HST SiliiWfliGS Wflï¬mwsmm noIEIIcEI JAMEIS sm Wimbhlaemallm ol Eeat Eden roIIIIIIIT iiililiiiSlliiY EVENING shows AT 550 pm IF you nsvm seas ms one as suits you nor anusr cursorsz MATINEES ADULTS 50¢ TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMESZsc TAX INCLUDED srsnrma THIS FRIDAY IIIIII SIITIIIIIIAII NCLUDED ScopE Withu AND CONTiNUING THRUMONDAY AND TUESDAY Continuous Shows Saturday 230 pm Evening Shows Friday or 6356 pm Tall men with nine lives lighting like ninety 20th CENNJRYJO cquI essIE PLUS CARTOON AND FOXNEWSI PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT AIIE nussnt nosEnr am EVIJNINGS ADULTS 750 TAX INCLUDED MAIINEES ADULTS 50¢l TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAX INCLUDED continuous Saturday 250 pun Both FeaturesShowing Each evening At 645 landï¬Ã© pn1 runs Arssr WARNEE swsz mun rm Slii iNMENT zun BIG FEATURE WHEN CRIMSON Llss SPELL Danger VIIIIIIIIIIIII AN AItIEo ARlisis rIcIusE Two BIGlitiillli lllTS Jumping oft place BilL It Itllil Ill III BENGAZI YOU cons nnerul Alliston cred the United Church at Amino tor hemiooif new rover or therSoIithSimeoedistrict ousted on turkey until th cauldron aume no more Wi honed tur book key costing about $170 perpound eatinggoodrcaat and wondered why they were not hlch been farmer to hold longer than tour years Five provinces Alberta Saskg chewan Manitoba 0mm and British Columbia are already or united with locaiaJet up in townships or communities Spurred on by the wonderful liceand thatfora period so spouse in Canadas newest prov eial union in British Columh hope exists that all provinces from shore to shore may join Canadas farmers will go square deal only wheuthey form solid block tram coast to coast and use their influence at Ottawa tDo you realisethat livestock prices have dropped 50 in the last three years West on farmers are paying $150000 per week storage charges on grain theyrhave sold Eastern tamers at Port Arthur Hogs are rock bottom Weare living in pro teeted society yet many taro pro ducts have no floor price No Economic Reserve Why are we in this mess asked Economically thereis reason Apart from wheat we have no surpluses evenwith im portscoming in yearly our ex ports are only five per cent More over there is less beef cattle per capita in the country daythan in foxInes years What then is the reason Empv ty chairs at farm meetings proves that farmers are satisfied with these conditions While the term er sleeps on and allows others to look after his business large com panIes are filling their pockets at his expense Financial statements show that Canada Packers made 27 profit oncapita1 investmont 133 year while armors made only 533 Schulz pointed to theMilk Cd trol Boards in every province As result of these hoards milk is the only product which enjoys wartime prices the only thing with any stability yet how good is the best Statistiscshow that even in this our best farm product average wages are one dollar per hour he hind other organized industries Extra Hours To Busy Day To raise their income then farmers are adding extra hours to their already busy days One at these days well be looking for the 25th hour he went on The beat advice ever recechd was this Nohody can get rich irom work alone otherwise oxen would be richest We must have plflm The Farmers Union needs every farmers support to make their blueprint their plan for eg riculture work Mr Gardiner and Mr Howe will ruin agriculture it we let them yetthey are only what we have allowed them to he come my ns head in Ii greetings from the resident Ben ars the war en John Small Cecil Chappel and Gordon Caldwell of the Fed eratlonotjngrlculture and Rev Mnlzurgear lthe church where was eid took for his subject This Canada of Ours lie told of his trip hack and forth across thsfdomlnion and the de geiopment that has on place Everywhere to 100 years it had edme baoF to farms of this countryho would have been familiar with the implements he We have pro Farm the results of production being algpged up by the use mode mac inery We are the most on tunatevpeople in the world here in Canada in less than bun dred years we have developed this big country from the wagon trails across the prairies to as highly mechanized and industrial coun try as there isIanywhcre Many Indywary littieot their own country and iftheyrtake aholiday they go to the land south Historical Events ntloning historical events that ayed part in making this land available he mentioned Geuelal Brock who never kne that won he battle on lantod harvnionIJack on the hi that vented our countryfrom being part at that to our south He entioned Sir Leonard Tiller who atWestmlnstcr won the fed tion the Canadianprovinces lie told otvarious parts of Can ada where development had gone ahead in great strides andpictur ndustriaiudevelopment Im than it aheadrlor0n the St Lawrence Seaw pleted gt hichness of Ore The iron ore of Labrador will be the salvation of Canada as the millions often will place her on top of theindustry We are for uuate live in landwhere the wealth barely tapped Every day thereare 1000001110 to feed Weneed many ot thesegin Canada andoursurplus of food stun will soonhe required The people of the world are awake to the fact that there is no no for hunger They ll reach out jor the food we hav to supply them Following thevelectiongof direc tors which Were chosenthree from each township alsojthe relt presentatives to the Ontario pro ducers meeting the chairman again for l956 Ben Spears calied on Charles Newton tp introduce Charles Mclnnis chainnanohthe hog marketing hoard Leaving Organisation Mr Newton tarmbeingnow in theTown ot Barrie will he forced torgo out who owing to his unspent was um hope set for you in myplaee IIIltelnnia who power not the part 0m tarln where the great st Lawrence develo ment is grew on has cradi the idea as our own Product from its start and taught oritand you tamersail along theway Charles Mclnnisp chairman