Tnnar LITTLE Mains rno Left to right Leslie Scott PatriciaBoyes and Patricia Hamiltonare the words of K0 K0 in the Barrie District Collegiate InA Hostess Night OCia By JANE Womens Thursday evening March ist Night by the WomensHospitaI Auxiliary of the Royal Vic There will be at least fifty prizes for those toria Hospital taking part in the project whic badly needed hospital equipment Realizing the importance of the most modern operating room cquipmcnt the auxiliary would like to purchase at least one or more items Among the equip ment at present required by the hospital is an autoclave twenty six hundred dollars suction machine two hundred dollars overbed tables stretcher and wheelchair Each guest invited to Hostess Night party contributes fifty aunts and the contributions toge ther with their names and ad dresses are to be delivered not latger than five oclock that even All names of partial ants will be taken to CKBB whzre dliiWS Will take place between eight fortyfive oclock and tenthirty ociock the evening while the parties are in progress If hostesses do not find it 055 Able to hold their partjes on MxiiiCh istciany time afternoonror evenw mg before th abm will be suit tlvontyfour hours hundredand sixt five days year reminds Mrs Illlcffron hostess night convener is everyones interest to see Vgtbhaswthe cquiï¬ment to do the earnes for assistance 75 to you project lOlst Birthday Birthday congratulations extended to former Barrie res dent MrsMary Graham widow pfthe late Archie Graham who wrllpbe one hundred and one years old tomorrow Mrs Graham who resides with her daughter Miss Gra hamhat 84 Deioraine Avenue To ronto still likesto do hit of knitting and is able 10 be about the house and go up and down stairs unaided She also likes to so out for car ride occasionally Mrs Grahams husband was carpenter in Barrie Chnodion Club Speoker Speaker at the Womens Cana dlan Club next Tuesday evening Will be William Courtenay OBE MMa WorldWar Ii newspaper correspondent who hasltravelied gt exten5ivcly as an observer in tile East nearly every year since pic of his address will be teenYears as aWar Corres pondent inthe Pacific am in England and educated at Waliasey and at the University of London Mr Courtenay served in Galllpoli Palestine and Syria the first world war and was awarded the Military Medalat the age of twenty Heiearned to 11y in 1917 and Di ed the Royal Fly soidier airman author war correspondent and world traveller and lecturer in 1941 he was selected by theBri tlsh Ministry ofJnformatlon to be war the emplres pilots in the Battle of Britain atiectures and broadl lasts in coast to coast tours for he services in training and for Kemsley wspapers he was sent with the first American forces to the Pacific where he served four years He was Pacific island landings and at the signing of surrender terms aboard the Missouri in i945 cierrespondent for the three years 1950 to 1953 War Office panel of lecturers and has very wide experience in this lfield both in the United Kingdom and States Hillcrest Schoo ginning at 830 has received word mention which the provincial association has just awarded to Barrie District Coll egiate Institute student Miss Ro bin Hutton of Angus prize felt that it was of such excellence recognition GradeTwelve at the collegiate was Why Want To Become Nurse age participants to enter the nurs ing profession And that felt the for any student proyince are being entered national competition good in the and acts ke warmerLater it can spend the summer at of shorts stituteGiee Clubs production ofihe Miln ado being staged in the school auditorium on the evenings of Thursday and Friday March Mid ancr comr Clhb SCHOOL womensi Institutes Co KINDS Editor gt is being set aside as Hostess European Travel Talk Highlight Of Wl VProgram Simeoe Countys recreation diré color Miss LoulseColley who made trip to Europe last sum hc first lecturer sent out officialmer was speaker at Stroud Wo to the United States during the mens ihstitute International lie related an account of Day meeting last Thursday even Her audience included lgucstii from Painswick and Littles Hill branches Stroud Gay 49ers Club the Federation of Agriculture and Knock Sowing Circle Jravois in Scandinavia and Eng land had heightened Miss Colieya interest in arts and recreation In herrinleresting and educational talk she described her initial im pressions of Tweed and Stock ihoim where she first became fac quainted with the Swedish way of life The wonderful playground system in both Sweden and Dell mark had beenadmlred by the visitor In the latter country play grounds for 400 children operate from April to November The arts and crafts in allScan countries were to tion of the peoples distinctlv gifts felt the recreation director She told of an unique plastic pool sunk ina lake forswimmlng in Sweden and described the beautiful trees and cottages that adorn the landscape Among the many activitiesen joyed by both young people and their elders are boating outdoor concertsfoik dancing etc each year raises money for be public As war orrcspondont for the present at eighteen He returned to Korea as war the Korean campaign from Mr Courtenay is on the British in Canada and the United The meeting is being item in Auditorium be oclock Essay contest The Womens Hospital Auxiliary that honorable in the essay contest completed has been Willie the essay did not win the Ontario headquarters tricts where there are special courses for adults Throughout her address she stressed the natural beauty of Europe praising also the creative developments picture scrapboo ofher traA vets proved very interesting Mrs Harold Wallace and Mrs Craig unter wereconveners of the International Day program but it should be accorded this The writer is in The subfcct of the essay contest It was hoped that writ ng such an essay would encour ssociation would be quite prize an outstanding person ivlng in the world today and