Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1956, p. 5

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with wilhotberduhllrnm Lakearca it wasbrought up at the meeting the hockey sweater which uped but once alter the club mentored lov enile hockey be handed over to the Canadian Legion for use in Outslanding hmong Ihoman excellent programs put on at the regular suppermeetings the levent of that evening when group at well qualified panelists with Queens Counsel Osmond iiiowr the modcrator or media tor as Lion lim McLean put it in the Roar City sutus The polar subject To Be City or at to be City was most ahly handled and discussed to point beyond which they could notgo Giving of time and talent were four other busymen introduced by themed orator who is also ovin solicitor Donald hiacLaren QC who is solicitor iorSinicoe County Wal ter Gigg Barrie Town Clerk and Treasurer Barries Reeve Willard Kinda managerowner of Lake view Dairy and BitWarden Simcoc County ltoy Hickling with concise questions from Mr owe the subject was thoroughly glorisidcrcd lllr MacLaren though are were advantages eitherway and he had no prejudice either way He had been in Barrie all his llicwith the exception oi time out for school an army and was 12 years in Coun lr Kinziethought that thor oug analysis would take much time County services come in for large share from the town lsistyear some 16 was the levy or out of county services VERYYOUNG CITIZEN receives his iiist visit froni the branch nurse of the Victorian Order in Barrie Miss Irene Edgar The VON nurse will instruct ancexpectant mother and the father too proper care of baby This is Visiting Cousins Mrs Florence Walkem of To ronto visited with her cousins Mr and Mrs Walkem Recent Visitors Illcv and Mrs McTavish of Bradford visited Tuesday of last week with Rev and Mrs James Dorrian Mr and Mrs James Motley and mily were recent visitors at the parsonage the home Mrs Mot leys parents Mrs Thomas Barnet spent ii couple of days recentlywitil daughter Jean and family and Mrs Jerry Geovannilla Mrs Freeman spent hursday last with her son Nor Palmer of Bolton Weekend Visit Charles Walkem accompanied Allan McLean of The Toronto Telegram spent the weekend with and Mrs ii JWalkem Mr and Mrs Harry Rim of humour called on friends Tuesday evening last From Woodbridgci ir and Mr Cecil Woods of Woodb dger tcd nday last with MissLily Palme James Dorrian visiting rdaughter and family Mr and James Motley of iiagersvilic Church Boards llleet The board of stewards ofthe Um ed Church met with the board of Beeton Unite Church in Beeton on Tuesdayevening IFS Entertaincd Bridge on Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr enter tained thcgsenior bridge club on Wednesday evening last With thc prizcs being won lst Mrs EdePalmer 2nd Mrs Walk em and rd Mrs Agnes Keogh Cars of Card Players cars of card players from heretook in the cuchre arty tCoigan onluesday align ng ast All report good me Pancake Su per pancake supperhold in th United Church onfTuesday eveni ing las was very successful The Womans Association was very much encouraged with th flows of 701100011 ing services on the fyON Week won Itheprizes All had very enjoyable time Proud Grandparents Rev and Mrs James Dorrian are again the proud grandparents Mr and Mrs George Norton nee Ardeli Dorrian Beeton are the proud parents of baby daughter Hptf0lf5 Pretty Wedding Atrshanty Bay on Saturday aft ernoon Feb 18 at Mr and Mrs Norman Youiigs quietabut pretty wedding was solemnized when Shirley Anne Young young est daughter of Mrs Mary Young became the bride of Chris topher AllenBowden son of Mr and Mrs JBowden of Cooks iown Theimarriage was double ring ceremony performed by Rev Warr of Hawkestone Given in marriage by her bro ther Norman Young the bride wore whitebengaline dress and shoulder length veil and oorsage ofred roses Her bridesmaid Miss Grace Pattenden of Cundlcswore apow der blue taffeta dress withcor sage of pink roses Ronald onungbrother of the bride was groomsman The brides mother received wearing royal bluedress and corsage of pink carnations The grooms mother wore royal blue dress and cor sage of pinkcarnations 01Pro miscMei was played while he registerwas being signe The reception followed with Miss Jackie Bradley and Mrs Gloria Squirespouringitea Guests in Chnada week set aside to inform the public about the extensive home nurs of the order which are avail able to all persons regardlessoi race color creed oriinancial status Plvcrn attending were from Guelph Stay ner Barrie Cundlea and Cooks town The happy couple left amid showers of confetti for motor trip to the United State ed to greywool suit with blue topcbatand navy achessories They will be making their home Shanty Bay Friends and neighbors hold shower for them at Shanty Bay also personal shower at Shirley Anne Youngs and stag party for Allan before they were mar ried Sunday Callers Callers at and Mrs Bowdens on Sunday were Stoner and her son Russell of Torontoalso Mr and Mrs Hall and Lyndafrom Lefroy Mr and Mrs CJ Bowdenat tended the BowdenYoung wed ding at Shanty gay on Saturday Variety Nighi At Elmvaie Junior Farmers North Simcoe Junior Farmers presented their second annual var iety night Feb 15 in Elmvale Com munity Hall The choir rpresented several numbers ranging in nature from Negro spirituals to English folk music The 34 voices were under the direction of Harold Dempsey Orillia who is to be congratulated Two plays were featured He Aint Done Right by Neilgsn old fasbioned melodrama hy the Elm valéJuniors and WIi Car Tonight in modern