Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1956, p. 6

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YeareNo l0 92 The Fivré Menage From Nov until date in Jenuary 180 persons had died in fires across thecountry possibly the greatest toll of any winter in Canadas history Meet of the victims per ished in blazes which swept their homes and more than half of them were children This is grim total But even more grim is the statement of fire experts that many of these lives might have been saved nadxpro per precautions against fire been taken De fective wiring and heating equipment and careless smoking are listed as the main causes of the fires in Ottawa alone house fires wipedbut ninellves in January in two days and eight of the victims were children few days later mother and six children last their lives at Marmora in the Peterborough area This brought to 63 the number of persons who died in Ontario fires since Nov the highest provincial total in Canada Thirtytwo of the deaths were in the Ot tawa district and residents of the capital bombarded the electrical inspection of On tario Hydro with some 50 calls day com pared with two or three day previously What can be done about it Fire authorities any fire prevention must begin at home They advise family dis cussion about steps to be taken in on emerg ency There should be regular inspection of heating and wiring facilities an absolute ban on smoking in bed or while lying down to rest No no should trytobe an am ateur eiectrioi ii If something needs fix ing call an expert Gordon Shorter chief of fire researchfor the National Research Council says the home owners greatest menace is the it cant happen here attitudeor the would know what to do attitude He warns that persons especially chil dren awakened byiire are drugged with sleep and their thinking is foggy Children are especially prdne and will open any door in efforts to escape That explains why many little bodieshas been found in burnedout cupboards Panicky thoughtless action is disastrous when fire strikes and no dnaknows when or where itmay strike Being preparedzmnvpavecyiiur life An Experimental Stage Many Canadiansmay havefthe mistaken impression that economic electricitypro ducing atomic power stations are just around the corner for this country Nothing could be farther from the truth The mostoptimistic forecast byresponsible scientists is that this goalWill not be reach ed untu at least 1983 or 1964 Belief that we have reached the era of economicallypriced atomic power appar ently has been created by announcements that Canada the United Kingdom and the United states are planning to build atomic power plants It has been strengthened by Russian report that the Soviet already has astation operating However Canada the us and the UK have made vltclear that their projected plants are experimental The Russiansvaiso admit that theirs does not produce economic electricityu Purpose of these projects is to give scien ists the knowledge required to build atomic power plantsthat wiii be paying proposi tlons Scientists know it is possible tohar ness the atom for cheappower but they still must solve mazeof engineering problems preventing immediate realization of this objective Except for the stationlin Russia the err perimentai reactors willnot be in operation until late in 1957 or 11958 They will have mine operated for two orthree years to give scientists the information they need toibuiid large stations cap bl producing power economical Once thisdata is vailableflit wiii take per cent in lBM Nor is there any indication when mommy emberrodueed Iatrrom five to seven mills kilowatt hour bysteam plants using coal Any high cost for cheapcoal and other thermal implants would not be Tho UK and other countries ellmy he aheadofcanadainstartingtousetheatom to produce electricity It will he economics for them to operate plants whichproduco power at cost greatly in excess of five or seven mills kilowatt hour OFOTHiERS CBC Need Not Apologize Owen Sound SimTimer Thc Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has an nounced that its second experiment in udmollelh vision will be in April and May of this year it is esiirnrnd that soosehoou in an l0prdvlncel will view the series of program OPINION iherc irnoneed for the CBC to apologetleally call its programs In experimcn otherzthon to placate feelings of people who are not ilready familiar with what one radio and televisionhu already done ingtthe educational field Of court schools have usedpiciurcsboih stills and movie for year as visualaids to education Nneduoaior would dare to deny their value Before the advent of television CBC radio has long conducted both educational promInt and daytime programs aimed specifically at schools and at prTschooi children Therehave all been luclt cos Recently we saw two afternoon CBC ielevision programs not planned for schools in which Percy Sellanan Toronto weatherman explained certain scientific principles to children As demonstration it was unsurpassed it was good teaching entertainment What can be more delirabie in educationAlien to unite learning fun Target of too many brickbats the CBC provides service iothe Canadian people whidiUs radio and televlgion is notdoing norwiii it to any extent as long as it is operated primarily for prom it is well thateduoation he not neglecfed as Canadian television continues its phenomenal de velopment Iiloday Toronto is surpased only by London England ew York and Hollywood in the production ofielevirion Ihow wesuueat the Toronto product is decidedly superior to that in the United Slates Therefore it ls pleasing to learn that something more in the way of educational progrunisis bei lanned chum ns iohenesi Canadlon Farmers AskeJusticen ss London Efren