Liessle by the Royal Music of Toronto Their results were as follows ARCT Pianohonors Miriam McMann Alliston Grade vm PianoPass Mary Imam Cuibert and Dennis Thompson equal Grade Vi PianoHanoi lo anne Bell Robert Kenton Conservatory of Pupiis Successful Gntie ill HarmonyFirst clan honors Eleanor Owens West ford Pauline Kunoeo Grade ll TheoryFirstclan JoanurBell ind John human equal Robert Benton Plenum Grade flheoryFirst elm honors Karen Shortt ONTAR liiTEiiilllil in FARMEBS ESPECIALLY LADIES the womens president ofthe lo FARMERS UNION hirsuProssér will givean interesting talkzit PAiltswiCKu SCHOOL Pilday March 830 pm Everyone invited so bring your friends son SALE CHOICE gt Commercml Property Dunlop st overlooking Mempentelt Bay Frontage 14955 it Depth 1072 ft This properly issituatcd on corner lot and has railway sldlng at rear Well suited ior any type business FOR FURTHER lNFORglATION call 5970 or 2522 voices up nuoesr new Whll iwi borrow the money you need to put your ï¬nances back on sound bud eted basis At HFCynucange ssoupmsiooo uauiiliy in one day It you have steady income and can mnke regular monthly pay ments no endorsers are needed Phone erdrop In tadnyl HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Rnbcm angor 23 Dunlop StWut Iaioiisl floor phone 5329 BARR ONT lions can to up wumday mt mudy noon rimv II DIMM unfair Wu pound aw aliens mi ship SPONSORING owes rimsuuidue Guidu and the mother map committee are sponsoring tCoine As You Are dance on Friday evening March in the community mireon the 14th concession of innlsfii Town fourpiece orchestra will play for dancing starting at eight clock There will ban door prize and refreshments are included in the price of admission The projectis to raise money to pay for cupboards for dishes and equipment being built bythe Guides in their meeting place the basement of Essa Road Presby terian Church HisioriCaI Papers Are Enjoyed Byj gt Guthrie Members The topieat the regularmeet ing of Guthrie Womens Institute on Feb 15 at the home oi Mrs Herb Squires was the Tweedy mnirhistory book The meeting was conducted by Mrs Campbell Histories of the roads post of fices World War and World War ii industries and telephones were read by several of the mem bers litany of the senior women reminisced about happenings at days gone by Due to lack of time many other topics thatare to go in the history book were not reviewed at the meeting Mrs Campbell hoped to be able to in clude these at later date The president Mrs James Pear sall conducted the business meet ing Mihutes were read by the assistant secretary Mrs Pilkey The sum of $25 was votedto the Red Cross The branch hopes to send the secretarytreasurer to the conference for branch secre tarytreasurers at Guelph in May All members who attendeduny of the institute short courses were asked to bring one item or more which they had made to the March meeting At the conclusion of the meet ing the hostesses Mrs Mason and Mrs Love served tea The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Wes Caldwell Roll call is wearing something green or pay five cents The subject is This is Education Week Con vener is Mrs Ewen Caldwell BOSlt tesses aro Mrs Gordon Caldwell and Mrs Clifford Besse RABBITOR HARE The lack rabbit oi Americas western plains is really large hare while the Belgian bare is rabbit more one VISIT WittPROVE YOU Cerf Moss AT Asp THE SAVINGS STORE They nymlevttitinn fixer firmly no me wiu we nwtmml moni MORl Ion prices on non itenu more am till neelil The louder we Ihnut the more people find out for tlllmlelvn new to In Ikadlly Chem AM in print then came In our mall or menu nukinl cannon Coons sesCinss Allens Fancy APPLE JU Cmn Giant NIBLETS omn Giant PEAS AAP Faney TOMATO JUiCEf came an at Ann Donn 29 gOoz tins Donn $i29 doz lins Donn 29 41052 lim45c on sm ZOoztins45¢ sarcomas MEATS heartRoasts Full cut SHOULDER Blade Bono Removed em Bhanklon SHOULDER ROA sarisans Extra LEAN MINCEDZBEIEZE BtrinaIn Bil ROAST3s BLADE ROASIEIIi sr gt i329 2Ibs49 inclines FEATURES fGltEENJBE JANE oasis ER BLUEBERRY ais ea=h5¢ SAVE 4o JANE PAHKER RAISIN PIE ash 39¢ save do JANE Panties RAISE BREAD T612 loaves 3C SAVE 5o Ovens who introdiieed them or 1913 ilLbe Christiw illiMIaalop in at vouio or Ell bookï¬that is oilsredforpamdyfi They Reach ForvLifeFhy John Skoglund fihe autho Id wide experienceu pastn thq ological professor and admin trator lie has mad many to the East and is ï¬ll qualifi tospeakw The book deals with people who are caught in olution and how their litua on has been affected by Chrktiad missions