Return Sicia Miser 11 nu ma Wemehl Editor Many of names winter vacationers were unfortunate enough to return home over the Sweckentldor the worst storm of the Unloadist in Saturdays high wines and snow shock according to retarningtravellers Among those who returned home over the weekend vine Mr and Mn Harold Forster Shanty Bay Roadmnho arrived back in townSunday after three weehs holidays in Florida They motored south and home again and spent most of their time in the south at Clearwator and Daytona where they joined two other travellers Mr and Mrs Earl Cox fora week Visited In New Orleans Mrs lelghton Clarke recum ed Saturday from New Orleans where the has been visiting for the past month and half with her brother William Stark new consulgeneral for Canada and Mrs Stark On her way home to Canada she stopped off to see friends in Ohio Draw Winner 11 Henderson 51Cu1nher land Street was winner of the draw on haadtooled leather purse raffied by in Alpha Iota Chapter of Beta igma Phi Sor ority at its meet 11g on Monday EVEnlng Thedraw was made by Mrs John Powell Mrs Ray Roberts was hostess to the chapter members at herhome 38 Sï¬phla Street West for the mceti Proceeds from the raffle will be used to send child to camp this summer Retirement Party Jack Smith retiring district salesman ior Imperial Oil Limited gt was honored Friday evening at party given in the sergeants mess at the Armoury by fellowemploy casting the warmth of the southern was quite tea andagents trom the area In splteof the bad weather guests had travelled from Cold water Elmvale Orillia Parry Soundcolilngwood Midland and Peoatang forllthe evening There were fifty present MrSmith was presented with rod tackle and other fishing equipment by Geoff Jones of Barrie on behalf of his fellow employees and Mrs Smith re ceivcd bouquet of red roses Among the guests were Arthur Pugh retired local agent for the company and MrsPugh and Ross Watt who is replacing Mr Smith as district salesman and Mrs Watt Mr Smith has been with the company for over 80 years Mr Smith was greeted by swirl of bagpipes as he entered the mess played by members of the Air Cadets Following an evening of danc ing and cardsa turkey supper was served William Stone local agent was in charge of the party arrangements Back From Florida Mrs Frank Spry and her sister Mrs ShcciahRoss of Toronto re turned Sunday byalr from Flor ida where they holidayed for three wecksat Thc Bermudian in Fort Louderdolc Leaving For South Mrs Clayton Stewart is leaving today for Ottawa where she will visit for few days with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and MrsJames Eider before depart ing with them for Florida They plan to motor down the east coast to KeyWest returning hy the inland route Wornens Institutes something green or pay 10 cents There will be an auction sale JarrattCreighton March 13 Hostess Mrs Joseph Leahey Roll call is an Irish joke song or say lng and written suggestion for next years program There will be elcction of officers and pro gram dealing with community ac tivities and public relations Mrs lrish Programs And Elections On Wl Agenda Election of officers and reco nltlon of St Patricks Day are few tures of many of the programs for North Sinicoe District Womens Institute branches during March Subject tofchange meetings will he held as follows gt Coidwater SeniorMarch 13 Hostess MrsG ll Polkinghorne Program calls for demonstra tion and roll call asks What hobby would like to lcarn Mrs Devine and Mrs Sheppard are in charge of lunch Coidwater JuniorMarch 27 Hostess Mrs Alvin Galbraith Roll call consists of payment of fees officers and contest CoulsonMarch 14 Hostess Mrs Gerald Ego Convener will be Mrs Walker public rela tions Roll call asks the name of place in Slmcoe County and how its nameoriglnated Program in cludes contest andauction sale Lunch committee is Mrs Beaten Mrs Woodrow Mrs Fagan and Mrs Ego EadyMarch 14 Hostess Mrs Harry Johnson Subject of roll call is How hope to help my 1n stltute next year There will be clection of officers and payment of dues EbenezerMarch Mrs Puddicornbe Convener is Mrs lvens home economics and health health rule is re quested durln roll call There will he spe er andlunch com mittee is made up of Mrs Parker Mrs Parker Mrs lvens and Mrs Fred Nelson GrenardMarch 14 Hostess Mrs Albert Lye Roll call requir les an Irish joke and program con sists of electionrof officers HillsdaleMarch 27 Hostess Mrs Dunn Roll call is wear something greentellan Irish joke orpay five cents There will be election of officers and payment of dues Mrs In charge thelunch iioba arieyMarch i4 Hos tessM ephhonth Roll call advises tha members must wear Hostess Therewlll be election of Thomas Morrison is Leahey is the convener MeldufMarch 14 Director Mrs Lloyd Russell Roll call is why each member should take her gain at being an officertin the MoonstoneMarch Roll call requires something Irish Pro gram members to decorate an old hat with garden produce flowers or vegetables and model the some Prize for the best hat North RiverMarchl Hostess Mrs Archer Roll call Whats news Program consists of cur rent events with Mrs Taylor and Mrs