wwwmmarmmu Du wa aurymdadad darkcw civicx1 By BOY DBEBGE Canadian Press staff Writer OTTAWA Feb CHPrime Minister Eden had two busy days of discussions with Prime Minis ter St Laurent and other Can adian leaders in Ottawa this week during his fiveday stay in the capital which started laat Friday night He addressed Joint ses sion of Senate and Commons on Monday Sir Anthony said on arrival by air from Washington that he had many matters but no problems to talk over lie told reporters he had had most useful talks with President Eisenhower in Washington and added it was pleasure to be back in your great country He was last hero as foreign secretary with Sir Win ston Churchill in 1954 British Foreign Secretary Sei wyn Lloyd flew in shortly after from Chicago where he had spok en earlier and said on landing that he looked forward to the dis cussions with Canadian leaders Mr Lloyd said have the highest respect for Prime Minis tcr St Laurent He is oneoï¬the great statesmen of the world to day Mr Pearson external af fairs minister is an old friend of mine and we have worked to gether for seVerni years As matter ot fact he kept me in or der when he was president of the United Nations general assembly Russian Trade Talks Ottawa also had visitors from Russiaa sevenvmnn delegation of Russian trade officials who arrived last week to open negotia iions for CanadaRussian trade treaty Russian ambassador Dmitri Chu havin posed affubiy with Sergey oiLHEAT Awluderofthed¢ler MMWWMM odianotfieials The Russians In conducting negotiations with Canadian mop headed by Mitchell Sharpe associate deputy tipde minister meeting in the main conference room of the East Block Negotia tions were expected to continue several days linen effort to con clude trade truly the possibil ity of which was first broached by Mr Chuhavin more than year ago Policing Middle East Possibility of Canada cootri buting part of an international police force to keep the peace be tween Israel and Arabarmies was discussed by External Affairs Minister Pearson in Commons last Wee He said during closing stages of twoday debate on external af fairs that there is much to be said tor police force under the Un ited Nations armistice commis sion to keep the peace in that area Mr Pearson said he knows UN secretarygeneral Dag Hammarsk lold has considered the proposal and if it were put before the UN am sure this country as well as other countries would wantto do what they could to put it into effect He made it clear he retcrred only to police force to patrol zone between lsrael and Arab forces It should not try to guar untee existing frontiersbecause the Arabs did not accept them as tinal and would oppose the UN guaranteeing them During the debate Progres sive Conservative noncontidence motion was defeated 152 to 64 The motion disapproved of Can adian arms shipments to lsrael and Egypt and accused the gov ernment of lack of candor in its handling of the topic in parlia ment somewhat similar CCF motion was defeated 200 to 19 Opposition Leader Drew said the shipment of nearly $3000000 worth of Canadian arms to Egypt and lsrael in the last two years was cynical outrageous tran OCFlada Cowa iiysidetnckod the vemmatts icsialation to ratify edeni slur ontce hank loan man discomfort tea the voteby to 39 mos ore already being maJleand the bill will be retro ac vc The vote did not me defeat of the government in eff it stop ped committee discussion of the loans resolution and the commons passed on to miution prelim inary in second bill to permit treasury payment of storage charges on wheat carryover en ceeding 178000000 bushels Trade Minister Howe soon put the Commons back on the track the government wishes it to fol low by moving for halt on the storagegaymcnt discussion This time Li erals called in from of fices and residences during the luncheon adjournment gave the government margin of 109 to 11 Wheat Payments The Canadian Wheat Board will make an interim payment of 522 000000 later this month Trade Minister Howe told the Commons last week The paymenton Western de liveries in the 195455 crop year wiil be limited to higher grades of wheat it will he the first payment madeon the wheat since the farmers delivered it to the elevators and is the latest in Ierim payment ever madeby the board About 311 per cent of the 318 451000 bushels delivered during the crop year will be excluded in share of the boards coming dis tribution Mr Howe said returns from sale of the excluded wheat No and feedgrades did not justify an interim payment CCF Motions Lose CCF motions on corporation in come tax and small loan interest rates were defeated in the Com mons last Thursday bill of Stanley Knowles CCFWinnipcg North Centre aimed at removing secrecy from tan Gibbons and Item Wice at tended meeting at Bethel Bapv tlstChurch in Oriiiia Rev Neill and family entertained them to picture Rev Mr Neill is fun out in chalk art At Faneni Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman Mr and Mrs