Dance at CGE mix swansa By IAN ramps Womens Editor Mr and Mrs John MitehlnSon were cordial hosts at the dance in the Canadian General Electric cluhrooms iollowv ing Wednesday eveningsichdmber oi Commerce dinner IASoclzalw Muslojor dancing was provided bythe works orchestra Ali oi the ladies were wearing the carnation comges presented to them as they entered St Jo sephs Auditorium where the an nual dinner was held Honor BridelElect Bciore her marriage to Currie Powell which will take place on Monday morning at St Marys Church Miss Margaret McKinnon runuc RECOGNITION Courteous Attention Vigi lant Supervision Unhurried Direction and Modern Equip ment are choracteristicdea turcs at our service which have gained public favour and recognition LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME 30 Worsley SI Ill 5553 has been entertained by many friends Among the parties given in her honor was an evening gathering at the home of Mrs Heliron on Muicastcr Street where number oi iriends presented the brideeleet with an electrical ap plianee and silver tray There were closeto thirty guests pres en Presiding at the ten table which was centred with an ar rangement of pink and white gmums was Mrs John Powell mother oi the groomelect Assisting the hostcss were Mrs McKinnon mother oi the brideelect Mrs Joseph Bsiie Mrs Robert Bibby and Mrs John Smithu Mrs George Anderson and her daughter Miss Christine Ander son entertained at their home on Clapperton Street at pantry shower There were about twenty guests present for the evening MrsPowell and Mrs llthinnon poured tea Assisting with the serving at refreshments rwerc Mrs Emma Jones andiltrs Kari Marshall Mrs Frank Murphy entertained at her home on Dundonald Street in honor of the brideclect About sixteen iricnds were in attend ance and during the evening Miss McKinnon was presented with gift irom the group Fortieth Anniversary Mr and Mrs James Paddison were entertained by their iamiiy and neighbors at Suunidalc Cor Ydur Friendlï¬lDA Drug Store lliiY llVlllGSlnli DRUG STORE ve them rtelevlaio ha spent their rmarrted lite in Sunnidale where 431 groom oi iortyyéus ago still armband Theyhave iive daughters Mrs Clarence Giiroy lira William Kane Elmer Frenchand Mrs Rudolph Ravmot Stayner and Mrs Patrick Fountain at 02 iiiia and twoIons Joseph and Keith or Stayner Arthlrd son Robert was lost in action over seas during the Firm Entertainments Mrs Hartley Tuck entertained on Tuesday evenlngat shower for Mrs JamésAnZeioiL Among theguests were Mrs Cameron Stewart and Mrs Michlt ael Stoyanoti from Toronto 0th eis in attendance were Mrs Roi bert Hunter Mrs Johnliciad den Mrs Byron Mayor Mrs Ross Ronald Mrs Lloyd GoheenMrs Jack htattcnley and Mrs Mob rill Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter entertained last Sunday tor Mr and Mrs Cameron Stewart who are now making their home in Toronto Leoving ForSouth Mrs Lucas leaves this evenin irom Malton Airport for Florida She is travelling with Mrs Reynolds oi New York and Toronto They will be spend ing the month at February at the Ormond llotel Ormond Beach At Parliament Opening Mr and Mrs Warren Wilgar and Mr and Mrs Harry Michie were guests at George John ston MPP ior Simenc Centre and Mrs Johnston at the opening at the Ontario legislature on Tues day aitcrnoon Ailerwards they attended the tea and reception mm Arron The lira Golder meeting oi thenewyear was held at the home oi thedistrict commluion er Mrs Frank Carter Eugenia Street There was good attend ance fihe meeting opened with the Guide Promise and the mlnuta oi the last meeting were read by the secretaryAtreasuror Mrs Ivan Gnstaison Mrs William Parr has accepted this oitice in place of MrsGustatdon who resigned at the meeting Two new Guldera wore wei comed into the sisterth at Guides during the evening enjoin oi thsloctl associa tion and the Golder Club Mrs Carter presented