Wanton1151er WWW 3312 to Jrlingual tor The ï¬rst party at 15 were ï¬ivend to the iollowing the ry meetingwaï¬ Rev vmer lm In rank Godtrey Ln and Les Slnktd were in charge at the non Clarence wmmiicooduct the 16th meeting lar notice board made by club In rsme be tattered ion1e ton church AW tteehelded hoesnot nmwg hkrvugaubhï¬m Junie fluctuates an 1111le Minister lutYork Teenfltvp and the other Inva llll einment who were nreaeat We thlt th ill to mum cm was annivebtaryJmlkd eiruer of ammunition at no eluh Later on ï¬rm eveningah ell wue conveyedh tinyi lJatdeta mlnation dance or held and by he lamth was directed to winners were Lore to Courtney and tend condolences to the broil Alan Martini Mrs Milton Eplett who outed We would like to thank our cha away suddenly WillEr perones or the evening Biey were Lionhreprcsentattve on ntty Centre Board Dick Cutlerand Clark seyioour from the Junior Chamber him mescc roqu 1ka Ina Some special enterth than coiawaurlunkusrwiex an or provided or us by Seam 80 Iracddwlgu plum parka Gregor Shadanceddier ï¬nalise that his wallet containing as meat 01 on What amoral iambmWLmd been 5mm Morning Toonkyouyvery much watt Mb one withveethr Mittens autumn or other CHXNGE 6r nan om his clothes inalinz in the Sand dressing roam The nextdance will he held on ihe ristinoa rate or Black Saturday Feb Ken Jocksohitella Hellcbore withevergreen lid elm Girl us it will be Sock and Swéatcr mailmann native former ngwalsr griiiflih lowers inwinter TGIhiai wasm ï¬gï¬mm ngmrmlchmh and iruit livestock and poultry Tommm on Jim 21 Mi Isabel class workand emits ondlspeeiais Manhunt My rm School Fair winominous wtlnné Founwlnk me Yemeni part of Huronio Annual Fall Fair that maxwanttheirmuabandsitoi mwwi mm and up Scot 1012 155a Juanqemmt bcubmiasive hut nottoopaear For Prompt courteousflscma Mummymm The up committee is made up at Mrs She likesvthe ideaJdL Wm Mime In Toronto Aundmi Lovoring chairman Dr beinga lamb lnwoifaclothinl um cinema from ccmwMcr Hughes Mrs Lane Mrs Car Nnotoanlt New were xviis Charles Galbraith mi mm mm SEW Rpm hon Delivery within50 Ill Hazel Vollink Mr and Mrs Alvln ï¬x E5v Elbe 8319 Galbraith andnd Mrs Archie Gnl Mrs Amber Comm Mm bum and Dan Galbraith Sam Reid Mrs Cecil Robinson and Mom To IA Mrs Danby On theassist BUY UNDER BIIDGEI schoollntr Price List ant management committee are run Copies of theHurania School Rev 11 Cumming Mrs on to 32000 home improvement rah irlze list are being distrib Rose Cecil Robinson Mrs Walter uted to schools in the district Levering Mrs AE Hughes Mrs gt whose pupil take nurtln thecom AruinEplett Mrs George DevflL petitions at the annual air at Colde Records committee is Miss Cui water The list outlines the Lime lbert Mrs Doric Cooke Rev game to placing exhibits and the Cummlnz Mrs Carmanhobtnson 58 ELLEN ST BARBIE prizes ouered ior compfctitlon iii ï¬arédftiornlmittee 0251561 L21 um grade and classes or scioo on airman oyd with BEHEEJU 33 mg mm mm veletablcs by MPP Steve Erodcur Jack Dunlap 5mm mm Merci Furthlci discussion waslréld at gt spoon schoo board meeting 7v gt Monday night into the problems AL 6H1 OW vSWOFWAT arising from the autpension at AWN construction on the incwnpubiic 0N school The board wishes to linil gt out it it is responéiblcinlny was for accounts not paid by the lual contractor who Was dismissed by the bonding company To help trustees in studying issues the sec retory was authorized to obtsin copies thePublic School Act Department of Education Act and School Administration Act All trustees attended but Donald Gal hralth The school board anti mates that liens will total 510000 injan and this proves the case r7 funds avaliablélroin holabarksana contractorsI drawsnot paid would meet the situation Liens already tiled against the building for accounts owing bythe tanner con tractor Deaner amount in $416724 Included are Phillip Carey Co Ltd for routing $1 37122 Roberts and Sullivan 111 or subwntract for rooï¬ng 31¢ l855t Theiss Machinery 00 Or illia for cement blocks $87595 Champlain ReadyMix Or lia for poured concrete $60954 John Haan Everett for wages $6800 spacessoaro rvdesoasz APPLIANCES AND TELEVISION lztnunlorisi Telephone 5231 Westenbrink Allisteri wages $5700 Councillor Charles Wadge representing the village council said the trustees should obtainvex pert legal advice before taking any action regarding the new scnouL Secretaty William Harrie was 13 structed to try to arrange maul ing with Paul Copeland0rillia lawyer appointed by the Board to advise in the situation The new school is boarded up with care taker on hand maintaining term pnrary heat Further construction awaits appointment ofanew con Heres wonderful dress to wear or almost everydaytimc occasion Its classic llnéa Irédl ways smart allaways flattering to you ï¬gure the graceful yokes ontwdice and skirt your Iavnrite detau Sew it in winter cotton soit woolsoo pmttyl Pattern 4733 Misses siiu 12 14 16 18 20 40 Size 16 takes yards attainchaabtic Ihis pattern easy to use simple to sew is testedtor tit Eascom plate illusrrateahinstrmuons Send IHmlYaFlVE cams acto th bandin com an ey 35c in coins flstartinst cannot the accepted or spatter11 Prnt 159 E15 CANADMNP°W plainly SIZE NAM ADDEEss tgiomwmm EL wnLrHAr potential water power resoun mm mm bIDNT TAKE ces Canada ranks ï¬lth in the Sendorder to ANNE ADAMS ULQNG World in ta installed hydroi care The Barrie Examiner Pat electric paclty Canada rank tern DeptqldD Front St Weat second only to theUnited States TorontpOnt gt WAIT UNTIL and if your carrier boy has not arrived then VV Mill oSlllJitGAIN Startfllay Novor took Bock hian normal baby cbink is born with attullbin lirge live and eat and grow SHURGAWChickStarter aontaliiaexactly the rent nutrients to sustalnand stirnulate tremendo hrthhi Af highefficiency Iteed ShivaGAIN contains high amounts at protein vitamins minerals and triod energy to produce 25 per cent more groth start earlier matutit Waen chicks grow asteroid mature 6h the re tea to produce ems soonerto start making yen in Getyour chicks ongo flying start Chick starter muslin