dfllflï¬a lid of poop thumuaityaromttuingwtih aeveu attacks of influenu some underthedoetorlc Annual Audit The chartered accountaats are busy working on the annual audit of the township financial accounts Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mn Harold Lee on the birth ofl daughter in the Barrie Hospital or Saturday Feb 25 wa and was Meeting The United WA and WMS will meet Wednesday March at2 pm at Mrs Elmer Pratts Sunday Visitors Miss Eleanor Bnmnd andDon McLean of Tomato spentover Sunday with Mr and Mrs William McLean CGlT Conference Mrs Wanlcss Joyce Smith Donna Webb Kay Jones had Betty anan attended the CGlT Dutriet Conference held in Run nymede United Church Tomato an Feb 25 and 26 Lcap Year Birthday Congratulations to Fred Mui holland Leap Year babywho celebrated his 12th birthday on niversary on Feb 29 Goad Attendance Euchre lt There was good attendance at the euchre in the halllast Monday night The prizes were won by first Mrs Mel Martin Percy Davies second Mrs James David JamiesonDies In96th Year Oldest Resident 0i Hillsdole Hillsdales oldest resident David Johnston Jamieson 95 died on Monday Feb 20 1956 Simcoe County farmer for 30 years he hairctired lo the Medonte Town ship village around 1925 Mr Jamicson was native of Flos Township and lived near his birthplace all his life with the exception of two years near Min ncdosa Manitoba Born on Feb 1861 he was theson of Flos and Medonte pion eers the late David and Agnes Jamieson He was raised on farm on the second line of Flos about two miles from his Hills dale home The Jamiadn family farmed two to three hundred acres in Flos Township and two hundred acres in Medonte Dave Jamieson was well known throughout the area He had served as Flos Township councillor for number of years and was school trustee in the township and member of the board of managers of Hillsdaie Presbyterian Church for some time He could recall the days when Hillsdale was good deal bigger than it is nowwherethere were three lumber mills in the village Althmlgh hard of hearing his Md Thousand In 11bils Don Percy Davies won the themlonehanda low Wine prize tor la flannel cIlrn anhrle Mrs vertey an pa at Bar ric hospital The kindest wishes of their many lrienda here are with them for their recovery to good health again Also to Wil son Hunt who is in Tomato hospital following an operation The hie Marquis Another of our elderly and high ly rapected residents passed away on Tuaday Feb 21 when hospllt Marquis died in the Ba tal lhe funeral service was largely attendedon Thursday in Stroud United Church conducted by his pastor Rev Wanless intermenb was in Stroud Cemetery Our sympathy goes out at this time to Jack and the other mem bers ot the bereaved famib Telephone Company Meeting TheSlroud Telephone annual meeting was held in the Contmun ity Hall on Wednesday Feb 15 with about 25 shareholders pres ent Williamilubbert acted as chairman Roy Warnica explain edvalious items on the additors report and answered questions asked by the shareholders Will iam Campbell had previously signed as director and Storey was ciected to finish eat his term ofofiice Other direc tors are William HubbertRoy Warnica Norman King Fraser Sutherland and Mrs William Young secretarytreasurer health was generally good in his last years lie used to pass much of his time reading Mr Jamie son was very fond of horsesand horse racing He supported the Liberal party He and his wife the late Eliza beth German Jamiesonrwhorpre gt deceased him in 1949 had been married more than 62 years at the time of her death He is survived by four daugh tors Mrs Oliver King Edna of London Mrs Rutland Elrick Coral of Elmvale Mae of Tor onto and Mrs Delbert Beacock Alice of Nestleton three sons Roy and Ernest of Barrie and Charles of Elmvale eight grand children and five greatgrandchil dren The funeral service at his date residence on Thursday Feb 28 was conducted by Rev Charles Carter ofVictoria Harbour Pall bearers were Ed McClung Tyson Rowat Harvey Johnston Bud Drury George McFadden and Jack Rumble interment was in