emulates and one hits ELM weed recovery the manyfriends of Dr Reynolds who is ill at home no Ween4 On Wednesday evening Feb 22 llrle number at friends and oelxhim uthered in the Sunday Moo no 11 scdsnhuiniflisg 9me econ ink bells and ink and witth Jim Gordon bring Itseunerl him John Ritchie To Wild 11111113 played weal1 mufï¬n Toron Eileen mi aoeom miiukinmihifmmtm room In an en Misses Linda Gosslingand Linda Mun In Hospital Manning carried in the basket of gifts Mrs Gossling cut the speedy recovery is wished for ribbons and Lorne Manning Bob Bell who in patient In Pene tang General Hospital read the accompanying good Power Failures wiahes Mrs ne Ellis assisted On Saturday aftcrnoon and even in arranging ed gifts dialcen em flanked an mg during the height of the 50 there wereseverli power all to visl hclr asl she will be in Emvac or severe wtgkggbeforr leaving for her itewlfmlfles due 10 Rh Winds home Lunch was served and In Elmvaie the three main leedlt ers came down atthe Copaeo 59cm hour In plant in the eyening there were Attend Funeral several other Mr and Mrs Edgar Beardsnlhpcriads and James Beardsail attend tin St Johns Momng Sal funeral service on ur The morning service at St nhmms Stmud Johns Church was conducted by Recent VISMIS Mrs Graham Christie with leaders Mrs William Murray of Toronto of the can and Explore cm is visiting with her parents Mrend Mission Band Scripture and Mrs William Archer reading Matthew 116 by Mrs Mr and imam Beardsail Christie Duet by Mrs Carlton spent the weekend with relatives Thflnitson Come 8on Tom messengers Mr and Mrs Clare Knipe at to am mnto went the weekend with aï¬cjgmpnpei by Ms VFIESE Mrs Knipcs parents Mr and 13 Mrs Grecnbank breaks for short Mrs Carlton Mrs Clute Campbeliand Jack itfield sang Eventide Mighy Fortress Is Our God was sung by Jack Whitfield The withsinging The Day Thou Gav estrLord is Endedhy the congre ga IDll short story about the author of the hymns that were sung during the service Sunnidale Corners Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer was held in Zion Presbyterian Church on Fridy Feb 17 The meeting was conducted by Mrs Morgan of Zion with Mrs Cook pres ident of Crows Corner United Church WA and Mrs Raymer mom is about Whoi isu FEINSURED IDA AI Ni Finance than under year old In Into It no um canyon Iowa 1500 or icon Our company carries blanket on policy 00 do this ob For cnmpl Iay you my $700 from the time you borrow natilnlu time your last payment in nude all the payment you edit owe Ningm are covered with life insurance Were happy dill man of the our customers do the necessary repaying But every line the insurance company we realize Imihovklmr mini beacon it mbur women Any nun know thm would be enough for no family no we 50 it an happene to him thou muting loan perineum This is on one indication of the my we do busineu Wero out to give as much help on our customer as we can and the best possible denLWe think crank our company In you need money why not make lure you have loan lifeinsured nnoexmcosrluu drophorphona ON commons sass mm mm No Down Payment To Find Out now Call nmiegm IAGARA gt 56537me Most Ofï¬ce St BARBIE Phone 4640 ALWAVS AV Venn sum All wvs tomb the day very ably delivered by Mrs service closed Many others took part by telling read as 15 Miami IMPORTANTTOJ lucky they moan our 511101 in tired chief of general stat commented in Ottawa on governs mentmanpower and mobilization planning for ponlble war Gen Simonds has said that until the question of manpower organiza tion is faced Canada ant have sound defence policy cp your am president of UnitcdzMissionnry Church Missionary Societyassist ing very pleasing duet 1Beaut ifui Garden of Prayer by Mrs Smith and Mrs Morrison accompanied by Mrs Earl Bule The very thought pro voking address was on the them One Flock One Shop Jack Prayers were offered by Mrs Manrisne and Mrs Smith Mrs Mel Sage and Mrs MacGauicy received the offer lng The meeting closed with hymn and the benediction WMS Nu The WMS hcld th li meeting at Mrs Lemons on Friday Feb 24 The eonvcners for the meeting were Mrs Thompson and Mrs McIntyre The presi dent Mrs Cuiham presided Meeting opened with hymn Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs Lougheed The topic took the form of panel discussion on What is The Mission of The Churchwith Mrs McIntyre as leader assisted by Mrs Jack Mrs Morgan Mrs Barnes and Mrs Gif fcn This was very interesting and informative contest on the mountains of the Bible Was prepared by Mrs Thompson and conducted by Mrs DxCulhamf During the business it was decid ed the quilt topmade by Mrs Lougheed is to be quilted next month Meeting closed by hymn and prayer Dainty lunch was served by Mrs Lemon and Mrs Hood Fractured Ribs Mrs Thompson had some ribs fractured in recentvcar accident All wish hcr very spec recov ery Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Robertson and Eleanor of lslington spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Ed Buie and Ann visited Mrs Palmer who iscon vaiescing at Mrs Gordon Straths ilei ing in Florida Mrsand rs Gordon Buie are spending some time in Florida FOLIO SAFEGUARD VANCOUVER CP Health officer Dr Stewart Murray says 50000 schoolchildren in metropol itanVsncouver will receive Salk antiipolio inoculations in Febru nrym BacKAcns MaybeWarninq swaninn caused byhxyhidney lcbrm When kidneys let outfoi order excess acids and wallet remain in the lyrlem Then backache disturbed rest or iut tiredout and heavyheaded feeling my won follow Thatl the lime to hire Doddl Kidney Pills Doddlalinutlalo flue Iridnen to normal action Then you ieel bell was sung hysteriomhersaid they would do better to appreciate morehoyv are to have been born in wine country Kempa was she said stmg to keep diver in Slave Camp gt Taken ruin her home in Poland as baby she spent her first few year in Siberian slave camp dieting on bread potatoos and wab er she said My cst memories are of dark coldvbarracks andmesn ugly men ho thought it was funny to boat ride childre When in 1042 the Western pow ers persuaded the soviet govern ment to release imprisoned Pol ish women and children she was shipped to ran and then from one childrens camp to another wont to india Egypt and then to England where found my first home Kcmpa said learncd my parents had been idli ed by thecommunists andan Eng iish family adoptedme Shc camc to Canada upon learn ing her two brothers had escaped here from Poland iffySewgCha rmerf Darling of your newsensor wardrobe Just three main pattern parts couldnt be easier And the embroidery is tuutodo fasb ion touch Pattern 1245 Misses Sizes 12 14 18 18 20 Tissue pattern embroidery transfer State size Send TWENTYFIVE cam in coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER and SIZE Order our new Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue Enjoy pages and designs knittingcrochet em broidery ironons toys and novel ties Send 25 cents for your copy of this 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