Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1956, p. 12

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mar lllllllSlifl 3mm slllllnhf EVENING rearommcrs AT 650 pm continuous SATURDAY FROM 239 pm THIS STORY ISTRUEAND REALASTHE MANWHOTELLS IT THEVEXCITiNG LIFE STORY or AUDIE MURPHY THE MOST DECORATED HERO OFWORLD WAR TWO mum AU DI PHY v0 MARSHALL THOMPSON CHARLES DRAKE GREGG PALMER iJACK KELW PLUS CARTOON FOX NEWS G0 SOUTH AMIGOS EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50o TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAXV INCLUDED SORRY THERE WILL BE NO SHOW MONDAY DUE TO COMMUNITY CONCERT TUESDAY wrunrsniir riiunsniiv SHE STOLE THE MAN WHO BELONGED TO THE WOMAN EVERYONE FEARED LANAlliRhER Til sascmcdun ROMANCE llllliwiiniluz InstillInto MiHlSlPAVlN EVE snoWs Ar 709 335 pm The Action jj Packed this COVERTEE nNoEitwonLD EACH EVENING EIHEEUPHEHAHUWIEKE CINEMASCOPE and COLOR MoTuawsn SHOWING ONQE ONLY STORY OFTWO WOMEN IN LOVE SAME MAN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MATINEEWEDNESDAY 230 pm EVENING SHOWS 650 prn PLUS CARTOON NTERTAINMENT Tllllll Fill Slll CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm EVE SHOWS 835 prn TonECHNICOLfln henna lllTS revs WARNER NEWS vEILs or BAGDAD WILL PLAY ONCE ONLY EACH EVENING 830 pm ADULT mun smash An Emnila Studioiradoeiion llii necinnl TERRY DEER fillile WINKin pill lull 2ND urn team on hdvd izuvan riiiij unasnwnniu 0pm annulus DEPUTY DROOPY exoric ADWREI vucmn MATURE MARI ENTERTAINMENT laaiuvinl STEPHEN EDURTLEIGII BIG FEATURE EHMQUSPIAYEIISTHEHTBES can cROssiANo Back Fromtrily lM Hopkins Miss aNanny Hepr kins and friendyTorbnto visited at Mr and Mrs Russel Moldi Wains Mrs MéElwain returned home with them afte holiday in the city Weekend Mr and Mrs Hanson and aonlittle Miss dy Squires Kitchener and Jack arnes Pres ton spent the wee end at the Barnes home Mrs Hnsonrand son and Wendy lr hours till the blowerreliEVed the situation Torodto Weekend nacnurr rmEEIonTEiIs vANCOUIEa or Civii de fence planners here are aiming at United Chord Trqi VlthJflb burgh edging Springfl Lindsay Daughertyfifnlafl and gt WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY £9 I956 ere March 4th Missionary luinr lulu pigCollier Street United Paul were thewlnnerc goal loot en Kine and Otto whinging the loser Givens netted Baxter once Each duh recetv two minor penalties Providence trounced Cleveland 62 with Barion oneotith league Elan scorlng four that and helping on another unter Bcll added the othe coals Mcnon Danilorpcy and La ry Madlgan scoredfor thojlm twice fisiatlng once along with with Bibby sensational lll goal Each club received one minor pen ty Third AHL gamo was won by Buttan ovcr Hershey 54 Murl phy and Chappcl both scored twice for thevictorsthe former also assisting anyone Saso scor ed the fifth counter and helped on one other Buffalo were as ceased the onlytwo minor pcnall ties For the losers Atkinson Aikins York and Thurlow scored and Forbes At 1030 two gameswere run off Guelph squeezing out nor rowwln over Galt 10 Barrie happy omen +2 Jack Mill potted the lane goal for Guelp Symes was the top marksman to doubling the count on Kltchcng while Raycralt scored theother for the winners Don Theme and Jim Mccann were the scorers tor Kitchener In the Senior section Stratl ford defeatcd Chathamaq Ernie Drysdalercoring twice Cook once Swan and Walker of the winners received penalties Final contest had Windsor over Owen Sound 52 Caldwell fiale ed the light thrice Henry and Miller rounded out the count David Bobier and Dunnwvere lamplighters for the losers Mul lchlnock of Owen Sound received the dnly penalty Playoff Schedule Monday March is Canadian Legion Minor Hockey Night for playoffs Schedule is as follows Darrie VS Guelph F0 7730 815 Sr AOwen Sound vs Wi Ch th 11 501 VS am azoais Sr Providence vs Pittsburgh P0 8554135 AHL Cleveland 1010 AHL Hershey vs Spring field Ex 10151045 AHL SundayVisltors Mr and Mrs Rod Ward Min den spent Sunday with Mr Mrs Hector Turnbull Oscar Pollbrooke Toronto with Dcmpsters Miss Lorna Pearson Toronto With Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobson