SA nrwnrlrdmm5choola mu neerzuube ter 5min lt Pena 1me Vthefloyï¬victarln Hospital Barrie nn Feb 20 1955 and Mfrs Jack gggdm KEgONAt the VIMOrin ltal mrrie on eta 22 less to Ml endMn M13 ll new rrem 20 1956 £9 Manormen Lamont All Toronto son Rareeke onSunday eh urn OCannor elmed wlie of George Dickinson dear mother at Don ald George Emily and rettu Resting the Pethick uneral Hume lZ BayfleldASt Barrie Funeral Wednesda nt 830 km 10 Mount St ouis Churéh for uiemv mass at 350 lnLermen Mount St Lotus At in home run Gale Monday Feb no 1958 Ddlid Jahnston Jameson in ms Beloved hush dv lizabethGermnn dear lathero Erneslnnd R0 Bar rie Ednn Mrs ng ol London Charles and Coral Mrs Ellink 6i Elmvale Mae Toronto Allccers Hancock Nestletpn Resting nt hrs homewlIillsdalee Funeral Thurs da Feb 235m ll pm Interment Hlllsdnle Presbyterian Cemetery the late father at Charles or Onllw EdWinL at Alllstan Johnjt ox Lotlo Joseph Durham and palm Mrsr Kenn Beau of Themton Resting at ernl Home at Chu tcaskez will be qpen until time of servlge At Lthe pral Victoria ilaLEanie on Tuesday ister tithe late Dr frkpgl ing Résnng g7thï¬edggi unem ome St Enhle the memory oi rt Giljbons passed way Feb21rl943 keen gEvepremrmbe dA Madeline and runny lovin menu Clariï¬e InkleW ny Feb 21 195 nuld by daughter 22 1y usewho havelsuch man 01 121 men home sile For the life lovédsn Alwfl here husband was YD dlyrmlsedvrb manage at lfil Mr Tow mutton 1m kg ll Victorla board Pte Barrie 1958 Miss Elizabeth rple Ave is tmenl law erWave npalntmen 3pm lnMondly mxm ic lorlal story of the Junlor Red CronrmvaiveanymmW nn Taylor wn mittee in arm theva ant ORILIMIfOST OFFICE The near edzrnl hulldi Orillia whl you Ice cu5lonu enable Jum Taylor is Vi urer of theHiflctenSchool com Tnepaoondruolnunnadapt$ at the rally we must for those Wnlilt LTBlhll ortlhe Mondnymeetinglo petition the OnnrtaGovLernmem mu partial on mgewlï¬ Ipn pummugrcrny that judgment Ind whlch were err much appreciated gurw any illness Thong tin wound pwmr térexting snub Mr Cord wing spirit or mammal rmdfmrcnwg Ior nnltthiaan tannin sumac anuruw duo if eh primE Minuteman 3g Lament who id the honour chairman 4kg Conadian 7Conrad Vol mankindJews expressed theiden behind the observance Brothean kinwe the Mattide 121 Our futufedepondiognur Ibillty tailige um wonderful country onlLthuIlflllltlnns and eobper dlvwm whither1i BjfltenLuf the 014m will re Ker oaplhl undergoing rentznent m1 1ng lug retnrnej rm rgpendtng nweeksholii The scliopl rhl eventJtmauéil ought tame pemimsl partchl1 Ire eéteinly meld messed timer overln this land we have Inipur pop will rlchneu owhlchweunnuhe al Sol vxeeqrtlnrdm so Clubkun maxeSIlegaurton AvenueUnited annmhb Spndny Wool room every dny turd tnthe Illilic round end anue mundane 2223 in Tharnuan OrangeHall to But rlorchestrl Lunch coun Aminlon50c 22 hummus Sale turdny Much at Dddfelipwx Temple Soliler Street Doonppenn vAus pica ladle ofst Meryl Church Sldle leklnsdnnu Sta0nd VFeb tn Bent Cgmmunity centre Womensllosplial Auxlllnry nuxl Hones knight Thundly um 50 mm prizes to be drawn agar CKBB between the Munrot 91nd 1030 For further lntarmltlo all 53 014840 NANAIMO CP Gordon Pike tagavwhlles for thelaclflc Blologlnl Station With shot Igurr was nZIOlnch sing stainless ubing bearing serial number into inchwhales back hes aggedsix newso came cPrï¬jk molly naywithldlily Iclty olzpooburelswill go lug tun peop la brill an Friday Feb 24irum 9130 Photo AGRICULTURE MINISTER Ger dlner gt epologized in the Home of Commons allowing appuitlon criticlnm the editing of the official gtrep9rt Mr Gardiner Ind referred in arspeech to thequantity of mrxnrlne us ed by Quebec inrtltutlans The mmiaterJaid Inter that his state ment contained suggestion of lawbreaking tangerine irlex Police car lnhlslil Township will update vulun gt chuk Judy ireelr ursday Fridny end Nu penlltlen will be nttached to th ï¬nding Jlultyeqnlpment drlven will be advised to manure nec usury Idjnrlments aur Llnelnni5fllr operntlon harem month teas crudeilrom the Peace 4mm agar MARKET megs wzngesnnf ran 22 nuns cams nods roman In ranged mm th PnekenpdpntulmBlrflo flog 2350 Sows 1800 nuns Large Pee the Grade Grade Under lbl Grade Grade Grade arraé Dyer lbs FLET EgEctldN oF LIVING RoomnmméROOMANn KITCHENSUIT WM BLOCK AN SAVE