view the Mouoiw wroqrsohv nioiv 5c singlo copy 92nd YearNo 25 REPRESENTING BARRIE AM boaIn numoghmcm AREA 31 GERALD SMITH Grade pupii in Alanna Beach School Innisfil will represent Barrie district in the Ontario spelling bee which will he conducted in Toronto during Easter week by the Ontario Education Association and The Toronto Even ing Telegram Officially Gerald is spelling champion of Sim coe No the inspectorate of Peter Scott BA Paed of Barrie He won this honor last week in the final competition at Hiilcrest School Correspondent Defends MacArlim Tactics During KoreanWar Gives Vivid Account oiPaciiic Campaign The role of the war correspond entin particular that of Brit ish correspondent with the Ameri can forces in the Pa during World War llwas dly des cribed to iargeWomens Cana dian Club audience in Hillcrest School Auditorium last night WlliiamCourtcnay war correspondent for ley Newspapers who was present at 13 Pacific island landings and at the signing of surrender terms aboard the battleship Missouri in 1945 illustrated the story of his adventures with two color films The first was taken at an island landing andthe second at thesiguiug of peace terms with Japan Admirer of MacArthur An ardent admirer of American Gcneial Douglas MacArthur who arrived in Australia from the Philippines shortly afterthe cor respondent at the beginning of 1942 Mr Courtenay had nothing but praise for the military lead ers tactics both during the Paci fic and later the Korean cam paigns MacArthurs landing of forces behind enemy lines at the port of Inchon in Korea when com muuist armies outnumbered our forces five to one in strengtha move opposed by everyonewent brilliantly pointed out the speak cr The enemy ran to escape the trap and get back on their supply routes jlle got the war on the move again At the end of 1950 when he was asked to meet with President Truman on wake Island MacAr thurs guess that thcChinese army then 250000 strong arid sta tioned north of the Yalu River would not attackNvithout air sup port should have been 100 per cent right Promised Air support The general said that the Russian air force did not give tactical support the Chinese would be slaughtered as they were by the following spring0ur air power dcstruyedtheir armies declared Mr Courtenay in whose ese were promised itussian air support before enter ingrhthe War war correspondent gave highly personalized account of ac tion behind theiscenes during the war in the Pacific from 1942 to1945 describing the problems that arise in the communications line for the newspaperman who chooses to go to the ffront line withthe troops ratherthan re maining at general headquarters Australia Undefciided He arrived in Adstraliawith American forces in the early spring of 1942 after the fallof great strategic thousandmiles lon suggested to the Australians that their defence lay in the Owen Stanley Mountains of NewGuinea rather than in the Brisbane line The American Filth Air Force with the Royal Australian Air Force began to cut Japanese sup ply lines as they marched across the mountain range and the Jay anese faltercd the initiative fall ing to us By January 1943 the Japanese had bccnpuslied into the sea ou the north side of New Guinea the first load victory in that the sire of warand the Australians went on march our the mounv tains march on which Cortes pendent Courtenay accompanied them Air Supplies One of the greatest marches of the warit was classic example of supplying an army from the air setting pattern for cam paigns to follow in different the atres of war As the Wnl began to move for ther and farther away from New Guinea the problem of communi cation got worse got to think nothing of hitchhiking 1500 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA VWDNESDAY FEBRUARY 29 C0 Suggest Hamilton Horticulturist Will Red Feather For Barrie 1957 Barrie Chamber of Com merce has forwarded cu action to Town Council that necessary steps be taken to form Red Feather organi sation here for 1957 Com ment was expressed at the directon meeting last night that canan and those can vassed appear to favor one major campaign annually thcr than number of in dividual efforts From experience shown in several major United States cities the Red Feather or Community Chest type cam paign can he more successful than the combined efforts of separate campaigns Barrié Collegiate Band Plays In Star Concert The performance of Barrie Col legiate Band at the Kiwanisltlusic lcsival Association Stars of the Festival on Monday evening at Massey Hall was the highlight of the program Commentator Horace Lewis CA who introduced the group as the first performers on the second half of the program said that the adjective supcrlatlve was the one that could be uscdin connection with the local student musicians Under their conductor Fisher the band played the March from The Dam Busters by Eric Coatcs and Vau hn Williams folk song suitc on of their festival selections it was announced early this week that the hand had been awarded 8100 Heinz Com pany scholarship at the 13th an nual festival Thevmusicians plac ed first in one band class with the top band mark of the festival 91 miles to radio station quite normal procedure The speaker also flew in the air offence whcn General Mac Arthur declded to drop para troops behind the Japanese in advance of troops that Imarche to the north coast of New nea in the late summer 1948 the fi such exenisdof the Pacific War very dramatic affair it was also sublime piece of coopeia tion between American and Aus tralian forces whose gunners notoxperiendcd in jumping