle awry Mean while last game in goal Defensivcly Duncan was Canuck mainstay while Wait Bradley as usual loomed dangcr ousiy up front Referee was old pal Pearcy Ai ien Linesmen Jim King and Joe Sadler all of Toronto Seventeen penalties were hand ed out 10 to Canucks including laminate misconduct Shots on goal by periods were Barrie91010 29 Kitchener 95822 Again the trend of play is reflected in the shots Brnokiin Dodgers defeated 0n nngoville Cubs 61 night at Orangeviile to take 24 lead in their OHA Junior Dfinal series Brooklln won the first game 153 at Port Perry SorieSi continues tonight Bruno Favero and Jim Feltls of Barrie olfieiat mca caor Water from melting glaciers irrigates rice paddies in Nepal Farmers stir the mud with wooden plows but leave the sowing and reaping to their wives save the difference SPECIAL iNTERIOit AND EXTERIOR PAINT 98c Qt 325 Gallonv flllEH WE DELIVER CLARKE rLooit SANDING EQUIPMENT You can do praieaainnal retlniahing ob with our oompieuqv my nae Clarke Rental Equipment San time and mom and give your floors new beantv and lust Ila fnrnlah Ill Dnnlnment materlail and complete lnllrnntlnnl OUR RENTALJLAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED iTS EASY TO BEAUTIFX THOSE OLD FLOORS IF YOUDO IT YOURSELF WITH CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT PHONE voua Reservarious HA3 Pyovs 2556 80 DUNLO ST MolsQDs gt taorssiscoazs faanl Mp1 mu pinyin lhna games summonuer EdMudy Bowlrtg clinic Shadow LboWIing is an excellent method for beginners Instea of aiming directly at the pins as described in weeks column you direct the bail between the shadows cast by the pins In thisway youran point is brought about quarter of the length ofthe alieyneareij to you The ball shouldbej aide between the shadows of the and pins or the and pins depending on yourapproachposition You will team through practice which side better for yourowti style Wednesday of delivery See this column next week to learn aboutSPOTBOWLiNG if you aspirer set world record in bowling here are the fonts ofliciaily roco by the Ontario Bowling Association Mms scores nn Tllpl playan lltua guma up Printing Toronto mstnalo wnnIC enamk maisons CO BREWtRY LIMITED MENS TOWN LEAGUE cnour th DivI8even Uin Can adian Legion No to HEPC Deluxe Tali 24 Webb Blot 13 Copaoola gt Second Dim C63 44 Cliff Brown 35 Barrie Tanning No 31 Monarch Refrigeration 26 Can adian Legion No 75 Torgia Auto motive Results Feb 27 Seven Up Canadianbegion No Copaco Webb Bros Deluxe Taxi BBC Cliff Brown CGE Monarch Refrigeration Barrie Tanning No Canadian Le gion No Torgls Automotive High single Timmins Seven Up 337 High triple Brown 733 Tuesday Group Standing First Div Barrie Tanningaa Aces 31 RCEME 29 Tele graph 26 Lakeviewztl Dominion Auto Wreckers 23 Second Div Wright Cleaners 40 Copaco 89 Smiths Farm Dairy 27 Union Carpenters 25 Duncan Plan tcrera 21 Hydro No id Results Feb 28 Dominion Auto Wreckers Lakcview Dairy Barrie Tanning RCEME CN Telegraphs Aces Copaco Hydro No Wright Cleaners Union Carpenters Smiths Farm Dairy Duncan Platterc High single Pridd ng Dom inion Auto Wreckers 315 High triple Greensid Barrie Tanning 325 CMonday Group Standing First Dim Baytieid Frosted Foods 18 Westonsilo 37 AdrP Bokars 38 13X RCAF 34 Westons No 12 Royal Lanccs ll use can SecondDlv Button SnackSer vice 42 Kcnwclls 4i Haywood 32 Honey Harbor High single somey Shaw Seven Up 293 High triple Shirley Shaw Sev en Up 699 okeere High Single Shirley Shaw 293 Bowl of Fun Team SevenUp 1206 Lubrication Spceiol For March $l00 To RENT room unlumlahed apartment over service stationvPrivate en trance ROBERT FLEWELLING 150 anaosoan sr BARRIE PHONE 9015 only once in mma counting on smooth pun by Beliiiac tailed to uh Icon in advantage oi the tact they had an extra player on the ice part of he timedue to Goldwater penal Period two also saw only one marker chalked up when Doug Miller stretched the twine for Goldwater in combination play with Don Bcaudoin and Doug Peden The last period was well ad vanced when Emma broke away to hit the corner of the Port net 15 WHAT YOU GET WITH OUR NEW MODERN WAYNE CAR HOISI iNSiALLED TOENABLE us To SERVE You amen SAULT STE HARE CF Arthur Kent ii his trade 12 history Richards landing Ha waa eon fined to bed in December 1954 after an of rheumatic ever Business tum giving Honeywood vinainthe heat otflveaeriu Previously the teams hadbeen deadlocked with two wina ach Dundaik won their waytothe finals by taking three straight games from Markdale Ill an manna wanr An son or FLESHii er VIA ATruns Canada Airlines mum ar ossrmarton saunacan us Private its your own roa ALL TCA muns horn ano RENTACAR RESERVATiONS CONTACT roux TiLDEN MEMBER antennasarms TitliltEtSEiiVlCE so Contra s1 COMPANY LIMITED Harbors No 27 Finlays BA 28 Barbers No Results Feh 27 Westons No Royal Lances Bayfieid FrbstJ ed Foods 13X RCAF Alt Bokars Westons No r1 But lers Snack Service Baywood Kcnwells Barbers No laysBA Barbers No lligh single Carter Ase Bo ars 347 High TripleG Cooney we one No 819 LADIES AFTERNOON LEAGUE Tuesday group Statiding Kings 80 Deuces BO Jokers 18 Dodgers 74 Aces 62 Queens 52 Results Feb 28 Deuces Aces Kings Jiikeis Dodgers Queens High single Quinn Jokers 285 High triple 663 moms TOWN LEAGUE Tuesday Group standing Queenettes 52 Seveniup 48 Viau Motors 38 Lakeside 35 Clarke Clarke 34 Oughs Hardware 31 Fendleys Flowers 30 Hart Hause 27 Byrnes 24 IRA 21 Dan gerfield 20 Joe ons Grill 18 Results Feta ware Jackson Grill Queen art House Clarke and Cihrke 5Lakeside Cabins Byrnes lPk 0Seven Up Dangerfield Motors 0Viau Motors Fendieys Flowers McGuire Kings otter pays FWSYQUJHIS ScottAlive fAutninatic Fieetline Coach Badio Heater Sedaniteater radio turnvsignals brandhéwfFOt2D heater turn sign AtBUL OCK MO ORS you can we providing Yourcredlt rating is satischt pfgqs fnr psimmntncuéi as Iowds $50pc ANoweinnor Smart Appearance s1995 lieuterr Radio Green Good Rubber 52roan5£ntt Heater Good Motor month arid your present car an CttME aim sea ion tourismE WhitéWalis Two Radio 8495 Dog4 Low Mileage Light Blue 51itilili coach Two toponheater Ontv 51 Meteor Coupe Verl aton 40 Icense and tank