DISCUSSING AQJTEMOF INTEREST with fellow members of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists at the 25th anniversary convention in ton ondMrs GordonCummingsof theMciiwraith Ornitholo London directors of the federation The aini ofthelocnlinaturalisu tub Toronto is All Mitchener third from left of the Ereréton Field Natura lélub in collaboration with the federation lsithejrotectién and con woods waters and wildlife notonly in thisoommunitybu lists Club Left to right are Mrs Cyril Sanders of the Brantford Nature Club director of the feheration Mrs CharlesDavies federation SariBUG 01 throughout the proilince member from Aurora Mr Mitchener and Prof Baker of Beaver we of toomom Miss Sallyzanier ifCreighton Mines spent fewdaysthe guest of Mr and Mrs Harold McKilli can lilr and Mrs Kellogg of Welcomewere guests of afcw days with their soninlaw and daughter Rev Cand Mrs Kellogg Mr and Mrs Alvin Cnmmack and son Lee of Welcome were Slmday guests of the latterspab énts Mr andMrs Thomas liiayes recent weekend guest with Mr and Mrs Borden Nixon was former teacher of the Ross School Kenneth Rule of Toronto Out of Hospital Bert Murphy who has been patient in the Alliston hospital for several weeks has returned to his home in town much improved in health David Evans has recovered from his lengthy illness and is able to return to his position in Toronto Ilomes Purchased Mr and Mrs Herb Harman have sold their property where the Bell Telephone office is locat cd to Mr and Mrs Fred Davlson of Aurora and have purchased the Hindic Puppet on King Street from Mr and Mrs Hindle andexpect to move in very soon after some alterations have been made Mr and Mrs Ross Elliott have purchased the property on Gar boldie Street from the estate of the late William Jehb Mr and Mrs Wallace Halbert have purchased Miss Heaslips house and lot on King Street Toronto Visitors On Monday Mr and Mrs Nor man Broley sons Bill and John of Toronto were in town and attended the Lions banquet in the evening Mr and Mrs McFadden of Toronto wererecent Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Me Fadden Mrs McMaster and Miss lrene McMaster were guests the week in Huntsville with thejorm ers son and his wife Mr and Mrs Jack Finley Mrs Kenneth Simmons was recent visitor with friends in To ronto St Catharines Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Bert Murphywere Mr and Mrs Bert Huddleston of Barrie Mrs Frank Garvinh Mrs David Shanahan and Mrs Gordon Car penter oi St Catharines Visitors with Mr and Mrs Kidd on Sunday and Monday were Mr and Mrs George Kidd Ottawa Miss Ann Willoughby Beeton Mrs Hunt Hamilton Mr and Mrs Karl dd Mr and Mrs Fred Promoli Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd David and Mr and Mrsï¬ Keith Couse andMichael of To ronto Callerswere Mrs George Fisher and son John of Toronto Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kidd with and Mrs Kidd and Dr and Mrs Harry Leadlay Farewell Morning Service large crowd attended the farewell service of Rev Kel logg on Sunday morning at the United Church His text for the loan service was To me this grace was given to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ During the were baptizedz John James Houghv ton son of Mr and Mrs John Houghton Jr William lAlan sonof Mr and Mrs Alan Dawson LaurieJeanCook ReceiVed on profession of faith Ronald Parker Ross Parker Neil French Margaret Beeston Bernice Flldey Robert Hatherly David Holt and Judy Tucker Mr and Mr Robert Mr and Mrs lan Dawso ere eived porn Ephesians ald Monkman Toronto and George Ottawa The funeral service was from the Hughes Funeral Home Cooks town Feb 27 at one oclock Interment St Johns Comctery Cookstown World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer ser vicevwas hold on lridoy after noon Feb 11 in St Johns Ant lican Church and was conducted by Rev Kellogg of the Unit ed Church the theme being Ono Flock and One Shepherd and was the subject usedby Mr Kel logg Assisting were the three presidents of