Hills dale PresliytelianZCcmeterf Floral tributes included those from the board of education Mc Cormicks and St Andrews Pres byterian Church Hillsdale Among the relatives and friends attending the funeral were Mr and Mrs CecilGerman of Mid land Miss Kate MacKay of Bar rie Mr and hirsEd McClung of Elmvale Charles Hounsome of Wyebildge Russell Jamieson of Colllngwood Donald MacKay of flame Fred McClurig of Midland Mr and Mrs Keith Rowell of Mlnesmg and Mrs Rhoda Palmer of Goldwater EllllliGEllSilC solutes will be held in sinus lulu waned Feb 29 Sunday Morch At pm gt You are Cordially invited George and Formerly of lliilsduie Mrs George Dickinson Buried at Mt Si Louis in failing healthier over two months Mrs George Dickinson passed away on Sunday Feb 19 1956 at the Kirkland Lake and District Hospital through heart condition The former Miss Laura OCon nor she was born on Jan 25 1888 in Hillsdale Ontario daugh ter of thelate Michael OConnor and theformer Emily Lawlor and liadbeena resident of Swastika ontario Teck Township for 28 years She was married in 1912 Amcmbcr of St PiusRoman Catholic Church in Swastika she was also president of the Altar Society of that church Surviving of the family are three sons Dan of New Toronto Stan in Hamilton and two daughters Mrs Emerson in EESLIE data famous Canadinnln choir leader and music olumnisi has or ew group of Sing ers forstar Weekly free concerts which are presented in churches throughout Ontario each week This group is known as The They are to presEnto concert at Central United Churc ganized an outstanding Starlight singer Plan Television Series onKllow HurbniaTiheme TheJluronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association has budgeted $400 for television programs for use on CKVRTV Barrie during 1958 as means of interhal ed iicatinn On Know Huronia theme the programs are to fea ture pictures of various points of beauty and history in vlluronla with bricistories on each The budget item wdsapprovcd ata meeting of the association in Waubaushene this month on motion of Major Lane of Goldwater seconded by Overend of Orillia subject to de tails being worked out by acum mittec composed of the president Didace Grisc of Honey Harbour Mrs Otto Rawson of Port Severn and Granchayor Dorrie Member zmunicipalities are be ing asked to submit their ideas in this regard at once to the secre tary Cranston of Midland The services of the television stations artist Frank Fog are to he enlisted Mr Grise reported atthe meet ing that the NationnzFilm Board had under study 11m onHur onia like request for district film had been made to the Ontario Departmentof Travel and Public it However as early action seem sisters Miss Alice OConnor and Mrs Stringer Nellie of Midland Mrs JE OConnor MaA bell of Chalk River and five bro thers John in Alaska JamEs and Joseph of Detroit Dan of Florida and Louis of Toronto There are also 10 grandchildren The funeral Feb 22 was from St Lo 13 Church in Mount St Louis With requiem masscelebrated by Rev Father Marvyn Relatives and friends were present from Eiora Fergus Hamilton Toronto Owen Sound Midland Trenton Chalk River Kirkland Lake Caprenl and Kitchener Lovely flowers were message of sympathy from them and from City Chev SalesHamilton Stedel Bauer Motors New Toronto and the General Office of Ontario Nor thern Railway atvNorth Bay For interment Louis Cemetery the pallbearers were four grandsonsDan Dickin son Jr Ronald Terry and Paul of Caprecl and Mrs Samuel Cuthi bertson in Kitchener also three Dickinson and two brothersin law Sam Trelisky and Landoni on Wednesday in Mount St onl Thur Barrie ed unlikely in thercase the association has agreed to ask ere Grace Lindncr of Kenmore NY to proceed with plans this summer for thousandfootcolorflim on Huronia at cost of approx imately $400 This Mminutc film is to feature not only summer scenes but fall color and winter skiing it will cover the attractions only of member municipalities whose fees are paidup by spring of 1958 The president and score tary have been asked to outline scriptby May