Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1956, p. 7

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dnktev APARTMENIS WPM to an Janitor nurt real ale ate bath 1522 LIGHTHonreiteepinz Room cen tral Phone 2811 1522fi LARGE Apartment Apply Box 72 Barrie Examiner 152213 ROOM unfurnished apartment APPLY 15 Bradlord St 152223 PARTLY Furnished room in Perudaie Apply so Maple Ave 152011 noon or gentleman lrom down town Phone blocks 83 isZlfl dittoARCH attractive modern xsuw rt LARGE lurnished rooms Kitch 15 COng ABLE room lor entie4 man 153911 IROOMED House comple luri SHi 222 on erou cards Joe Nob Bo dllmdh 1522 Ce trally located Phone 6928 520 152192 apartment heated Phone 1130 living room centre Phone todown town hue nirhedan=townolBarrie hone ROOMsand bath hot andéold $001 un urnished apartmgtnt er COMFORTABLE bedroom in new 15th eiuxo room sell con tained artment oil hot water heated hone 1988 15222 NEWLY decorated sell ntained artments heated Blake East one2925 or 6143 152023 ROOMv Apartment private bath Phone 5562 or apply 19 Cumber landSt alter pm 154123 FURNISHED Bedrooms blocks lrom down town Business men relerred Phoneztiaii Jig£2723 MODERN roamed houseto rent or will sell North 01 Barrie on highway Phone 4870 1530122 LARGE Room beds suitable for working men Central and very reasohabie Phone 3323 l52022 ROOMED lurnished heated apartment Available March Phone 5792 lor appointmen 1522 BEAUTY Parior central main street roams and bath Available now Cumncn vH Realon sir Plume 483 MODERN sell contained apartment $70per month Phone 3194 alter pm 152223 ROOM unturnished apartment with bath on first floorpail heat ed Adults only Apply 46 worsley 152122 3ROOM newly decorated apart ment across lrom Drivein lhea UE $50 Adults Abstaine hone 5850 152213 BEDROOM heated lurnished with one or two beds as re nixed Very central Gentlemen pre erred Phone 6662 152 HEATED lurnished apartment on floor also heated garage QMus seal Vincent St ROOM lurnished seit contained apartment light heat and water $75 mbnthly No children Apply 258 uCerington St 152223 APARTMENT heated rooms and bath Adults only Over Dick China Shop corner Collier and Hayfield streets 1522 ROOMED Apartment 2piece bath separate altrance newly de curated Adults lonly Situated in Allandale Phone 6449 152123 ROOM unlurnished apartment Hydro garage Located on Hishwn $5 one mile lrom Sunnidaie Co Phone Stayner 5262 522 UNFURmSlED rooms private bath and entrance heavy wiring Available immediately 40 month 13 Apply 52 WilliamstfiéZzZi WELL ituniisned orl untumxs heated roams with bath Reason able bow town blocks lrnm Lotl ws there Wellington 152123 ROOM bungalow bedrooms Allandal VacantMarch ssa iy Mrs Hawkins izhway No Room Apartment self eon ined separate entrance unturn heated Centr Apply pan 152th tune with kitchen privileges il dei 152225 ROOM unfurnished oil heated be seen to bevappreciated 522 2123 at Barri nga 415 43312541 A4 PAINTERS Get your grooming tozllflrf now lree animals3 DIAL50301 51 LENari Io wELD Lineoln Are Welding salon conducted by NANDRADE SONS Phonelqltl RR strand 39 £22354 wEfr BAéiEME We can waterproof and decorate your human in any at twelve eautltul colors Therman StayDriPWayV GUARANTEED on money gt RgsFUNDED lor estimates ball Strand 47111 lherrieh Waterproofing Service ozma CROMPTON ELECTRiC opossum COMMERCIAL nousewmmo ugnune aroma repair work bet as check your wirinp rbnémsaérsm =jPhpne5167 BlIlI noon COVERING Amman Floor Coronal Linoleufia Blabber and Arphal an VI Til Multan Supplied and ramnaa ulna Elamtug AWOLFENDEN 118 Toronto St Phonla 319 SfORE FRoNfs SAND EXTENSIONS Can that house beturned into apartmentsi 35 EXPERIENCE wRJC $66 SON Qro Station PlroneOrovtiz 51 TRIM WORKu mmmm houses cg RECREAjnoN