tropical plans Barrie Kiwanis Cl the memory 01 Robert 9ng isaaeflutlu speaker will Group capta 83 ed coloredianter braved placer en rs and these were all explained in his own voice through tape re cording Suddenly the slides seem ed toco etch as moviepr jcctor look overand We saw Flo ida as gay land Thur beautiiul scenes the ï¬sh line Aquar inmu daring team Jumping on water skiss ghtseclng among the uEvezginde 1background Group captain bination ul good The telephone ins brighter aidenee in Bu ling edition and ï¬ctive holiday dars Would building 7190 build in replyto thi Mr Craigwas oi the nion tliii building details is discillssedcarefuily first with tho buildinglcominittce be iore fenders were called ton He thought it w9uid be about two weeks before this bould bedohe with egards to time taken Mr Craig pointed out dent bn the Toflnyv Too The old alla the and cor be of exposed con mete black paint vinoiai dken reforms gseated in th Stewari Report on penalreorm should be impiiinenied The ooinrn magma Midland lnnlalil the Con ty Solicitor vMflcLal painted but experience had shown that plaster walls in halls and corridors required too much keép Among the many amenities movlded inth home gwill be hairdressing room and barter xlsting buiidlna has altered to contain the dining room reading room large kimhen and an apartment tori the supervisor gt Partly my Possuble Snow The past week wad oonsiit ntly cnidwih no extremes as temperature slim 1th anow ieiloogaslongily ut hay an is Evidently exosilpjnt or impromptu nulo races and 15 Inches thick slightly milder nnSuurda and sunny indicates cooi awn partly sunny possible anow Tenrperaiurerwere llich that such that the iiioner be appr cited His and Georgth mmmiaaio Crénsion moved th Count Couneil should irpproa the government to linplimentjhe luggesilon in the srevarxmm that the Danniirritant oi Relaxm should take over thevjail absorb at his address that world is cumav backyardjhucu is divided by religipnand ideology said Reveiloy Webster St Pauls Unitedchuroh0riliia speaking at theNorth Simone Junior Parmera Assoclouon banquet in it on Saturday at Midland It might be paradisebut la in immense danger humminga literal hell lnsie or making thatiiorward maifchinto mic new brinkvor rminatio look or iii theme tomorrow and as deï¬ned Iomormw as partolluar history that has nojnbeen used it was also new opportunity an opportunity to live You out the way lil outhtrio so It ruled lheapelkl llv we ghallenee to translate ones dreams inlohciion to live up to one ideals You are physical helm You are also you are also lngapilit Man is so made ha on iindthe iuilnesr liie only iellowship or God lhlnklnu hein Withihesedellnltium establish is Pilnhase oi seven ions Jana at human nilhvintn site 10 Insular Labo lie of gleaned lAilojxyvnslnnno derby lupin nu II can panyjricepresiden and Nov lila Keats Construction mum plus or 30000 me will bean in the spring Men of moonlight rum Mere and Dies Requiem high messlvvill be ebratedat St Marys RaininCn relieve the jco system would cutdown repeaier and the prisoners would have an opporiunit earning some money which ld go or wirdsihu upkee or their was during the perio olï¬heir se once One at the big expenses arthe pres ent ilme laxmunicipalities was the families 01 men acrvln enténce is ap Heel as Flam use ev ates admitted or ream alle Church tomorrow mom gvfor Patrick Kearns 77 non of pi oneer merchant of Barrie it died at his residence 13 Square on Saturdayy in Mr Kearns and his father before him were pronrlewrs ot Kenna grocerystore at 90 Collier Street one of the oldest eatahlilhed ibua native ol lo eBrides ardent Spma Catholic he mm huain good health not thecom 311 Just before Thlrly Ne dra lretin as am here Mr Kearnawno ilietsanot ihelate Pete Kearna iand Elle edthe speakerwent on to explore world eondltionltodayr and mans rï¬ponalbility dr lng on hil ex Chinaisul missionary ioiiiulirntlihu pointa mg worid WIS lilledwiih contradicv It was one world and yet it was divided there was plenty andjci therewas starvation Galina And An lmbeclla Modern man in lenius and an imbeell He is genius in his ability to understand nature lle imbecile in understanding his nature paradise we are standing on the How could man extricate himself Irorn this predicament Rev Webster said thai theviirst import Int ihinz to do was to recognize the sovereign world of God Do voie your thinkln and whole way iiie to come to understand His fly sanctity Human Pomonauty Secondly man must giveprimnry placeto ihlnls spiriiuIL lle must recognize the sanctity ol human personality He must reverence lt cherlrh it and nourish it man is irce to reduce another man to an instrument hecan use finally he counselled his and ience lo slrive to build upbrn therboodi It was an absolute necessity and rggardlesu of cost wemiat strive to build up that brotherhood in our lives if ya want toreallze paradise on earth onolConlarenoa The banquet wound up the an nual conierence oi theNorlh Sim coe Junior Farmers held at Mid land this year Diling the alter noon session conslderable amount otassuciatlon business had been done report had been received from Jean Ann Horne on her Cni ConadiurIS Receive Cerh icoies of Citizens up gt Make Applicoti fn Phelpaton ietan lieo orus Wan deï¬Valk andvlacoba Van de Valk Bab Vinu Barrie Room Frandieschina Bessie May Winterick Allisto Phelps Drillin Application Granted wuum Bibi Coilinzwmid Ad rianna de Bae Calgan Come in me nuke Colian Wianm Geert Geertaema Schoinberg 601th gt lnDuxniitan Orlilia seph Kud lik Qriiiia Magdalena Kuldik BerthMarin aneis New John Sharko Bradiord Anna Sharko Bradibrd Radovan barnicki Eradiord Ge it vi and Barbara Vis Churchill Districi Cup Riayoï¬s Here ulo leiul year reprexent ative lo the CiuhrConvention there stewrt Pue uricuiiural representaiivo for North Simm uve Inaddreu on the inture or larmin and there was also group discussion on lpenonal pro blema null and omen Among the nest It the banquet wenMr add Mrs Stewart Page Roy Hicklinl Reeve Velpru Mr and MrsCecil Chipptil REV and Mn Roy Webster Miss Ruth shaver and William Kell The following allieen were in sulied an VIM Past presideni Gray Thomson Oriiila president Tom Ross Dro station Viewprns ideni Ralph Hayes Shnnty Bay secretarytrauma Helen Kenny shaniyBIy directors and memr bus to Provincial Board Brian Joni5 Midland representative on Simeon District Co peraiive Don representative cou Counw Federation re Munay Edwards Mid lan Vexeéuliv Beniripe Powell Orlllia Doroth MoNiven Coulson Supreme Court Vns Today MR 5110 STEWAE theSuprem CourrSiitingar tthe Con House Earrl may at lengthy list or earing includes ï¬ve crirninai act and ten Jury clvil ctians and nonjury civiia Lion oniua Curling 6m will pi24 sent this area in the Goyemnr ï¬enerals Cup ind Globe Mail Trophy competitions this week in Toronto The rinks of Kelly lre Behan rm Clarkeand Neil Norman skip RossPrasser R055 Coward Gard hiloot and Ar chie Thompson emerged vim tnrious ironl the playofla at Barrie onjrid In th tning No Thompson led their flour to 1117 each over the Bar aridyMiia and same time the On mï¬kipped ilvzorth de mm overp wared th 0H0 quartets by 912 10