Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1956, p. 1

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Clubs Tremendous Hit aoldout hodao sins um oe mention phone for the The ll lbehfurtaln ventfldan on rug opening pe armnee iii Mummm vi preach even lng by the hrrie District Calla anditsdizletonu glate laminate Glee Club issup orb Acted smut In smooth pro fessional mlmrthoprohctlo Is simply and skiltiIllystngcdan shows the results weeks of painstaking rehearsal Both boys and girls cborusu are exceptionally fine and John Pawellin the role at KsKo the Lord Hithkccutioner is every thing that the famous Comic role should be and morci Don Terry blend heautlfufly GR Tomlinson made an impressive Mikado on the whole the producch is fresh and lively and excellent from both musical and drnmstlc viewpoints The musical director ArchieRoss and the stage dlrce other outstanding Peflormnncesm damn Wk dam are those of Carolyn Psyne whose singing In the role of Katlsha Is the high point at theshaw musi cally Patricia noyes as Yum Yum and Paul Channcn as POohBah In cnsomblc work as in thzseol ond act madrigal rig Dawns Our Wedding Hay in the trios Three From School and Heres HowADcDol the voices of the other principals Pat Hamilton LcslIe Scott WilfrcdDeGeer and GEUDGE ISIDO HEAWA LOAD FOR ONENIAN 1D CARRY it will not be long before the war mcr days appear but nights will chilly for some time to come and stova wood is the material to ensure warmhouse on colder evenings Stock up now LUMBER WOOD SUPZEJ 48 AssertMan hows at the close of the evening The Mikado will be given only one more performance this evening starting at ills oclock Tickets weresald out over week ago for both eIcnings STREET LIGHTS BROKEN Concerned over rapidly rising costs in street light maintenance Mayor Charles Parker of Midland called on citizens to assisttown police and the Public Utilities Commission to curb the current wave of bh gun vandalism Mayor Parker said that 36 street lights were broken in the Regent Scfiotg area 34 of them by bb SPECIALIZED SERVICEV ALL MAKES 0F IIIIIIIII ELEVISIIIN Every Installation numbed by our techniciant MONiIIICII REFRIGERATION Co HR DUNLDP ST Phone 2059 sELISi Further dlscusslonrarosc over mesar salaries but the trustees stood by their moderate hpwnrd revblon for mdetcacherr at the last Iheeti They appearedtie terminal to stay by their decision In spite of reportssomevolathe teachers might resign at the end of the term cr dissatisfaction with the new eduIE Underit the salarydl Principal Robertugan would remain sta tionary $3000 it the request ahtbe rhea had been meti there woul been an overall inems schoolterm 33550 egate maintainedlhat Is would cost Goldwater less thanamiil on the tax rate andwas well within the clplbilititn oi the section to meet The boards new schedulegrant ed each grade teacher $100 year increase raised the maximum to $2600 retolning minimum 32 000 raisedfrom $50 to $100 per year the additional allowed for each you experience and ex tendedthe $100 peryear Incre ment limlt from five to six years Trustee lI Worrelle said that for school purposes Goldwater had the lowest assessment oi any county municipality and stated Ihatinorder not to Imposetoo heavya burden on thetaXpayers teachers salaries should bekept in line In Goldwater 55 cents of each tax dollar is spent for educa tio Members of the board were at the opinlorlthe Goldwater sched ers in are George Hay And Heath McNabb Win Oran al Wlnucrfif the junior oratorloot Collegiate institute on Wedne day afternoon under the auspice oi the Barrie Lions Club werc George Ha Giadc and He therMcNa tirade Thete one four finalists In cacti ofthe boys nhd glrlsdivns ions choked from Grade and Grade who has bccvnstudyingv number of years used incnt todemontrate his ing talk The Viohn v7 Placing second mud and fourl til were Bill Baker Grade and Ronald Ha and Dennis Slack Gradelx The winner