No Mil It Swill the Jews New day afternoon March at Mrs Ernest McCutcheono In Toronto Norman Coxworth we in Ten onto last week attending the Good Roads Convention Short Vklt Mrs Robertson of VWoodville had ashort visit with Mrs Alired Spencer and Mrs Landry during last weekend Moving Date Mr and MrsRlehnrd Hill of Barrie who purchased the Olsen property here take possession on May Mr nndMrs Eugene Finkbein er also oiiiarrie who purchased the Wilfred Holhert property last week take over March Remaining Until Pall Mr Luty who has sold his farm to is man from Weston will be remaining here until folL Recent Visitors hecont visitors at Mrs isaac Jennctts were Mr and Mrs Hen derson and son of Alliston and Mr nd Mrs Ruddick of Baxter Special Services The congrega ion Trinity United Church ae reminded of the special services at Central Church Barrie from March 4to under the leadership of Dr CHURCHILL Three Rinks Three rinks of Churchill curl ors attended bonspiel in Brad ford on Wednesday Allan Ronald Allan Mac Stewart and Miller won first prize aluminum ware Sincere Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to the Marquis family in their re cent bereavement Bookmobile Calls The bookmohile called at the Library on Monday evening so there is now new lot of books The annual Library meeting min utes showed circulation of 1366 booksread in 1955 187 class 990 fiction and 189 juvenile Chair man is Mrs Kinnear secretary Miss KrAllan treasurer Mrs Watson Auditorsgusy The auditors Glendinning Rob erts Jarret Grayof Toronto are busy on the Township books Weekend Visitor Miss Lillian Sloan oi Toronto spent the weekend at her home Mr andMrs Wicks and Donald of Markham were Sunday visitors at Sloans Trip South Mrs Christianand Joy left on Sunday on trip to NewYork and Florida Allan building inspector at Township office has been at home with the flufor week GA Meeting GAof St Peters met in St Pauls basement on Friday even mg with 10 girls in attendance after pot luck supper the meet ing followed with Pat Roure in thcchair Litany worsbip ser vice for Lent was used then min utes read and approved Next meeting to be held Thursday evening March Elizabeth Beatty convener for the meeting took charge or the balance of the meeting poem Myself was recited by Carolyn Beatty Apaper The Originwf Shrove Tuesday was read by ElizabethBeatty The Leader then gave talk on Good Grooming and Posture This was followed bya discussion Meeting closed with the Goodnight Hymn moonlit Crockefl also punclllinoisndphnnednnder the National hangdial cala Special Speaker Rev Mr VIle of Smud will be Ipeclal speaker hero on Wed nudoy main at this week It Trinity Church or the union weeklyLenten prayer service all addrcn will befThc Forgin neuolï¬lns Dopln to litend these uninteresting weekly ser vices planned by Rev Mr Monh and Rev Barnard Movlnx To Toronto Mr and Mn Wliired Halbert and little son are moving to Tor onto this week Norma will re main here with her grandmother Mrs Norman Coxworth till the end of June Weckend Visitors Miss Audre Milligan ot Barn rie spent part of the weekend here with him Carr Special Supper Mr and Mrs Jennett were among those trcm here who attended the specialsupper In the new community hall at Utopia last Friday evening Sincere Sympathy Our sympathy goes out toMrs Cecil Brethet in the passing this last week of herlmothcr Mrs Broderick of Bond Head center VESPRA Distant Corner Did someone say last week that spring was just around the corn er Well with the storm of this pastsweekcnd should say we shouldntlook or the corner too close However it certainly stranded many on the roads Heard the large maintainer broke down And the truck plow only managed short way up riher Bth beiore giving up only to be properly stuck on the 10th where it is now as am writing Good luck with the rest of the jobs boys and drop in for but gt cup of coifce Reeve is Stuck Well it happened Yes found our own Reeve Hickling between 10 and ll concession taking up the whole road and crossways too was just return Ing from party to me not half as amusing found the horn helped in the fun However did manage to push those back whoels off that icy bellywith the help of Hicldlng potato bag Board by way of the back once that he would rather have had anyone else but me see him on one of his best Simcoe plow ed roadsin the shape found the car Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs John Bonsworth and boys