Mr Grise and Edwardsmf Midland were named committee of two to interview Rev John McCaftery SJ regarding the possible reestablishment of the Pageant of the Martyrsatthe Martyrs Shrine near Midland Rev Father Collins hasbeen in terviewed with regard to the preservation of the Lumbermans Church at Port Severn Same organization is likely to be en couraged to take it over DrSqun Fisher newlyappoint cd executivehaecretliry of the Can adian Tourist Association is to be asked to address the assoc tions annualmeeting in Nave ber The Ontario Departmen of Highways has informed the assoc iation that the approved route for the highway hetweenCrowndlill ey March sponsored by The Star Weekly nd bythe church The concert is to be lie and eryoneis cord lly tend for 9fine evenin éddltionbo conductingbis chnlr Dr Bell VJ will act as masteroi ceremonies and Coldwater will not touch rthe Train Farm historical site near Mount St Louis Mr Grise is still working oh proposals for travel agentsi tour of Huronia maker fdmédfor craftsmanship and style each one fully lined many exciting shapes and five colors here is it urymodestly priced Paient Nohlrol Ostrich groin Fluridlon grain BSdtéhsl type CToli Slender enveloper DTa slender silhoue Tailored 2handle satchel hia coll the fainqu Sharps Has ï¬neWapons muomar ran an crl Pork who ha hem collecting ï¬rearm mesa believe onc at his weapon the linen sample ofthe manitha art ever displayed He lots may to liotlock John Dickinson and Son in the 19th century gun has walnut dock ith Damascus twist barrel eased in Helm extn powder and in handeyved leather most items on it aalm copy of rifle These riflnf commonlwknown as English in were made after the saint design laathc sharps but carried no trade name They are easily distinguished tromtbe aidehamraor Sharps by the gracelul Jack action lock plate andpercltssion mer Mrvlooie said thesewvel pone markedjho ptiang ver to the modern type of riiie lRloln Malay Fla Mr Poole picked hlsguns up while travelling on the North American and European contin ents The collect on includes Wheel locks flint ocks match at pm Jointly map vited to entertainment In Farents Discover Blood Typeï¬auses Family illnesses MONTREAL FEB litCl Although RCAF Sgt Callagh an of St Hubert Que and his wife are thehappiestcf arried upl es medically speaking they are in compatible as far as blood is con cerned Mrs Callaghans blood hair pens to be theRH negative type and hervliusbands is RH positive The Caliaghansdidnt know this however until the third of their seven children was born and had to be rushed to the hospital for complete blood change Each of the four chil en born since then has suffered from the same blood ailmentTand each re quired bloc transfusions Ona recent visit to era home Dr childrens grandfather obste tricianwhodelivcred the hildren saidparents with the same blood incompatib ty could have many babies as they wished withqut fear if the infants received immediate transfusions First Two Normal The Callaghans first twochil dren Jjohn 13 and Richard 10 vere normd babies But three hours afterliiary Lou ii the Cal laghansiirst RH baby We born Dr Broumxnoticed jaundice and destruction of the red blood cells The baby was takenfrom Ren frew out where all the children were born to Ottawa General Hos pital where she was given trans Iin Wilton From New York bx locks models all Many tofthewcapons are of European design and are sent to England regularly for cleaning and repairs Mr Poole said The trigger mechanisms on most of audio to for me to touch The have to liedone by an exile One weapon ir Poole picked up ffor song last summer in Novaï¬cotia gun of all steelconstru on was made by ltalianlgunsmith Lazobi Cominaxi in thereariy partof the 17th cen tuw elumsy noking poaching gunusad in England to ward off game thieves has large barrel attached to the trigger mechanism =Three long cords with shilling attached to the end of each were tied to the rings The guns were hldden in the bush andilte cords put on the trail The gun was discharged when poacher pickedup shill ing