Gard Berle Stain in SLJnder Church will be heldat ll Ln than ut the month of Harri 15th nday School all the sea WI fleeting The Womens institute will meetvat Mrs Yernon Jennetts on Thursday evening March at 815 There will be demflmfla tion and the 4H Girls Club will be present Roll 11 My first aim experience Few Days In Barilo Cousins spenta few last week Mrs Earl Cun ingnamand Tam iny are visiting lricndsin Barri Former Resident Word was received here early FENNELLS Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter of Tomato were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold iiiatchatt Root Raising Ceremony Several men from thia com munity uttered their serv 65 for the roofruising at the munity centre in Bradford last Meek Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer meet ing that had to be postponed in this community because of the weaiher took place on Friday at St Johns Presbyterian Church Coulsons Hill and bad weather again prevented all but hnndlui Irom attending Toronto Convention Hughes attended the Good Roads Convention held in Toronto last week MlNESiNGV Thinking Day Service The Brownies held their Thinking Day seflice in the United Church basement Monday evoning lheir7 mothers and Iriends were included Directors Meeting Ameeting the directors of the Horticultural Society will be held at Doug McNabba Eden gale on Saturday evening March weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs William McEvoy nth daughter visited friends and toelativcs over the weekend of Toront ing with hertsister Miss Maguire The Late Allan Knapp Word was received this week by George Johnston hlinesing many best in their new home Synrpathy of Community The sympathy of the communr ity is extended Mrs Broderick of Bond Head belied Weather roitbetteswent to Stroud ay 13 53 56 vi The on Fri had run lollrev hiss Willis Hunter has return ed home after dï¬endling couple at weeks inMi urg from his cousin DrH John st at Anaheim California of thedeath of Allan Knapp at his home in Garden Grove on Feb it Burial was on Feb 16 Ho was son 01 the late Mr and Mrs Peter Knapp who were form er residents hero andwho moved to California to reside about 1900 Allan attendedvschool hero and will be reniemhcred by those who knew him at that time He was 76 years of age His wife passed away one year ago and he is sur vived by amnrricd daughter at Garden Grove Mr and Mrs Johnston visited them in 1954 while an trip to Calliornia Back From Florida nephew Bernie Crawford arrived back from Florida last week elm LT BITW PLUMBlljSJZ HEATING 84 mm 5mm wm em 3170 And its as easy as A36 to get better eoai try load or BLUE pan the next timeVyoujre relueliing you will find itburns eienniy and giv es makimuinheat KLEENFLO EANSCREENED BUILDING FUEL OIL COAL SUPPUES now are Yttllli snare Let us check then won fame complete brake jobs Airing cum 70min one Donor ed Linings installed on all four wheels wheei Cylinder parts honing ond tree ng oi erge MoTOkru Motor TunelJps Generator and tart Carbureto washed andmeoaerated Mariak Lu car washes an changes try our town Havolin all We pick your car up ad at Russel Strunaghan Mole tiles extra sns runs with mnoxra ma crime solv evening in spite of the Mrs Wiiiiam Henry and her lira Sutton Host Mrs Vi hertrani and Miss um Burw Mrs Godfrey Schand lull up resident on Barrie F011 r2F0fllmWlll meet at the home at ur and Mrs George CoutIaon yondsy March The topic is Trade and Tarilts How Vtree can ire make free trade in Canada Mlaisierllinahte To Attend Sorry to report Rev Mr Veals yin unable to take the service in the United Church on Sunday ut the congregation enjoyed the in menu by Mr Cooke Bar rie assisted by Mr Beers Their services were greatly appreciated There will be no service in the Enited Church on Sunday lilarvzh auto rum On Friday March film will shown in the United Church Ia iaaa Trio Passiiilitiu Mgn men will outlive thelroarning powereOtberswllldie am eariy ago and leave dependentsbehiod The on waypf continuing income nmd insider eoso is Life Insurpricq May help you to plan your kilo Insuranmto provide modulo both for your lumin in cueyp lo the soon and ydue retirement so than you cannot live too long MR auosasou 26 Dunlop St WestJ Barrio Phone 5594 Narrowing It Manoracre Inluaaucl EERS In to on your friendlyNiogowrloah mi Mamxamanmnmwym It laulta you but Ho about Niagara Loon an lmponomtanflor you Who can get Niagara Friendly loonfAnyono with reputation for honesty and the ability to repay How mush can be borrowed front Niagame to $1500 sometimes more How quickly can got monoyFSdmatimu iii20 minutes within 24 hours for most loans How long can take to npoyIln lho tabla below there are ust few of you some idea of lime amounts Horn to munypions They will give periods allowed for diï¬eront months And for olipaopio Who have uneven income during the your aurh or farmers and schoolteoehars special payment scheduled may be arranged on loom above $500 In all loan chlugu the seinerUp to 5500 general IV 155 but rem bar insurance at no extra cost pt Niagara you not life Above $500ha lotgar thaomovnt and the longer the timethe lovlartha rates Compare often youll buy more money at Iasseost at Niagara In Insurance on cam wonhwhllofYer hero is rail family paucecfrnind feature At no extra cost to you icons of 51500 or lésa are lifeinsured In unto you not this protection when you borrow Do friend have to back my Joanano so am do borrowers prefer on endorsed ioon Md bonkobla security of course is not needed flevymony my of borrowing an thohPYoucun me any of than four Nio flush etc only owner gore loan plans On cori signs Husboh endwife on fumishings On business equipment On farm stock and equipment Our nave prlvato lntewlowfYes your interview at Niogorq will be private eourtgous and friendly Why do p00 borrow moniyllAfew reasons om to oonsolldoie grpup of small debts to reduce large payments for car and truck repairs to meat emergencies to repair or modomlzo homes to articlng business for seed stock fertilizer for formsi and to take advantage of low prices when cash is paid Do My mp1 beneï¬t49 in Canada fumil borrow each year Cvou rAvtsss roa MANY rklrumv IOANS toms iaoo mourn at no sxraaeosr ro vou AND AM YAKE vow CUFFUNKS MDYQJH futtMï¬ SWEATER WHAT wmsmuera mmuowit Linroim sou cum 53 weer VON IN MY CAKE itï¬EfZl AM 50 N5 ileumlle °°3 diners7 tautame featuring Moth Protection Ea NSF QUESTION WEREAM GOING M5 EVENING annitr1rm sKrETEa mans