Gill0RFllI MODERN mire insrALi EASY TocLEAN lath lowcostwoyr cloth Foriinteiiolsfillet are less costly lost longer insist on BARCLAYfirimtila or crackcololfast woterondsioiiiproof kitchens bath room odd playroom The hard but flexible plastic able In agoodsela on of colon an ppifeosy to clionviith odolnp 1le better less isso lOl XEARS OF SE ARRIEV DISTRICT ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL FREE SYLVAPLY PLANS Showrnow WAYS imilrilve your home 10 easytodb ways Polar Whittall cunados MI Doltyeuu active unita planned how to make cabinets Shelving Plan No 120 neat sys tem ofshelvingopen or with doorséforiiving room vulis childrens room or anywh Bonnier lialghi Euilt la the home Cahlnais lillilliiiii Will not chip Flan Nos 121 Modern dé signwith cupboards and drawers for dining Ibuflet den 9r any room Where Willi l4 counter height storage is needed Wallis Wall Vanity Plan No 122 Anotherpopm lar bu easily made in units an nstalled Banks of drauiei and cupboards flank Ineut foldaway unity iglï¬lL in out plans on if Pd MarielBedroom Storage Wall Plan No the boom in becomes gen erous Mr and rob with slid lot 12 One end of Mrs ward in and living lian tiny lllvlder Plan No 124 This unit 1takes up only 12 inch strip of floor space on entryyeide storage on iiv has closet lving and groom side planning onlow in oliproleuional wgili liaclillfliiz ANcequn canoniv iquogi Liliiiiil room feature single on hoa new kitcge Dori yourssli or have it lanaiyou Theiiecky Attractive In Any Selling seilen Til Introduced today by the Home of the Week Plan Service The Peek hasan exterior appearance somewhat reminiscent at an old New England farmhouse rbut oldfashioned theres nothing about the interior of twostorey house Measuring 32 by 25 feaththia house has cuhage of 29200feet The cubage ot the garage E4709 feat Thus to build this attract ive sixroom house youll need only Meet lot house oithis type will alwo be fIn style and Wll look equa ly attractive in any setting thls roomy Second Storey Since complete living facilities are provided on the first floor you can finish the second storey at your convenience This feature will give the house an especially strong appeal to the many folks gives you pbvstap directions you by dasigncr Frail Holllnpsworlh lllniiigliilng ileum ilivldii gt Plan Nonlzs Storagiabuflet with passthrough ace and open shelving over eaignad specially for open plan din ingliving room division ravioliism excl llnnnis Folder No 128 How to build attic or basement rooms withpanalling ideas for all through the home Walk Hench Bailliiais Plan No 127 sturdy work center for the home carpenter so well designed you will want to paint it and make it recreation Vllllkllfl Plan 1497128 One of no most unique andrattrectivev double hunks with storage ever dos edlts so one toiluildN8onsprings required can be used Madam illialiln Cabinets BookiehNo 118 Reprinted by popular demand Froma to bright 16pagehookf tells you how to make kit chen cabinets in simple units sgveailher Way who must followva limited build ing budget Thus this house plan also has special appeal tor the growing family Large and comfortable the liv uig room can do double duty if you desire However regular dining room is provided for in this plan Since this room is also designated as deniyou may wish to have it serve as sort of ex tra living room mni dining area Opening of the kitchen the breakfast area actually is room by itself Bccause it is so roomy and pleasant the breakfast non for many of your Iamilys meals The kitchen proper too is of generous aim As matter of fact it is large enough to auto modate your home laundry equip ment in addition to the usual kit chen appliapces Ready access to the yard is provided by the repr door7y ll especially appreciate HAVE YOU HAD YOUR WIRING CHECKED RECENTLY IF NOT For Saieiys Sake Coil WALLWIN lji mm IIilillll$ Residential and lndustriai Wiring Repair Work news as afon this feature if you doplace your laundry equipment In the kitchen Plenty of Room Theres plenty of room too in the one bedroom located on the ground floor And as throughout the house theres ample closet space in this bedroom Especially note the builtin china and broom closets in the central hallway Two bedrooms are provided for on the second story And here on the second floor you have even more storage space including walkin storage section under the eaves Good lighting and cross ventil ation are featured in each of the bedrooms Laundry Equipment If you place your laundry equip ment in the kitchen your only required basement installation will be your heating plant This should be located under the living room if you prefer to