went 33th the paratroopcrs to protect em Parachute Story In 1944 Mr Courtenay was with the American Third Marine Divi sion when it landed on Guam and he was in the three Borneo cam paigns stagedby the Australian infantry in 1945 One invasion he covered by air dropping his story by parachute it was on vthe streets of London by the time he arrived back at base prominent Ontario horticulv mm Council of Hamilton will address the Barrie Horticulï¬ fun and Town improvement So clety on Tuesday evening March in Hillcmt School Auditorium The meeting begins at eight oclock Mr Gunnell is serving as dis trict director of the Ontario irons cultural Association for the recoudf time end is an experienced lee turcr He holds many awards and diplomas and has Judged flower shows in the Unitcd States many times He has sened as president of the Hamilton Horticultural So cicty for scvcnyears lu conncctiou with his lecturei he will show many pictures of hisE garden and how he has achieved several effects explaining lndc Iail his methods with flowers vegetables and house plants in cluded will he information about landscaping and foundation plant ing diseases and insects and how to overcome them and keeping lip with soil fertility Born in London England Mr Gunnell was trained in his craft in Kent England He came to Can ada in 1914 just before the war returning here to work as hortii culturist after serving overseas in France Belgium and Germany for over three years on active duty Sun Fails To Cooperale In Snow Removal When Alderman Gordon Mc Turk rose to ask what was being done about the banks of snow along the main street at the reg ular meeting of Barrie town coun oil on Monday Reeve Willard Kinzle was on the spot Admitting Urat he must shoulder the blame he said Up to cou ple of weeks ago somethng like 100 inches of snow had fallen in Barrie Frankly we are getting tired of seeing snow falling Wmh cut the trucking to keep within the budgetwe hoped that the sun might get rid of most of it His Worship Mayor Eldon Greer came to the support of the reeve by declaring that it cost mm the main street On Monday night thetown spent in the neighborhood of $400 to remove the greater portion of sndw banked along either side of Dunlop Street HIGH slurp IHIGH FINE Toronto motorist was fined $75 and had his license suspended for 90 days at Bradford court Tuesday for travelling at more than 95 mph along Highway 400 Constable Barker OPP tes tified that he had to drive at more than 100 mph along the high Ontocrcmwe the sawttoï¬aie mBarrleCitizehsl3nd Address Localssocieiy Tuesday with the Canadian Expeditionary Force After the war he did work in the greenhouse nursery and store and then went into radio for nine years as Dick the Amateur Gob dcuer lecturing five nights week for ll years He is now working for the Cit of Hamilton Last year hlr Gunncll went on an 13day lecture tour through the United sum from Detroit to Florida He was amazed to find many people who knew nothing about Ontario and all its summer resorts beautiful scenery and fine fishing only wish had more time to talk to them about Ontario Huronla Bands Form Federation To Foster interest At recent meeting in Barrie of bandmastcrs from Simcoe County it was decided to form the Huroula Federation of Bands Such federation has been the dream of local band musicians for some time The oblcct of the federation is principally to further community interest in band work lifuch was done on this line last summer by the promotion of massed band concerts and one of the first things the newly formed fedora tion did was to arrange summer dates for six massed band con certs at different centres The precise details of the fed eration constitution were agreed tipon at later meeting at Or illia when the interested band masters were the guests of Haï¬zy Peacock headmaster of the Ori Silver Band Barrie Man Heads The federation is headed by President Herman Cauthers Bar rie VicePresident Newby Cpllingwood with Gib Wiley Barrie as secretarytreasurer The Vanagemcnt of the federation will be in the hands of comV mitten consisting of the baud masters of the participating bands Thoscwho have elected to join 0rillle Silver Band Stayner Com munity Band Orillia Kiltie Band colllngwood Kiltie Band Midland Citizens Baud it is hoped that other bands in the area will join later Summer Concerts The following is the schedule of gummercoucerts all to start at pm June 3At Oriliia Barrie Clo izensBand Stayner Community Band Orillia Silver Band June 24 At Barrie Orillla Band Barrie Citizens Band July SAt Stayner Coiling wood Kiltie Band Drillia Kiltie Band Stayner Community Band July 22At Orillia Citizens Band Coilingde Kiltie way to overtake the car driven by Kurt Langegger 25 Tomato Band Orillia Kiltie Band Aug 12At Midland Kiltie Baud Stayner Community Midland Again Today Sunny and Cool IdealWinter After the rain snow and wind of last Friday and Sela orday the weather this week barbec mostly clear and sun ny but cool and there is no Indication of any great change Today will be mostly sunny and ideal winter of Canada Tempertum were lush Low Feb 25 38 15 Feb 26 29 10 Feb 32 Feb 28 30 Feb 29 early Chosen by Public Speaking Winner Paul Ford Grade X1 pupil at St Josephs High School has been chosen to represent his school in Liops Club district orntorical com petitions He placed first in the public speaking contest in St Josephs Auditorlpm on Friday evening The topic of the winners ad dressThanks for Simple Things was considered unusual and very well handled by the three judges Miss Joan Saso Dr Joseph Aikins and carty Bargain