One otVSlmcoe Countys most famous réldents roux ran Author Kenneth McNelli Wells and his smegma who are at the moment travelling south hy the Ohio and Mississippi rivers in their outboard motorboat MoonatruekII have oome acrog some unusual items journal Their boat which was built last Iii It Midland was put in the water at the Cincinnati Yacht Club on November it During the first part of the cruise the nautical couple from Madontatthe Weiis Owl Pen is landmark in the northern township who are up tain and first mate respectively experienced high seas cold wea ther and mud Hazards were also created by driIL Mr and Mrs Wéila are gather Inl material or hook when last hoard lrom by iriends Up Mednnte Way lhey had spent Christmas In Vicksburg and were heading for New Orleans hy wny ot Morgan City and the Bayou country Saw President Mr und Mrs TwissJ who have returned home alter spend ing several weeks in Kc West and West Palm Bdarhjlor dasaw President Eisenhower during their stay in the south lhoy attended the same basuhnli name in Key WesL In spite of cool weather they report good deep sea tishinz of West Palm Bunch Mr Twlss caught 42pound sailfish and Mrs Twlss come home with dolphin Both ï¬sh iiiof being mounted Also home trim the South are Mr and Mrs Fred Norris and their daughters Erryl and Fredda They returned last week alter spending three weeks in Florida Mr and Mrs CharlesChristie leit Malion yesterday mornlnu via iCA to spend several weeks vaca tion In Fort lauderdaltFiorida Entertained Sqturdoy Mr and Mrs Clarence Snel grove of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Bell of Georgetown Mr ahd Mrs Paul Mulvihili Mr and Mrs Trevor Valentine and Mr and Mrs Stanley Dilworth at Toronto were entertained Saturday ev nlng at the home o1 Mr and Ralph Snelgrove Theresa Street Mr and Mrs Diiworth were Weekend suests of Mr and Mrs Snelgrove Home For Weekend Miss Julie McKenzie was home from University Western On tnrloto spend the weekend with her parents lilielï¬enzlel Mr and Mrs Weni This me can ve you delivery of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Housewives businessmen teachers and studaiur on our the world read and anoythlx international newspaper gt pub lithad dolly In auteur World tomousrlor onstmeliva niwl sth Ap itinlinï¬cdllorlall Special Ventures for the whole lowly +eqF Tim butnon scum liqrim on Narvmv 50 Home Is on Send my mouse 1m ia tim cluthd EMlMOd H4 MINER No9 my Sldfl mix up mill to enter in the writers TourNgw Residence Follow their loneri work period Last Tuesday thirtyone members at theWomena Hospital Auxiliary to the Royal Victoria Hospital were taken on tour at inspection or the Stewart res idence it was the tint time that any of the visitors had been In the house since Its conversion into nurses quarters The hospital superintendent Miss Helen Shanahan andMiss Elisabeth unxman and Miss Helen Anderson showed the wo men through the various rooms Everyone was impressed with the brllht wellfurnished and corn iortable residence until recently private home it was lelt that the tranatormatlon had been rapidand cllleient Later the auxiliary mcrnbms were entertained at ten in the spacious living room by the sup erintendent assisted by the hos pital dietiela Miss Molly Smith and Miss Lily Metealle and others oi the training School stall Mrs Mocarroli president expressed the thanks the group to Miss Shanahan lor her hospital ity BrideElect Entertained Miss Marnie McKinnonwhose marriage to Cu ie Powell will take place on Monday February was entertained last Monday evonv in at miscellaneous shower at the home or Mrs JG Lucas Poyatz street Therewere over sixty luests in attendance Assisting the hostess with the serving at retreshments were Miss MarleBurke who is to be the brides attendant and Mrs John Brennan Miss Bridle Travers Mrs Laurence Moves Mrs Gray don Cole and Miss Christine An derson Mrs Meltinnon and Mrs John Powell mothers the bride eieet and the groomelect poured tea and coilee Hostesses were Mrs Lucas and her sister Miss Mabel Richards The brideelect was also enter tained at the home at Mrs John Brennan on Eugenia Street at an evening party attended by twenty live friends During the evening she was pre sElIIEd with Kilt Hostesses were Miss Marie Burk tMLst Bridle hovers and Mrs Brennan Holivdaying In South Mr and Mrs Dingman Cook Street lclt early this month to motor to Florida They are holidaying in St Petersburg Venture CIUbi Will Séw Layelies Eor ReSCUe Homes Major and Mrs Cooper orithe Salvation Amywere speakers at Venture Club InstWed esday evf eninznAlongwith their talk they showed short movie entitled described heirwonderlulswork