Intbe girls section chose What Canada Means to Interest ulcrcom arcd favorably witbtolh contest finals at Barrie District Community Hall lllion dollars Mr Nailing pointed out that the amount of 311000 set aside by the County for agricultural pur pom was but twolbirds 01 one per cent of the total budgetk The speaker then went oh to£ dent Iiow this small budget was proportioned out to the various agricultural activities the county Grants were given to Junior Farmers school fairs agri cultural fairs Womens Institute expenrunul work plowing matches and the like This is just little money to encourage the agricultural reprel acntativcsin the good worlr they are doing in this county con cluded Mr Hickling Oné leap Year Baby Born At Royal Victoria Only one Leap Ycar baby was born at the Royal Victoria Hos pitallon Wednesday Feb 29 Kevin Leonard JamesCooper weighed eight pounds 13 ounces when he was born at820 pm Fifth child of Mr and Mrs Wil trcd Cooper Rm Stroud he has four brothers and sistersLornc Karen Ian sndianet The babys father IS aclvilinn employee at Camp Borden Euchre at Stroudr Commun Centre Monday March at 830 pm Admission 50¢ Lunchpr vidcd Dancing at Pine Crest every Friday and Saturdaylorthe Music Makers Boih onnd and squa Admissionsttc DIInce to Paul EmmsQrchestra on Saturday evening 912 Guthrie Lunch counter Checkroom Admission 50c 28th Rummage Sale Saturday March at oddiellows Temple Collier Street Doors open am Aus piccsladles of St Marys hurch 222326 Rummage sale on Saturday March at am True Blue Mrs Harold Drury rod Inn Man uldflllht in Wed paday on Essa Bud year the entrance to BanteFnir Grounds orbsI Cooktown driving out of BarrieIsa EnaRoad when his car collided with car driven by Herman 09 born Bl Bay Point The accident occurred at the entrance to thsBarrio Fair Groundnwhich Osborn was via at the time CROWN HILL Attend Funeral Service am William cannonson Leonard and daughters Joyce and motored to Toronto Tuesday evening to at tend the evening service It Mc Dougall and Browns Chapel for the late Mrs Fiorencc Jessop who passedaway Sunday Feb 28 contest finals at Barrie District Sunsy yum Mr and Mrs Russéll Partridge Donna and Flfiyd of Minesing were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Harold Drurys CHURCHILL WI to Meet Thursday Churchill Womens Institute will mcct in the community hall Thursday larch at pm Mrs Robert wlll be the speaker Roll call will be answered with say or pay something Thcre will also he the election of officers Themem hers are asked to put ideas in the suggestion box regarding next ycars programs Mrs Lucas will conduct current cvcnts quI COOPERATIVE BUYING with many Toronto retail outlets and LOW OVERHEAD REASONS FomoIOu mun cimi Farm Fonun met atrllra and Mrs Allan Mchbbs on Monday President Ritchie Lane on behalf of the Lions lamented departing member Frank Wil ams with hammered silver tray Lions HarryCowan and Earl Doblc rrvreprescnted Coldwater Lions at the Penerlaw Lions Clubs Charter night and present ed Presidents pin as contribu tion imm the Coldwater club Lion Iack Dunlap was com mended for tho many responsibil ities he has been carrying out In connection with operation oithe rink by the Lions Emergency Treatment On Wednesday Feb 29 George Dcvitt of the Maconachie Com pany Goldwater was taken by ambulance to Sunnybrook Hos pital Toronto for emergency treatnicnt for ulcers Coldest Readings After low readings of £5 below zero Monday night and 12 below Tuesday night the weather moti eratcd in Coldwater Wednesday the 29th The coldest readings down as far as 23 below zero ro ccrded this winter were in No vember Goldwaters coidestspell in existing records was during the first World War when James Lazonby obtained reading of provid services Owing to tbestormy weather run cons uh an ovum tr nl luaunun will vmv an Ivlumn ti out In In mun mun unmII II ii Millmm IiSon voun Loon rulIuln only our tables were