Press Ontario cannot hope ioehjoy continuing pros perity if group as large and vital as our farm populaubu fails to share it Nor can we continue real democracy there are secondc1 citizens Accordingly the Ontario Federation Agricub iure did service to the whole communi by re senting comprehensive brief to the Ontario abe him wide range of subjects was chveredand it is admitted that not all lie within the jurisdiction of the province Nor can the province or any Governmenthremedy all the grievances We are all more or less aware 6f the shift But it was interesting to learn that the furmera feel that there has been change from free com petition to conflict ofgroupr for eeonomic power and that they are falling behind in this struggle Furthermore they are determined to take whaiv ever steps are necessary to prevent tbemselves from falling still further behind They point out that while incomes generaiiy have been rising farm incomeirl Ontario dropped 28 per cent between i851 and 1953 and moths1h the drop has stopped Ctroperative marketing is no possible answer and ihefuderation seeksil enabling legislation from whatever body has jurisdiction it is also intemied in manymatters which affect the cam1 nnrnity as whole such as conservation and health insurance It is doubtful if farmers can ernade prosperous by not of Parliament indeed it may well be that mhch of the current difficulty in agriculture in many lands stems from wellmeant Government intervention But whatever can be done should be done Farmers should atleaat bo given every chance to help themselves it is to behoped that the mostcarcful study followedby appropriate aetionwill has given the federation briefs at all legislative levels FireTrap Houses Windsor Star Ev cold wavebririgs iiies resultingin tragedy in large proportion of these casesthehouses re inferior eonstructio lacking modern facilities such as furnaces They are heated by wood or coal stoves danger Large farnllies often have to live in the hardioheat homes spaperr Wednesday Friday tfice Square Barri EXAMINER Average Na Pa Three Mon Ontario Csnadp given we id innirai with half million assessment then halfof derive fro banor summer mperti wii be among thosetogot in granirqn has long ized that if this low fund paidto th roads added to our own eroa uliibekc township machinery for less than theymowfcost township equipment in county road toget iota awayvfromagrieulture which has many causes road be leaves off the highw piece of res machine may to piece bayou the county lrdiction nicest plun could be worked out one road might be exchanged for mother Farina Delegori The first epicsentaiion by Lhe Farmers Union localJJi this dis trict cameto inniriil Council meir last meetin ntroduced by Councillor Cochrauejs men the finest men iin th district and neighbor ofihis Wilson presidmt of ihe ivy local spoke the deiegaiionlmading from brief he oiliiined suggertions they felt would be forihebeiter merit of the farm community in general These were Following me completion 5sidéroad asa service road unimurheuid hi throughroadf Coolisfcwn County Road with the line which ofwor and nee charity it should bs left to the discretion of ihepoiice departf ment as the places needing tendon thehhrder iiisio heatandthe greater the by economic necessity Highway to in Iv Nanci Haveyou ever askeda immi imiwhyaeehmewheecm adlanf Perhspl his replyfivonld make you appreciate your land moreii Here an some of the an oven made by New Canadians Because wanted to be farmer and in my country you can never hope ialgei more than two orihree acres Because can say what like without having policeman pick me up before the day LI out Because educliion is free to all Because have no other countI1 aw Bunny all are treated alike in your courts Because you can go to diurch without be ing afraid Because Canada young country and wanted to my luck here if newcomer asked you are the step must hire to me clilxcnf could you elm brief outline of the necessary prov ceduref This Is Infomtlop every Canadian should have at their finger Ilpo Over one million two hundred thousand immigrants have cometo our aboreoby June 1355 since the Second World War may of them are eager become eiiie lens They are ng flow as obtain in enddim elu Iamhlp certificate man or woman wishing to be come Canadian citizen musiol course have been legally admitted thattbe only matter evEr discussed in thocommiiiee of the whole in his council were such things as per tainedtoan individual personally iv to aim omniutiorisbe ygrants instendof levy min jibe FWWUnion have asideration hisbway north snow oclred instituted an added risk idsohool children who had to geidown the highway to school The matter hole which has been near the Tollde creek bridge was zine cause of his breaking aJeprlng on hislcar and asked thaticornpensa ti be allowed him The matter referredtoihe road depart pub ere tion department wrotere grant 956 to assist with their work The Press And commiiieeMeef taken hy canny Kinzie 01 Bar iein reference to the dealing with matters pertaining to thezgen elgl interest rnunlcipallty in conunitieeaod xcludingi or limit ing the press from reporting allor any part or the discussions exceedingly eommcndabie many ofthe representatives in the Court tyCouncii are fialnilisr haying theirin ugscovered rby smemberof the pressand as soon as théy omeme taking notes they wantto limit theooiieragel Quot pundilor Kinda b0 tih only reason seefor The discuflion of the CA5 in the finance committee Should be open to primor public THELBIBLE CTODAY3 lithimi Upper and nude Society Every material devised has been usedfor publishing the suite its words have been carved in stone out in clay table and seals writ ienwith quill avian steel and brush on papyrus leather vellumilinen