or helping will soon be knitting andZsewing layettes lor theireseue homes oi the Saivatiomï¬rmydor unwed mo thliphase oi the work Dorothy Putan 2mm the Salv ing tWo songs The guests were thanked by Miss Donna Kaighln The meeting was held at the home at MissgtAnn Statiord on Nelson Street Lunch was served bythe hostess assisted by Lois Ann Patterson Aluxurious new ski suit is all blank meflflflflxf Iilenr Ité llhclts maternity dresseswill hiai 4am stunning the Januury social gathering of the The members at the Venture Club thers andwere quite interested in ation Annyfentertained hy sing with bulky mittens olisll mm mm noun solemnly contemplatesjhia future from sanctuary atopth hatot Katie Beaumont stewsrduswlth Canadian Purine Airlines in Van couver lhe monkey arrived wi 50 others all destined or use in manufacture of Sail polio vaccine in Les Annie fCPPhoto Mrs VHbrlner I956 President Brenlwwd WA Tho December meeting ofEren wood Womens Auxiliary was held at the home or Mrs Floor The president Mrs ll omer opened wihh Hymn 62 followed1w The lardsPruyer Wiiircd Davidson read the scilptn Mitt thew l7 and the devotional tudy was continued by Mrs Wleey Bannenman The minuozs were read byAMrs Wesley Banntiman along with the treasurorsirepoat MrsGVchge Sehell gaveJhe nuai report showing good nnceto start the new year Roll call was answéred by favorite Christmas carol by eight members and two visitors Mrs ihorpe presided during the elec tion oi ofllcers tor the coming year The new ecutive president vicepresident Mrs secretary Mrsw Bannerman treasurer Mrs SChe pianisl Mrs WDavldson Alter an exchange at gills lunizh was served by Mrs Hornet Mrs Fioar Theianuary meeting was held at theshome oi Mrs Bannermon with the vicepresidon Mrs Davidson presiding The meeting opened with one singinsmtnymn osz renewed by prayerby Mi Jlhorpeiherrrlrrutesweie res Mrs Wesley Bannerman bavidson port Roll ealiwasanswéred Pi were lriadetomake quilt lt was decided have church and Sunday School at no oi the members thorns nch da duringlhe cold wasat Mrs Sell on Sunday Ja Qualities otMercy whieh lully wxxx Jflflyflbflxfflflï¬ï¬‚flflflm myffxxf ffffxfxfflpffx with singsqhg verses iromj Psalm 153w sev members and two visitors ja KlghflpynMré has Mrs NVI Marmot Mrnliarrx Milne Mrs Charles Rogerr Mn Smith aims Smith Mrs non Stephen Mrs Mrs Hancock Special meats loathe evening riudedi Marks Leiahman sidentol the Ladies liuxlliar the Lions Club Mrs WBruee wliaon ri Edeypresidentol the inner Wheel the Rotary Ciu Mrs Hulk Wal lace presidentoi the Soroptimirt Club Mrs Ron Axeaer president oi the Kinetic Cluhrmdturs Loy president mulling lid Prolcssional wonnu Cl Miss Rhoda Youox with on nrnusln mortalJail Houso ahd Misalessie ea lino For the women wholile IirIrI Dick is showing very skirts this aprlna Aéhall vhlte dotted omndy has immepse skirt bansrorkihe gt white pique and garter hi 351 5911 oompunied at the piano hyphen Churchill san th solos Blii Watk Alon Ms William Malmnt PSI theprograrn tollowihg the dinn Mrs upcompanying piano 1he secretary port wasnre sented by Mrs Hancockand Mrs ll Pratt presented thetreasurEr span Ist A4 Allenreponted welfare oommmee and the report otthe membership was presented the social corn tee il Rodge reporter tor thew and means committee we report and Mrs Hirry Milne ml the report or telephoo oiinee glint ac Branden report qn eanner dressing projécLcampile by Mrs Pa The auxiliary had made szidmse org in meetings lni955 Coileéuon made dorthe Red Cross werealsq meeting clog singingorrrymn on cir served by Mrs hell Bannermsn Gr dropped in ed pintoaaott spring idealng gt to ahoon to allerg ruhstltute tor water owl down has beenrsorel needed or mull down hithe gï¬lmwnrmdzxpmflve The ultimate in downy luxurydxas al wan been Ioontributed by the PM large uza ducir which makes tahome in intic and rub Bret imrulons and llnes ill cozy nest withiflne grey down plucked leelnnd and sou nfln bade precari dlrahinl eiilia and rot in buying inter lidin is in it to know will rho foam rubhe appeared pillows about lyyeara alo andwas con sidered trmendoul advance over traditional leather anddavrn However Amany people and too bouncy for comfort all too warm or hot weatherire Just this month the tint pillows oi lllfleflll ruched CIDllenm and camperI Theyre so and lisht atlvely in pensi ve tiryml lmd th ultimate ve vieoabliity and Nuller sine fliten word ldowndsaa no legal arena 11an all neatly sewed up in ï¬ction want to learn how make hall for youraeii and your friends Ask us tor otn miuflneiivlnx lull instruc tlmlthas large oase wllh over 100 stretches and is in wt mew ham THOUSANQS or MNGEDON dunner