Here weJneet people of many lands who are challenglt ing the Christians of the world to action The stories tell us what difference Christ can make in the lives of these peoples Miss Oven Concluded tillthan in the world for the stars for guidan Will it be the red star of Moscow Or will it bere light of Him who is theBright and Morning Star it largely depends on whether the Chri tians of the world take serious this their day of opportunity Following Miss Ovens add ssY Mrs McCawgave averyrfex celient report on recent meeting of the Barrie Presbyterial exeeus live The closing hymn was 48 Christ of All My Homes the Ground of tea wasiserved to the cup members Mrs awrence is Hostess To Cains Corriersz The monthly meetin of Corners gtWomens lnsgtitutecaiiila held at the thB of Mrs Lawn ence on Fob is with ii members gill xsix Visitor present Mrs enson re IQ chair gt sident was in Roll call was Azeharaoteristic expression of my grandmother The branch is to pay library fees and decided not to enter the Salads Teacontest At the next meeting quilting is to be held Current eventswero reviewed by Mary Duncan The topic was Ceylon nndt history oi the country was Le counted by Mrs Gordon Cey lon today wasdeseribed by Mrs Dickinsonandwomen ol Cey Duncan Food in Ce WkHaveisons topicsy con est was won MeNiVen byMrS Lunch was served by the host esses Mrs Stephenson Mrs KaneMrs Nell Mrs liai erson and Mrs Nevil WOULD You KEA Less mm No MORE ICE N6 mono are so noon ceilnmwitbwhc Fair Commit MIS Menuhin Stroudand Eh GHAnderoon were named old miltee to look alter the displ newTweedxinuir Book was started and the sacretarytréas urer was asked to procure suit ablebook Each member is to contribute history of her arm and other items The program was by Mrs Bhrneson thsthenLe olhiatoaical 11 McElwain research History Winston Churchill was given by An article Meet Your New District Din ARROWSHARP PLEAIS dart from shoulder to hem ln thil spanking whiteJaincoat of 100 ire cpnh terylsne Mined thy France Davies for the gringsum mel collectioh of theVAssoqiniion at Canadian Couturiers The bat with flaring stitched brim is also of teryiene by lrcne of Montreal The first showing ofgthd eoiltur leis group was held in Toronto Feb 14 and other showings will follow in London Montreal and Ottawa ADDED TROUBLE CALGARY It was pretty hard to get taxi during subvzoro weekend horn sneak thipf snatched themain tubefroni the shortwave trans mitter at cab companys despot ching oificc ector Miss Helen MeKercher was read bylilrs Lyons contestAnimai Vegetable or Mineral was conducted by Mrs Lyons with Mrs Donn as the winner Miss Drysdales draw was won by little Gordon Archer The lunch committee for the next meeting is Mrs Doan His Ar cher MrsWright auers Lyons Lunch was served by the host ess and her Committee RELIGIOUSPOLL TORONTO CF Household ers hero aroused to telephone surveys says Rev Francis Stone director of the Catholic informa tion Centre He plans to adapt the idea to religion by calling city residents to gel their views on religious subjects The worlds largest orthopaedic hospital for children is operated by the Canadian Red Cross in Calgary SILVER BIRCH ROYALALBERT ANew snipméni ofthe above well known on display in OPEN STOCK pattern now Piece Place Settingonlyil$875 set Ctlps and saucers 185 any 135 Plates masons 370 Teapots 650 Sugars cream 250 pair Cake plate 2115 Call in and browse arobndSee oncolthelargest dis plays of ENGLISH CHINA DINNERWARE MINTON WEDGWOOD SPODE COALPORT ROYAL CAULD ON ROYAL WORCESTER ROYAL ALBERT SHEL LE and many others Dick snot Cor Collie 5r Daylield Barrie Phone 2395 kin Years with Sir rosin CLERKS $2406 $3350 Office Department same Ontario Furtherï¬inlormation available oh poster at the plicationlorins available thereat should be tiled with the Civil ssiwics COMMISSION cuii Avenue out Toronto or some rams mince 195 suspicss ooorstaows miss or 51 mars cuuncn sumac ssLs sslusoav MARCH 0035 OPEN mm minors TEMPLEcotLlERfST Post Olï¬ce Ap cerium custom 4M mans gt NEED NOT BE materials for as llttiaas 195 rsn 1min single width CQMPLETE including all labor and materials ï¬undreds at patterns to choose from which may beshovynin your own name ask snow our sass BUDGET TERMS no EXPENSIVE in fact we matte them of line quullty Barrie leniliLVning co 3413MB stosr PHONE 4314 loci on money than you pay for it NO monswssrnn Ovens ovssn ouansuiais wellknown too that KELVINAEOK Electric Refrigelgliarsmss You iN DOLLARS AND CENTS Mmi 34 iilltlilTi GiillttliiliPRICES listssiins incur st ARE IN THE uinmum nusmsss iii £31