and wax inscribed on wood bronzelead ron silver and gold The words havebeeri printed on parchmentand paper in everyage from the physical point ofview the Bibie has con he mos oderu asibe first printer is the most printed cheapest book $0000000 to one and onehalf cen printed iw edition by Guien 500 ms inches thickand weighed grounds an 894 page volum today may be less than onehalf neh thick its paperis tissueyihin butopaque an strong Such paler poses mg pmbiems for the printerbut the finest worlrrnansh urn out fect copies by the lions Bible paper always scarce and verypostly Member societies of the linited Bibiesacieiy share it with oneganothervwhere ndwheo to our land when he or she is 16 years or olden DEciarafibn of intention application must be fli ed in the office of the clerk of the county or district in which the person resldes lhis declaration must be accompanied by tho clear photographs two and half inches square the regular passport size The applicant of pctitionrfor citizenship must be 2i years and must haveiresided in Canada con iinuously for at heart five years This petition mustbe filed within five years of the time he makes his declaration of intention litmus Inland to rennin Gmdinn citizen and have adequate knowledge of fire privilege and responsibilities which accompany citizenship in our democracy ills grasp of these are best obtained from WM he sees in slow com Sheen he Nemed linedwroranrv St Thomas St Toronto Jan 23 1966 To the Editor The Barrie miner Sir The report in recent is sue that the town council has been urged by the Chamber of Com merce to rename Post Office SduareGrani Square in honor of thecitlzeor who has done in valuable service io Barrie by his collection and donationmf histor ical data reminds me that year ormcre ago Wrote suggesting that one of the new streets estab lished hereafter should bear Freds names wouid repeal now my View thatiinibcatowing such an honor the use of the surname alone is in sufficient as mesnlnLliitle or no thing to succeeding generations How manynarrie citizens could recalloffhandthe individuals or families for wlbom Dunlap its main street is name not to speak Collier owe ClappertonBay field Blak dozen orfscore of other important thoroughfares iii the name is used let it he the Fred Gram Sgua There is good precedent for this number iess cities especiallyin Eiiiope alsoln MontrEal as instance Henri iul en Street so calicdafter demons newspaper cartoonist st Germany and iiungary are printingBibles today onpoper supplied by the Brltishandfor eign Bible Society from England During the past No years total of 140 tons have reached Hungary irithis wayiwiih the permissionof iii authorities lhis comr ution amounted in 93000 Naw ird Orif real honoryis proposed for red why not rename for him the street of his boyhood Swirl he has made memorable for all tmel more are hundreds Streets tlrroughout the war Fredw Grant street wouldbe gift offlfl tons moreh been ar ranged jointly wi the American Bible Society at cost 980 Similar gifts havafibec isent past ear malty and framhindly nigh hon who up the IIIy to ex pialubur lam lion with voting and governing groups The peillion for citizenship must be fliedgwlth the district oreouu ty court in which the prospective citizen el and be posted for at least three months Wben tiie applicant appears before the court iorexaminltioo the ludge must be satisfied of his good character and that he has taken the proper steps leading to citizenship After he takes the oath of allegiance the court delivers him uteri fiesta of ciilzensiiip dating from this oath of allegiance in some centre real effort is made by local groups to make this occasion of the oath of allegiance impressive and meaningful Do you lian what happens in the court iI your area Do the old Canadians prize their citizenship highly or do jthey take ligvelY much for granted it is up in ihem not only ioweicome our New Canadians but to assist them with their gfarp of one of our languages and help them feel at home Many groups baveentertuim ed New Osmium who have been granted their citizenhip 011th importInt day in other centre students attend lngonllbt school cia inian linh Irelivid party at the cooclrulonvofjhe cauuelhere activities Jere commendable bdt they do not replace the Warm interest and friendliness an indile or of fun One of the best ways we can en courage an immigrant Io want to become Canadian andwith the passing eftime achieve the status of agood citizen is tohe neigh borly When we make friendly visit on them when we throw open our homes and entertain Dutéh orGcrma or Italian dividuai orcoupie orvsmlly we ourselves will heenriched in our culiurl understanding of other lands Kenn praciice the grace of hospitality and remember the stranger within our gates errpaws mounting issue of Canadian arms shipméhlsw the Middle East was raised hgaiulast week by Oppo lion bender Drew temp to hair geneyvdebaiehon the matter gpt agreeme by Prime Minister St Laurent that arms shipments will be halted pending Commons debate general external af an immediate emer but fairs debatewas promised for late this week rearly nextweek The governorent has been cr iicizedfor approving last summer the export of 15 Harvard training planes to Egyphthree are on Lheirway nd ltwas reported the gave nrn ntubad signed an agree ment Jn November io sell £0000 illery anununliion to 905 motlo ofnonconfidence lli thelgoverament was defeated last hursddy vote of V150tc 80 All three position groups and four Independent members voted against the Liberal majority The motion expressed dissatis factlo with the governments pol icy farmheld wheat surpiuses accusing it cash advances 11in Advertisers Dictionary vamn um

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