his oi her homeland Mrs Hunter spoke on the motto it seems improbable Two winning essays in each in oils will attain peace until each man in his treats all men delightful STRIPED rLANNEi striped wool flannel blazeris country with skirts little coat for city the weather gets as his brothe vocal solo SMem orles was sung by Mrs Fox Ggodfeilow introduced the speaker heaths en he beach with pair Sunshine Box pare ckup and DeliVery 553 living mined gpoln eats wares ihla wan ethinltimeavialt hade made becauae curious to attend that clinic that the family be xnycd Before the public health none left the office was reported that the family had new baby This was llkelyvlhy they hadn tendcdciinl nosed ashvine tuberculosis and their contacts are anaapeet ofthe program that hascurrently been reviewcdby the senior nursing Eï¬mfthc Simeoe County Sealth notice of patient being dis charged from the sanitarium is received thotrim health nurse plans toviait home before this pemdn arrivm and within month after his discharge Attended Clinlc on the nursearrived at the home she found that theiln who had previously been with this familyrlaad moved out Left to themselves the fam ly was more friendly and said they would come to themt clinic The did is mother had been patient wh Lowe laws for sick members The secret treasurer is attending congl ence at the Ontario Agricultural lCloilo in Guelph on May it and The Institute Variety Concert at Stroud on Feb 28 was announc ed Another program will be pre aented at Bond Hand on March Ar donation of $10 was made to the Hospital for Sick ChildrenI Toronto Mrs Russell Lowcry gaven ris port on the executive meetingnt Cookstown social hour and refreshments closed the evenin I955 Highlights Are Reviewed At Insiiiuie Meefing The regularvmoeting of Hollows Womens Institute was held on Wednesday Feb 15 at the home 1fMrsArt Wrighf with 12 mem bars in attendanc Mrs JRum the president was Roli call verse poetryr was Vernon gave highlights of 1955 in the local as sarved Roll call was answered by naming gt giatany nation or group of na Members were reminded to quite interesting The fmotto the month was gt likeJam you cant spread it but getting some on yourse Le send the secretary Mrs Evans to conference at pAC Gueip Quilt blocks were handed to the sewing committee by the to be made up shortly The meeting was charge of Mrs Vernon historical research and current events convener Mrs Carr read aninteresting article the motto showing that wealth hotessentlal to happiness bu that sharing doubles it rs resume of the weihrs the national field Each member readan ltern or two per taining it the topic of the day Mr and gave alhurnlorousre citati which was enjoyediby ll contest waswon by Mr Pllll Wright The national anthem brought the meeting to close Lunch was by the hostess and her committee wn mind and heart ft airflowgent1 Iia illness is vvith rs of thanks were readlor eéeleï¬lt was decidedclo memberswfor the Red Cross quilt watched inched ehil and urns toth this tard me ilymee rm co ofreguiar chat Xrayaand needfar ade iihuate restandnnurlsbing food so ttbemoiher will not re admittcdand the children will not evelop airmg Not Easy Talk With them it is not an only basic We may In with at least one of thefour involved but this no should develop condi tion eeding hospitalisation there will be good chance of finding it my wubkm Cosmetics Talk is GivenTor Venture Club The thchnturoclnhiahcidlast Wedn clinici is held reports with re commendations lrom aanitarium doctor anlveémfomeuuéu an ii hyxlnian up an requ lilellnedieal officer of health to re serve bed in the nnitarium At other ting the publicheaith nursevlle1 toiexplain the report lathe famuytoclcar up misunder standings etc and to enlist the cooperation of the family Public health nursermade Altogether the nurses of the health unitmad 40 home visits regarding tubercu osis specifically in January Changes lnCllniea Che o£ clinics were also engineered where possible so that therewere chairs for people to sit on and nurse could talk to patient in some privacy when necessary Four hundred and 38 peopl at tended thel5 clinics held month Five werescrccnlng clin ics where there was no doctor attendance and small Xrayon was done Theseciinies take care of the ycarly examinations of school teachers food handlers many contacts of piitients with diagnos jbrive an ordinarynall lhiough ii and into the dean ngea till the physical setup muscular pain mltmr ISom muulas ina lotnls mm mum Etileillc en mi bell It Conuins genuine seal oil nnms own penetrating healing on Rub an mum Cough and colds loo Canaaai pen name may to cats Al you me new if you need extra ooks in side closet doors Codi hangers iookneatandi are kinder layour clothes than metal hooks Molsons CROWNANCHOR BREWERY LIMITED ION OHIO 1Monéy everyjmonila gt provided by the disability beneï¬t uday evening the home of lies Myrna SynnottDunlop Malhoiiand of total of 201s visits of all kind in January Twentyfour child health conferences werecondueted with total attendance of 809 cflliileï¬siurfuce Flob if to Pace=4 In TILE Llusf Iidinrll On qudens Like Tile Here is the fastest easiestand most economical way to gctra tilefinish floor Just pour LIQUID Tu out of the can and smooth it on brush or roller Ibis way you got tileï¬nish floor price of paint Chemically tho is paint LIQUiD TILE is more than paint ltrsmootlu out rough rpots ï¬llsmclgs and aevicu You can put on uncuy Ind it will still dry thoroughly Alsono is needed sin ly it air with 11 bare concrete wood or over old cation ouanr nliha gallon quan wARli room 243 you 31 humor sic Amy HARD whithffhrtizndpely he had itwo pokmteillzn his life iflsurarzce gtWhenea nings arestopped fryalong spcll of ness ncomc must he provided from some source tollclp meet home cxpens 310le IN Alflfl HowYou Can Have Pmf with wearing forms of tile Goes directlyon all floors over coat of the new fraction Good for walls too my