ROOMS BUILTJN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING roncnjestsamdnntou sm ca BRUCE CAMERON Burnout gt Phone 6382 571 TR CkLE1TERlNG fiAShowcdrrds 16 Banners GOLD LEAF fournook Signs Call it no answer call Collect Qro 402 WARM lumished apartment in Concrete til modern home stove and lri central Adults abstainers Sid new couple relerred gtA pl 128 3512224 aflleld 1160M unlurnished heated fiartment available lmmediatel tcliemthedroom living room piecet hamprlvate entrance Phone noelan 3405 522 Wm Sbmeon mortgrga $2503 to toe an 2gb Also to ten 111510 Combining We utpped to docuatom onmblnla ew 12 Coekrhutt complete with reour een and rtraw rpreadea ply trlrel and erienoed opera ors 8e Canto Baird Wt 577 amin ALTERATIONhrnv ednot later than 400 Architects 51138 buss ILED CAEPEmY Worm alterations or Phan 650 5+u FAST Television andmdia Ree pairs Phon 2283 mm DRAPERIFS made to ordtrlmm your materials at reasonable pri cu Card Worsley St Phone 4823 522 DEAD STOCK tamered hum term promptly tor sanitary dia oraL Phone oilect Barrie 3611 rdonYouns lmlted How Bus assOppoflunit en MODERN SERViCESTATiON rpnLrasa or name AREA at establiahed belora Spring Rearonabie rental Apply giving personal particuiars and finances available to flon Barrie Examiner 292128 LOST AND rounn LQSTCollie dog sable color on Monday laxtPhnne Stroud gang LgSTRed Toll Gate all 1952 to Mercury truck Finderplease notily Mr Gerald Babbette rie phone 2057 10055 PET stool SMALL SpanielTerrier puppies weeksfoid Phone 6143 alter 352223 PUPPIES to be given away to good home Con 11 lunisfll eter War enaar pan Barrie 132223 MORTGAGES WANTEDamowmortgage money tor flrstmorta ge on valuable house and pro erty adjacent to name Apply Box 69 Barre Ex 22123 NOfiCiE TENDERS WANJED Tenders far the cbnstruittion of new Home lor the Aged building atPenetanguishene lo the County Slmcoe0ntarioill be reeeivv 411 March at the ol lee ol the BlackWell Craig and Zeldler 65 Bloor St Weshslurnnto Ontario Plans specifications and Make Bar 21 1958 Tenderlmaybe obtained from the Architects an or alteerebruary Zlat 1955lt deposit ol Filly Doll arjis required lbr each set cl plans and specitlcations fihelowest or any tender nott essarily to be accepted Norice TO Ckrolrons NOTICE IS HEREBY4 GlVEN pursuant to The 1rusteeAet that all Creditors and others having eaims ains the Estate olJOB GUNSTO ateol the Town Bhrrie in theFCounty qlSimcoe Gentleman Deceased who died on or about the Twentytourth day of August AD 195 to Send particulars the Fifteenth ayol March All are requested their claims 1856 alter which date1he Admin istratrix will distribute the assets til the Estatehula regard only claims of chshe then shallhave notice and will not be re nsihie lot any others Barrien Ontario this ax or February ho was STEWART ESTEN MoIUEK Banle Ontario 22 Con 10 lnnisfli Township ert or belore ONTARIO WHOS PIESI YEN dehimw Inch1 or rank Jyho we elected Dualdenl ot the lociollon outeol Eliot iioords at that crooniaoliona filth onnual canterencc nuns Feb 121L1B55 seen seen CHOICE Mixed Ha square baiel or sale Phone 565 102223 FEED lbr sale Oats suitabievlnr seed Mixed Ha round bales Ap ply Wilbur WE loll phone mil 10122 ROOM BOARD andBoard central Apply dlord St 122223 doom and Board Gentleman prelelted Phone 5882 Brenda Jean daughter at Era Erie The new president noonarlckuduse 15mins Kr and Wilson an and am Walls and Mrand Mrs Chinick were in Montreal several dartlast week lar theinnual méenngm Ciass Newspapers ol Canada selling orlanization of week semiweekly tri eekly and daily newspapers Idr Waliawueiect ed to the boardotdirectorswhich position hehadtilled in HuCranston ol Midi Tatham publisher olTh Banner At the age Tatham is the youngest ev heid erQaLsoclatibainC