at English Viinchbore and is unted swivel And an al Hud Bay flintlock came from an lndlartageut who said an indian chietgave it to him as token ofesteem erijooio also splays gun fusion The same routine was car ried out when JoAnn 6Walter Margaret and Elizabeth 13 months were 110 Probably oot ercanadian fa St bert are mac travelledfamily becadse of Sgt allaghans work in the BCAF He as 12 yearsI ser vice intheainforeeandis an air frame technicianavat St Hubert RCAF Station near Montreal We hlm bond rack of malaria and wellpreaedarulnnugetable been donated The also iiievidenéewheflr dren cast theirlinos The homemade baking andcan counter wt also arranged at tractively Onlooitlilg over the work on the anti especiaiiybytherdrawingof Dutch vwith their woodenshm is lmSlNfllflK0l1lhfl mindset grow ing children habits ind dressof manynew Canadia come 16 CH as cc religious training well as the three Rs the children arcreceiv At thc close otlthcevenlng the draws were wmado asvfollowa draw epd tablehMrs Tanyers mite Mrslerchey 2nd draw Garry ROE asket not trait 3rd draw cake Terry Worrod cake ilnrtness Divisionof Proceeds The proceeds amounting to over 580 will he dividcdhalf go ing to the Junior RedCrossand hall for sports lpment lor the school Theteachers Mrs James Enilgh principal assisted by Mrs Pace Mrs Hamilton and Miss Caddeli are to be praiscdvfor the leader ship givenjth ufl ixe Club on Thursday evening last The prizeswentto Mrs Ena Bar nettand George Wide spent the weekend with her friend Miss Lynn Mallt that was usedbythe roy guard of Louis XVIof Erhnce flinti lock it bears the royal seal of France andtlie fleur de lisen gravedsin gold onrthestock Only 100 of these glthswere made This Way paint 1e Goes willbe one wis much impressed st Mrs oralMann Faster novelty Miss FiltMcRiiight ur Alliston anon oae fthe over old paint Also Sim Sin LIQUID TILE CLEAR Tho brighband gl 00M Selbt The Senior Bridge held Lbeir weekly meeungab In Wilma Plllner on Tuesdaydau no wllrarn for the evening were ma Rhea Carter Mn ale Pal mer and Mrs ldaWalkcm Con solauonJlim weatto Mrs0nna SImPIOfl Mm Jlta OLeary and 15 Tough oily with Parents hlissDonna Emigh nurseilk training at StJoseph Hospital Toronto spent Tuesday of list wee her parents Mr and Jr with Mrs James Emign Oifto Florida Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer accompanied by Mr and Mra PalmerioLNobleton left on Wed nesday fora tripto Florida They away month Iippendcctomy Mrs Ralph Thompson was rush ed to Stevenson Memorial Hospi la Alliston on Thursday last for an appendix operation Friends are glad to hear she is doing well Back immjoiidsy Miss Betty Waddling re urncd last weekend from three weeks vacation with friends in Miami and yTaiihasia Weekend with Parénta Mtss Joan Tough of Toronto spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs James Tough Day with Mother Mr and MrsNorman Falmer spent Wednesday last at the home of his mother Mr and Mrs AE heeman on Visit Mr and Mrs Frank Segueny and three children Toronto ara visiting with Mr and Mrs Keogh Mrs Segueny is the farm er Clair Keogh Leap Year Birthday To most of us who have birth days each year others whose birthdayialls on Feb 29 may seem somewhat cheated Harold Sloan seems quite happy =tbis year wile willbe celebrating1n Wednesday 29th Hamid is well known and has lived in Tolten am district for many years To him we offer our heartiest con gratulatlons Long in Use it has beendrawntoourlattem tlon that the Bible on the pulpit of the United Church Tottenham vill be in use 100 years in 1957 and swanfirst used in th vicinity of Aurora lnost economical floor Just pour LIQUID smooth it out with you get tileï¬nish floor Chemically the ï¬nish most beautiful and long directly on all iloors over movnjmaa more unna paint ltyrmaoths out rough and crevices JDh you ca nu on thickly and dry thoroughly waxing is needed ly dinish bit with easy coatolthe new CLEAR emirates and hard the Erna avail my osgwaerproo pron turfcc is aliali realesng an go runwaysma Cuts costs to motion Good for walls too