daydream at Boat in gynuthe than teamsiboth scored Victories in 0088A semi tinnigaimes TheJimiors measured Alliston 53 while the seniors unced St Andrewspollege 8102 36th contests were part of homeand home totel point series with second Manta be played this week senioraplnyins atflt An draws Thursday juniors at AllistonylPridayxligein each con test featuresCentral Georgian Bay we champions Barv rle against the southern district winners Northern district in so ya talnlng slim 1643 lead it aetuulijasnt till the ilnalquart er that BDCl turned on the pres sure and ramped away to the 20 paint win Actually the local jun Jars coiiidnt seem to find the hole inthe hoop for the first part oouo Kegrte local basketball star andeoaehoi theslrong BDCl senior hoop team Curling Comment Entertain 0rillia Curling Club cancelled invntational mens bonsplel sehcduledfor today President Adams announced insteadthat six rinks irom Orlllia would entertained this evening Kiwanis Club distrie bonspiel is today at Collinngod Three Barrie jliï¬ks skipped by Rodgers William Lang and halrlie Kearsey re enter121d an onsn iii Mire ionsyciiibiiistrict out is slated for Barrie Curling Wednesday Feb 29 ed Event at Lindsay nd lilirsVE Adanis and Mrs George Dangerfield of Ontario Hospital victorireeelved bye into the finals and takes on the current intwimfers Pahry Sound are the Junior champions north Gravenhurat inIthe senior bracket Yest junior game cl thecontest and were hampered to mu time Barrie by bad luck cm past the but Fromthe foul line Barrie drop Ptd 13 points out of 27 while Al listonreceived only 13 triesand managed to sink five The seniors game was likewise close to the half time point with flame being matched most of the way bya atesmined St Andrews elub At th half score was 3533 for BDCIA gdod tbird quarter turned the tide as Craig Cook led the locals for 23i0 advantage Cookwoundup the game with 26 markersaltogethcr as Barrie won going away Shootingfrom the foul line by BDCL was highly erratic and place the boys need plenty man tice from They made justnine for 82 throws awarded St An drews on the other hand totalled good average in recording 26 for Scoring Lineups BDCI JUNIORS Bearcroit Garner Quinlan 19 Page SEE Kaughin Cromarty qlBhnie were entered in the mix ed bonspiel at Lindsay Monday and Tuesday Colts at Orllila OCA Colts district competition was settled Monday at Orillia Rudy Hansens four from Graven hurst emerged in the final with Doug Bottomley of Orillia Eldon Griggformerly of Barrie led for Cravenhurst lhree Barrie rinks were entered as follows Ken LuekJack Hamilton Ken Tread weli Art Powell skip Dr Fred McDowell Harold Smith Har Fred Campbell Yohnny0ugh Bay Living Norris Clarence Win skip This is limited to on rs with seven years or less in mpetitlon Powell lost to Bailey of Gravenhurst 115 in the pre liminary round as Campbell de feated Behan of Drillia 1310 and Wimve eliminated Frank Cur ran of Orillia 159 In first round Ledlowof Orillia beat Campbell 1310 bu Wingrove won his see straght by 125 over Shunn in semi final Uneket Wingrove lost to Bottomley 1412 romeo Kenna Johnston Kershew Amman JUNIOltS sgouna Cameron Robson Beechmi Ferguson Sommervilie mu McDonell ancr SENIORS Moneypfllc Conn 11 Millar10Mull1un Cook 26 Christie Browning Tacihk 12 Thompson ST ANDREWS SENIORS Black 16 Cowen Manning MacKendrlck Weddell Swini den 14 Tejada Thomson Tschudi CFSA Tests Being Held at Skating Club on March 11 Canadian Figure Skating Associ ation tests will be held on Sun day March ii at 180 pm at the Barric Arena About 80 skaters from the local club will be judged on their preliminary ï¬gures and preliminary and junior bronze dances by three judges from Tor onto The club season will mark its closing two weeks later on Sun day March 25 with demonstra tion showing the progress at the skaters Open tothe public with particular invitation extended to parents and anyone interested in figure skating the demonstnn tion will be held between the hours of two and four oclock The club professional Mrs Mar garet Millaris arranging theva gram Harold Cooper 2nd vicepresid ent of the club who has actedas iee captain for the past three years recently resigned due to his working time Since then MrsW Dyment Mrs CKnight and Mrs Craig have been acting as cocaptains Recently skaters from the Bar rie club have been performing at several district ice carnivals Thin teen members performed in the Elmvale carnival on Feb Mar ilyn Smith Donna Smith Margaret Watson Douglas Reive Lillian Bakogeorge Georgina Baltogeorge Marilyn Dyment Marjorie Black Lois Keast Nancy Craig Sue Shan non Mary Landreville and Mrs Suc Emms Marilyn Smith LoIs Keast Nancy CraigSue Shannon and Mary Landreviile skated ih zthe Stayner carnival on Feb10 and Marilyn and Donna Smith Geon gina Bakogeorge Lois Keast Nancy Craig and Mrs Elnms per formed in the carnival at Guthrie on Feb 17 leius flown on Mr may armsJon No question Aaour AxPVAwEs Grnn Giant iiiuv pr acmeh Commas nap Choice ma Pma fCHERRIES blips conï¬rm Siflcilisrn Phone In niaFaveyflavol var amass nu DEL $197 2119 tins Dal 5191 zigzag33 IV on $137 so ssvezé izzioozlins3l save 2o 251d1iii1525s sisgnssa959c anti HARRIN TONreguiai goalie onus1 195m uemmi Cup Barrie Flyersis PWIIKf6r Quebec Aces this season followh ing trlal with