Thede lanai in vertical truck and constructionhas done bylhlired inndrconttoctor and winatom working snowstorm and ten in timegpor spring championships The new iesn is thehrlinstoxdxéxdud oi Pets Potteneu Indiandroaideut and Npreaéntatlvo in this om or Orevi tNorwy Ltd Kx tench used Ike all into space an slots too winntnl Dro vinclal tlueobetore nounin in practising ior the world chain pionshins st Lake Plsoid seven years Ira it took Pete eight years per sistcnt work to convince Midland husinessmen that this Jump was 3ustwhot was needed Ind his rucccssiui persussion nowin aperution conforminl toJeden tlon of internstionul Skiing spec iï¬cations and financed by those same Midland businesmen Biz news at the mombnt and °Tie First Home Ruralllockey PortColdwaier COLDWAllJRA tie or ï¬rst place in the no Simcoe Rural Hockey League resulted when Port McNicoli outplayed Honey Har bour in here Jan 17 The Port moved up to share top honors with Coidwstcr Larzcst turnout to date About 300 fans saw the tssms bottle to 4nii tie at the end or the second period The ice was last and both teams extendedthemsclvesi The tide was turned in lover of the winners in the lnst stanza when Port Mfliicoli rspped in ï¬ve goals to ior the Honey Hor hour squad in the initial canto goals were shut in or the Port team by Duggln Dubenu nnd Creighton Markers for Honey Harbour in this session were by Copeland and Lamoureux Honey Harbour displayed power in the middle chapter when Clips land and Lomoumux again not chod tallies Gordie Duggins sec ond goal was the only counter in the period for the Port Whenthe whistle hlcwto also the crucial third clnto Port Mc Nicoll opened drive which was sustained throughout the session and yielded two goals each by Duggin and Dubeau and one by Souliere The Harbour marker was anoureuxs third scoreni the ï¬xture Goldwater and Part Mchwll splittrng the league leadership met ior the ï¬rst tichhi season lat Coldwn rinklu Br day Jan 20 Coidwater Port McNicoll Moonstone Conhnuedvnom one one wile came in the alike door and announced Theres apnrking tic ket on the car down by the station Well myouy we cant me our calm and eat it too can war one of our Scouts the other day re ported that he saw constable placing tag on the uutomobiie or prominent town omcial parked in the centryo the old porno iice square One innovation which hasnt quitecaugh on yet isthe sign N0 LEFT TUE which appeared in re cent weeks on the east side oi the old square as it runs into Dunlap About one in cvery lo motorists we have noted keep on portsiding Some day aloud bang At recent meeting the col legiate Vboardponefo the trustees wanted to kno if they used roar galinc instead 17 butter in the home economics classes No one knew the answer NMtlnthun Entlnnd art col iego spent 5132 recently to replace window planes with obscure alas to sparethe blushes who pose quarters or ic esV aterloo Ontano information rant vi 11 pins chmnionshlpo who run it humanlyoutlaw TEA to fly the Olympic slum inn who qu be dechredFeb at Cortlnl dilly or me over 1mm Europe MNmpeiorhereiin the Candim ye ent So he worlds best Jumpers will boriLth our own back erd nextmonch Mesnwhllethe Provincial cbn weathirheoï¬plste Lheï¬tlnp niomhlhs are shied tor next week end sponsored by the Midian ski club This wiu Illo constitute the mud arenan iorlhehill with Bill Rob nson MP DepmyISpeak er House of commons with guests performing the oillcinl opening there will be an ll country race the ski jumping stortini at pm Entriu include Hans Eder Mid land Slrl Club the transplanted Austrian whoheld world record in 1950 sonin throulh spoca ski flying may call this manoeuvrc on giant hills such as Gnrmlsch Partenkirschen some 139 metres or well over IOOieeL Th iot otair travel on pair or boo ds Bens wiii he iocai favorite in the Dominion championships slso Reinc Kaija Ken Thuden Kari Martth Hans Martinsen and Louis er lliknown to oile 11 who at Midinnd3krc dayan made two usher unilnvltaup Asflr Well known on oiynlpic Winier Gamu willbe played in Cortina ithiy in the ncriod irorn January 26th to February In view 015 the rapid ment which has tnlten unlace in hockeyin Europe particularly in Russia andCz hoslovakin the us soclstlon has to depart irom its policyln respect to representa ion in Olympic and world chum pionship gums Sincc the games ward rgsuxned following the last last it has been the practice oi the association to select In club which wsswiiiing to makethe trip and rémnin out moonmeti Llonln Cannon Iorv thuscason It was possible to arrange each sea son serles of exhibition games the proceeds at which were suit cienttonay the cost or the club except or small amount or pre liminary cxpenses in Canada With the defeatnCannda hyRus sin In 183 it wasrooiized that this policy could no longer be follow ed and it would have to heone oi the strongeLCAnndiaz team which would be Cselectkd to represent Canada Ciuhs of this calibre of cours are playing important leagues and It is impossible to take the whole oi the sessonofl for the purpose ot gain toEurope Last season the Penticton Cluh Brit ish Columbia Wasselected and it wasrpossihle toarranze with the German Federntion which was conducting the world champion ship ganxes for substantial psy mentlownrds the expenses it is not possible however to get nyi assistance oi thiskind in connec tion with Olympic Earn as thc Intelnational Olympic Committee character To represent Canada in 1956 the association has selected the Kitch enerWaterloo Dutchmen Senior Hockeyimu This is the club whichwon the Allan Cup cham pionshiplast season and it is at present standing ï¬rst in theVSrt OHA group at five clubs and the wicersof the ciuh are work ing strenuously to mokesuro that takesail gate récelpts or every mm Sr nnd 1n 1Conndn hove greatly shrun iiirecent ars it is impossible to the association divert nny noon les front itsgeneral funds thooxp cs otthe club therefore been arranged tho club operating under uonw111a present sessonl add the sum oi cents toneach price or ndml and rum1h sum branch organ lion ls requested nnd arrnng to have the ghmv this purpose during theï¬eek mcncinghn 23 it hoped wiuéhsim 31555 therewdl be considerable nteres 1221 Indfmgï¬ 911 GEMS HW fhgdmiopp9itun It ï¬ght pointe the posed stamp proposal does not take 11 money at highly mused with gt from anyhockey club niaeti1 shows hockey player in ction the matter His gone thus and appears to be ouch bétte insticnlly and good crowdsussured thansomel of lh mmernorntiye it wiiiheip eochciub ecausetihe stumps whichsthe overnment has ciub will bé munch on yr gt rtirst time on the you more than lthurfls me wouldnt bebctter it gt sham walk 5391111 in Ninllt 1o rugcu 1000 chain 16 1030 Whota unanimoum mil Vjczobec Sh 8301 inveljtlcyn 3131153 Pres Conierencs 1100 cnc News