Cooper by Ken mm Aron were reeentlrjn Toronto end attended the Ontario Plowmens Association annual meeting held at the King Ean Hotel led Cram New Mrs Couse now has the quota oi Red Cross sevung and knitting on hand Anyone want ing to help out in this worth cause contact Mrs Cause Toronto Bonsaiel Kenneth Crawford Walter Beat ty Earl Carr and Lloyd iiughis attended the Toronto bonspiei lhi BIO the week and were suc cessiulin number oi games in Toronto Mrs Glass left on Thurs day ior Tomnlo where she wt holldnylngwith relatives Sunday Visitors gt Mr and Mrs Jack Johnston and son Gordon and Mrs Frank John sum of Molten were Sunday vis itora with Mr and Mrs Shaw From Barrie Mr and Mrs Garry Hollywood Barrie were guests on Wednes day with Mr and Mrs Harry Thompson Valentine Party good crowd attended the an nual cuchrc and dance sponsorec by the Womens Institute on Wed nesday evening Feb 15 at the town hall Progressive cuchrv was enjoyed mm to it when 14 tables were in piay Prize wm ners we Mrs Harry Thompson and Miller for first place and Mrs Hindle and Clarence Bree don coming second The remain dcr oi the evening was spent in dancing to the Really orchestra when goodly number of the younger people attended spot light dance went rto Miss Norma Shaw and Les Cook lovely lunch was served at midnight by the committee appointed Veterans Euchre The veterans held another oi their series at cuchres in the Sol diers Memorial Hall on Monday cvenlng Feb with good at lendance Prize winners for the ladies was Mrs llop er and the mens went to Te Nixon Lone hands to Jack Coutts St Johns Social Evening The second social evening of St Johns Anglican Church was held on Saturday Feb li with good attendance and the Really orchestra supplying the music George James Nevlis George Nevlis passednway sud dcnly at his home in West Gwil limbury on Monday Feb 1956 Although in failing health for many months from heart condi tion he suitered an attark from which he did not recover George James Nevlis was in his 87th year son 01 the late Hewson and Sarah Nevlis of Cookstown He had been engaged informing the major part of his life on his farm in West Gwillimbury near Cookstown Lelt to mournlhis loss are his wife the lormer Merlssa Fildey two daughters iiirs Jarvis Violet and Mrs John Houghton VtLouisa one son Earltwo sis ters Mrs Marling Cooks town and Mrs Harry Howea To ronto and one brother Edgar oi Welland The funeral took place from the Hughes Funeral Home Cooks Lown on Thursday Feb at St Johns Ahgiican Church with Candii Cbaperiin officiating with interment in Alliston Cemetery Pallbearers were it Batters Wilz Ziiam Nevils Webber Drap er Jeffels and CharleEJioun some Evening Auxiliary The February meeting of Cooks town Junior Evening Auxiliary was held at the home yet Mrs George Paris The meeting opens ed with hymn followed by pray er by the president Mrs Donald MonkmangtThe minutes were read and adopted Mrs Monkman reported on the Presbyterial meeting held in Bar rie which she and Mrsltlohn Far is attended Roll callwas an swcred by 21 members each re porting how many books they had read There were six visitors present During the evening the members of the auxiliary pre sented Mrs Kellogg with lovely cup and saucerin appreciation of thewonderfui help she has given them at theirmeetingsi The of fering was received and dedicated The meeting wasturned over to the committee oiera Ralston Mrs Smith Mrs carts and Mrs Rodgers Mrs liaisto theprayer and read the scripture Mrs mith the chip rain the studybook asslsted thecommitteeA by the Mizpah bene lotion and dainty lunch wasthen served by thehostessand mmittee en out by Mrs Nevlis Arrange nenu were made or lucky drawowl quilt and box oi groceries at the encbre and dance he group is having on March 23 in quilt was quilted during tht tternoon this or Mrs goon Lunch was served by the hos 15 nssisted l1y Mrs Fildey Mrs Wright Mrs Little and Mrs Milligan On Feb 14 there was another my work meeting when tht rnup met at the home of Mrs iubert Lemon The meeting was opened by the president with rayer Roll call was answered 18 members and two gutsis orrespondence was read includ ng an invitation to attend ban luet from the Childrens Aid So uety box was sent to Jack yiorganson and getweli card to inham Allen sympathy card nascent to Mrs George Nevils An interesting letter was read from Mrs Jack Donnell and Mrs William Walker from Floridade to log uielr auto trip dovvn drs Batters reported blankets were available and will purchase tome to have on hand for needy urposcs The appeal ior chil lrens aid help was lelt over or he next meeting quiltwas ompleted for the grobp toscll tickets on Red Cross sewing was iandcd out to the members The next meeting will be held it Mrs Fildeys The meetin idjourned and lunch iollowc rerved by the hostess assisted by lira Armstrong Mrs Nevils Mrs Cam bell Mrs Mont gomery and Is Gilroy Weekend Guests Miss Dodds iormcr school teacher here was recent guest of Mr and ltlrs Hector Smith Mrs Rutherford retumed to her home at Colborne last Thurs day atter ashort visit with her soninlaw and daughter Rev and Mrs Kellogg From Eugenia Falls Mr and Mrs Bert Harman sons Eric and Mark were guests on Wednesday with