Chicago Hawks Harrington was injuredin the playoiis during his ï¬nal junior season and HapElhms obtained Mary Edwards from St Catharine as replacement Last season he guarded the twine for Windsor in the OliA Senior series nam rouzmm rightwin ger tor the Flyers during the 195854 and ms seasons fol ingan early season Cleveland Barons was farmed out to theAeea and is doing we thequebec tensile one ofthe star dorw Vc hockey Newmanet took 39 lead rage of five series by winning last night at Newmarket an anthem doghteatéla lag 3e penis wia takenbytgiliia shutting out the home mm 30 Next game is at sundridgejhursday then Dril linsaturdayf 9HA intermediate series be ing contested between Richmond Hilland 0m got underway Mon day night at Guthrie with Oro taking the int game of the but of five series 74 McLean and Norman each scored twice on the victors salaried tï¬lc mood Hill Thursday 13 home and home round mbm series in intermediate central lestrict hockey is now underway between Beeton Bolton and Aurora top two teams emerg ing from the series to play tor the groupchamplonshi Beetonand Bolton squared in Nobletca playing We tle Beetonhad better oi the leading all way to hold edgewith amlnute to play Both Beeton deieneeinen were theh penalized and Bolton struck for two mark ers and the tie AtBeeton the locals walloped Bolton 31 with Collie Whelan scoring five goals He hasbeen Beetons top scorer all season Big surprise in theii groupwas Auroras wln last night at home against Begton uThe latter heavy gruesome cAGE FLLXERS GAIINJIEAD Camp BordenltCAF Flyers de feated Port Credit Saints last Saturda in the irst game of their total lots interme diate Ci round ayofl Re turn game in this basketbgll ser esisslated for byte Ha Borden Saturday pom with Port Game credit We played zKennedy nghSchooi Credit had Gurle ns DunloplCu Start Semi iiinais COLDWATERColdwatercrus ed Port MeNicoll 122 before 400 fans here Feb 17 to win the drew Dunlop Cup emblematleiof the winner of first jplacc inthe regular schedule of the Eu eoe Rural HockeyLeagu Goldwater was out triet loop ferseveral made triumphant year under th Dunlop Trophy 1955 ied the games fWhen Goldwater and Port Nicolllocked in enmbat in the ciding match tiefor top ace Both offensively and defensively Coidwater she 33 markers Also for Coldwatér Doug Millcr scored three tinie Jerry Belejac Vflashed theyll ice and single tallies were on Beaudoin and hay Coldwater Port MeNieoll Honey Harbor Mo nstone Cooksville For he Fiyars the high seorerrwere Kaulbaéh with 14 Melvin 29 Harris Port with 12 Rog era 11 Brook 00p undefeated until thelast two losing both to Goldwater =it was to brake edby Doug Peden Bill Kih place in their first loansin 21 games this year including uhibltloul Final score wu 64 Aurora were full value for their upset win leading By periods the not was 12 and bully 84 Remaining made the aerlcg will leature Aurora vs Bolton lhuradaynightln Nobleton8ee tonva Aurora inBeeton Satur day night and winding up the mundmbi Aurora va Bolton in Aurora Monday night snowfall Wildlife Com ext game will be gt ons Stated fetus Ontariohnd and Forests Dcpth snow thickness of crust and extent of drifting are important factors to be considered when assessing wfldllte condi tions In most places thesahel ements are unfavorable for th nter survival of native hirds and anlm iii utherll 0n tarlo mow coveri cannheo advantageï¬ Dear rabbits and partrldg quite at home inthelr sheltered retreats in the deepswam where food ls plentiful andhid ing Iplaces are abundant for the than er game This type 01 wild life is adept Vt burrowing the grassroots nd uncovering iety of rootsand seeds dam that acrustis severe on thesnowthat the deer and he bits cannot penetrate it This same snow condition al though favorable to the four legged predator acts as gr deterrent against Natures source of deatruetionthe huntcr Many backroads are now hazard ous to drive upon duejto leeand snow Mpst fields hav to be waded and foot travel is discour aging and tiresome The wooded areas are dee in crustless snow making walk ng impossibleufor any distance except by means snowshoes Even hunting dogs lack the enthust to wallowon the trail for any lengthot ti lntroduced wildlife do not is so wellunder heavy snow or tics conditions For example the via ported ringneek pheasant suffer seriously from apro period of snow cover or bad conditionsand many may die from exhaustion and starvatio Cheslerlieid Slll 133695 995 flvodtï¬ to win thetitlginmered Pp it nuggettr OOONIuaI tsaasa outeru st Wonder Valley admin Shanty any DalstonsRCAFz President inthe Catario ford McBelg Boring Association PreaId tl this year is Prank Bricks Secretarydreasurer oronto Alma mun have inaneled pilns Paul awarding championship belts the variousjdivisionswitn pious required to delend thin three month period series of bampionshlp bouts wil stagedLIn the province with meters requiring OABA san lnsotuasolympie trials are cemed Orv Dash has two and possibly three ready to make the trip These are Don with Kenny Ontario angst lightw 2m champion and perhaps recently for is hprnent of amateurjwflng be ing eleei No of an therw ight Sid Taylor All it boys are expected to Canada iiiriilies Au TickersZnoret AND ALCARIRESERYATIONS sash mun an trim ss omens LIMITED nprN MEMBElt in bur2m