Mr and Mrs Ken Dobson Bar rie with Mrs Coulson Home From Guelph George Higgioson and Glenn McCann were homefrom Guelph OAC for the weekend And Thomas Brownlec was home from Kingston University 0n Schedule In spite of one of the seasons worst blizzards the official openf ing of the new community hall was carried outon schedule fol lowing delicious supper of ham salads and ascailoped potatoes with plenty of home cooked pies and cakes The auditorium up stairs was well filled to enjoy the open ceremonies presentation of giftsto the hall and music by the Denney Orchestra who came from Orangeville Pickering and Toronto to be on hand for the very iimportant occasion The first dance in the hall was held Saturday evening with Heat tye Orchestra in charge the crowd was disappoin ow ing to the weather conditions the community was well represent ed and everyone had grand tlm Final Euchre Part There were 11 tables out to the final euchre party in the school Prizes were awarded as follow ladys high score with 85 Ru McCaun gents high score 92 JehnHogarth lone hands w1 Mrs Archer and Mrs 13 31°00 neweuxiliary firefighters in six DavidMiller and Ted rIe Wallace spent the friends in To lg TH AN examEn WANT Ian eekend with OLD mg MODERN Eyelet SATURDAY LUCKY eror oANoasi ttenden It orchestr oMflLLDWS manna their latest recruiting drive richs The former won the prize liAlllEill Banner woman in STRONG NATIONALivKuowu cOMPAngs tiedoctor commentary Barrie hitting the target for three Kitchener vs Gait Ex 7430 In While mss HARRIET canlsrm nyLonNE can any No Serious Destruction Saturdays bllzzard swept over Coldwater and district but for tunately left no serious destruc lion in its path Lack of visibility at times resulted in atieup of traffic particularly late Saturday evemng There were two power cutoffs Saturday but they were of short duration When electricity was off it interfered with telephone service Traffic was at stand till through Goldwater Saturday night and some who were visiting in the district had to stay over night returning to Coldwatcr Sunday morning KHighways department and local snow plows did good job of clearing roads and sidewalks promptly There were few rc lports of damage the latter being at only minor nature Hardship mm the storm was lessened due to the factxthe tncr did not very to Church univesary On March 18 Goldwater United Church will observe its anniver sary The pastor will be Rev Ross Cumming the present minister of thc Coldwater charge which in cludes Matchcdash Waubaushcne lesserton and Eady Mr Cum ming will be present for the anni versary lt Arthur Cornelfhcads acommit tcc which is arrangingan Irish stew supper to be heldat the church auditorium on Marclf 19 The committee includes Dr Brown William PheasantRobert Moore Robert Legate Norman Durnford and Joseph Walker Closc Interest Many Coldwater and district residents arefollowing the pro gress of the recently launched Crusade for Christ campaign in Orillia The last revival campaign on large scale in Orillia was conducted by tlie team of Chap man and Alexander in 1908 ylnspeetsfederal ding East SimcoeMP Robln Ison of Midland was in Orillia last weekend to make tour of inspectionof Orillias new federal building Mrultobinson was interested in the operation of the various de partments in the new post olfice sznd Birthday Mrs Thomas Swainshury resi dent of Coldwater for many years quietly observed her 82nd birth day on Saturday Feb 25 Mrs Sainsbury came or inally lrom England Her health is good and she often walks from her home on Bush Street to the shop Ladys low score Broley Elsie Duckvforth Mrs Joe Tiffin all with 51 Elsie Duckworth won Mens low scoreBruce Miller 54 The committee were Rita and lolllin Muircli£t and Kate Cani1 533 Vs Bumo Ex DAG if Holden of Seaforth Special VIH 59 Shad Chunkwill hold W115 Slin dayr on Malchd The morning service will bevoonducted by the ladies and addrened by mas Har riet Chrisllep BA principal of The United Church Training Seliwl Toronto Miss Christie is young woman well qualified for the important position she was called urea to fill in IS native Owen Sound she is graduate of Vic