playing at the weaklyeuchre party Wednes SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY an CAN 3mm vomi own RECREATION ilflllM For Cooler Summch Living on As AN WINTER LIVING arxiRA ROOM roa nxm LIero Space Ann common 28 Dunlop St Ph 4365 suInIrII an WIIIrrIIroMPoIIr EORIIIUIIFILI Hall High Street auspicesof the recreation room canbe bright cheery and practical too wonderful roorn forthe family as party room activity room den or extra bedroom You can build it yourself in your spare time Whether you donyourself or have it done come in and and inferesfed law talk it over well supply the right materials to make your job esof Angnsiioy Sco ts iInd Cubs easier and offer time do moneysaving ideas too gt are asked tuattend meeting to 712 PANEL fig1 film wing he fnhAgggngrimoxwmoomw sess Marchlnsiaet 250 201 email Pretihished wood panellingpreiin ished Celotex ceiling white or colour atncks dance March 16 éd strapping and studs foil insula Show Community Hall tion nails staples mastic tile floor Mode and old time dancin door hardware trim and mouldings gigabyfldravisénggodfimufigiAdg LARGEzo 12 ECONOMY ROOM deeds for Eastern Starx APPROXIMATELY $3500 am Fund 23531331 wan Knotty Pine SheetrockfilfiiOO Plaih Sheétrock walls primed till palrfle 919111 5W ceilingliquid tile or cementrpaint Aegclifrmneh Hume 5911001 floor strapping studs Ioil insulation mr Pmi Tlesdayy nails staplesdoorhardware trim 19315 Speaker It Gunncll and cumin NGAROQ 130x333 showmg colored slides Mr Gun Captive kangaroos are easily Compare beiore you buy nell pronilses Something interest taught to box men inexlantions mum mm WALK OCK SAVE The mainprob In caching audie attractiveLong Wear ng them to foregoth terrIblmkiclrc sHOULoeaniiiczs ELASTIC HOSIERY ARCH suPPomsj You as her topic Ladies Auxiliary 680 to the Car Placing second andt rd were pente Union Local two Gradelx girls JaneMac Laren and Diane Jrat Pat Ba er Grade placed fourth The adjudicator was FO Stan ley Haynes of the RCAF Camp Borden Cash were presented to all them estants by the Lions Club which was represented by Dr Bllr amide man Chisholm auto the collegiate Englishv epartmentri¥ marked that stnnflardsare excel lent in this years oratorical con tests with students showing more enthusiasm than he bad It for Nothing Down As Low As Support ForEveryPurpose gt $15 mm WE CARRY COMPLETE STOCK EXPERT FITTING Satisfaction Guaranteed ii iii Mum 33 COLLIER SIR SELLS FOR LESS Nothing Down As Low as 5121 MONTH rosy fro ilEiIII nouns LINOLEUMFLQOR TILE Hunnc tile loo one or the easiest doltrourselt nmgcu In In snare hours you can hove an attractive tile floor toyour own dealinrlnd color scheme are Ecanr ony 12c rm TILE For aroom 10 IOnIy $2352 when you buy Reeves diamond you get the largest diamond with the most brilliance that is obtainable anywhere for themoney in settings that have been carefully selected by us to bring out the fullbesuty of these gems Be sure yours comesfrom Reeves Wohdcrfnl NW milc age 54 CHRYSLERNEW YOR KER snosu with power ring power brakes radio sspnnvscsnm so 53 semis wmi Alli LYMOUTE CRAN ntioox SEDAN 53 gunman concn serrsmoumpmcm 52 anymosyru srsno wnco I51 CHEVROLET SEDAN Powerflite promos SEDAN 51 cnsvnonnr coacu 51 romacasnnnn 51 BUICK snow Dyn IIow radio 5lPLYMOUTR sun 51 PONTIAC CLUB canon 50 cnmonpr sEnAN IsjonnSMoans DAN 49 mmomr SEDAN r41 sryonnsxno SEDAN JGMERCURY coscn USED lr ucxs 1950rFARIiDII toustalre 1950 srynnosxno mm Express mamasnous 12 ton Express Ioéomrnnnmomr on Express PAWT TODAY USE TONIGHT humerusy with modern Pl bilth man Is no Imam mess too that unells up the whole house euy to apply dries in hours many 1an up You can live an nvenn room in loo In In than you think or vss enact1 ILst Fortany home improvement from sloflto 500 use the Beaver Rudget PTan as low $9002 month our Serving Canadians for 50 Years no down payment terms

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