the missionary soci eties of Cookstown churches Mrs Riley for the Anglican Mrs Patton for the Presbyterian and Mrs John Farts for the Unit ed The organist was Mrs Ramsay and the soloist Mrs Don Prayers were of fered by Mrs George Paris and Mrs Wilkinson The offering for the Womens InterChurch Council of Canada was received by Mrs Hansen and Mrs Fildey Lions Childrens Night Around 80 children and their parents attended the Cookstnwn and District Lions Club childrens party on Monday evening at the town hall lovely dinner was served atsix oclock and after an interesting picture show was shown during the evening Miss JuanWebb sang piano solo hearty vote of thanks was ex tended to loan and to Mr Stark of Barrie for his services in pro viding the pictures WMS Meeting the home of Mrs Drllopper with good number present The scripture reading was given by Mrs Brayman and Mrs Patton led in prayer The roll call was an swered by quoting verse from the Bible Mrs Patton read letter from Mrs Cave of Alliston who is the sectional president In thisshe told ofMrs Carrs address to the Barrie res byterial MrsCurr was the spec ial speaker and someof the high lights she spoke about were What is my responsibility to missions and to the WMS It is not what we give it is what we have left Ask ourselves are we giving our reasonable service Mrs Hopper had charge The monthly Meeting of tlie Presbyterian WMS was held at of the program and used sections one and two from the study book The Church and Its Missions and Along the Jericho Road with nuinber of the ladies taking different parts The meeting closed with the pah benediction after which lilrs Hopper serveda delicious lunch and social hour followed Veterans Euchre The veterans hold another of the euchrcs in the Veterans Hall on Monday evening when around 40 enjoyed another jolly evening Prize winners were ist Mrs Kidd and for the men Robert Whyte with Walter Beatty winv nlng lone hands The committee served lovely lunch of coffee sandwiches and cake Ross Group Meeting The Ross Social Group met on Wednesday Feb 24 at the home of the presiden rs Flldey with 19 members answering the roll call and there were two guests present The meeting opened with prayer followed by the routine business and reports Mrs Batters reported she had received two dozen boxes of assorted cards birthday and everyday cards and that several boxes had been sold Tickets were handed out to mem bers to be sold at lucky draw at the oucbre and dance they are having in Cookstown town hall on March 23 During the after noon two quilts were completed one for Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw and one for Mrs Sylvester lifoon ey reduestior four quilts to be quilted for Mrs Vause Chil drens Aid sewing was returned to sewing eonvenerg Mrs Nev and one built top for the Red Cross returned and ti bcquilted at the annual quilting bee at the town hall in Cookstown and one quilt complete was returned Thenext meeting to be held on Wednesdangarch at the home of Mrs Albert Gilroy lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Lloyd Dcrmott Mrs Herman Braden Mrs Clar ence HoltMrs Colwell Ramsay and Mrs Batters Social Evening Following the evening service atv the United Church on Sunday Feb 19 social time was enjoyed in the Sunday School rooms in honor of lievJ and Mrs Kel logg who are leaving Cookstown the first of the week Other special guests were Mr Kelloggs parents Mr and Mrs VKe logg of Welcome The evening was spent incommunity sipgiug violin and other musical numbers lPHIIiini ntluiie Console as rtLusrnaTro During the eveningMrs Couso read anaddrossand purse was presented by Ron Abrams to Mr and Mrs Kellogg At the conclusion of the eveningnlovely lunch was served by the ladies The Late Leonayd Marcus Rors Leonard Marcus Ross one the oldest of the old timers in Cookstown passed away in Beeton on Monday Feb 18 1956 after being in fallinghcalth for num ber of years Mr Rosswas horn on Nov 26 1884 in Cookstown He was the son of Robert