Mrs Guataison Who is leaving Barrie with an en graved copper rose bowl and candlestiek holders iteireshineanwcre served The next meeting will he held at the home at Mrs Leonard Wil son 81 Pcnetang St on Feb given by His Honor Lieutenant Governor Louis Ereithaupt and Mrs Breithaupt TRY AN EXAMNEBNVANT AD PllDNE Mil ronsxrnne norm wont PillINCH idfllilllS gt noooagï¬ossoro lineman is Bradiord St rowersu WHAT Doss THE BIBLE SAY LISTENEVERY SUNDAY 945 om Mission Band Honors Retiring ihe Coronation Minion Band otcoiiler Street United Church held ita February meeting last Wednuday under the direction oi its new superintendent lira Bruce Neabiit Twentwa children between the ages oi our and to were present The redrlng superintendent His Ronald Pile waspresented with little Japaneseornament by her daughter Carolyn on be hali oi the mission band in ap preciation of her very able leader ship during the past three years She will be greatly missed at the meetings Carol Shepherd was in the chair and Susan Rodgers read the mlnlt utes oithe last meeting Car olyn Pile gave the treasurers rc port The service was in chargo oi the work and worship twins Pegy Westerman and Bonnie Butiey who read the scripture and announced the two hymns Bruce Steel and Julie Smith as sisted by taking up the collection Hflppy Birthda was sunglo those members with hlrthdays in February Nancy Hall Gerry Quinn Roger Pile Dana Mc Dowell and Mrs Ronald Pile ai ter which thtI group divided for the study periodvahout little Japanese girl called Yasuko The leaders prepared pictures in tlze form oi Kamishibai to il lustrate their story and these were later colored by the chil dren there is no obligation to buy Fabulous Savings On luxury iurs Contemplating new his coat or this year or lol the years to come BE WISE hny now at substantial saving during our Greatest Fur Sale Ever inspect our large selection oi Fine Fun to suit every budget minim TRADEIN ALLOWANcgzs small deposit will hold your selection tin tii waated No service or storage charge BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE narrles Local Exclusive Farrier Who Makes and Sells Furs Only BARBIE Wiggins Fu IS TORONTO iN nitrous25 btiNLor 51 TELEPHONE 4m Mmhr letail rumu mind ema antraunn lured lurla chamber 91 cummm vanoES EFFECrnnz mtms asst our WAGSTAPFES 4401 lar RASPBERRY JAM crimes BEANS rmsarrsszsa test our runner PENETANG ST Gunners 151 BRADFORD ST Platinum 50 ESSA TED 20013 tira with PORK as Bayileld Next to yams WE PICKUP AND DELIVER 1003 PRESCEWQN 3551 our pkg AWASHDAY WONDER gt oak mm Vim7 BEST auv SFnbuiousFlavoura Mflllillicll SPONGE PUDDINGS FEATURE WAGSTAFFES 24 oz sInAWBEtItl in 39c mailman also warm rt oi as Tennis 7791 LBS more ï¬sherman contra BEEF 12 or an 39¢ FEATURE BED vb WHITE 11 oz GATSIIP 210 Sour enormous AMP to 05 TomaloSou Her wssrows Pgt crackettes Bear 75 Honey Ogtivl wait Libbys 17 Peas cake Mix V35e Srléaadalnrown Mabel go Numi Wazauii om ilGrapehnlt 249 Tea Bags Marmalade Lindy supremo 16 oz AUNT MARYS SLiCED Samoan orlitontenao Ds waiieneansziorizsc BREAD AF15 IcE CEAMfgsl oven Mitts W59 Yeliow 12 Splines 2M 29 cheesecloth Little National Pachet gt Matches Hypiifé 25 Tealowelsv menu inimquld lgetlu Detergent 41 cleanser Saratoll wait 15 Potato chip prepVMusfaIdy asrzm QUALITYQMEATS Switt remnrn Us na ECTS AGAINST JAMS LEGSFELZLRI nonmaamcr sum SwiltsPrenahmar lender Graven lb ll ï¬llgcdgfrgmugehsud or flouting Raff conAGE inous lb are Montana 39 APPLES sPINAcH gt In Cello Emwnmmdd Serve Hater Cold Delicious Cooked Loai lb Beehive corn Syrup Beehive corn Syrup NowMore miles per dollarplis iaSter starts withg NewHigherpremiun Octal Bl ESUNC aunt PRIMED or winterjdrivias Pickles lb naono cup 33 SMARTt MODERN DESIGNS yinam 19c each3 nnnsms tsrniNG okooMs 999 RED wrurn Evan hm MILK gtVlriiEs INSTANTLYg WARMS UPVi=AST 14 My 72 SWSAGE err style lb ea SIriiIs Premium no