OConnell Mr and Mrs Cliff Webb Frank Cow an Mrs Dora Martin John and Wayne Mrs Bruce Wice and Mrs Herb Shannon went to Orillin Saturdayto attend the funeral of Miss Carrie Levering Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs William Ford vis ited with Kelceys Sunday Paterson and Eula of Mea ford visited with Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman recently Mr and Mrs Reid and family and Mr and Mrs Rice and fam ily all oi Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Wes lhgg Sunday corporation income tax returns was defeated by 150 to 18 on sec ond readingapproval in prin ciple Hazen Argue CCEAssiniboia presented abill which would have set maximum i2 per cent inter est on all loans it went to the bottom of the list of private mem bers bills on i31 to 72 vote fav oring government motion to ad journ debate on HISTORIC FORCE The first member of the original Northwest Mounted Police was signed in at Winnipeg in 1813 CHRISTMAS BOXES Boxes hilng in churches for giits for the poor to be opened the day after Christmas led to the name Boxing Day YOUICAN SAVE UP To For limited time only we will install an automatic oil furnace with all wiring and 200 gallon tank for only 91800 BTU for hearingup ma room home While making changeovervfrolii present you the least inconveniences New Door week in new on room lfbme will cost approximately $1200o to hislalliiiioii To in older hurriesvtfill cost approximately 515000 extra litesent illici Walk $5000 iv itinerant heating system loss of heat willvbe minimized to govt hours to cause Wewlll install conversion unit including 200 galloh tankliook up to your present furnace for only been aliaed ia Camp Borden recently with bronchial pneumonia has duties again on Monday Butor Card Party Several from the community It tendcd the card party in Baxter Hall last Tuesday night which was sponsored by the Baxter Home and SchooL Bed Cross ited Crest meeting was held in the seniorroom of the local school last Friday Mrs William Aldersnn of Allis ton spent coupleof days recent ly with Mrs Thomas Hood Weekend Guests Guests of Mr and Mrs Roland Munroe at the weekend were his brother and family Mr and Mrs Munroe and daughter Gail of Bronte and his parents Mr and Mrs Munroe of MountForrest FredBrayford of Alilston spent theweekend at the home of Mr and liars Wï¬i Benderson Weekend With Parents John Buyers of Guelph spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr and lira Lorne Buyers Guests of Mr and Mrs Everet Rutters on Sunday were Rev Broudsema of Barrie and and Mrs John Coiyn of near Cookstown WAnMERZmaA The Gulf Stream warms ocean waterias for as 280 miles above the Arctic circle in Norway AMBBR RCA VICTOR THE DRISCOL IREGULAR 3995 the Shopping aredrastically educedj riiirmniirmi xlllilllliVlIN initiation1 released and commenced ammisnor mosses Most Rev Maurice Roy Romancatholie Archbishop of Quebecblesses wouio CONVERT MARSHES INTO CATTLE RANGES SACKVILLE NB ran cr newspaper editor proposes that this bustling college town he turned into cow town of courscthis has nothing todo With the college mini of thetveekly Sackvllle TrlbnncPost sees New Brunswick as apotentlal rangd forgood cattle But instead prairies the cattle would thrive on marshiands He told Board ofTrade meet ing that 25000 acres of marsh lands could support20000 head of cattle and make the Tantramar region fof New Brunswick the LOGGER$ loggers dur ing visit to lumber camp near Quebe City The Pope recently named Royas Primate of Canad Archbishop greatutprimeybeef centre of the maritimes The federal and provincial gov eminent spent $500000 reclaim ing marshlands during the last few years he said and this is promoting one of the greatest industries we could hope for die it Sackville could become the town of beef in the Mari mes Lets makoit cow town pesos nEnroï¬ ram Wallace Hayes was elected president of Beeton Agricultural Society fora twoyear term The annual meetinghad the largest attendance in many yea saloon ELEMENT Members over 70 years olage comprise 13 percent of the ILS senate and seven per cent of the house of representatives MODEL 1711641 This exceptionally low priced table model brings you the sparkling perforrhanee thats way ahead in its priced field PRICE INCLUDES SWIVEL BASE 3a 9164952 iiiiiiiinfiiiiiis harem Coops TV technicians is highly trained experts thus when you buyat Coop you are assured or the finest service available act now during ed flair gt ï¬abintsmoo ago console Moallisvlloine Service 17 risanso 229 Mount zinc172 Heres ultrasophisticat from dramatic side bevelsr to brass tipped feet fDeeplm boree while prices REGULAÂ¥399357 19935 siivicosinisrniuron RCA VICTOR THE BARTRAM parlor Vi oreflafmaAYs UNTIL 9065 ism RCAyicroii THE LAKE MODEL 2410243 mance in valuothe budget easy TV plus an onion no meEiiMunHFofl ending 24Deep Image exquisite consoiette styling REGllLAlt 136995 sire 711nm 95 TliETliniSMlllii ammo me unima Saltvices wllERLETPAkKING Is No PROBLEM