Toronto were recent visitors at Mr and Mrs Charles Hicklings Mr and Mrs Harold Thurston are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Charles Hickling Out oi Hospittl Bill Mandel has returned home after recent appendix operation at Royal Victoria Hospital in Hospital iack Pratt oi Barrie formerly of here is patient in Royal Vic toria Hospital and is not as good as his friends would like to hear We all wish him speedyre covery From Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwin of Barrie visited Mr and Mrs John Wallwin after spertding three weeks in Florida They report wonderful time Post cards arriv ing home from time to time were very amusing to say the least Emergency Operation Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwin re ceived word on Thursday of the emergency operation on theirold est granddaughter Miss Heather Hall in the Nevmarket hospital We all wish Heathera speedyre covery gt Chickenpoi Prevalent Chickenpox seems to be still Mr PEIK Mr VFREANIV Recommend rich melllnvourhtopped tithrone sugar You like enamnnnsnmogmne turnips mm in thefleld in sumrher are brought inside in therfall stecklings and planted in the green house in order to produce new lines saves year in the time required to root disease or those having other or strnirirfor further crossing This develop new lines resistant to club daiinble characters After the in ltial growth ofa foot or so is made lnthe greenhouse nddltlonal strong lights arepllced above the plants to induce flowering The quick devolnpmentpf new diseaseresistant and better varieties is one of the most lmportant tasks of the agricultural scientists at experi mental farms and science laboratories of the Department of Agricul ture throughout Canada claiming the school and preschool children From the West Mrs Henry McQueen of New Westminster BC is spending ihrce weeks in the district mak ing home with her parents Mr and Mrs Money and visit ing brothers and sisters at Cir bourg Toronto Stroud Ivy Sun dridge Highland Creek and Con tre Vespra Mrs Penny Nickason girl friend and Bobby dropped in to see Mr and Mrs El Money Come Home Little Tom Poor old grey Tom hasnol reached home yet His owner who by the way is JW noi JN as published in last column is quite worried because of those noisy mice getting so noisy DALSTON Hi Cs Meeting The Hi will meet at Mr and Mrs Frank Woods on Friday evening Choir practice will also be held Dinner Guests Mr and Mrs Handy and Mrs ll Wolwin of Aliandale were dinncf guests at Lt and Mrs Moynes Camp Borden onVSundoy Congratulations Congratulations to Helen Slater on passing her GrudeV music exam Granddaughters Christening Mr and Mrs Pedlingham Jeff and Pete and Mary Ann attended the christening oi their grand daughterLJanet Elizabeth Peacock at Central United Church Barrie on Sunday Feb 19 us To New York Mrs Jory left on Mondayby bus on trip to New York Crusade in Orillin Be sureand ltattend 111a Christ Crusade nt Orillia Presbyterian Church eafhmight except Satur day till liarch ll RevL Ford of Toronto is the special speaker WA Meeting The will meet on March at Mrs Browns Devotional by Mrs Handy Roll call birthday pennies Study book by MrsflG Ball Tea hostesses Mrs Brown and Mrs Allan Brown ity topl Make two trim one orful squawstyle rickrackl Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 Tissue put jtern transfer State size chnd TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins forthis pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainlyNAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER and SIZE Ordercur new Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue Enjoy pages and pages of exciting new hroidery ironons toys and novel tiesi Send 25 centsfor your copy at this wonderful book now in Buy lacks small nails and screws in lhe new plastic And ybdhave attractivesall or pppsrshakers idealior pl Molsons CROWN EWERV ANCHOR LIMITED TORONTO pattern parts to this gay maternv with embroidery oihcrwith colV Pattern 7301 Maternity Misses designs knitting crochet em Youll want to order every design 50 hferes what you tvaitingffor Qniv Display ovér 34 MILLIpNpeépIe Why dont investigafezihi placeyou rolrcler for early delivery Now LWIGMOTORSSH0WR90Mgt inAnnnrica chosekBUlCK in 1955 make it the tliirdmczsi populgr carJOUTSELLING even one of the BIG THREE Iovariced cors by over 100060 superb medium priced value and have been DELIVERY fl mini amummanners or can