toria College University of To ronto and of Emmanuel Theolog ical College She was sent to Britain in 1945 by the women of the Canadian churches to visit the women of the Canadian forces and latcrspent year there as the reel lent of the Kaufman scholarsh for study abroad Miss Christie will speak of the need workers and the opportun ities in church work In the after noon an informal gathering of girls Will be held in the church parlor when slides ofthe training school will be shown and qucslt tlons willheanawered on the life of the students and graduates ping section of Coldwatcr She enjoys watching television and knitting Her husband passed away three years ago Mrs Sains bury resides with her son Ste hen She has three other chi dren two daughters Mrs Mel Tinney Myrtle of liledonte Township an Mrs Pat Walsh Ivy of Kirk land Lake and another son Roger Sainsbury of Vancouver SC Temporary Power Temporary power was installed recently by the rural hydro staft gt thhe new factory on Main Street on Community Centre Meeting meeting of the Community Centre Association will he held at Goldwater court house on March The meeting will hear reports of progress made in the campaign to have sufficient shares in the Coldwatcr rink turned over to the centre so the arena can be con verted into community building The rink is located at the Com munity Centre grounds which are used for the anriual fall falriind whcrc Goldwaters halfch race track is situated Ice Carnival midweek event will be the LionsClub carnival in the Cold watcr rink Feb 29 featuring hockey gameand prizes for win ners of contests among skaters AXTER At Utopia Opening number gtfrorn hereattcnded the opening of Utopia community hall last Friday evening and re port goodhtimc Few Days in Toronto Mrs Gaulcy is spendinga few days in lloronto with her daughter Mrs Cameron Flu StillAbout There are still number sick with flu We wish all speedy recoveliy Sunday Visitors Mrand Mrs sun Stephen Barrio visited with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs liuddiek onSuuday Enjoyable Evening of Euchre Those present at tho Happy Hour cuchre had very enjoyable evening Prizes went to Denney Mrs Rud Walkom Miller and MissJune Denney The next one will he on Friday March Mrs Denney and Mrs McKnight will be in charge Bowling League Elsie McAfee Rangers 21 Hel en Ruthvcn Helenitcs 19 Dave Gauiey Nip and Tucks 17 Wins ton Blanehard Hurricanes 17 Doris Ruddick Hot Rods Ron Menary Blowers High singlesDave Gauley 239 HelenRuthven 252 High triplesKen Cole 588 Helen Ruthven 586 Ituddick ahd Section 35 ages 13 to IE ymPERIAL Now SHOWING N0 DOCUMINAB Ioar 12 you ell£9 wIn lqqul Abuns It RESTRICTED to persons 16 year of age and over mam ii cana ouata ma unusual or mmmn thymum COMPANIONFIEATORLE THE BODY SAID NO Newton Robinson Home Ior Weekend Neil Turnbull was home from Melton Compensation Hospital for thoweekend Ted Houghton was home from Sarnia for the weekend Earl Lennox of Fort William called on relatives and friends last week Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Spears and Ray of Thornton and Mr andMrs John Scott and girls of Toronto spent Sunday at Ralph Hough tons 117 Successful Sale Wallace Halbert held success ful sale on Friday and the Inst SHANTY BAY Mr and lifts Harry Perkins and Ernest Mooder were Sunday visit are at the home of Mr and Mrs William Perkins Midhursh TH Elli or insunnnct itutehooth was wcllmpatronged BBOADCASTING TowEns Towers of the BBC broadcast ing station at Droitwich in Eng land are 790 feet high ATTENTION iaeionlirMilizns SLACK SWEATER DANCE LEGION HALL SAT MARCH I956 siioo PEI COUPLE Please pick up tickets early at the hall as supply is limit ed What wadthat aboutmost ac dents happening in thnkitc But dontXOU take chances on seriousand costly accident hap pening RYOUB kitchenvor any place without having adequate ACCIDENT INSURANCE Call us today 1M amnion WSW See115 F1351 For Insurance at atoms as ouniop at Phone mi High averages Charles Mer Fadden 190 Mary Perry 153 Team scoreshighsingle Nip and Tucks 1121 high triple Nip and ucks 3217 oHAJuNioa

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