the farmers par ents Mr and Mrs Herb Harman Visiting la Beeton Miss Marion Pierson has been spending the last two weeks in Beeton with her sister Mrs ira Palmer institute Meeting The Womens institute met at the town halion March The topic is on agriculture and Can adian industries and locate Canadian industry The committee are Mesdames Arsenault Rinn Patton Fidier Waniess Everyone welcome Open House Mr and Mrs Wray Frank Crescent Toronto opened their home to executive members at the Cookstown Old BoysAs sedation on Thursday Eeb when arrangements were complet ed lorpthc annual reunion dinner dance Guests will be expected to assemble in the west waiting room of the Union Station at 630 pm when led by the president Leo ard Boss and Mrs Ross they will proceed to the Oak Room tur key dinner will be served and brief program oisspeeches music annual elections will be run Later to the music oi neattys orchestra dancing an old home town calleroliw be held for those who enjoy waltzes and country rounds Card playing will heirtbehorder of the evening for those preferring thatamusemcnt it is hoped also that most of the guests will find pleasure inre newmg acquaintance ririénds of other days Tickets are available at $250 tor the dinnerdanee and cards but those arriving in timeior only the daneeand cards will be wel corned at $1 per head An origin al oil painting by the witeol former member will be ruffled and prizes will include the Watt son McClain lucky silver dollars as well as several handsome mis cellaneous items Tickets may be obtained from any of the officers who include Mrs Roy Harmeridï¬ Strathaiian Blvd treasurer Mr Ross 8A Sherwood Ave and Mrs Dalton Draper Blvd LCRAIVGHU sr Mr and Mrs Telter Emery are spending ometime inBarrie Visiting Aunt tune Sharon Tatton is visiting her aunt at Clowes Chancel Guild Tea The Chancel inlldteaheld St Valentine Day at the home of Mrs Arthur Snider was great we cess andoveryone enjoyed the af ternoonpuiillrs George Sheffield Roll call name 260 Dewhurst augmentsmiteisms deaconsrlstoEBLAn ms oNoEitruttvwasuAaLEstemxMislzeswatlnain Whether you blanket asa tiedthrower in light weight extra minaret luxurious looking Viscose and iiyion bland morass will accountmréa color for everyrrooml decorationredyeiiow green blue or rose See them this week at Walker stores in Barrie HEIiEjlsgtuxunv LOW man 100 TERYLANE BILLows roa LUXURY SLEEPING These beauties have high re silence are soft and comfort able are odorless mothprouf and non allergic Covered in pretty msebud ticking SPECIAL VALUE AXMINSTER RUGS Beautin your floors now with these very attractive rugs 50 low in price s12 27x5l 39 now Size 3ij as 79 mans utter wunrsocits Errand for hardweat andI so easy or the eat too Our saleprice is low 115M mcsl nowlo Nice large size towels tancyco or stripes andEtileyllove thetub Buy these handy towels now this low price rewriting Zea88 gt KNITTING Yflllll ABERDEEN 1w OliflSLEND Brokencolor Nylon re inforced Regular manua sraelnr madam sate 1uranium REMNANTS Dozens of piece goods remnants at attractive low prices You save on remnants swans At our corset counter week Memo girdles with dacron panels pull on style with side opening nltG is nae 495 AW IHALF mcs iréx SKIRTS VESfilllIS Everyone likes bargain Our sportswearsectlon is ottering very high style sportswear at exactly halt price Snap these up halï¬lprice is very bigsaving mun riim stress gun PililllSiliiiiS These well tailored garments sell reg ularly at $795 to make room for new goods we are putting them out at nicereduetion Shop now and save illliSlIS 599 visrr WALKEitS iNFANTS or FOR warms outsetan omens riainnuette lull size nice buy at 98 our lowprice save at Walkers this weekend Gauze diapers This Wa1ker special sav es you money Ly lm LINaN Mums AT SPECIAL PRICE Double hematltcli pm rm irishlinen lng pure linen pas tel blue or green BLANKETS FOR BAB Perhaps baby needs newblanket ftor his crib here is dandy itsao 86 inches shown pink or blue with nursery design Usual 109 nylonscmes in fancy design or plain colorsTwo groups sellingat low special pricesWe 100 333 sracml 59877 Sunm uIufmkwnnjiV lll FllllTflSllCr 10W gt PiiiiiiIS 599 made ascoopp rchase and now an Walker customer save wnsénnithe own roi nyn youunu these 5115 spatial HANDBAGS collection of very smart bags selllng usually much hlgher you sit mstflfllwd beauties theyllgive you ut nest inlwear and serviceabii ty Buy Ewe pair andrsave money resin Pines ms for 519 lIIBKWflfll lt mmw CASES you like so good qual ity atoclr up on these cas es The price is bargain shop this week BARGAIN PRICE TOWELS lay éolorï¬uliisteneil two eis slightly soiled travel NEW srkiuossaurlrs rtsmmis strictest lflllilYontthilS These dainty WW have just arrivedfor apringwe cunts Halmfllllmll SIS oiier them in advanced spring at an economy price shopnow Pick up severalol these pretty cases so beautimliyhand em pbroidered Boy Ithem this Week at bargain price Tbesaine good texmade quality 81 Winches One than regular 75999 dollar less bananas rotor saint stimulants If naeomit 395 1095 ro 1695 gonom srzr mess itrsscouolnijoi vsew lt SPRING suMiVIsR TliiS watts Bantam Herejare two lie love torarms dresses jam rs etc Bu it early at saving