Parker Ross and Sarah Jane Taylor He attended school in Cookstown Conservative in politics and had farmed near Cookstown nearly all his life Leftto mourn his loss are in widow the former Violet Stewart seven sons and threc daughters Stanley Marcus Hor Alan Muriel Mrs Clark of Mim lco Doris Mrs Tighe of Owen Marys fifteen grandchildren and one great grandchild The fun eral service was held at the Hughes Funeral Home on Wed nesday Feb 15 at 230 with Kellogg officiating with terment at Lewis Cemetery Pall bearers were Leston Rutledge Prank Mumbcrson Bert Marwood Dr Harry Leadlay Dalton Slight Barry Jcbb Numerous floral tributes were from relatives and friends Friends and relative who camea distincewers fro Toronto St Marys Allenweod Mimico pflllia Barrie New market and Owen Sound ace Leonard Harold Douglas and Sound Jean Mrs Blackman St installed swore Presiden Ross vicepresident ARobin ench secretary Marilyn Bray trea nouns nus rust nor non bars near our rumors coovoanoosr GREAM MRI DOLLAB DAYS TRIEme GRAPEFRIIIT SA lnstithte Meeting The Wl will meet at the town hall on Thursdayevening march The committee in charge have arranged an interesting meetin lilusic Exams Congratulations to Patricia Nix on Karen Beeston and Brian Monkman who were awarded be are in their grade Ii piano exam inatlons in February Jimmy Ream was awarded first class hon or mark intest piece of Kiwanis Music Festival last week They ARCT in Cookstown YPU Special Service On Sunday recently special service was held in the United Church school room The evenl ing consisted of fireside service followed by the installation of fieers in the Young PeoplesU ion for the year 1956 Each lice was illustrated by candle whichwas lit from the presidents are pupils of Miss Marion Webb candle The officers for the yearlf 71 DDLLAB DAYS CAMPBEL MUSHROOM 780 101 DOLLAR DAYS CAMPBEL DOLLAR DAYS ROBIN HOOD GAKE MIXES II III is APPLE JIIIBE TOMAI nonporous riNK SillililliESze colourrm assodmlsnr save Heinz thymus DOLLAR DAYS CULVEBHOIISE CHOICE GHOIGE PEAGHES 52¢ 14 VEGETABLE tour 814f1 cnocourrr wmrs copes nouns pars noun msranrnnai alive 25c th 20 tins 52nkdeals $1 DOLLAR DAYS MITCHELLS nounsnus cynvsnnovsr FANCY JUIGE SEAL FANCY aligningzM norma thssavr All 100 sou FERGUSONVALE wwwmm arm hagga mucus4mm Ieottoreellrnllccndylpfl fagtlyfle bath Mmatmgoru 35 Station They moved on °° idly dv Alex Milburn dorm Sunday no home here Wallace Carson ï¬nned ai the weekend with his mother Mrs Clara Carson remit Guests thra Fleming had weekend visitors here Mrond Mrs Do las Flemingy Mr and Mrs Che cr Wilson Lorraine IndDonald Mr neon mount WANT and Mrs Gordon Sunley and Over milieu of 110an1 and Power usher01 BULLS sell at Royal Winter Fair Buildings Toronto Ont on March 1th at 10 omA bonus of 36up to $15090 paid by the Livéstock Branch to Ontario reslr dents NEVER in history has aslngie BREEDof live3 stock moorrth DOMINATED on industry as HEREFORDS have in ESTABLISva their SUPR Acvinénebeeundustry You can BUY neoprene WITH commas Ontario Hereford Association chas Fisher Presidenth MocxenzieSecretary ailieboro Oakvllle on For Prompt Courteoul Service anomalies my Delivery wltainiu an Home To an 30 UNDER 0113 BUDGET PLAN 11 to Wodehouse improvement BEliiiElliliMliEll IBUILD mBm BBAVFB 129 BRADFORD ST BARRIE EUBBES PENETANG Sl FLEElliliMS 50 Jason ho iifllillflllS 151 anaerono sax moss errrcrlvr one run magma1st nameManon mi tl booms oars arsr our macaw sconowncu use non Elis sonic3 41 north ms assrraor AYlJilEB TOMA EATSUPV mi 51 DOLLAR DAYS LIBBYS FANCY rnmr cOGKIAII villa IIIGE an 31 hurt tin EASY DISK GINGER sI DOLLAR DA KOUNTY Kl DOLLAR DAYS CULVEBHOUSE NEED BEETS 10 new $1 nouns bassoon sons asap ocoss GEO00M $1 DOLLAR DAYS nan warm JELLY POWDERS l4 norms oars 00416153 00 FLAKESv $1 oousn oars cuss 5I cairnPEA 9W9 bathroom cwnrrrs s1 EVAPORATED iillli 851 canons myhnnousnbumcr SSERI PEARS zitfeal DOLLABDAYS auvr mum noon c3590 Shortening Donna oars Annowzsro 12 pEAtliES iiifiirr new will ions or