Day was the subject he chose for his impromptu talks Margaret McCanu placed second Her subsect was Smiles Last years winner Mary Frances La Plante placed third with talk on printing Its Here in Black and WhiteP All threowinncrs will be pre sented with cash prizes by the Lions Club at their graduation exercises in the spring The schools top orator will now loin John Allason and Arlette Le sage winners of the competition at Barrie District Collegiate In stitute in the district competitions Chairman of the education com mittee of the local service club in charge of the oratorical competi tions is Bell LIBRARX NEEDS EXPANSIDN Librarian Miry Sheridan in her annual report at Orillia pointed out the need for more space soon building built in 1910 to serve town of 8000 can scarcely be expected to accommodate col lection of more than 20000 books to properly serve scattered pop ulation now of more than 13000 the report included LICENSE DEADLINE MARCH 20 Ontario Department of High ways has extended the deadline for obtaining motor and driver licenses to Tuesday March 20 which is final Citizens Band 0min Silver paid Midland Citizeus Band Aug lsAt Coliingwood Mid laud Citizens Band orillla Silver Band Collingwood Kiltio Band cummo luner MIll tubInflo Town Bus Will Cost For Three summarily Such mmwunn moomrorsmool Since 1864 PagesThree Sections service $7000 Montlis temporary agreement has been arrived at whereby Greer Transportation Company will continue the bus servic in Bar rie for three months commencing April The mpanys franchise expires on March 31 and is not being renewed by the company It is estimated that the cost to the town for this1 three months arrangement will be $7000 Town Council at their regular meeting on Monday night agreedl to recommendation of the spe cial committee set up to find solution to this public transport prob mv The committee recom mcn ed that an agreement should he made with the transport com pany to continue the bus service for period of three months after the expiry of the franchise on the basis of the Town of Barrie pay ing 45 cents per mile for each mile the buses are operated This rate would only be applicable to the town limits and the town would be credited with all fares collected Based on figures available for January it is estimated that mile age payment by thc town would amount to $22000 for the three months $15000 is expected to come back in this period in fares leaving deficit of $7000 to he met out of town funds Concern Over Heovy Sludge Prompts Meet Excessive sludgethe heaviest in the whole of Ontarioin the sewage plant has prompted the public works committee chairman liecve Willard Kinzie to call meeting of representatives of in dustrial plants in Barrie and the Ontario department of health to discuss the excessive solid content of waste apparently from these plants Prior to this meeting which it is hoped to hold in the near fu ture an engineer fromthrdcpart ment of health will make com plete survey of industrial plants He will put forward his recomL mendations to council and to the joint meeting Connected with this problem is the fact that council are asking Large director of public works to list all operating difficultieslwith the disposal plant and to arrange meeting with the engineers who installed the plant The expense of any alterations which may have to be carried out is expected to be covered by $7000 surplus from the estimated budget for the in4 stailationof the plant it is understdodthat difficulty has been experienced with this Rights Reserved The agreement as it stands may be shortened on mutual basis and theright is reserved to the special committee to determine the faresschcdules and routes during the three months provided this does not cause excessive waste of manpower or vehicles Assuming that the mileage rate under such an agreement for longer period of year would be reduced to 40 cents rough cal culation gives the likely cost to the town over 12 months period as $20000 Search For Solution ln reply to question by Alder man Gordihi McTurk Alderman Harry Michic chairman of the special committee stated that during the three months the com mittee proposed to devote their energies to finding an equitable solution They would even go to the extent of attempting to pro mote the use of buses by suitable advertising it it was felt that this would help The committee as previously suggested had secured the ser vlces of traffic consultant Ewc of Toronto who commenc his investigations yesterday An early report is expected asaï¬rcv suit of his findings which may offer good solution to the whole problem County levy Riser Offset by Road Grant Increase Alderman Murray Mills chair man otlthc finance committee an nounccdtflf town council on Mon day the figures of the county levy on Barrie tliis year The total levy will amount to $16904531 This figureis based on the equal ized assessment for the town of $15023252 1v Thetotal county levy is made up of general government grant $12097111 and $480691f16 road grant The total levy show an increase of $1517992but this is offset by theiucreased grant paid back by the county on roads This year forthefirsttimc this coun ty grant amounts to 50 per cent of the county road levy Alderman Mills expressed the ho ethat all committees were wel onthe way to preparing and typeof plant elsewhere in the province where sludge conditions have been heavy submitting their budgets as the town hoped to strike their budget before thereud of March The Mikadol Being Presented iThUrsday oncl FridoyfEvéningsl by BarrierDistriciCollegiate InsiifuieiiGllecClub