Lovering in charge Vasey March Hostess Mrs Nelson Edwards Members are to name birthstone in roll call debate topic will bechoice oi con venbr for education Mrs Alvah Stewart WarmlnsterMarch 21 Hos tess Mrs Johnston Roll call Name which month you would likeyour meeting Officers will be elected WaubaushoneRoli call asks in terior decorating hints There will be paper election of officers and reports of committees Piano Pupils ReceiVe HOnors In Examinations The following pupils of Miss Audrey Milligan were successful in the recent RoyalConservato of Music examinations GRADEVIII PIANO Honors Margaret Carr Eleanor Jennett Pass Black GRADE THEORY Class Honors Gaiy Harris Black Norma Halbert equal Mary McDermoit Pla ns to April Tea Completed By Central Senior WA The February meeting of the Senior Womens Association Central United Church was held Oleno McQuay Evelyn First in the vestrywith the president Lois or Canadian Couacll MILasp Missimmnsv cmmeMcce were mar ried in St Johns Unitedichurchat Elmvole Thebrlde is the former Ann Marie Ritchie daughter of Mrs Ritchie and the late Thomasthchie oi Elmvale and the groomis the son of Mrs McConnell and the late Alfred McConnell of Elmvaie Miter wedding trlp to the United states they are making their hope in Penetang 4m mm nim Uniied Auxiliary Studies Problems of Indian People Seventeen members attended their educational and economic the February meeting of the Ult standards were discussed Such ity Auxiliary of Collier Street Un conditions are much on the tip ltod Church held at the home of trend for this race Mrs Walker The group in charge of the meeting consisted of gecï¬ï¬ihgegli ngnï¬cwm Mrs Rodgers Mrs Me Csw Mrs Forster Mrs lioi Chocoiole fudge sundae Tyce and Mrs Ross Stephens LUNCll as sous 10s cam cmvmes 22 Dunlop scw Phone 4502 vice was Call to Worship of Ones 0wn Self through Service and Citizenship The study book No Vanishing Race informed the members of their rcsponsibll to the ladlans The problema Mrs Feltis presiding The main item of business was the planning of spring tea to be held on April Themeetingeopened with the theme song followed by The Lords Prayer repeated in unison and hymn Spirit oi the Liv ing God Mrs Handy gave the scripture reading Psalm 130 and led in prayer Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs James Many thank you letters had been received gt The closing hymn was Lord From the Depths to Thee Cried The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction followed by social hour during which sand wiches and tea were served by the lunch committee The theme of the worship sen awrunnooo mm aptherhood Week in easelw common Home and Scboo Amemimrat its regular meeting on Thursday Feb Bear Lieis in the speaker ibtfli tum ll wk on in of Christians and Jews arming its education al program uihe purposes of mo MhoodjVeek sponsored by the eodncll anthreefoldeto draw attention to the council and its work to point out ways we can help and to nuke an occasion for people to rededicaie themselves to respect the race religion and creed oi othen Bmtherhood is alnodern issue of modern man There should be norhauway in the bro therhood 9f in which we an promote brother hood in ourown lives First we should dverhaul nun personal thinking Then we should see that our aititude towards our neighbor is one of equality Care should botaken in forming the thinking and attitudes of our children Finally we should have grasp of the world view of mo therhood 1n conclusion he stated that Mt sugges edfour ways An important advantage of the loose housing system for dairy cows is the lower risk of injury to legs andvudders Miss Elizabeth Wildman led accompanied by Mn Seal Oil Seal oil has been lampn generations tor its emuum um helps Dr lhomal mm on relieve cold ceramics throat acre muscleundloiutsJidIusstoln lo 92 years we are are AAT ovanew LOCATION Clapperion Sl press 51101 room 225s annoyance lilliii Jules Lawn vector day NIB ad en my worries numl all Consolidation lorylre 8mm and how to cleah up bxlle us reach mem too high And ingle visit cash to get Fresh Siarti You toocn get iii to the ofï¬ce if you phone ï¬rst Or it nor or come in Ideas 55 we more mammalsum am convenient ofï¬cerHamish Blyllclil Street Ind Floor 32 Mlsslleaga Sunnist anfloo orEN EVENINGS av APPOINYMENfUHGNE rel VENlNG HOURS in mu circa rails vswcs lerracrrvs numeric p111 SATURDAY MARCH as 1101111 nonmionsroass LIMITED BARBIE onrsmo iSthplacewbï¬y 21L 412 an 249 PECIAU 1z 111 rial19 ii svnrrs rmwm Bonsusss RAND mo Less min 5011 fort iiiX7 octavtn cnocoasrngk cur Mix SDQRTENtNG sue gt caAnKssomaro on vncnraam cnnmnouse GOLDEN soars 32 23 CHOICE srncm 12 174 CANADIAN MM EVAPWMED smears RED PITTED srccmu has on 27£l1erriesZ V3512Vm21l mm Megs KAM PENr995 WES SPEC Pilllii was 12 sac Milleszm3fl°rIZWZ34 LYNNVALLEY gppassenr srecmai oceans near arm saliva Pearszum33Fllï¬hs13lll lanasrswom 29 savanna FRENCH cu GREEN 03 lsgncmu sinssnaaapnrANCLrINK sumo cm 71 Beanszesu 25742 145 bananaslemme srneiauj Dg inuzg ChEAMETlES imim Tontulogs Zuns37F Mflï¬ï¬‚nflmz 13 az as 52 12 2109 moan MARGARlNE rantsumo Cuavnnnovse Chow Peels 119 sracmai loll lull 11 via 32