story ably presented by Vasoy Also Oilth program were voca solos by at ricia Robins and Tom Ross This programwlli be presente again Guthrie Community Hall this Friday Feb 24 at availingrdhebridexchaw imitators Favored County Town iMr Hickling believed that ove the years the Countyhas always favored the County Town He was unbiased in the question un der discussion but as usu bad story to prove his pain when boy becomes old enough to real ize how much he owes to his par ents some girl comes along and takes away all his intcrest He brought up another angle of the situations The county has employed in roaddepartmcnt 19 workmen an engineer and office assistant in general assessor and staff clerk and staff treasurer and staffcounty soicitor weer employees reg stry fice emp oy ees county judge crown attorney Surrogate registrar county court cleric and sheriff county services ildrens aid recreation ty hrary These he claimed employed 104 persons and 75 livein Barriewlie estim ated on 53000 yearly wage they spend most of $225000 in town win connection with county coun ell he coinputed the sittingsof County Council Supreme Court wth Jury NonJury and others DiVis on Court County Court Div ision Court Appeals Naturaliza lion and General Court Liquor ControiJZoard Tax Sale Ga Fairs Association Municipal Board hearings County Library Board Museum Juvenile land Family Court Assessors Conference ei ection oi Warden and many other activities onall of these he esti mated that some 14000 persons spend considerab money in toom and he added You cant turn around in Barrie without spending $5 Cnunty Roads County roads he claimed do not cost Barrie anythingbecaluse while the town pays $4805978 my Ilr Rowelpoke brains beacqulred by city status but Machren discounted th estimate oi the value unnll city standing or thatof bi mg iie lens throughout iwhile handling lawn business Ablhls pointMr Gig stated It thecilyjiatus committee had contacted each ward to find what effect there would be in the change and commented that Reeve Krone wasfchairman at the City Stains Committees The latter mentioned report prepared by the Citizens Rosearch institute for the Committee copies of which were supplied las Vlzecember to the press and other parties in terested but it was necessarily based upon the statistics of the year 1953 and inrclation to that year the search revealed that separation from the county and assumption of city status would havenecessitated tax increase of quite modest proportions on th basis rt other Serious Questions Glgg brought up the mat ér of sonic 48 neglected child rento be cared for and the ques health unit juvenile and family dot of their maintenance at 38 eachdiily totalof $24 yearly other serious dues were homes for the aged Jails and other county buildings also district collegiates andthen too the healthunits Mr Kinzle spoke of th $250000 spent on lhc Boston me for the aged of which Barrics share was 15 percent Ir MacLarens opinion was that itwouid be difficult to coin pute actual costs under that sta lnwar days everything was ed by Simcoe County Equal rcd assessment was also mentiont ed as matter of rese eh through 100 pages of informa ion task facing Rcove Kinaie ModeratorJtowe thankcd Don MacLarcn for his great assist anca in the successlul event and LionPeter Sinclair backed this up with hearty thanks from the club all of the gentlemen taking part by such an entertaining and instructive program HAP minHoar With this edition the Temisk aming Speaker commences looking forward to algrcaterpro perigv for this hreawand greater opportunity on our part to he of service Ncw Llskaard nt Teniiskaming Speaker ABBIIS EYESIGHT abbits have sharp but short istanceeyesigbt They can see well in linost full circl s12500 so oarfan 49 cuev Coac Dark blue Air can ditioning heater DANGEBFIELD ivioroiis ulvilTED us caniimsiou 1235 titanium St rn mi or 50 the county gives hack5Q Tsarsutrsj ceding rogram its slst wear01 publications We am samau mm ut an lFL oz in tax KGS lIBBVS SPAGIIETTL WHITE SWAN TISSUE hhhvfslrepureii Mustard lnncylTiench Fried Potatoes 35 SPECIAL wit smut onus HEINZ TOMATO SOUP sarcmu OlORKWIK raozmrooos utility Sliced Slruwlierries Mn rm SPICIAL IPECIALISEAIRDOK FARMS Soullilnni Green Beans scum a2 22 Oldfioiillilrozen Orange Juice prism 11 Mosr LoaLAw Manners Sin175 Prem RoseMirgurane Golden Bur Cheese imam Jewel Shortening limit Sandwich Spree 9an vAllsweei Murgd ne Bordens Insluiif Sic Inc Shivers Black Currunl Jam ruu Blue lliblion BlackTeu LAIEL Faunshun vac spECIALi GéioEN close leB CTN in oz mg 11 cm ILa mg 29 31c Ce ervé¢$7 if SPECIAlI isNisN rsaiuas cauroruiA FreSh Basics oNiAiiioNo iGRAoE Cooking Onlo VeIfDecl echoes iippleiords Food Scatter WE Snowflake Ammonia pan Ellliv Willlli SWCiIiSer ones xsssuasjioerrvouai REMIUMCATALO Ill oprv iA3L MOREPREMIUMS BETTER loblaws VMQNEY SAVER TEREMIUMHCERIFICAEES FDR You Yo PURCHASE TOASTERS IRONS 576 mm 1N PREMIUM¢ERTIFICA1E axcsiiriiiroary SNACK irot PKG PKG IooFY R0 39 39c 37c 29a hth 37¢ 28c 291 19 31c sum son was Incitip cannon Inna wmrl wuou min nice on umuuo not LOAF INY anion 39c viééiiiis Fruieil collie ricfsiéi 139 sreciauii queslons GoLDEN crown Sodas 501 9c loliliiws Murhieitoke sac MARCH SUE now on La Everywqmaifls Magazine isrsclnl Billii sec voua LccAL son coaascv usual or out and snriou iuosasou EA SARATUGA to cum am in eu omcs on asacuas caesu GIAN eras cwav ous Lives auswssr Manna meiisovaasicu sock svd SALMON occsss as MONg aacn All DETERGEN ELLE FAC TISSUES svéisFrs Faozsu 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