the Hog Marketing Board conga mooted Mr Newton as mein oi the board It is with the assistance at menlike him that we have accom plished the things we have for the farmers he said We must look over the top oi our problems and grow up with our countriy The Melntbsh applies developed my township and married Mo lntosh and developed family at that stock with costs of produc tion 20 per cent and the re turns own five per cent we have to contend with the dillerente The First Farmer remember seeing the monu ment to the first rfarmer who broke the soil and armed in Can ada This country has pow be come the granary of the world We need the determination of our ï¬refathera lugs that will keep us ontop Is the answer to guto the govern ment7 USAV have found that floor prices haveresulled in ere sting huge surpluses and the se curity is last crumblinsawsy Then the answerlsnot that way We tindvthat the secondin dustry has enjoyed the greatest year ever Labor has fought and won their battles and are prospcn ous They have faced their proir lemsand he ti Three Problems We farmers have three prolr lems Theyfirst is tocut costs of production Thesecond is quality This welhsvedone little about for when we llfld the English market we were competlng with Denmark and had to ship only the top quality Now thepercentaga of grade has declined We are slipping on our quality How ever we have something to he udoï¬ We ship 65000000 ihs pork to the cause it is of superio grad to theihome have to give greater conudentioultothe grade problem We must be cpncerned with our quality it we to sell to the domestc In it moonstone is themaske Weishouljd have widened ourInar ketslvthrough our transportation Entomo The processors had built up system of buying our hogs and having themdumped st theidoors of the actors at his own price 0miliion dilly lar industrywas being controlled has not allected our market to accomplish the Welhust be concerned shout this andproeeasedour We wt to treedon ot ï¬sh mi woven were no lulueeted in our demands for floor prieeahd were net interest ed in meetiï¬ns it we were going to discuss matter ol prices So we got tion which ai iowed us to ve an agency to sell our ourselves Our agencyzcanrsell and ship our hogs to those who will pay the best Juices Some are suggest ing itrra ioalvand that individuals should be allowed to sell their boss for themselves Our mar keting agency is our sales agency Some say it is dangerous We have through this as producers some say in establishing prices This year we have been up 16 per cent at past years and this with surplus market in USA It Been Worthwhile We ask ourselves has it been worthwhile Our exports should be our answer During the past three years we have sold the American market and their rice ere This past three months our prices have been $7 above the Chicago market This did not happen he tore whfld agency When prioes dropped on the USA market we got the out here Durin the past year there was fall $1 hlle we have the marketing Movies ISectlon2iages9to Is Ihythetevbuyesaarhhpdxehaaed onlyindIthe anathema We have averaged pearls our Winnipeg and man than that over him to page Minoan TE nmn or sun goods and deliver them Wouldnt it be easier Bossth take out Fidelity scams It Your employees handle cash or keep books Fidelity Bonds protect both you and themand for YOUR best protection you should call us sminIsoII ususnscs See us FIRST For lainrauco of All FINDS 05 Dunlap It tall om TYME Basil lilopin immunity Centre sAr FEB 25 830 pun ADM 50o nooit AND sror rmzss nsam oncu iKiNSMENiBINGo sIuNG ERIENIS To suAnEirHE IIuzEs 23 800 pm 1013 one consume INVITED To run OEFitiiil oPEIIIIII oslmu mm tOMMflIIITi hail EsInAy FEBRUARY is tori the mosI HAVE RACKELJO LIVE 2312111 BENGAII RICHARD CUNTE everlivadi VICTOR MCIAELEN RICHARD CARISUN of the productionot hogs and will Last October Mr Merlot pres this year retire from the board ident of the Alberta Federation where he has served for some of Agriculture made the state years and has assistedto place ment that western farmers are the marketing scheme in opera better 011 today than ever before tion told the meeting that itwas mlmniyf Mr Gardiner was only repeating through the efforts of Mr Me tiEIllsinuyvénnipezgi DI Restroom luiais tlï¬atï¬hekllegislï¬itzn passed ams aror yearsno arm uner arcing cWaaput organization appeared beforeour into operation The hog produc HON EARL ROWE agricultural committee in Ottawa era werevused as spearhead and Thefederation backed the anti It inoksJikesound legislation It freae companies in imposingtar Will he sled below Silileme iffs on incoming ethyl glycol yet Court 50011 MoIISL hiss WEI 600 pm nimr $125 Per Person IEVENING Hows not Inlliiiiciul Opening Ceremony Guest Speakers will include Deer you re Inwr neeeovar the non WALLACE ooWNEk sneer Phirig islature llc MALA owns the farmer uses more ot this than anyone else Mr vllowels international fool ishness hasheen allowedto run As leave the organization am glad tohave heenon it this year and to haveiacoomplished so much Weahave donehlore this MALCOMSONS JoIIN SMALL sIMcoE cbtiNTY WAkoEu rampant Heshas allowed United yedr than all others put together stunt Deputy Minister of Agriculture Turn to page sixteenplease am glad tohavea successordo gt INsURANcE AGENCY IdlDUNLDP sans BARBIE IIIIONE3735 vlmervi consent MI Peter Sinclair iiilliiiiilili sMIIIIer IEIIs THEATRES Nevimarlret spent the long Week end ill and Mrs Harry styl rnxssxonaIIesj so are still used by oek thwe altars Donald Williams and nmilyof ookstown Mr and its Olii Perkins and Dian RR or man Maxw ll of Dalstopr wer Sunday isitors the home semihit 25v rhythm 830m and Mrs Harry Pe ins visit ed MrsFrank Kelly in ainswlck edneaday The in herinddsiry It the old eat industry in Ameri MARCH 27 JOHN nanometre rpose iv receiving the various reports the lee amendrn totby an an gt come before the hoard Persons desiring to at dollar to the Secretary