nada Property fofiSale or Rent Ion15 91244 Elrnvaie ROOM or roomand board Cen tral Appl 5t Phon WOULD Board ladies Robindaie lnn El 3741 around Trafixbreaklast App Box 71 Barrie nmincr 122271 was ROOM and Board lar on or two lentlomen in Allnndaie close in bus stop Phone 3802 AUCTIONStees 122223 Tdeaday Marchch Auctlonwale Purebred and Grade Hoistelna larm stock and lmpilm ma lor Victor Brown north hai LotAg Sproule Auctioneer Salami Feb 25 at arm stockim ements hay straw and househod ellects lor Desmond Bolton at North hung Auction sale relms cash McEwen Auctioneer 21 Monday Feb Auétién sale of larm stock implements hay and grain lor Peter Luty at Lat 21 Can ma Township onemle straightwest at All age ol Sale at pm sharp Terms Jerry Coughiin Auctioner Tuesday Feb 28 Auction sale Cattle and Pigs for LouBrazziei Lot Con Plus TownshiQiright on hr hwoy 273 milessc 01 Eimvu Terms cask Jerry Cofaghu iin Auctimieer Tuesday March Auction sale ol larm stock implements hay and potatoes lor JohnR Handy at Lot Con 14 VTecumsetn Town ship miles south east at Allis ton Sale at1 sharp Terms Jerry Coug Auctione 2027 WednesdayMarch Auction sale of farm stock implements and hay lor Alvin Nottawasaga Township sn 1niles straight south ol Stayner on the iguan road5ala at 1280 arms 35 Jerr lm Ann Ioneer $1927 Wednaday March 21 Auction saleol larrn stock implements hay and some household ellects tor Harvey Atkinson at Lots and Con 13 Sunnidaie Township miles strai in north my Comm of Sunmdale Sale at 1230 pm Sher Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Aug tioneer 2225 REQUEST Fflii lSiiii TRADES We shall as pleased to celv sub contract tenders for all tradesrequired tor theconstruction ol the neyv Bamuaaun msrmcr connaalarr msnrura until February 23 195 EAVEBN ASMusan LIMITED Solicitors lor the Administratrlx 16229 Box Kitchénér Ont warm smrnms Mnnurncrum tains Vitamins ADvE numerous Inin and st phosphorus dine nd growthbone es stunted result body vigor because members olrtilt Vii ill on weak in growth land lrom mineral ckr io Miller at Lot 15V Corn sulauss firmk uiufi one it Amnnrand PEACHES Brunsflpir sARpINEs Gilietlel ewe BLADES Johnsons Plastia same Alps runneralien VICKS rvAro RUIB one any oodlynullber attended the 10L cardqu on Friday um Feb 17 lint Parent Alvin Bobbins ol Barrie visited at his parenuLbame onSunday Anions the many lrienda visit ing atMr and Mn me Gan dons on Sunday were Mr and TENDER Tenddera vélimbe mged Ih the on ensign DE raw ma chine 1pm xTattle under me Warble ly Control Act R50 400 pounds pressure at no lie aperture feasentlal State re explicted Townshi mall powderrand disinl Ca lnbeaprayed do not include entlieunderaix months altdb three Year1 that have no ea Mdmjabein the Mnahlpoll liceon orheltire the 10111 day HIM Lowut oranytender not necesaatily accepted Howarm nomad Clark of gtMedonlc Moomtontfllié 1L normal souans gt Purlna can puti for on plul for heavier breeda if your birds are healthy and our leed costs should exceed filo uarant 86 your day old prod ctivc type whats on themed ii to 12 poundrol our ounRKrain slightly mgre lor Purina tree BARRIE FARM SUPPLY ruruNA cnows roe livestock AND nounmu aunoen Minnow Listen to the llexlonal ailu new Monalam Saturday gtt Monogram we will lurn any additional leed absolutely PHONr 2982 Beat fBuy OAIsiasc rive hoses Vaiuea Ellcu Thurs Fri Sat rb 23 24 25 396 neda White Stores to Serve You ELBOW QUlK BAG Manonmue La 10 an unit MEAL mam Feature Economical lieviral UR OWN BLEND Feilnre Vitamlzed TEA ALLENTS IAPPLEJUICE Feature Sleeve Pack TH PURCHASE OF GRAPEFRUIT BALLARDS not roan Feature lunarlake TOILET TISSUE Special RID Deallrlce RASPBERRY IjA 53 oi lo 39 me buss cm

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