Iï¬ Bifls as mo er 31ml who in noi well If thl tiine otavrittnr 3M5 Wind Patrick and Elli or Campfllorden spent with the We parents Mr and Mri Wide Mrs curt Ahranu accompanied wdMmlkay dinghter Dianne oILOhdon visi ted over the weekend with the tormers hrother and sisterin law Mr and Mrswilliarn Carroll Arrived By Piano FIO David Flannery and eon Vernon of Moose Jaw 5min orrived hy plane at Multan on Friday evening last and vlaited with Mrs claridgedor the ent Plans have been made rnr the WWI meetV to lifhddonfnqpoday in comrnenging widrapotluclrsuppe flte Iiinunltanmvol the Tol lenham branch or the Upper Can rawn mu Euchre he euchre inthe townhall on Fridayevening Jan l3 had small attendancehowl to sickness and slippery roads There were nine tables paying and everyone seem vlo eh the games or 10 rounds its Httoiladies Mrs Mar HMcCabe and MmA EWall past weekend Flo Flannery ia loe isntlémeouGeoiseWire and here on two week course at ECAF Station Trenton Vernon will with his grandmother for two weeks Mrs Flamtefy win the former Barbara Claridge Six Weeh Vb Mr andMrs Herb Adair oi Antler Sash arrived Saturday morning last on the early CPR train and are staying at present with Mr and Mrs Hammond Mr Adair and Mrs Hammond are brother and sister They are planning on staying six weeks with Iriends in Ontario with Grandmother Charles Walkem of T0th spent Saturday with his grand mother Mrs Walkem who is not well at the time of writing non Weston Mrs Alderson or Weston is vis ltlng her daughter and tamiiy Mr and Mrs James Snaddon thrand Euchre Club Mr and Mrs Freeman entertained the Mixed Euchre Club on Thursday last Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr held record score at 111 points or 12 rounds ot euchre James Tough won the gentlemansprize with an aver age number of points Sailor Bridge Club Mrs Edith Palmer entertained the SeniorBridge Club on mes day last There were seven rounds of bridge and Mrs Harvey Simp son won ï¬rst prize Mrs Palmer second and Mrs Bamett third The games were followed by a1 banquet table at 5nd good Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer and Mrgand Rance Delaney were recent vi tors atthe home or Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn of Creemore Mr and Mrs William Agnew of Toronto spent the past weekend 1W Presbyterian WM Thursday evening Jan 5Mrs George Carruthers was hostess to Presbyterian Wontens Missionary Society with good attendance The president Mrs Gibson pre sided Aiter the opening hymn gt Rev Guergis led in prayer Scripture was read responsively Roll call was answered by tav orite verse of Scripture Items of business were discussed Mrs Carruthers gave short reading Another year Mrs Gibson Mrs Arnold Mrs Hoggarth Mrs BMcLeanand Mrs Jen John Bunch door prize Mrs Arthur rhompsonund Horold Sloan Thed aw on three cakes went to Larorce Bessie Mc Gabe an MqNally 1th Women titute are hoping to iriends this week me mm The Januar meeting or the flattenhamUnigedChurch as held atMr and Mrs DoriIans with It embers present The meeting opened witha hymn lou owed by Lords Prayer The devotional period was conducted ythe pastor Rev Mr Dorria presiden Mlss IIoiaVatso presided over the husiness perlo The treasurer Mrsï¬uflAbemethy reported after all expenses were paid good3urplu5 was carried er 1956 The officers are residentLMissiola Wat Bihleï¬joclety was completed we we asked to rerneirlhér the presean shag how cer dressing homituuie tall for the dim ripmust ï¬e WV Mr lrlend 01 Mr and Kurt Hutchinson met in the community hall on Friday night and present ed them with TV chair and has ning on having plnciike50cill February The meetinx closed with the Mizpah benediction oil Qwed byga social hour over cup olteaservdbyth hmtess Mr Ind will Mdhp Alia were men other men from Tomato who wereout Inbouaniuk on the thug Bdwdetr pd Guthrtenand Shirlq Younl or Silan Rod Young of Shah 1111 ifl Gratertandem at Mra Roy smun Itcd he mbLhflf Mr Yd Cook at wumn ran in pnesldent Mrs Arthuh Thompson secretaryaMrsI Harvey Btlilders Contractors or Farmers Noï¬l andNo Hemlock Spnleo fine LambCr laugh or Dreaded Delivered on the job by vtrnah rt or priceC WRIT iJNTIL and 01 uett presented the chapter tram the study book The Church and its Mission and We TooAre Men The meeting was brought to close with hyrnn and the Lords rPrayer Mrs Hoggarth and MrsG Cochrarie assisted the hostefl in serving dainty lunch and an enjoyable hourloll owed Loudon Vlsit Mr and Mrs Jennett spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Boyd Arnold in London At reamdoannnaarv Mrand Mas bee Banting and Arnold attended theanniial meet ing of simaoe Federation Ag riculnne at Beeton Motor To Florida and Mrs Harold Gibson and Robert Harris left Friday On mor tor trip to Florida new means Gibson Mrs MoQuayr and Mrs Cochr eattendedthe Presbyterial meeting iii an and Presbyterian Church on Jan 10 By