have the laundry in the basement put it under the kitchen or bath Blueprlnts Available Complete plans for this Home or any home in this series avail ableat Home of the Weak Inc 87 Weyilesset St Providence RI They are priced at $1275 for first set Send check oi plans will be shipped 19 Should plans prove unsuitable money will he refund ed uponreturn of plans less service charge of 25 per comaA tree home owners kit included with each set of plans Mention The Barrie Examiner whonwrit lag Lighting Timmy IN OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE Pilflli 32383 Shop 54 Sophia St Res i93 Bayfieid St Incrd Ilma rumlit Ilji ortaaaa insnvsliiiinnsll ï¬nenodndndng Mrs VD out or maylcall you Clair Final Plan in imiiiy aniona to townmtfliout resource to mortua um rlaht SO OYOUR lnvle IIouIo Vlalt lidlllt lilo Iartlcula my intent outline tinneon comm It was whee where father vant usually after coma crack from mother about there not be lax ough but around the house to keep aoldiiah warm vcnt in his spleen on an ironmonnor iiutseemedlo do nothing but consume ton afici ton of coal But now returning to the scene oi liircrimes the heavy in mohlngydarkwisaged villain of yesteryear the furnace that Le not faihervwouldnt know the place Or recognize the quietly efficient unaguming weil dress ed character whorhas taken over his Job For todays furnaee in many cases is to be found standing in one corner of the basement reac auon room Or if he occupies quarters of his on they may be team on the ground floor and are as neatly kept as those of any welcome guest Keeping pace with thointornal changes that have made furnaaa tori moregeffectiver highly econ omical heat producing units de signers have giventho monstera sills supporting Walls and v1 that once came close to breakink up many an otherwise happy hoorehol ln fact more than enthusme hurrying thmuehthc recreation about aepordiag iozthe Canadian cl Pllunbina ti Heat Iendeocyfl io recent our moro vvng space air able ionIurho wi the parlor cs reserved forentemiainyihaimlnister the basemapt Emileeline badly needed second iront in ratep oed up entertainment program to take care ofall age levels Thedemand tar room in which to do todays livingls so great in fact faniilles no longer have fakeietons in IhCIrcIDSELE They have vacated generally to make way fora builtin set of drawers or handy powder room The Jame goea in the besemcn And among other things his departuremcans that father sleeps far moresound ly His dreamsare no longer Joisis in House construction Foundation this are planksor timbers which restl upon tha foundation They are thebaae or the walls and firstrfloor joists Sllla are sometimesomitted to allow the floorjoists to rest dir ectly on the foundation This Is not recommended as it is diffi cult to obtain level surface for the joists For light frame con struction the sills are usiially two by six inches Sills ilmuid be embedded in mortar to make more satisfact ory bearing surface where the all is boiled into the foundation as in sections of the country that have high winds the bolts sho 1d hearsequarters of an inch th ck They are spaced atintcrvals of from five toelghtifeet extending into thebasement well about 18 inches Mortal is first read ontho foundation wall sill is laid while themortar is still fresh Care should he taken to ensure an even andairtight hearing The nuts and bolts are not htened by wrench until the mo ar has set Material in sills may be of almost any wood No1 common Forfrompt doarteoas Service Pathssaiasm Freehollvernwithinu Inlea 24 MONTHS TOIAY 317 UNDER HEDGE PLAN Up umgqoina improvement BUILD BEHEB BIT BEAVER 129 BRADFORI ST BARRIE iNjiERioR No EXTERIORl5 INI grade is preterable for standard construction Because one of the principal requirements of sill is to withstanddecaymany huild era use sills which have been rot chemically treated to withstand room enroute to the garage one morning has been willing to swear the smoothly aopblstiuled typo in the corner actually winked If toimply or youra leavin her in good hands Andhot course he is ill vvH Facials THE JOB AND You animus LT BR ISTOW PLUMBIEQX HEATING 84 ounmp émlnwm fléwrc FORPROMPT amorous shavica ArnnasoNABanosr can am moAmem ii southWow complex ouchinalcconmacrs ELECTRICAI REPAIRS INTAILATION 25g it St as tile Phone 3886 gilnillilliwsinliiaatnliclillis socialism pal uay Ionae cum Rental Boo laid Ivaiypisrfloorsnaowbcautv and Inllre oqnlplneni materialand com plate instruction colt aural rm momentum you NEED ms EASY TO BEAme Tansy oran oasis younorr monsoon Wm CMRKE FLOOR SWING EQUIPMENIF tilION YOUR RESERVATIONS ont worry WE DENVER 80 DUNLOP HA3 PHONE 2556 BA RR